Fox News and talk radio brainwashed my dad

One day after she gets a few years under her belt she'll understand. Or not and she'll end up with a bunch of cats.
So...if you don't watch political programs, how can you form an intelligent opinion about shows "like Limbaugh's"?

I think you're lying. Or stupid. Probably both. Which means you are, without a question, progressive.

You also make my point. You are both making my point, so perfectly and so completely. I don't need to watch someone like Limbaugh more than a few moments to see what he is all about. It doesn't take much intelligence. I am definitely not lying. And your claim that if someone is lying and/or stupid, that means they are a progressive: this is exactly the kind of thing one picks up from media people like Limbaugh. Either or thinking, hate, simple mindedness, whether from the left or the right, it doesn't matter.
You made my point.

You're a liar, and stupid besides.

And there you go making my point. Thank you. I don't even know who Rachel Maddow is. I have never watched Rachel Maddow. I never, never watch political programs on television. Never, only straight newsl It is people like you I'm talking about. Completely influenced by these people, you have become totally partisan in your view of reality. Everything and everyone is either right or left, conservative or liberal. You live in a vacuum with a two dimensional view of reality. You're missing out on 90% of reality. And you're pissed off and angry with everyone who is what you perceive to be a 'liberal' and believe such people have no independent thinking and are only influenced by what influences you, TV and radio talking heads. Your brain is mush because you see reality from such a completely limited view point. I never even heard of Rachel Maddow until I started posting on this board. I know about Rush Limbaugh from having heard of him and reading bits and pieces of what he's said. Any other, no idea who they are other than hearing their names and maybe reading bits and pieces of what they say, both right and left, on this board. I have no interest in listening to any of them and never will.

So says the person that claims to NEVER watches or listens to political shows, NEVER, only straight news, however she knows how "people like Limbaugh" are thinking and what they are like and they are evil. She even knows they are dispersing hate and anger. And having in her words "never" watching, she knows they influence the weak minded. Sounds like someone is being a partisan divider.

I rarely listen to political talk radio, on the left or right, but I know enough that Esmeralda is full of crap. I don't hear hate on Limbaugh or Hannity, I hear some twists and misleading statements, just like I hear on Maddow, or Rhodes. I have heard Rhodes wanting the death of Bush, never heard Limbaugh or Hannity saying that about Obama. So, if you don't know, how can you offer an opinion, if you "never" listen, all you get is a filtered opinion. Talk about weak minds being influenced.

Please note: all of you are assuming I am referring to right wing media people, though I have never said so. I referred to Limbaugh because he seems to be the most famous or most often mentioned and the one I know about the most because of that. However, I did not at any time say these media preachers of partisanship are only right wing. You are the ones making that assumption. I don't know who Rhodes is or Hannity or any of these people are. Never listen to them. Have only heard of Hannity on here and Rhodes never before.

As far as making judgment about them when I don't listen to them: it doesn't take more than a grain of intelligence to realize what these people are all about when you read about them here. They are media people who interpret political events: I don't need anyone to interpret those events for me: I do it myself from watching straight news, whether it is left or right doing it. When a newsperson starts talking about what something means rather than what happened, I turn them off, change the channel, whatever. I can't imagine how anyone can think they are getting unbiased information from anyone of any ilk who is telling them how to interpret events.

For example, if the President gives a State of the Union address, and then some 'news' person comes on and starts explaining what he said, I turn him off. I figure out for myself what was said; I don't need it explained to me or interpreted for me: you all should try it sometime.

So you have no clue as to what they are about or if what people are saying is true. You have no real measure if they are for the weak minded or not, so, you really have no informed opinion on what the shows are about, you are going by biased propaganda and not the person speaking. Just like you are chastising others for currently doing. Maybe you should try listening to them instead of forming an opinion based on others interpretation of what they are about.
And there you go making my point. Thank you. I don't even know who Rachel Maddow is. I have never watched Rachel Maddow. I never, never watch political programs on television. Never, only straight newsl It is people like you I'm talking about. Completely influenced by these people, you have become totally partisan in your view of reality. Everything and everyone is either right or left, conservative or liberal. You live in a vacuum with a two dimensional view of reality. You're missing out on 90% of reality. And you're pissed off and angry with everyone who is what you perceive to be a 'liberal' and believe such people have no independent thinking and are only influenced by what influences you, TV and radio talking heads. Your brain is mush because you see reality from such a completely limited view point. I never even heard of Rachel Maddow until I started posting on this board. I know about Rush Limbaugh from having heard of him and reading bits and pieces of what he's said. Any other, no idea who they are other than hearing their names and maybe reading bits and pieces of what they say, both right and left, on this board. I have no interest in listening to any of them and never will.

