FOX NEWS: DHS preparing for Martial Law?

Well, if faux news is right and some calamity is coming to the east coast then I'll just state that some of you purple people have earned a lot of whatever it might be.
DLS is a monster that Bush authorized and democrats expanded. It has the power (and the authorization under certain circumstances) to kill Americans without due cause and judicial review. The joke is that the incredible power of the DHS/CIA/FBI couldn't find a couple of Russian terrorists in Boston after the KGB gave them the freaking E-mail addresses. What does that tell you about the US federal bureaucracy?
Anything can happen when you train people to look to the government for handouts, then take the handouts away.

If riots ever happen, you can thank the Dimocrat party and liberals for it.
Ewww. . . even more fun, I just realized you can roll your mouse wheel and zoom in and out! lol
The government is spending 80M for riot prevention because they want to save 34M on food stamps?

I think more than anything they want to create an environment to further their agenda. Isn't what this is all about? Get as many people dependent on the govt; then pull the rug out from under them so you can easily declare martial law and suspend the Constitution?

America : DHS preparing for possible Riots / Martial Law on Nov 1st over Food Stamps (Oct 23, 2013) - YouTube

That and FEMA camps.
The government is spending 80M for riot prevention because they want to save 34M on food stamps?

I think more than anything they want to create an environment to further their agenda. Isn't what this is all about? Get as many people dependent on the govt; then pull the rug out from under them so you can easily declare martial law and suspend the Constitution?

Of course they are preparing for martial law. But they have been for the past decade. The Office of the President has passed Executive Order after the next to make it seemless and easy.

Likewise, anyone that has paid attention in their own local community would have seen the preparations. I believe they have been going on, but I cannot say when it started.

In my own local community, when I see barbed wire fence, I pay special attention to which way it is facing. Most people just don't pay attention to these things. Let me give you an example. Around the Airport or the Chemical plant, or even the local Junkyard, the barb wire fence looks like this. . .


See how it is angled out? Now, at the State prison around forty miles from here, and at the fence around the county lock up, the barbed wire looks like this, this is a view from the inside of Alcatraz. . .


So basically, as you can see, the angling of the fence is in the direction toward how the people constructing the fence believe people are going to climb it.

Now here is the strange thing, there is barbed wire fence around the Water treatment facility in my town, as well as the Water District posts through out the county, the area where they do paper work, keep track of the water bills for the smaller communities and there are building inside these government areas. But, if they had the barbed wire fences around these enclosures to keep people out, perhaps to keep terrorists from poisoning the water (which is laughable in a city this size,) or to keep thieves from stealing equipment or funds, it would be facing outward. It's not. At all of these installations it is facing inward.

Likewise, I noticed the depot for the buses and the head administrative offices for the public schools in this county has inward facing barbed wire too. I first noticed it because I was curious as to why school buses and school administrative offices needed to have barb wire around them. The fifteen foot tall fence? Sure. Barb wire? Strange. But inward facing barbed wire?

So, I have largely not said anything to anyone about my observations. I just chalk it up to local government incompetence.

The other day however, I was looking up some sort of proof that not all parts in the Metro Detroit area are bad. I came across a video that shows the stark contrast of driving from Detroit To Grosse Pointe. You will notice at the very beginning of this video, on the right hand side, the inward angling of the barb wire around what ever that facility is. I have no idea what it is, but to my knowledge, there is no correctional facility there. I have family that live in the Gross Point Area, and they certainly would have mentioned a facility of that size.

[ame=]Detroit To Grosse Pointe - YouTube[/ame]

Apparently, people in my county aren't the only ones that don't know how to put barbed wire facing the right direction. Or else there is another explanation.

This is pretty common now, don't take my word for it. You should check out your own community. See if the private businesses that have the barb wire have it facing in the right direction, outward. Then see if government facilities that you might not think would need barb wire, have it. Look closely to see which way it is angled. Is it angled in toward the government installation?

If you find this to be the case, maybe then you will have a good idea where disorderly people that want to riot or take up arms will be taken in your town too!
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So, I have largely not said anything to anyone about my observations. I just chalk it up to local government incompetence.

The other day however, I was looking up some sort of proof that not all parts in the Metro Detroit area are bad. I came across a video that shows the stark contrast of driving from Detroit To Grosse Pointe. You will notice at the very beginning of this video, on the right hand side, the inward angling of the barb wire around what ever that facility is. I have no idea what it is, but to my knowledge, there is no correctional facility there. I have family that live in the Gross Point Area, and they certainly would have mentioned a facility of that size.

