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FOX News Bill O'Reilly...Just Might Pack It In

Summary of O'Reilly's words:

"If Obama Increases The Tax Rate To 50% I Don't Know How Much Longer I'm Gonna' Be Doing This!" This being the O'Reilly Factor

1) Obama can't increase the tax rate...that's the job of congress
2) Nobody's advocating a 50% tax rate for anyone
3) What is being considered is raising the top rate from 35% to 39.6%
4) O'Reilly didn't quit during the Clinton years when the rate was 39.6%
5) His salary from Fox is $10 million and take home is about $6.5 million
6) He probably earns another $6.5 million from books and other interests

A Summary of all that is proof that he's a damned liar

Revelation 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Oh no, O'Reilly was exaggerating to make a point and the anti conservative wonk calls him a liar.......... tell me ace, how often do you call that asswipe O'Bamma a liar? That's what I thought.

In other words, O'Reilly was lying to make a point and honest people called him out on it.

O'Reilly's base actually believed the President of the United States took a trip costing $200,000,000.00 a DAY. They now believe health care is bad. They believe Obama is a Muslim. All O'Reilly's base hear are lies. And the President is an "asswipe"?

I don't get you people. Maybe it's some kind of mercury poisoning? You have some kind of mental illness. What else could it be?


People who make less than $100K per year fall for that scripted millionaire's horse schit and then go vote for the party which 90% of the time votes for things which are against their interest. Unless this country comes up with something which requires millionaires kids to go help fight their made up battles and once again requires those who profit the most from our country to do their part it will fall on it's ass. We used to pay our way...until Reagan took the national debt from less than $1 trillion to more than $4 trillion...at least after Bush41 continued his setup.

You know...it would almost be worth it to see that bunch of millionaire pansies have to actually do something productive. They take inheirited money and speculate with it and live in luxury and never actually produce a goddamed thing. Then they know that no matter how many unnecessary wars they start their own will never have to fight in one. The financial slaves and peons will take care of that.
Summary of O'Reilly's words:

"If Obama Increases The Tax Rate To 50% I Don't Know How Much Longer I'm Gonna' Be Doing This!" This being the O'Reilly Factor

1) Obama can't increase the tax rate...that's the job of congress
2) Nobody's advocating a 50% tax rate for anyone
3) What is being considered is raising the top rate from 35% to 39.6%
4) O'Reilly didn't quit during the Clinton years when the rate was 39.6%
5) His salary from Fox is $10 million and take home is about $6.5 million
6) He probably earns another $6.5 million from books and other interests

A Summary of all that is proof that he's a damned liar

Revelation 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Oh no, O'Reilly was exaggerating to make a point and the anti conservative wonk calls him a liar.......... tell me ace, how often do you call that asswipe O'Bamma a liar? That's what I thought.

Anybody who reads what he said, knows the facts and figures and continues to support the prick is a little dense. I watch him constantly and other than jokes and satire he's the biggest prevaricator on the tube...well, with the possible exception of Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity. Rupert Murdoch just got through proving that they will do or say anything to support the right.

As far as Obama...Obama received 365 electoral votes, and McCain 173.

Obama received youth vote, senior vote, Black vote, Hispanic vote, women vote majorities. Just which one of those eight bible thumping clowns do you think might even have a chance against him in 2012?

Folks are beginning to see through that low taxes for the corporations and wealthy people game and for the last 30 years that's all the right's had going for them. I've got news for you...George Herbert Walker Bush called it VooDoo economics. Trickle down never worked. The only trickle down the middle class felt was warm urine running down their backs.


Why dont you just say it this way...

If you do not have the same ideology as I do, then you are a liar and a cheat.

It would take so much less room on the board....and it would come across as much more sincere than the other gibberish you post.
Summary of O'Reilly's words:

"If Obama Increases The Tax Rate To 50% I Don't Know How Much Longer I'm Gonna' Be Doing This!" This being the O'Reilly Factor

1) Obama can't increase the tax rate...that's the job of congress
2) Nobody's advocating a 50% tax rate for anyone
3) What is being considered is raising the top rate from 35% to 39.6%
4) O'Reilly didn't quit during the Clinton years when the rate was 39.6%
5) His salary from Fox is $10 million and take home is about $6.5 million
6) He probably earns another $6.5 million from books and other interests

A Summary of all that is proof that he's a damned liar

Revelation 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

you mean 40% before he steps on the street.