So says the person that claims to NEVER watches or listens to political shows, NEVER, only straight news, however she knows how "people like Limbaugh" are thinking and what they are like and they are evil. She even knows they are dispersing hate and anger. And having in her words "never" watching, she knows they influence the weak minded. Sounds like someone is being a partisan divider.

I rarely listen to political talk radio, on the left or right, but I know enough that Esmeralda is full of crap. I don't hear hate on Limbaugh or Hannity, I hear some twists and misleading statements, just like I hear on Maddow, or Rhodes. I have heard Rhodes wanting the death of Bush, never heard Limbaugh or Hannity saying that about Obama. So, if you don't know, how can you offer an opinion, if you "never" listen, all you get is a filtered opinion. Talk about weak minds being influenced.

Yeah, speaking of weak minds, how YOU doin?

Esmeralda is being hypocritical and anyone with a brain knows it.

I prefer Mike and Mike, Colin Cowherd for my entertainment, not the political people, with the one exception being Wilkow. I don't watch FOX, MSNBC or CNN, I find the fighting and the bickering nauseating. We are very divided and I don't find this thread very helpful in closing the gap.

Usually if I want uninformed, nonsensical, hateful rhetoric, I find your posts and read them, that's what led me here. :)
You are a fool if you stand by that statement. While I'm fiscally conservative, that's as far to the right as I go and I enjoy the company of many many people who happen to not agree with me on that political view.

You don't know who Rachel Maddow is? You're the one living in a vacuum.

LMAO Not knowing who Rachel Maddow is, or who any other American media, political talking head is means nothing, not in the wider world, not in a broader sense of reality. These people are nobodies, just media mouth pieces on American television. America is not the center of the universe.

Funny - are you wondering like I am, how many of them actually read the article word-for-word and to the end?

I'm guessing 'none', since they are busily attacking you as opposed to discussing the subject at hand. Wonder why that is? You would think it would be easy enough to attack the premise and the author.

It is a biased article, it is only attacking right wing media outlets, it discusses the secret Republican meetings to have this media launch against the is as biased and unsubstantiated as anything I have read.

She claims MSNBC is different than FOXNews? I have watched both, they are both pure propaganda and you have to research to see if what they say is true. The same goes for Limbaugh and Hannity that goes for Rhodes or Miller, they are all propaganda bent on their bias. I don't think any of these people are capable or are part of any conspiracy that this movie promoter is claiming. I. Fact she is participating in the very hate and biased propaganda that she claims to be against.
So...if you don't watch political programs, how can you form an intelligent opinion about shows "like Limbaugh's"?

I think you're lying. Or stupid. Probably both. Which means you are, without a question, progressive.

Your stupid doosh far right reactionary nonsense continues. :lol:

You lie. It is what you do from the second you wake up and look in the mirror.
Kosherdoosh, lighten up on yourself. #23 is a typical doosh post. Give it up.
Yes. I know it's a very incendiary title. I'm not sure - okay, I believe her father has mental issues, underlying issues that affected how things transpired.

I may be wrong.

Fox News and talk radio brainwashed my dad -

ROC:How exactly did his behavior change?

JS: When I was growing up my dad seemed to love everybody. I never heard any kind of talk against any race or ethnicity. He was funny and goofy and talked to anybody….When I was in college I knew a lot of gays, and he was friendly and even gregarious and even thought them “cultured.” He wasn’t prejudiced at all. It wasn’t until later that he underwent a radical change.

I remember one time in particular when we went to New York to go to Radio City Music Hall. A black homeless man asked him for money. My father called him sir and gave him money. That is imprinted on my memory. When my dad changed, he became obsessive. He got angrier. After he retired, he would sit in the kitchen and eat his lunch and listen to Rush Limbaugh for three full hours a day. God forbid you interrupt Rush. He tried to inject his political views into any conversation he had, with anybody. Around Christmas-time (not just on Christmas Day) he would be sure to shout “Merry Christmas” to anyone and everyone, because he believed that liberals were engaging in a war on Christmas.

He believed it when Rush Limbaugh told him that climate change is a hoax. He called Al Gore an “asshole” even after watching the entire An Inconvenient Truth—by then he could not be moved. He also would compliment smokers on smoking. When we would go to a restaurant and people sat outside to smoke, he would take a deep breath and exclaim how good it smelled.

This was because Rush Limbaugh told him that the scientists were lying about the findings about smoking—oh, and those greedy scientists just wanted funding money and that’s why they were perpetrating this myth about climate change being caused by humans. You couldn’t argue with him. He was one angry, whirling, right-wing dervish. He even got mail from and gave money to the NRA though never owned a gun in his life. My mother found he wrote all these checks to various right-wing causes.