Detroit To Grosse Pointe - YouTube

Apparently, people in my county aren't the only ones that don't know how to put barbed wire facing the right direction. Or else there is another explanation.

I know that part of town very well, that facility in the beginning of the video is a water pumping station on Jefferson Ave. If you noticed, the pumping station wasn't the only place where there was barbed wire and all of the barbed wire was inward pointing. The reason for this is because you can't have outward facing barbed wire in Detroit if it's going to overhang public property. Since the fences were right next to sidewalks it would have been illegal to face the wire outward, away from the facility.
So, I have largely not said anything to anyone about my observations. I just chalk it up to local government incompetence.

The other day however, I was looking up some sort of proof that not all parts in the Metro Detroit area are bad. I came across a video that shows the stark contrast of driving from Detroit To Grosse Pointe. You will notice at the very beginning of this video, on the right hand side, the inward angling of the barb wire around what ever that facility is. I have no idea what it is, but to my knowledge, there is no correctional facility there. I have family that live in the Gross Point Area, and they certainly would have mentioned a facility of that size.

Detroit To Grosse Pointe - YouTube

Apparently, people in my county aren't the only ones that don't know how to put barbed wire facing the right direction. Or else there is another explanation.

I know that part of town very well, that facility in the beginning of the video is a water pumping station on Jefferson Ave. If you noticed, the pumping station wasn't the only place where there was barbed wire and all of the barbed wire was inward pointing. The reason for this is because you can't have outward facing barbed wire in Detroit if it's going to overhang public property. Since the fences were right next to sidewalks it would have been illegal to face the wire outward, away from the facility.

Hey, appreciate that!
You're right, our Government is paranoid, why did they waste so much money preparing for this Riot?
They didn't, that is what is so funny about your stupid thread.

Follow the links in whatever fear-mongering website you favor to the source, and read the actual DHS solicitation. It is for security guards for fed buildings in upstate New York. All you chicken-littles just ate it up, too stupid to do your own research. Anyone who blindly believed the government could put start putting working on a contract in late October for something happening on Nov 1 is just plan dumb.
In case anyone is curious, one of said fear-mongering sites has link to source here:
» Homeland Security Spends $80 Million On Armed Guards for ?Civil Disturbances? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Which links to the 80 million dollar DHS solicitation here:

Which says it is for security guards at fed buildings in upstate New York :
The Federal Protective Service (FPS) is conducting Market Research to locate qualified, experienced, and interested potential Small Business Sources capable of providing Protective Security Officers (PSO) Services throughout Upstate New York.

This acquisition is for approximately 380,000 hours of Basic Service, 20,000 hours of Temporary Additional Services and 3,500 hours of Emergency Security Services per year. Currently, there are an estimated 205 guards protecting approximately 95 posts at over 55 buildings. The estimated value of this Contract is between $75M and $80M.

and the beauty of it is it is just a solicitation for market research, they aren't even accepting bids:
This Sources Sought Notice is issued for informational and planning purposes only. This is not a Request for Proposal, a Request for Quotation, or an Invitation for Bid. It is not to be construed as a commitment by the Government to issue a Solicitation or ultimately award a Contract for the items contained in the Sources Sought. In addition, the Government is under no obligation to pay for information submitted in response to this Sources Sought, and responses to this notice cannot be accepted as offers.

The government is spending 80M for riot prevention because they want to save 34M on food stamps?

I think more than anything they want to create an environment to further their agenda. Isn't what this is all about? Get as many people dependent on the govt; then pull the rug out from under them so you can easily declare martial law and suspend the Constitution?

America : DHS preparing for possible Riots / Martial Law on Nov 1st over Food Stamps (Oct 23, 2013) - YouTube

The sky is falling. Run for cover.
The government is spending 80M for riot prevention because they want to save 34M on food stamps?

I think more than anything they want to create an environment to further their agenda. Isn't what this is all about? Get as many people dependent on the govt; then pull the rug out from under them so you can easily declare martial law and suspend the Constitution?

America : DHS preparing for possible Riots / Martial Law on Nov 1st over Food Stamps (Oct 23, 2013) - YouTube

Holy shirt 2A, you're easily led.

Fox Noise has been running Chicken Little chyrons and stories since they plugged in in 1996. Perhaps you're just now noticing.

Gullible's Travels....
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So what are you going to do when this turns out to be bullshit, just like all of the other claims of "martial law" that Alex Jones has made, and you have faithfully repeated?

Of course, you're going to figure out a way to blame "the Government" for being so easily manipulated. I should have guessed.

Why is our Government so paranoid about a Riot that never happened? Why did they spend so much money on it?

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