Your greed is quite amusing. Not taking into account state and local taxes.

Maybe if you were just a bit smarter.
YOU MIGHT FUCKING UNDERSTAND...........................
Summary of O'Reilly's words:

"If Obama Increases The Tax Rate To 50% I Don't Know How Much Longer I'm Gonna' Be Doing This!" This being the O'Reilly Factor

1) Obama can't increase the tax rate...that's the job of congress
2) Nobody's advocating a 50% tax rate for anyone
3) What is being considered is raising the top rate from 35% to 39.6%
4) O'Reilly didn't quit during the Clinton years when the rate was 39.6%
5) His salary from Fox is $10 million and take home is about $6.5 million
6) He probably earns another $6.5 million from books and other interests

A Summary of all that is proof that he's a damned liar

Revelation 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Oh no, O'Reilly was exaggerating to make a point and the anti conservative wonk calls him a liar.......... tell me ace, how often do you call that asswipe O'Bamma a liar? That's what I thought.

In other words, O'Reilly was lying to make a point and honest people called him out on it.

No....his viewers are smart enough to know when an entertainer is exaggerating to make a point

O'Reilly's base actually believed the President of the United States took a trip costing $200,000,000.00 a DAY.

No we didnt. You just made that up.T

hey now believe health care is bad.

Yes, based on the fact that half the courts so far found it to be unconstitutional; and based oin the fact that the CBO found that it will NOT be poositive for the deficit and based on the fact that many economists and accountants do NOT see it as resulting in lower premiums...yeah...we think iot is bad.

They believe Obama is a Muslim.

No we dont. Oreilly doesnt believe he is a muslim and neither do his viewers (as a whole)...you made that up

All O'Reilly's base hear are lies.

No....we hear a man who makes valid points and we are rational enough to understand when he is exaggerating to sensationalize a point.

And the President is an "asswipe"?

I don't get you people. Maybe it's some kind of mercury poisoning? You have some kind of mental illness. What else could it be?

Funny....you have to make things up to show how someone you disagree with makes things up.

I would expect nothing less from you.
Oh no, O'Reilly was exaggerating to make a point and the anti conservative wonk calls him a liar.......... tell me ace, how often do you call that asswipe O'Bamma a liar? That's what I thought.

In other words, O'Reilly was lying to make a point and honest people called him out on it.

O'Reilly's base actually believed the President of the United States took a trip costing $200,000,000.00 a DAY. They now believe health care is bad. They believe Obama is a Muslim. All O'Reilly's base hear are lies. And the President is an "asswipe"?

I don't get you people. Maybe it's some kind of mercury poisoning? You have some kind of mental illness. What else could it be?


People who make less than $100K per year fall for that scripted millionaire's horse schit and then go vote for the party which 90% of the time votes for things which are against their interest. Unless this country comes up with something which requires millionaires kids to go help fight their made up battles and once again requires those who profit the most from our country to do their part it will fall on it's ass. We used to pay our way...until Reagan took the national debt from less than $1 trillion to more than $4 trillion...at least after Bush41 continued his setup.

You know...it would almost be worth it to see that bunch of millionaire pansies have to actually do something productive. They take inheirited money and speculate with it and live in luxury and never actually produce a goddamed thing. Then they know that no matter how many unnecessary wars they start their own will never have to fight in one. The financial slaves and peons will take care of that.

The American people are going to be asking themselves one question next November when they walk into a voting booth and that is this...am I going to be better off under this President or someone else? The Obama reelection strategy is already mapped out...they will blame Republican "obstructionism" for everything that's wrong with the economy (hoping that people will somehow forget that Democrats failed miserably to pass anything that created jobs while they held super majorities) and try to get the 49% of the people who don't pay income taxes to believe that a soak the rich plan will fix the economy and get them back to work.

