Fox Nation Urges Readers To File IRS Complaint Against Media Matters


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
previously reported on Fox News' questionable tactics in going after Media Matters' tax exempt status. Now those tactics have become even more questionable as the "fair and balanced" website associated with Fox, Fox Nation, is blatantly urging its readers to file a complaint against Media Matters with the IRS via a post called, Want to File an IRS Complaint Against Media Matters? Click Here... Those "fair and balanced" folks have even gone to the trouble of filling out some of the hard-to-find information readers might need.

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News Hounds: Fox Nation Urges Readers To File IRS Complaint Against Media Matters
your tax dollars? wtf you talking about? You know tax exempt status means?

If media matters is tax exempt shouldn't Fox News be? Fair and balanced seems to mean a lot to you truthseekingdingbats..

Fox may say they are fair and balanced but that is kinda like a used car salesman calling himself Honest Bob.

You must learn to comprehend what is written and put before you for consideration. Take your time.
George Sorros is supposed to have given them a lot of money for them to do this.
Something to do with the violation of them being a 501(c)
Sounds good. I don't want Media Matters getting my tax dollars.

your tax dollars? wtf you talking about? You know tax exempt status means?
What's the problem? You idiots are always saying that rich people taking advantage of legal tax loopholes are taking your tax dollars.

you idiots? n wtf?. show me where i have said that. If that is his aurgument then fine but that is no what he said.
I bet FOX NATION is going after the Media Research Center's 501(c)3 status too, right? Or

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