Fox News Failing America On Covid 19!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Fox News top management and some Fox producers are lousy Americans and clearly don't love America the way people in their roles should! For several days now one of Fox's premier shows the Laura Ingraham show has been promulgating this narrative that the science supporting the belief that wearing facial masks has efficacy in stopping the spread of Covid 19 is weak at best and even that causation connection is a charitable assessment. Ms. Ingraham based it on some news piece she did earlier this week which reported that there was a recent study that found for asymptomatic carriers of Covid 19, people that tested positive for the disease, scientists were unable to detect the virus in the air when these carriers were placed in a confined room for a significant period of time. What Ms. Ingraham is trying to do here is too validate those many Americans that reject wearing face masks as an infringement of their freedom the public safety value they believe is either unnecessary or they just don't care; in other words, Ms. Ingraham is just pandering to a big block of the political right wing combating this extreme health care crisis appears to be of no concern to this Fox News host.

This whole line of reasoning of Ms. Ingraham is garbage it should not be promulgated, and Fox News management should lay down the law to her to cut it out because she is jeopardizing public safety with this nonsense claim about the science behind masks. Common sense clearly undermines Ms. Ingraham's reasoning. The public knows that the way human testing for Covid 19 is done is thru taking a sample from either the back of one's nasal passage or a sample of their saliva and so common sense would indicate if the virus could be in either of these locations that it could be aerosolized from these locations. This is unbelievably unpatriotic this agenda here Fox news management is helping to orchestrate or acquiescing in. Experts are telling us that from the beginning of July to November 1, forty-five thousand lives could be saved in America if only ninety-five percent of American's would wear masks. America and her leaders have bungled the response to Covid 19 America should have been seeing the pandemic under control in America by this time unfortunately what we're seeing in some counties in America is that their hospital systems are overwhelmed with patients suffering from the disease. On the economic front because of the struggling re-opening of the economy due to the disease not being under control many additional small businesses will go out of business, they cannot endure the loss of revenue from this fluctuation, if there was steady and increasing progress in the economy they would have survived; and in the debt markets lenders are bracing for major losses because of the swoosh curved economic recovery!

Fox news is really out of line here there is plenty of areas related to Covid 19 where Fox news could seriously criticize the Democrats but not on mask wearing. Heck many big chain retailers are scrapping the follow the local rule policy and just instituting an across the chain policy "customers have to wear masks"; just today the Business Roundtable the prestigious organization of CEOs called for all businesses to mandate the wearing of facial mask - these leaders recognize that this disease is not under control in America and this is having a serious negative economic impact for America and this policy will make a difference for good on this issue! There is plenty of areas where Fox could legitimately criticize Democrats and that should be their focus. Fox News could focus on Democrats unrestrained three trillion dollar Covid 19 releief bill, they need to face the truth about these Coronavirus relief bills Americans living today won't be paying these bills, in 2021 even assuming the Democrats get control of all the reins of power in Washington and tax the Rich and Corporations to the max they will be spending this additional revenue on needed expenditures, future generations of Americans will be paying these Covid 19 relief bills so it is incumbent on elected officials to hold the price tag of these relief bills as low as possible.

Democrats are wrong with many of their leaders making an at best half-hearted effort to re-open schools this fall. Education is the great equalizer in America, meaning in part, a poor kid in America can become a prosperous adult in America thru education; on-line education for many children isn't getting it done they aren't being educated. Not opening schools will result in many children falling significantly and irreversibly behind in terms of education and others instead of pursuing the path of education in their life pursuing the path of trouble and crime and end up irredeemably lost. Keep in mind really the length of time of this challenge is for two semesters the Fall of 2020 and the Spring of 2021 by the end of that time the development unfolding today seem to lead to the conclusion we will have a wide spread vaccine by the second half of 2021. The essence of the "school opening" challenge is that we need schools not to be super spreaders of the covid 19 virus we know some kids coming to school will have the disease we just need these children carriers not to decimate their communities by spreading the disease to high numbers of their classmates. To achieve this we need to dramatically reduce the number of kids in classrooms and on buses, places the disease could spread, so we need more teachers or teaching assistants to staff classrooms maybe get outside groups and organizations to donate their facilities for classrooms maybe make school classes three days a week and even hold classes on Saturday. To fill the need for teachers and/or teaching assistants why don't we allow school systems to pay willing participants on the unemployment rolls a modest but incentive amount like $50 or $60 per day and say this income to these unemployed does not affect their unemployment compensation claims; it is not like America is going to be able to generate decent jobs for the vast majority of these unemployed until the latter part of next year; even some Federal Reserve Board members who as a group are historically tough to pin down on predictions of future economic statistics are predicting the unemployment rate to be ten percent at the end of this year!