I don't think it's going to work. This isn't some vague concept in play...it's reality. The 14 million people who are out of work are tired of empty promises. They ran through their life savings while waiting for this President to chase things like ObamaCare. Now they're scared and angry. They're going to vote for change again because the change they got last time didn't help them at all.
Last edited:
Summary of O'Reilly's words:

"If Obama Increases The Tax Rate To 50% I Don't Know How Much Longer I'm Gonna' Be Doing This!" This being the O'Reilly Factor

1) Obama can't increase the tax rate...that's the job of congress
2) Nobody's advocating a 50% tax rate for anyone
3) What is being considered is raising the top rate from 35% to 39.6%
4) O'Reilly didn't quit during the Clinton years when the rate was 39.6%
5) His salary from Fox is $10 million and take home is about $6.5 million
6) He probably earns another $6.5 million from books and other interests

A Summary of all that is proof that he's a damned liar

Revelation 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.


He'll pack it in just as soon as Hannity gets waterboarded.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzK5FNjBsrA]Sean Hannity Volunteers To Be Waterboarded!!! - YouTube[/ame]
In other words, O'Reilly was lying to make a point and honest people called him out on it.

O'Reilly's base actually believed the President of the United States took a trip costing $200,000,000.00 a DAY. They now believe health care is bad. They believe Obama is a Muslim. All O'Reilly's base hear are lies. And the President is an "asswipe"?

I don't get you people. Maybe it's some kind of mercury poisoning? You have some kind of mental illness. What else could it be?


People who make less than $100K per year fall for that scripted millionaire's horse schit and then go vote for the party which 90% of the time votes for things which are against their interest. Unless this country comes up with something which requires millionaires kids to go help fight their made up battles and once again requires those who profit the most from our country to do their part it will fall on it's ass. We used to pay our way...until Reagan took the national debt from less than $1 trillion to more than $4 trillion...at least after Bush41 continued his setup.

You know...it would almost be worth it to see that bunch of millionaire pansies have to actually do something productive. They take inheirited money and speculate with it and live in luxury and never actually produce a goddamed thing. Then they know that no matter how many unnecessary wars they start their own will never have to fight in one. The financial slaves and peons will take care of that.

The American people are going to be asking themselves one question next November when they walk into a voting booth and that is this...am I going to be better off under this President or someone else? The Obama reelection strategy is already mapped out...they will blame Republican "obstructionism" for everything that's wrong with the economy (hoping that people will somehow forget that Democrats failed miserably to pass anything that created jobs while they held super majorities) and try to get the 49% of the people who don't pay income taxes to believe that a soak the rich plan will fix the economy and get them back to work.

I don't think it's going to work. This isn't some vague concept in play...it's reality. The 14 million people who are out of work are tired of empty promises. They ran through their life savings while waiting for this President to chase things like ObamaCare. Now they're scared and angry. They're going to vote for change again because the change they got last time didn't help them at all.

one thing for sure...

When they go to the polls, they will not be saying to themselves..."I think Bill O'reilly is a liar"

Sadly, all the left is wrapped up in is Orielly, Hannity, Rush, Palin, Bachmann, Perry and Mitt.

They better start thinking about Obama. He is pulling the wool over their eyes and they dont even know it.
Summary of O'Reilly's words:

"If Obama Increases The Tax Rate To 50% I Don't Know How Much Longer I'm Gonna' Be Doing This!" This being the O'Reilly Factor

1) Obama can't increase the tax rate...that's the job of congress
2) Nobody's advocating a 50% tax rate for anyone
3) What is being considered is raising the top rate from 35% to 39.6%
4) O'Reilly didn't quit during the Clinton years when the rate was 39.6%
5) His salary from Fox is $10 million and take home is about $6.5 million
6) He probably earns another $6.5 million from books and other interests

A Summary of all that is proof that he's a damned liar

Revelation 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

you mean 40% before he steps on the street.

Your greed is quite amusing. Not taking into account state and local taxes.

