Fox Morning Zoo Crew Interviews Diamond & Silk on Climate Change

mr jones

Active Member
Mar 23, 2019
I guess Amos 'N Andy were busy...and then they could not get Fred Sanford to give his views. So they settled on these two performers to give the Fox Viewers a laugh by their goofy, black stereotype "views" on climate change, complete with the usual overly ebonic accent.....Does Fox not see that everyone but their own ardent viewers see how they are giving their redneck audience these two actors a stage to do their dumbass, ebonic, stereotypical, half-educated black person impersonations so those elderly white bigots can have a laugh at someone that sounds even dumber than they and their friends do? And the fox viewers eat this sad bigoted shit up with a spoon...some are so stupid they actually believe Diamond and Silk are really that ghetto and that stupid!! This as goofy and blatant NOT THE NEWS, BUT A SKIT, as if CNN decided to have Jed Clampett and Jethro Bodine on to talk about nuclear disarmament in North Korea.

Friday morning the noted climate scientists Diamond and Silk brought their expertise to the couch d'genius at Fox and Friends.

I have to assume that the papers Brian and Ainsley are holding have "the amount of money I get paid for this" written on them. That's the only way I'd get through the interview, too.

Transcript via Media Matters:

LYNETTE HARDAWAY (DIAMOND, FOX NATION PERSONALITY): Listen, you have to realize that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, she's reckless, she's clueless, and she have a vacuous mindset.


HARDAWAY: First of all, civil rights have nothing to do with climate change. First of all. And then second of all, her Green New Deal is a green new scam that we must stay away from. Now, I know that she's worried about climate change, but she need to talk to Mother Nature.

RICHARDSON: That's right.

HARDAWAY: Because with the Earth rotating at 1,000 miles per hour, OK, 365 days of the year, we subject to feel climate changing a little bit. But not to the tune where we have to dismantle everything and start the Earth back over again. It's a absolutely no for us.

yeah, ain't no way all this crap was not staged for the viewing pleasure of the average elderly bigot who watches Fox.....
diamond and silk.jpeg
staged for the viewing

Politics 101
no, propaganda 101, fox style. this interview has nothing at all to do with the news, with climate change, with nothing but fox holding these two overly racial stereotype nitwits up for ridicule spewing silly ass shit so the elderly white bigots who make up the majority of Fox Viewers can laugh at the black people.
Typical leftist racist. Berate any black person in a racist way who dares to disagree with the left.
Typical leftist racist. Berate any black person in a racist way who dares to disagree with the left.

You don't think there's even a smidgen of optical propaganda at play? Both sides do it dude; it's part of the game.
staged for the viewing

Politics 101
no, propaganda 101, fox style. this interview has nothing at all to do with the news, with climate change, with nothing but fox holding these two overly racial stereotype nitwits up for ridicule spewing silly ass shit so the elderly white bigots who make up the majority of Fox Viewers can laugh at the black people.
Good gawd you are a major bigot. Why do you go through life like that?
Typical leftist racist. Berate any black person in a racist way who dares to disagree with the left.

You don't think there's even a smidgen of optical propaganda at play? Both sides do it dude; it's part of the game.
No, I don't. These are two very astute women who make more sense than any of those cackling hens on The View. You just don't like the fact that they don't "know their place" as black women.
I guess Amos 'N Andy were busy...and then they could not get Fred Sanford to give his views. So they settled on these two performers to give the Fox Viewers a laugh by their goofy, black stereotype "views" on climate change, complete with the usual overly ebonic accent.....Does Fox not see that everyone but their own ardent viewers see how they are giving their redneck audience these two actors a stage to do their dumbass, ebonic, stereotypical, half-educated black person impersonations so those elderly white bigots can have a laugh at someone that sounds even dumber than they and their friends do? And the fox viewers eat this sad bigoted shit up with a spoon...some are so stupid they actually believe Diamond and Silk are really that ghetto and that stupid!! This as goofy and blatant NOT THE NEWS, BUT A SKIT, as if CNN decided to have Jed Clampett and Jethro Bodine on to talk about nuclear disarmament in North Korea.

