Fox News apologizes 4 times for Muslim reporting

Of course the most egregious of Fox's lies concerns the 'no go zones' myth:

“How we laughed, this weekend when Fox News security ‘expert’ Steve Emerson made his ludicrous claim that Birmingham was a “Muslim-only city”. But strip away the laughter and what remains is a deeply dangerous thesis, rapidly gaining purchase in the US as established fact, that Europe is being progressively colonised by Muslims following some Islamic master plan.

With the repetition of this absurd canard by Nigel Farage yesterday, again on Fox News, it is now clear that this myth is spreading. It has jumped the Atlantic pond and, unless we are very careful, is about to infect our own politics with the same toxic mix of half-truth and downright ignorance.”

The myth of Muslim no-go areas is being used to turn us against one another Talking Politics - Yahoo News UK

Well, the GOP needs something now that Ebola is gone. They use Ebola ti strike fear in the hearts of voters last year. Remember when the GOP wanted to cut off all flights from countries with Ebola cases? The Repubs are concerned about the Repubs. Screw everyone else....
Are there no go zones?

Paris Attacks Raise Fears No-Go Zones Are Breeding Grounds for Terrorists
Neighborhoods throughout France that the government has ceded to Muslim control are feared to be breeding grounds for terrorists like those who struck the satirical newsweekly magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris last week, killing 12 people.

"These 'no-go' zones are essentially breeding grounds for radicalism, and it’s a very big problem," Soeren Kern, a senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute, told "These are areas where essentially the French government has lost control."

No Go Zone makeaneffort
So here’s the point; Fox News had a contributor on air who stated that France has what are called ‘No Go Zones” where non-muslims are unwelcome and the police do not want to go. The Fox News Haters picked this up for several reasons.

1. They think they have caught Fox News in a Lie they convince themselves Fox News exists to tell. (Keep in mind how I started this post.)

2. France has No Officially Sanctioned ‘No Go Zones’. (True. Nor does any other country to my knowledge. But that’s not what was said.)

3. Fox News folks went as far as pointing on maps where these supposed ‘No Go Zones’ are in France. (They were wrong for the most part.)

The interwebs liberal faction turned this into “Fox said there are No Go Zones where no non-muslims live and the police ‘will NOT go’.”

Now the Gotcha Crowd smells blood and has demanded, and received, apologies from Fox News regarding the ‘misrepresentations’.

But hold on a second! Here’s the part which should be interesting to watch.

‘No Go Zones’ in fact do exist in France. (They also exist in other countries…)

The French call them ZUS or “Sensitive Urban Zones” (Zones Urbaines Sensible) They were established in 1996. And this concern over areas throughout Europe which have reduced police presence and ‘alternative’ law has been a discussion for at least that long.

These are areas that have a high percentage of individuals with values that are ‘slightly different’ from the general population of France.

And they’re Real.

And they have a propensity to be very dangerous.

And the French Police have different criteria for which to determine intervention.

And depending on the day… you may not feel welcome. (For those of you semantically challenged that means “unwelcome”.)

And it may not just be a day, it could be a season… like “Strike Season” which occurs in the fall and had become the traditional period in which everyone who thinks they have something to gain goes on strike. Even the Homeless… I kid you not.

So keep an eye out for this story not to go away.

So you think fox only apologized because they didn't want to offend the left? That's the dumbest thing you have posted so far.
Are there no go zones?

Paris Attacks Raise Fears No-Go Zones Are Breeding Grounds for Terrorists
Neighborhoods throughout France that the government has ceded to Muslim control are feared to be breeding grounds for terrorists like those who struck the satirical newsweekly magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris last week, killing 12 people.

"These 'no-go' zones are essentially breeding grounds for radicalism, and it’s a very big problem," Soeren Kern, a senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute, told "These are areas where essentially the French government has lost control."

No Go Zone makeaneffort
So here’s the point; Fox News had a contributor on air who stated that France has what are called ‘No Go Zones” where non-muslims are unwelcome and the police do not want to go. The Fox News Haters picked this up for several reasons.

1. They think they have caught Fox News in a Lie they convince themselves Fox News exists to tell. (Keep in mind how I started this post.)

2. France has No Officially Sanctioned ‘No Go Zones’. (True. Nor does any other country to my knowledge. But that’s not what was said.)

3. Fox News folks went as far as pointing on maps where these supposed ‘No Go Zones’ are in France. (They were wrong for the most part.)

The interwebs liberal faction turned this into “Fox said there are No Go Zones where no non-muslims live and the police ‘will NOT go’.”

Now the Gotcha Crowd smells blood and has demanded, and received, apologies from Fox News regarding the ‘misrepresentations’.

But hold on a second! Here’s the part which should be interesting to watch.

‘No Go Zones’ in fact do exist in France. (They also exist in other countries…)

The French call them ZUS or “Sensitive Urban Zones” (Zones Urbaines Sensible) They were established in 1996. And this concern over areas throughout Europe which have reduced police presence and ‘alternative’ law has been a discussion for at least that long.