Maybe if you were just a bit smarter.
YOU MIGHT FUCKING UNDERSTAND...........................

What a dumbassed thing to say. A multi millionaire worrying about sales taxes and fees. I understand one thing. During my 77 years on this planet the wealthy have taken control of everything. I'm not defending Democrats...my voting record is posted at this forum at least three times and the only two times I voted for Democrats in a national election was to protest what the Republicans have turned into...a tool for corporations and the wealthy.

When I was a dyed in the wool Republican they stood for balanced budgets, small government and individual rights. Reagan/Bush41 quadrupled the national debt. Clinton balanced the budget then along came slow walkin', slow talkin' George. He cut taxes twice, started two wars, one totally unnecessary and then doubled the national debt from $5.7 to $11 trillion. He also expanded the size of our government by 15%. Phuck my old party...unless a miracle happens I'll never vote for them again.
Summary of O'Reilly's words:

"If Obama Increases The Tax Rate To 50% I Don't Know How Much Longer I'm Gonna' Be Doing This!" This being the O'Reilly Factor

1) Obama can't increase the tax rate...that's the job of congress
2) Nobody's advocating a 50% tax rate for anyone
3) What is being considered is raising the top rate from 35% to 39.6%
4) O'Reilly didn't quit during the Clinton years when the rate was 39.6%
5) His salary from Fox is $10 million and take home is about $6.5 million
6) He probably earns another $6.5 million from books and other interests

A Summary of all that is proof that he's a damned liar

Revelation 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

you mean 40% before he steps on the street.

Your greed is quite amusing. Not taking into account state and local taxes.

Maybe if you were just a bit smarter.
YOU MIGHT FUCKING UNDERSTAND...........................

What a dumbassed thing to say. A multi millionaire worrying about sales taxes and fees. I understand one thing. During my 77 years on this planet the wealthy have taken control of everything. I'm not defending Democrats...my voting record is posted at this forum at least three times and the only two times I voted for Democrats in a national election was to protest what the Republicans have turned into...a tool for corporations and the wealthy.

When I was a dyed in the wool Republican they stood for balanced budgets, small government and individual rights. Reagan/Bush41 quadrupled the national debt. Clinton balanced the budget then along came slow walkin', slow talkin' George. He cut taxes twice, started two wars, one totally unnecessary and then doubled the national debt from $5.7 to $11 trillion. He also expanded the size of our government by 15%. Phuck my old party...unless a miracle happens I'll never vote for them again.

Its only dumb because it shreds your dumb ass excuses.

All men should be treated the same EQUALLY IF YOU WILL.

But if we are to keep discrimination law by taking more from someone that has more, then requiring those darker skinned to work as laborers in the dirty jobs is also fair.

Is this the america you dreamed about? discrimination by law?
Why do you liberals feel the need to play this "Well, as a Republican...(or former Republican) I think the Republicans are just awful" game? Everyone can see through your bullshit from a mile away. Stop wasting your time.
Summary of O'Reilly's words:

"If Obama Increases The Tax Rate To 50% I Don't Know How Much Longer I'm Gonna' Be Doing This!" This being the O'Reilly Factor

1) Obama can't increase the tax rate...that's the job of congress
2) Nobody's advocating a 50% tax rate for anyone
3) What is being considered is raising the top rate from 35% to 39.6%
4) O'Reilly didn't quit during the Clinton years when the rate was 39.6%
5) His salary from Fox is $10 million and take home is about $6.5 million
6) He probably earns another $6.5 million from books and other interests

A Summary of all that is proof that he's a damned liar

Revelation 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

you mean 40% before he steps on the street.

Your greed is quite amusing. Not taking into account state and local taxes.

Maybe if you were just a bit smarter.
YOU MIGHT FUCKING UNDERSTAND...........................

What a dumbassed thing to say. A multi millionaire worrying about sales taxes and fees. I understand one thing. During my 77 years on this planet the wealthy have taken control of everything. I'm not defending Democrats...my voting record is posted at this forum at least three times and the only two times I voted for Democrats in a national election was to protest what the Republicans have turned into...a tool for corporations and the wealthy.