Friday morning the noted climate scientists Diamond and Silk brought their expertise to the couch d'genius at Fox and Friends.

I have to assume that the papers Brian and Ainsley are holding have "the amount of money I get paid for this" written on them. That's the only way I'd get through the interview, too.

Transcript via Media Matters:

LYNETTE HARDAWAY (DIAMOND, FOX NATION PERSONALITY): Listen, you have to realize that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, she's reckless, she's clueless, and she have a vacuous mindset.


HARDAWAY: First of all, civil rights have nothing to do with climate change. First of all. And then second of all, her Green New Deal is a green new scam that we must stay away from. Now, I know that she's worried about climate change, but she need to talk to Mother Nature.

RICHARDSON: That's right.

HARDAWAY: Because with the Earth rotating at 1,000 miles per hour, OK, 365 days of the year, we subject to feel climate changing a little bit. But not to the tune where we have to dismantle everything and start the Earth back over again. It's a absolutely no for us.

yeah, ain't no way all this crap was not staged for the viewing pleasure of the average elderly bigot who watches Fox.....View attachment 254158

OP is a Leftist Racist cannot deal with Blacks being OFF the Democrat Plantation and being Black Conservatives, so has to trash them. Diamond and Silk are 100% MORE intelligent than you Mr. Jones.
staged for the viewing

Politics 101
no, propaganda 101, fox style. this interview has nothing at all to do with the news, with climate change, with nothing but fox holding these two overly racial stereotype nitwits up for ridicule spewing silly ass shit so the elderly white bigots who make up the majority of Fox Viewers can laugh at the black people.

Never looked at it that way. I find them both obnoxious myself. One is just an echo of the first.
staged for the viewing

Politics 101
no, propaganda 101, fox style. this interview has nothing at all to do with the news, with climate change, with nothing but fox holding these two overly racial stereotype nitwits up for ridicule spewing silly ass shit so the elderly white bigots who make up the majority of Fox Viewers can laugh at the black people.

NO Rightist laughs at Diamond and Silk, we RESPECT them as fellow Rightists, their SKIN has NO part in our thinking about them ONLY Leftist Racists like YOU are concerned with the skin, Rightists are more concerned with the INTELLIGENCE and MERIT of someone regardless of their skin.
I guess Amos 'N Andy were busy...and then they could not get Fred Sanford to give his views. So they settled on these two performers to give the Fox Viewers a laugh by their goofy, black stereotype "views" on climate change, complete with the usual overly ebonic accent.....Does Fox not see that everyone but their own ardent viewers see how they are giving their redneck audience these two actors a stage to do their dumbass, ebonic, stereotypical, half-educated black person impersonations so those elderly white bigots can have a laugh at someone that sounds even dumber than they and their friends do? And the fox viewers eat this sad bigoted shit up with a spoon...some are so stupid they actually believe Diamond and Silk are really that ghetto and that stupid!! This as goofy and blatant NOT THE NEWS, BUT A SKIT, as if CNN decided to have Jed Clampett and Jethro Bodine on to talk about nuclear disarmament in North Korea.

Friday morning the noted climate scientists Diamond and Silk brought their expertise to the couch d'genius at Fox and Friends.

I have to assume that the papers Brian and Ainsley are holding have "the amount of money I get paid for this" written on them. That's the only way I'd get through the interview, too.

Transcript via Media Matters:

LYNETTE HARDAWAY (DIAMOND, FOX NATION PERSONALITY): Listen, you have to realize that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, she's reckless, she's clueless, and she have a vacuous mindset.


HARDAWAY: First of all, civil rights have nothing to do with climate change. First of all. And then second of all, her Green New Deal is a green new scam that we must stay away from. Now, I know that she's worried about climate change, but she need to talk to Mother Nature.

RICHARDSON: That's right.