These are areas that have a high percentage of individuals with values that are ‘slightly different’ from the general population of France.

And they’re Real.

And they have a propensity to be very dangerous.

And the French Police have different criteria for which to determine intervention.

And depending on the day… you may not feel welcome. (For those of you semantically challenged that means “unwelcome”.)

And it may not just be a day, it could be a season… like “Strike Season” which occurs in the fall and had become the traditional period in which everyone who thinks they have something to gain goes on strike. Even the Homeless… I kid you not.

So keep an eye out for this story not to go away.

So you think fox only apologized because they didn't want to offend the left? That's the dumbest thing you have posted so far.

Not even close to what the guy said.
I don't know what you read but it sure wasn't that.
I was answering MaxGrit's question about if there were no go zones.
Last edited:
So there are no "no go" zones?
Don't be ridiculous. Of course there ARE no go zones, all over Europe, and in the USA too. They've been around for 30 years, and fewer things are better DOCUMENTED than this. Just because some FOX News executive doesn't want to get a legal tangle, and orders his talkers to lie, and pretend to apologize, doesn't mean reality just stopped existing.
Are there no go zones?

Paris Attacks Raise Fears No-Go Zones Are Breeding Grounds for Terrorists
Neighborhoods throughout France that the government has ceded to Muslim control are feared to be breeding grounds for terrorists like those who struck the satirical newsweekly magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris last week, killing 12 people.

"These 'no-go' zones are essentially breeding grounds for radicalism, and it’s a very big problem," Soeren Kern, a senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute, told "These are areas where essentially the French government has lost control."

No Go Zone makeaneffort
So here’s the point; Fox News had a contributor on air who stated that France has what are called ‘No Go Zones” where non-muslims are unwelcome and the police do not want to go. The Fox News Haters picked this up for several reasons.

1. They think they have caught Fox News in a Lie they convince themselves Fox News exists to tell. (Keep in mind how I started this post.)

2. France has No Officially Sanctioned ‘No Go Zones’. (True. Nor does any other country to my knowledge. But that’s not what was said.)

3. Fox News folks went as far as pointing on maps where these supposed ‘No Go Zones’ are in France. (They were wrong for the most part.)

The interwebs liberal faction turned this into “Fox said there are No Go Zones where no non-muslims live and the police ‘will NOT go’.”

Now the Gotcha Crowd smells blood and has demanded, and received, apologies from Fox News regarding the ‘misrepresentations’.

But hold on a second! Here’s the part which should be interesting to watch.

‘No Go Zones’ in fact do exist in France. (They also exist in other countries…)

The French call them ZUS or “Sensitive Urban Zones” (Zones Urbaines Sensible) They were established in 1996. And this concern over areas throughout Europe which have reduced police presence and ‘alternative’ law has been a discussion for at least that long.

These are areas that have a high percentage of individuals with values that are ‘slightly different’ from the general population of France.

And they’re Real.

And they have a propensity to be very dangerous.

And the French Police have different criteria for which to determine intervention.

And depending on the day… you may not feel welcome. (For those of you semantically challenged that means “unwelcome”.)

And it may not just be a day, it could be a season… like “Strike Season” which occurs in the fall and had become the traditional period in which everyone who thinks they have something to gain goes on strike. Even the Homeless… I kid you not.

So keep an eye out for this story not to go away.

So you think fox only apologized because they didn't want to offend the left? That's the dumbest thing you have posted so far.
They apologized to avoid litigation. This has been going on with Islamization in Europe and America for many years. Have you been living in a closet ?
Are there no go zones?

Paris Attacks Raise Fears No-Go Zones Are Breeding Grounds for Terrorists
Neighborhoods throughout France that the government has ceded to Muslim control are feared to be breeding grounds for terrorists like those who struck the satirical newsweekly magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris last week, killing 12 people.

"These 'no-go' zones are essentially breeding grounds for radicalism, and it’s a very big problem," Soeren Kern, a senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute, told "These are areas where essentially the French government has lost control."

No Go Zone makeaneffort
So here’s the point; Fox News had a contributor on air who stated that France has what are called ‘No Go Zones” where non-muslims are unwelcome and the police do not want to go. The Fox News Haters picked this up for several reasons.

1. They think they have caught Fox News in a Lie they convince themselves Fox News exists to tell. (Keep in mind how I started this post.)

2. France has No Officially Sanctioned ‘No Go Zones’. (True. Nor does any other country to my knowledge. But that’s not what was said.)

3. Fox News folks went as far as pointing on maps where these supposed ‘No Go Zones’ are in France. (They were wrong for the most part.)

The interwebs liberal faction turned this into “Fox said there are No Go Zones where no non-muslims live and the police ‘will NOT go’.”

Now the Gotcha Crowd smells blood and has demanded, and received, apologies from Fox News regarding the ‘misrepresentations’.

But hold on a second! Here’s the part which should be interesting to watch.