Now, having read further - it would appear her father somehow snapped out of it.

Apparently, he's been de-programmed.

Very interesting concept she has.

So disrespectful.

So Progressive.

Only a psychotic leftist piece of shit would write such a thing about their own parent. But then leftists are the lifelong version of a spoiled brat.

If this is my daughter, her part of my estate goes to Freedom Works, in her honor. No lie.
Yes. I know it's a very incendiary title. I'm not sure - okay, I believe her father has mental issues, underlying issues that affected how things transpired.

I may be wrong.

Apparently, he's been de-programmed.

Very interesting concept she has.

Not sure what the point of this article is. You could write up a piece like this for the far left, too, if you really wanted to. Don't mean this in a rude way, but didn't get much out of the OP.
Yes. I know it's a very incendiary title. I'm not sure - okay, I believe her father has mental issues, underlying issues that affected how things transpired.

I may be wrong.

Fox News and talk radio brainwashed my dad -

Now, having read further - it would appear her father somehow snapped out of it.

Apparently, he's been de-programmed.

Very interesting concept she has.

So disrespectful.

So Progressive.

Only a psychotic leftist piece of shit would write such a thing about their own parent. But then leftists are the lifelong version of a spoiled brat.

If this is my daughter, her part of my estate goes to Freedom Works, in her honor. No lie.

Hahaha in her defense, though, if you are responding to the boop, she maintains she had a pretty miserable childhood, so perhaps her negative portrait of pops can be given a pass....
Yes. I know it's a very incendiary title. I'm not sure - okay, I believe her father has mental issues, underlying issues that affected how things transpired.

I may be wrong.

Fox News and talk radio brainwashed my dad -

ROC:How exactly did his behavior change?

JS: When I was growing up my dad seemed to love everybody. I never heard any kind of talk against any race or ethnicity. He was funny and goofy and talked to anybody….When I was in college I knew a lot of gays, and he was friendly and even gregarious and even thought them “cultured.” He wasn’t prejudiced at all. It wasn’t until later that he underwent a radical change.

I remember one time in particular when we went to New York to go to Radio City Music Hall. A black homeless man asked him for money. My father called him sir and gave him money. That is imprinted on my memory. When my dad changed, he became obsessive. He got angrier. After he retired, he would sit in the kitchen and eat his lunch and listen to Rush Limbaugh for three full hours a day. God forbid you interrupt Rush. He tried to inject his political views into any conversation he had, with anybody. Around Christmas-time (not just on Christmas Day) he would be sure to shout “Merry Christmas” to anyone and everyone, because he believed that liberals were engaging in a war on Christmas.

He believed it when Rush Limbaugh told him that climate change is a hoax. He called Al Gore an “asshole” even after watching the entire An Inconvenient Truth—by then he could not be moved. He also would compliment smokers on smoking. When we would go to a restaurant and people sat outside to smoke, he would take a deep breath and exclaim how good it smelled.

This was because Rush Limbaugh told him that the scientists were lying about the findings about smoking—oh, and those greedy scientists just wanted funding money and that’s why they were perpetrating this myth about climate change being caused by humans. You couldn’t argue with him. He was one angry, whirling, right-wing dervish. He even got mail from and gave money to the NRA though never owned a gun in his life. My mother found he wrote all these checks to various right-wing causes.

Now, having read further - it would appear her father somehow snapped out of it.

Apparently, he's been de-programmed.

Very interesting concept she has.

Glad he got his intervention. FOX et al produces many walking dead like this guy.
Recently I saw a guest on a cable news opinion show saying: "I never made any friends by calling them names, and never accomplished anything by blaming others".

Was it on CNN, FNC or MSNBC?

Who said it? a liberal or a conservative?
Rush is far right even his fans will agree to that...but I'm sure the schools that the writer of this article has attended are just as far off target as Rush...only to the left. The dad seems to be like a lot of Americans are these days. Out numbered and under represented in government. I hope and pray that this person's dad survives long enough to witness the pendulum swing back and for this nation to get back on track.

Take your kids out of public schools!!!!!!!!!!!
It's getting freaking ugly out there when the radical left turns on their own family and calls them "brainwashed". Kinda makes you think of Nazis.
So disrespectful.

So Progressive.

Only a psychotic leftist piece of shit would write such a thing about their own parent. But then leftists are the lifelong version of a spoiled brat.

If this is my daughter, her part of my estate goes to Freedom Works, in her honor. No lie.

Hahaha in her defense, though, if you are responding to the boop, she maintains she had a pretty miserable childhood, so perhaps her negative portrait of pops can be given a pass....

You just described yourself, kg.

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