When I was a dyed in the wool Republican they stood for balanced budgets, small government and individual rights. Reagan/Bush41 quadrupled the national debt. Clinton balanced the budget then along came slow walkin', slow talkin' George. He cut taxes twice, started two wars, one totally unnecessary and then doubled the national debt from $5.7 to $11 trillion. He also expanded the size of our government by 15%. Phuck my old party...unless a miracle happens I'll never vote for them again.

The fact that you make such a claim about the GOP proves to any sensible conservative that you were never a republican.

The GOP has been promoting the ideology of policies that allow the private sector to flourish and keep the unemployment numbers at an acceptable number....WITHOUT SACRIFICING LIBERTY AND EQUALITY.

Unfortunately, such policies do assist some of the larger corporations that do not require assistance and sometimes game the game to capitalize unethically on some policies...but such are the ramifications of trying to assist the small and medium sized businesses....

So no...we do not believe you were ever a supporter of the GOP.....for if you were then you had no idea of what you were supporting....for you just regurgitated the spin that the democratic party knows you are naive enough to believe.
Summary of O'Reilly's words:

"If Obama Increases The Tax Rate To 50% I Don't Know How Much Longer I'm Gonna' Be Doing This!" This being the O'Reilly Factor

1) Obama can't increase the tax rate...that's the job of congress
2) Nobody's advocating a 50% tax rate for anyone
3) What is being considered is raising the top rate from 35% to 39.6%
4) O'Reilly didn't quit during the Clinton years when the rate was 39.6%
5) His salary from Fox is $10 million and take home is about $6.5 million
6) He probably earns another $6.5 million from books and other interests

A Summary of all that is proof that he's a damned liar

Revelation 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

You fucking moron. He was talking about "all" his taxes.. You know???? Federal Income Tax, New York State Tax. New York City Tax, Property Tax and bla bla bla.. now moron do you think his tax rate is closer to 35% or 50%
why are liberals so fucking clueless? that's right folks they don't pay no taxes. they six in mama's basement and drool. and yell MORE MORE MORE
Summary of O'Reilly's words:

"If Obama Increases The Tax Rate To 50% I Don't Know How Much Longer I'm Gonna' Be Doing This!" This being the O'Reilly Factor

1) Obama can't increase the tax rate...that's the job of congress
2) Nobody's advocating a 50% tax rate for anyone
3) What is being considered is raising the top rate from 35% to 39.6%
4) O'Reilly didn't quit during the Clinton years when the rate was 39.6%
5) His salary from Fox is $10 million and take home is about $6.5 million
6) He probably earns another $6.5 million from books and other interests

A Summary of all that is proof that he's a damned liar

Revelation 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.


He'll pack it in just as soon as Hannity gets waterboarded.

Actually, Mr. O'Reilly may be thinking of retiring in a year or two. He's about that age, he's done rather well in life, and he's been strapped on the hotseat of tv for a long time now. That job is an 80-hour a week venture. He's spoken often and fondly of his father in the past and has traditional values. After 60, all that work loses its glamor, such that one would think he's trying to talk himself into it. It's just that his buds, many of whom are washington insiders, egg him on to do another season until.... fill in the blank because he's the best in the business right now.

IMHO of two cents.
Summary of O'Reilly's words:

"If Obama Increases The Tax Rate To 50% I Don't Know How Much Longer I'm Gonna' Be Doing This!" This being the O'Reilly Factor

1) Obama can't increase the tax rate...that's the job of congress
2) Nobody's advocating a 50% tax rate for anyone
3) What is being considered is raising the top rate from 35% to 39.6%
4) O'Reilly didn't quit during the Clinton years when the rate was 39.6%
5) His salary from Fox is $10 million and take home is about $6.5 million
6) He probably earns another $6.5 million from books and other interests

A Summary of all that is proof that he's a damned liar

Revelation 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Here is what he REALLY said:

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Would you pack it in drawing down ten million a year? They'll take O'Reilly out, toes up, with his boots still on

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