HARDAWAY: Because with the Earth rotating at 1,000 miles per hour, OK, 365 days of the year, we subject to feel climate changing a little bit. But not to the tune where we have to dismantle everything and start the Earth back over again. It's a absolutely no for us.

yeah, ain't no way all this crap was not staged for the viewing pleasure of the average elderly bigot who watches Fox.....View attachment 254158

democrats are the most vile racists on the planet. Sucks that we freed your slaves
I guess Amos 'N Andy were busy...and then they could not get Fred Sanford to give his views. So they settled on these two performers to give the Fox Viewers a laugh by their goofy, black stereotype "views" on climate change, complete with the usual overly ebonic accent.....Does Fox not see that everyone but their own ardent viewers see how they are giving their redneck audience these two actors a stage to do their dumbass, ebonic, stereotypical, half-educated black person impersonations so those elderly white bigots can have a laugh at someone that sounds even dumber than they and their friends do? And the fox viewers eat this sad bigoted shit up with a spoon...some are so stupid they actually believe Diamond and Silk are really that ghetto and that stupid!! This as goofy and blatant NOT THE NEWS, BUT A SKIT, as if CNN decided to have Jed Clampett and Jethro Bodine on to talk about nuclear disarmament in North Korea.

Friday morning the noted climate scientists Diamond and Silk brought their expertise to the couch d'genius at Fox and Friends.

I have to assume that the papers Brian and Ainsley are holding have "the amount of money I get paid for this" written on them. That's the only way I'd get through the interview, too.

Transcript via Media Matters:

LYNETTE HARDAWAY (DIAMOND, FOX NATION PERSONALITY): Listen, you have to realize that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, she's reckless, she's clueless, and she have a vacuous mindset.


HARDAWAY: First of all, civil rights have nothing to do with climate change. First of all. And then second of all, her Green New Deal is a green new scam that we must stay away from. Now, I know that she's worried about climate change, but she need to talk to Mother Nature.

RICHARDSON: That's right.

HARDAWAY: Because with the Earth rotating at 1,000 miles per hour, OK, 365 days of the year, we subject to feel climate changing a little bit. But not to the tune where we have to dismantle everything and start the Earth back over again. It's a absolutely no for us.

yeah, ain't no way all this crap was not staged for the viewing pleasure of the average elderly bigot who watches Fox.....View attachment 254158

We need a "Scumbag" emoji
So right wing nuts take them seriously. That figures.

If they were Leftists then YOU would WORSHIP them but because they are Black Conservatives you have to ridicule them, they more intelligent than AOC, the Kebab Congresswoman, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the Leftists OTHER Race Baitors.
Typical leftist racist. Berate any black person in a racist way who dares to disagree with the left.

You don't think there's even a smidgen of optical propaganda at play? Both sides do it dude; it's part of the game.
No, I don't. These are two very astute women who make more sense than any of those cackling hens on The View. You just don't like the fact that they don't "know their place" as black women.

I'm not saying they're not smart or that they don't believe what they say.
staged for the viewing

Politics 101
no, propaganda 101, fox style. this interview has nothing at all to do with the news, with climate change, with nothing but fox holding these two overly racial stereotype nitwits up for ridicule spewing silly ass shit so the elderly white bigots who make up the majority of Fox Viewers can laugh at the black people.
Modern day minstrel show to amuse the deplorables
Typical leftist racist. Berate any black person in a racist way who dares to disagree with the left.

You don't think there's even a smidgen of optical propaganda at play? Both sides do it dude; it's part of the game.
No, I don't. These are two very astute women who make more sense than any of those cackling hens on The View. You just don't like the fact that they don't "know their place" as black women.

I'm not saying they're not smart or that they don't believe what they say.

You are not but Penelope and Mr. Jones are.
Typical leftist racist. Berate any black person in a racist way who dares to disagree with the left.

You don't think there's even a smidgen of optical propaganda at play? Both sides do it dude; it's part of the game.
No, I don't. These are two very astute women who make more sense than any of those cackling hens on The View. You just don't like the fact that they don't "know their place" as black women.

I'm not saying they're not smart or that they don't believe what they say.

You are not but Penelope and Mr. Jones are.

I can't speak for them. I'm just saying smart black Republicans are valuable to the right for optical reasons. They want more black people to vote for them so they can win more elections. Identity politics is a thing and both sides play the game.

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