Fox News co-owner funded ‘Ground Zero mosque’ Imam


I'll take that as a concession.

Now explain why this matters.

Not a concession. We have people on this board calling the Imam a terrorist and radical. Yet they have no problem with the co-owner of Fox News giving money to this so called terrorist and radical. They also seemingly have no problem with him giving money to CAIR, a group that people on Fox News and members of USMB have called a terrorist organization.

I just see it as massive hypocrisy on their parts.

We have people on this board who think George Bush order the 9/11 attacks.

Why do you care?
We have people on this board who think George Bush order the 9/11 attacks.

Why do you care?

Perhaps the same reason why Divecon here spent many hours in the Conspiracy Theory subforum dealing with those morons.
So you created a thread for the "massive hypocrisy" of a few people on the board?



Good Job.....:thup:

I'll take that as a concession.

Now explain why this matters.

Not a concession. We have people on this board calling the Imam a terrorist and radical. Yet they have no problem with the co-owner of Fox News giving money to this so called terrorist and radical. They also seemingly have no problem with him giving money to CAIR, a group that people on Fox News and members of USMB have called a terrorist organization.

I just see it as massive hypocrisy on their parts.
come on man, "co-owner" ????

the guy has a 7% stake in news corp
that's small potatoes
We have people on this board who think George Bush order the 9/11 attacks.

Why do you care?

Perhaps the same reason why Divecon here spent many hours in the Conspiracy Theory subforum dealing with those morons.
oh man
thats a piss poor deflection

this thread is just another case of you looking for and finding bullshit stories about fox news
and you clearly dont care about the bias of your sources
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LOL Bert, you're ridiculous.

In one thread your bitching about the invisible men who want to legally prevent a mosque from being built, but in this thread you're bitching about a dude who owns a minority stake in a publicly owned company?

Are you serious? Hey I own stock in Wal Mart. Do you think they vetted me before I bought their stock? Do you think they should have?

Geez, even for you this is weak.
Here is some of the author, John Cook's other "journalistic" endeavors:
Credible sources please.

This guy is nothing but a political hack...not a journalist.

You need to be more diligent Robert.

Incorrect, yes Bert is as diligent as he wants to be.
Hmmm....... Saudis are the primary funding for Al Qaeda. Saudis are buying major shares in our corperations that control what we see as 'news'. The Supreme Court states that corperations, as individuals, can put whatever amount of money they wish into political campaigns.

Perhaps all you Conservatives should learn Arabic to please your new masters.:razz:
Hmmm....... Saudis are the primary funding for Al Qaeda. Saudis are buying major shares in our corperations that control what we see as 'news'. The Supreme Court states that corperations, as individuals, can put whatever amount of money they wish into political campaigns.

Perhaps all you Conservatives should learn Arabic to please your new masters.:razz:
proving you are an idiot once again
Hmmm....... Saudis are the primary funding for Al Qaeda. Saudis are buying major shares in our corperations that control what we see as 'news'. The Supreme Court states that corperations, as individuals, can put whatever amount of money they wish into political campaigns.

Perhaps all you Conservatives should learn Arabic to please your new masters.:razz:

Hmmm...Oldfart believes Rupert Murdoch has Mr. 7% on speed dial.

Perhaps he should pull his head out of his arid old ass.
I have to disagree with Modbert on this. I don't think its an issue.

The Prince is a well known investor - I believe he's the largest shareholder of Citigroup. He is enormously wealthy and owns large stakes in many companies. Like the rest of the Saudi royal family, he is active in giving to Islamic causes around the world. What News Corp does politically and which charities he supports are not connected.
I have to disagree with Modbert on this. I don't think its an issue.

The Prince is a well known investor - I believe he's the largest shareholder of Citigroup. He is enormously wealthy and owns large stakes in many companies. Like the rest of the Saudi royal family, he is active in giving to Islamic causes around the world. What News Corp does politically and which charities he supports are not connected.

Toro, my whole point with this thread is that people are calling the Imam a terrorist without any sort of proof. They also call CAIR a terrorist organization. I'm pointing out this person, who also happens to be part of the Saudi Royal Family, our ally, is donating money to these organizations. He just so happens to own a good chunk of Fox News.

I personally have no issue with this.

Of course, people got all angry that Fox News was brought up and went on the attack as you can see in this thread.
Fox News co-owner funded ‘Ground Zero mosque’ imam: report | Raw Story

The second largest shareholder in News Corp. -- the parent company of Fox News -- has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to causes linked to the imam planning to build a Muslim community center and mosque near Ground Zero in Manhattan, says a report from Yahoo!News.

According to the report from Yahoo!'s John Cook, Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, who owns seven percent of News Corp., "has directly funded [Imam Feisal Abdul] Rauf's projects to the tune of more than $300,000."

Cook reports that Prince Al-Waleed's personal charity, the Kingdom Foundation, donated $305,000 to Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow, a project sponsored by two of Rauf's initiatives, the American Society for Muslim Advancement and the Cordoba Initiative, which is building the Manhattan mosque.

Al-Waleed donated $500,000 to the Council on American-Islamic Relations — which has been repeatedly denounced on Fox News's air by Geller and others as a terror group — in 2002. Indeed, Rauf's "numerous ties to CAIR" alone have been cited by the mosque's opponents as a justification for imputing terrorist sympathies to him, yet few people seem to be asking whether Murdoch's extensive multi-billion business collaboration with the man who funds both Rauf and CAIR merits investigation or concern



You are employing a couple of the many pillars of Statism/Liberalism

And that would be Blame/Minimization/Obfuscation.

Your THREAD is hereby rendered DEAD.

As a matter of fact? The people don't CARE who supports it. They KNOW that it's intellectually *WRONG* And have stated such. So crawl BACK into your spiderhole and lick your wounds dipshit.


YOU ARE OWNED by this Board and the Conservatives within it.
Hmmm....... Saudis are the primary funding for Al Qaeda. Saudis are buying major shares in our corperations that control what we see as 'news'. The Supreme Court states that corperations, as individuals, can put whatever amount of money they wish into political campaigns.

Perhaps all you Conservatives should learn Arabic to please your new masters.:razz:

Hmmm...Oldfart believes Rupert Murdoch has Mr. 7% on speed dial.

Perhaps he should pull his head out of his arid old ass.

On the surface that sounds good, until you look at the business politics involved.

DC Bureau reports that Prince Alwaleed bin Talan, a nephew of the King of Saudi Arabia, "has personally donated huge amounts of money to the families of the Palestinian suicide bombers." He also released a statement after 9/11 blaming the attacks on the U.S.:
"not on the 15 airline hijackers from Saudi Arabia—but on the United States' support of Israel."

Mr. Murdoch seems to have made some sort of unsavory deal with the Prince bin Talan to help maintain control of the News Corp. Murdoch owns only 30% (actually, Murdoch's share is 37%, and with the Prince's share, that makes 43%) of the company. With the additional votes of bin Talan on his side he has much more security against a hostile takeover.

Fox News: 4th Largest Owner of Shares is Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal of Saudi Arabia: Will Big Oil Buy Our Next Election? - Associated Content -

Hey, look where Fox News puts Egypt.


Fox Plans Arabic News Channel | The Atlantic Wire


So the right wing says, "I'm sleepy, (yawn) what does this have to do with anything? We don't care who owns Fox news".

Only the right swears Fox news is the only "unbiased" network. Even after the prince BOASTED that he gets stories unfavorable to Muslims taken off the air.

So, in spite of those "elitist facts", the right wing has it's own set of "reality". And that's all there is to it.

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