‘No Go Zones’ in fact do exist in France. (They also exist in other countries…)

The French call them ZUS or “Sensitive Urban Zones” (Zones Urbaines Sensible) They were established in 1996. And this concern over areas throughout Europe which have reduced police presence and ‘alternative’ law has been a discussion for at least that long.

These are areas that have a high percentage of individuals with values that are ‘slightly different’ from the general population of France.

And they’re Real.

And they have a propensity to be very dangerous.

And the French Police have different criteria for which to determine intervention.

And depending on the day… you may not feel welcome. (For those of you semantically challenged that means “unwelcome”.)

And it may not just be a day, it could be a season… like “Strike Season” which occurs in the fall and had become the traditional period in which everyone who thinks they have something to gain goes on strike. Even the Homeless… I kid you not.

So keep an eye out for this story not to go away.

So you think fox only apologized because they didn't want to offend the left? That's the dumbest thing you have posted so far.
They apologized to avoid litigation. This has been going on with Islamization in Europe and America for many years. Have you been living in a closet ?
They apologized because they were clearly wrong, their claims unfounded and ridiculous – 'no go zones' are a myth, a lie contrived and propagated by those with an unwarranted fear and hatred of Islam.
Are there no go zones?

Paris Attacks Raise Fears No-Go Zones Are Breeding Grounds for Terrorists
Neighborhoods throughout France that the government has ceded to Muslim control are feared to be breeding grounds for terrorists like those who struck the satirical newsweekly magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris last week, killing 12 people.

"These 'no-go' zones are essentially breeding grounds for radicalism, and it’s a very big problem," Soeren Kern, a senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute, told "These are areas where essentially the French government has lost control."

No Go Zone makeaneffort
So here’s the point; Fox News had a contributor on air who stated that France has what are called ‘No Go Zones” where non-muslims are unwelcome and the police do not want to go. The Fox News Haters picked this up for several reasons.

1. They think they have caught Fox News in a Lie they convince themselves Fox News exists to tell. (Keep in mind how I started this post.)

2. France has No Officially Sanctioned ‘No Go Zones’. (True. Nor does any other country to my knowledge. But that’s not what was said.)

3. Fox News folks went as far as pointing on maps where these supposed ‘No Go Zones’ are in France. (They were wrong for the most part.)

The interwebs liberal faction turned this into “Fox said there are No Go Zones where no non-muslims live and the police ‘will NOT go’.”

Now the Gotcha Crowd smells blood and has demanded, and received, apologies from Fox News regarding the ‘misrepresentations’.

But hold on a second! Here’s the part which should be interesting to watch.

‘No Go Zones’ in fact do exist in France. (They also exist in other countries…)

The French call them ZUS or “Sensitive Urban Zones” (Zones Urbaines Sensible) They were established in 1996. And this concern over areas throughout Europe which have reduced police presence and ‘alternative’ law has been a discussion for at least that long.

These are areas that have a high percentage of individuals with values that are ‘slightly different’ from the general population of France.

And they’re Real.

And they have a propensity to be very dangerous.

And the French Police have different criteria for which to determine intervention.

And depending on the day… you may not feel welcome. (For those of you semantically challenged that means “unwelcome”.)

And it may not just be a day, it could be a season… like “Strike Season” which occurs in the fall and had become the traditional period in which everyone who thinks they have something to gain goes on strike. Even the Homeless… I kid you not.

So keep an eye out for this story not to go away.

So you think fox only apologized because they didn't want to offend the left? That's the dumbest thing you have posted so far.
They apologized to avoid litigation. This has been going on with Islamization in Europe and America for many years. Have you been living in a closet ?
They apologized because they were clearly wrong, their claims unfounded and ridiculous – 'no go zones' are a myth, a lie contrived and propagated by those with an unwarranted fear and hatred of Islam.
HA HA. You can tell that to some elementary schoolkids and maybe some of them might be suckered. WHen you try it on experienced posters like myself (especially on Islamization) you just make a fool out of yourself.

The link I supply here, will explain France's no go zone situation, which has been DOCUMENTED prolifically, and contains 44 sublinks all pertaining to the no go zones which FOR DECADES have been documented in written publications and videos.

Also, in case you didn't know, there have been dozens of cases of media people apologizing (actually pretending to) to keep their stations from having to undergo litigations against belligerent Muslims. What else is new ? Ho hum. Yawn ****

European No-Go Zones Fact or Fiction (read and learn)
It's a little difficult NOT to portray Muslims in a negative light, in today's world.

There's just soooooo much material to work with.

The 10000-pound elephant in the room.

Rather difficult to ignore.

"If the foo shits, wear it."
So there are no "no go" zones?
Don't be ridiculous. Of course there ARE no go zones, all over Europe, and in the USA too. They've been around for 30 years, and fewer things are better DOCUMENTED than this. Just because some FOX News executive doesn't want to get a legal tangle, and orders his talkers to lie, and pretend to apologize, doesn't mean reality just stopped existing.

We need to update visas.

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