Fox News could be criticizing the Democrats about their waving around the bad statistics on the Covid 19 outbreak as it relates to the truly screwed up counting system in America. You don't count the same person multiple times for each of his or her positive tests; that is not honest! Why doesn't the CDC or whoever does the counting for the Federal government require the reporting source to give the last four digits of the social security number and the month and day of the date of birth for each person testing positive and the CDC can check new reports against their records and see if any prior person tested positive and counted has the same SS# and DOB# as the new reports and if they do assume it is the same person and not count the new positive test as a new person that caught the disease. Furthermore, what's up with these labs having an eighty and some even one-hundred percent positive result finding where is the regulators and audits these high results don't pass the "it smells legitimate" test. Bogus testing just feeds into this mentality in the country that America really doesn't need that this whole pandemic issue is just a conspiracy to make money for the pharmaceutical industry or to facilitate Washington politicians spending lots of money to help their constituents, so there is no need for the American people to cooperate in fighting this disease to help America get past this awful crisis!
Fox News top management and some Fox producers are lousy Americans and clearly don't love America the way people in their roles should! For several days now one of Fox's premier shows the Laura Ingraham show has been promulgating this narrative that the science supporting the belief that wearing facial masks has efficacy in stopping the spread of Covid 19 is weak at best and even that causation connection is a charitable assessment. Ms. Ingraham based it on some news piece she did earlier this week which reported that there was a recent study that found for asymptomatic carriers of Covid 19, people that tested positive for the disease, scientists were unable to detect the virus in the air when these carriers were placed in a confined room for a significant period of time. What Ms. Ingraham is trying to do here is too validate those many Americans that reject wearing face masks as an infringement of their freedom the public safety value they believe is either unnecessary or they just don't care; in other words, Ms. Ingraham is just pandering to a big block of the political right wing combating this extreme health care crisis appears to be of no concern to this Fox News host.

This whole line of reasoning of Ms. Ingraham is garbage it should not be promulgated, and Fox News management should lay down the law to her to cut it out because she is jeopardizing public safety with this nonsense claim about the science behind masks. Common sense clearly undermines Ms. Ingraham's reasoning. The public knows that the way human testing for Covid 19 is done is thru taking a sample from either the back of one's nasal passage or a sample of their saliva and so common sense would indicate if the virus could be in either of these locations that it could be aerosolized from these locations. This is unbelievably unpatriotic this agenda here Fox news management is helping to orchestrate or acquiescing in. Experts are telling us that from the beginning of July to November 1, forty-five thousand lives could be saved in America if only ninety-five percent of American's would wear masks. America and her leaders have bungled the response to Covid 19 America should have been seeing the pandemic under control in America by this time unfortunately what we're seeing in some counties in America is that their hospital systems are overwhelmed with patients suffering from the disease. On the economic front because of the struggling re-opening of the economy due to the disease not being under control many additional small businesses will go out of business, they cannot endure the loss of revenue from this fluctuation, if there was steady and increasing progress in the economy they would have survived; and in the debt markets lenders are bracing for major losses because of the swoosh curved economic recovery!

