Fox Nation Lies To Stir Up Hate For Muslims


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
Misleading Fox Nation Headline Claims Muslims Accuse Catholic University Of Violating Human Rights

In yet another attempt to generate more hatred toward Muslims, Fox Nation, "for those opposed to intolerance," had a thread (yesterday) titled "Muslims Say Crosses at Catholic University Violate 'Human Rights'." The thread is an article by Fox Radio culture clubber Todd Starnes. It reports that the Washington DC Office of Human Rights received a complaint that Catholic University is violating the rights of Muslims students in not allowing them to have separate prayer space and form a Muslim student association. If the Fox reader (and that's putting lipstick on a pig) reads more than the title, they will see that the complaint was filed by John Banzhaf, attorney and professor at Georgetown University. But the trick is in actually linking to Starnes' article which reports that Catholic University has received no complaints from Muslims, although he writes that Banzhaf told Fox that students were offended that they had to meditate in the school's chapel which is filled with Catholic images. As noted in the Catholic University newspaper, Banzhaf's statement to Fox, which suggests he spoke with students, contradicts his statement to the Washington Post that no students complained to him. While we can't fault Starnes for reporting what he or others at Fox were told, we can fault Fox Nation for a misleading and incendiary headline. If Muslims are "saying" that their "rights" are being violated by Catholic U, they haven't told Catholic U (and possibly Banzhaf) about it!

News Hounds: Misleading Fox Nation Headline Claims Muslims Accuse Catholic University Of Violating Human Rights
Misleading Fox Nation Headline Claims Muslims Accuse Catholic University Of Violating Human Rights

In yet another attempt to generate more hatred toward Muslims, Fox Nation, "for those opposed to intolerance," had a thread (yesterday) titled "Muslims Say Crosses at Catholic University Violate 'Human Rights'." The thread is an article by Fox Radio culture clubber Todd Starnes. It reports that the Washington DC Office of Human Rights received a complaint that Catholic University is violating the rights of Muslims students in not allowing them to have separate prayer space and form a Muslim student association. If the Fox reader (and that's putting lipstick on a pig) reads more than the title, they will see that the complaint was filed by John Banzhaf, attorney and professor at Georgetown University. But the trick is in actually linking to Starnes' article which reports that Catholic University has received no complaints from Muslims, although he writes that Banzhaf told Fox that students were offended that they had to meditate in the school's chapel which is filled with Catholic images. As noted in the Catholic University newspaper, Banzhaf's statement to Fox, which suggests he spoke with students, contradicts his statement to the Washington Post that no students complained to him. While we can't fault Starnes for reporting what he or others at Fox were told, we can fault Fox Nation for a misleading and incendiary headline. If Muslims are "saying" that their "rights" are being violated by Catholic U, they haven't told Catholic U (and possibly Banzhaf) about it!

News Hounds: Misleading Fox Nation Headline Claims Muslims Accuse Catholic University Of Violating Human Rights

Do Crosses at Catholic University Violate “Human Rights” of Muslims?

The Washington, D.C. Office of Human Rights confirmed that it is investigating allegations that Catholic University violated the human rights of Muslim students by not allowing them to form a Muslim student group and by not providing them rooms without Christian symbols for their daily prayers.

The investigation alleges that Muslim students “must perform their prayers surrounded by symbols of Catholicism – e.g., a wooden crucifix, paintings of Jesus, pictures of priests and theologians which many Muslim students find inappropriate.”

A spokesperson for the Office of Human Rights told Fox News they had received a 60-page complaint against the private university. The investigation, they said, could take as long a six months.

Do Crosses at Catholic University Violate “Human Rights” of Muslims? | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

I would think the trick is to find the actual story, which can be linked to you buddy Todd Starnes, instead of using blatherings from a blog as 'fact'.
What a complex topic. If you worship in a Catholic college can you really expect the facility to not have Catholic symbolism? Or is it wrong not to provide your own symbolism or remove the school's? It seems sometimes we [exclude me] can argue over anything and everything when religion enters the picture. How about atheists, aren't they being subjected to the same religious symbolism. Poor atheists they haven't found any good symbols. What we need is a common symbol that represents all religions. We should hold a contest and then have the religions vote. Wouldn't that be a great solution? I'll leave the answer to your imagination.

"Put differently, there are two equal but opposite errors into which Christians have fallen in the modern world. One error is to "privatize" faith, interpreting and applying it to the personal and spiritual realm only. That way faith loses its integrity and becomes "privately engaging and publicly irrelevant." ¶ The other error, represented by the Religious Left in the 1960s and the Religious Right since the late 1970s, is to "politicize" faith, using faith to express essentially political points that have lost touch with biblical truth. That way faith loses its independence, the church becomes "the regime at prayer," Christians become the "useful idiots" or "biddable foot soldiers" for one political party or another, and the Christian faith becomes an ideology in its purest form: Christian beliefs are used as weapons for political interests. In short, out of anxiety about a vanishing culture or in a foolish exchange for an illusory promise of power, Christians are cheated into bartering away their identity, motives, language, passions, and votes.

... Christians have already lost their independence when they attempt to find political solutions for problems that are essentially cultural and prepolitical — in other words, when they ask politics to do what politics cannot do." Os Guinness 'The Case For Civility" [ame][/ame]
Truthseeker.... yea, right. Lies in his username and then has the balls to accuse others of lying. What a crock.

And... we have four threads on this already.... attention seeking morons start threads on topics already being discussed. Sad but true.
:lol: are you serious? No one has to lie to show Muslim hate. Please open your eyes.
Who needs lies? The truth about Muslims is enough to generate hatred.
Misleading Fox Nation Headline Claims Muslims Accuse Catholic University Of Violating Human Rights

In yet another attempt to generate more hatred toward Muslims, Fox Nation, "for those opposed to intolerance," had a thread (yesterday) titled "Muslims Say Crosses at Catholic University Violate 'Human Rights'." The thread is an article by Fox Radio culture clubber Todd Starnes. It reports that the Washington DC Office of Human Rights received a complaint that Catholic University is violating the rights of Muslims students in not allowing them to have separate prayer space and form a Muslim student association. If the Fox reader (and that's putting lipstick on a pig) reads more than the title, they will see that the complaint was filed by John Banzhaf, attorney and professor at Georgetown University. But the trick is in actually linking to Starnes' article which reports that Catholic University has received no complaints from Muslims, although he writes that Banzhaf told Fox that students were offended that they had to meditate in the school's chapel which is filled with Catholic images. As noted in the Catholic University newspaper, Banzhaf's statement to Fox, which suggests he spoke with students, contradicts his statement to the Washington Post that no students complained to him. While we can't fault Starnes for reporting what he or others at Fox were told, we can fault Fox Nation for a misleading and incendiary headline. If Muslims are "saying" that their "rights" are being violated by Catholic U, they haven't told Catholic U (and possibly Banzhaf) about it!

News Hounds: Misleading Fox Nation Headline Claims Muslims Accuse Catholic University Of Violating Human Rights

Give it a rest Alinskyseaker. FOX did it's best to give a balanced report on the issue. FOX even had the lawyer on a program and confronted him with the fact that muslems were not offended and the suit was rediculous. How many other "news" outlets interviewed the lawyer?

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