Fox mocks the homeless. Gets a good laugh you know they enjoy.




21 Amazing Panhandling Statistics

94% of panhandlers use the funds that they get from the donations of others to simply purchase the food they need.

Only 3% of panhandlers don’t want some form of permanent housing that would help to get them off of the street.

48% of panhandlers are African American.

1 out of every 4 panhandlers in the United States has served in the military at some point in time.


Republicans insist they are the "Party of God". Well, what would Jesus say about those who worship at the alter of the "Church of the Heartless Bastard"?

At least when a Democrat puts out a film like this:

They aren't trying to harm people. To do them no good just for meanness and spite.

I think the government should give them a free education and help them get a job.
Bullshit. I've offered to buy panhandlers food before and they ask me if I can just give them the money instead. They won't take food, they don't want food, they want money to buy alcohol and drugs with. They don't want help, they want drugs.
Dear dean, resident idiot, I've started three threads here regarding homelessness in America but NOT ONE of you Marxist morons could be bothered responding with a single the left gives a flying fuck about homelessness. Don't make me gag.
All panhandlers should be shipped off to the Panhandle State.

Bullshit. I've offered to buy panhandlers food before and they ask me if I can just give them the money instead. They won't take food, they don't want food, they want money to buy alcohol and drugs with. They don't want help, they want drugs.
Yea, you're right. Let them starve.
Bullshit. I've offered to buy panhandlers food before and they ask me if I can just give them the money instead. They won't take food, they don't want food, they want money to buy alcohol and drugs with. They don't want help, they want drugs.
Yea, you're right. Let them starve.
What are you gonna do, force feed 'em?

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