Fox news is really out of line here there is plenty of areas related to Covid 19 where Fox news could seriously criticize the Democrats but not on mask wearing. Heck many big chain retailers are scrapping the follow the local rule policy and just instituting an across the chain policy "customers have to wear masks"; just today the Business Roundtable the prestigious organization of CEOs called for all businesses to mandate the wearing of facial mask - these leaders recognize that this disease is not under control in America and this is having a serious negative economic impact for America and this policy will make a difference for good on this issue! There is plenty of areas where Fox could legitimately criticize Democrats and that should be their focus. Fox News could focus on Democrats unrestrained three trillion dollar Covid 19 releief bill, they need to face the truth about these Coronavirus relief bills Americans living today won't be paying these bills, in 2021 even assuming the Democrats get control of all the reins of power in Washington and tax the Rich and Corporations to the max they will be spending this additional revenue on needed expenditures, future generations of Americans will be paying these Covid 19 relief bills so it is incumbent on elected officials to hold the price tag of these relief bills as low as possible.

Democrats are wrong with many of their leaders making an at best half-hearted effort to re-open schools this fall. Education is the great equalizer in America, meaning in part, a poor kid in America can become a prosperous adult in America thru education; on-line education for many children isn't getting it done they aren't being educated. Not opening schools will result in many children falling significantly and irreversibly behind in terms of education and others instead of pursuing the path of education in their life pursuing the path of trouble and crime and end up irredeemably lost. Keep in mind really the length of time of this challenge is for two semesters the Fall of 2020 and the Spring of 2021 by the end of that time the development unfolding today seem to lead to the conclusion we will have a wide spread vaccine by the second half of 2021. The essence of the "school opening" challenge is that we need schools not to be super spreaders of the covid 19 virus we know some kids coming to school will have the disease we just need these children carriers not to decimate their communities by spreading the disease to high numbers of their classmates. To achieve this we need to dramatically reduce the number of kids in classrooms and on buses, places the disease could spread, so we need more teachers or teaching assistants to staff classrooms maybe get outside groups and organizations to donate their facilities for classrooms maybe make school classes three days a week and even hold classes on Saturday. To fill the need for teachers and/or teaching assistants why don't we allow school systems to pay willing participants on the unemployment rolls a modest but incentive amount like $50 or $60 per day and say this income to these unemployed does not affect their unemployment compensation claims; it is not like America is going to be able to generate decent jobs for the vast majority of these unemployed until the latter part of next year; even some Federal Reserve Board members who as a group are historically tough to pin down on predictions of future economic statistics are predicting the unemployment rate to be ten percent at the end of this year!

Fox News could be criticizing the Democrats about their waving around the bad statistics on the Covid 19 outbreak as it relates to the truly screwed up counting system in America. You don't count the same person multiple times for each of his or her positive tests; that is not honest! Why doesn't the CDC or whoever does the counting for the Federal government require the reporting source to give the last four digits of the social security number and the month and day of the date of birth for each person testing positive and the CDC can check new reports against their records and see if any prior person tested positive and counted has the same SS# and DOB# as the new reports and if they do assume it is the same person and not count the new positive test as a new person that caught the disease. Furthermore, what's up with these labs having an eighty and some even one-hundred percent positive result finding where is the regulators and audits these high results don't pass the "it smells legitimate" test. Bogus testing just feeds into this mentality in the country that America really doesn't need that this whole pandemic issue is just a conspiracy to make money for the pharmaceutical industry or to facilitate Washington politicians spending lots of money to help their constituents, so there is no need for the American people to cooperate in fighting this disease to help America get past this awful crisis!
Just wait till a vaccine appears. If it doesn't work as it's supposed to, or the anti-vaccine nuts refuse it.
FoxNews is slowly turning to comply with it's Far Left Owners
Notice the constant patronage of Hollywood at the bottom of every page. Liberal Rag BS
The ONLY reason they don't go full Left tard immediately is because the Right made FoxNews highly profitable and they are scared to lose that.

FoxNews new ownership spits on the Right......but they Luuuuuuuuuvvvvv their $$$$

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