Remember John Edwards?

How would his wife not find out if he listed it as a payoff to a prostitute?
Ha, ha, ha...

His wife looks at his business records? :auiqs.jpg:

Good lawd! Why would he even have to list anything. He's always saying he has loads of cash -- and he has all that campaign money he misspends.

Pecker, Cohen and others along with records show why and how. Jury convicted on the evidence
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I should have put “error” in quotes

Of course trump was hiding his payoff to a prostitute

Then why not just admit that?

Instead, he insisted he didn't, which is why no one believed anything else he had to say.

Although I'm sure sleeping through the trial and snarling at the judge didn't help him with the jury, either.
Actually, Trump was his own worst enemy at that trial.

All he needed to do was win over one juror. He could have done that by being honest about the affair, saying he was trying to save himself embarrassment, but it was an honest book keeping error.
Trump is always his own worst enemy - except for libs who truly hate him
Trump is always his own worst enemy - except for libs who truly hate him
People with a sense of decency who know right from wrong truly hate him. I hated him before he incited a deadly riot in an attempt to steal the Presidency. Why wait when you already know what a scumbag he is?
People with a sense of decency who know right from wrong truly hate him. I hated him before he incited a deadly riot in an attempt to steal the Presidency. Why wait when you already know what a scumbag he is?
Ain't no time for hate.
Oh oh what I want to know, where did your brain go?
Actually, Trump was his own worst enemy at that trial.

All he needed to do was win over one juror. He could have done that by being honest about the affair, saying he was trying to save himself embarrassment, but it was an honest book keeping error.
The percentage of people who would not become aligned in a national emergency is huge now. We is done in that way with Joe and the gang.
Trump is always his own worst enemy - except for libs who truly hate him

Nope. Trump's inabiity to not grift, to control his ego, and to be generally petty is his worst enemy.

To give you an example. one of the things that came out of the trial was that Trump paid $50,000 to a company called Red Finch to rig the results of an online poll to name Trump the greatest businessman of all time. It was a completely meaningless poll, but Trump hired this company to cast a bunch of fake votes. Even their fakery didn't do much good, and Trump only came in 9th in that poll. Cohen pocketed about half of the $50K, and Trump's lawyers really thought they had him then!!!!

Except... the question was out there, what kind of guy pisses away $50,000 (more than some of those jurors make in a year) to rig an online poll?

Same thing with putting Costello on the stand. Trump's lawyers didn't want to call him. when he got on the stand, he snarled and sighed and gave the judge dirty looks. But then it got better, because he denied working for Trump, until the prosecutors produced a bunch of emails showing he was doing Trump's bidding to keep Cohen in line.
People with a sense of decency who know right from wrong truly hate him.
That eliminates most liberals, who cant define what a woman is and/or want to admit millions of illegal aliens through open borders with mexico
Trump's inabiity to not grift, to control his ego, and to be generally petty is his worst enemy.
No argument there

If trump was a shrewd professional politician he would have allied himself with the elected washington swamp and the unelected Deep State instead of the ordinary people

But he didnt

and now all his personal flaws and his previous life as a libertine come back to haunt him

Now all he has are the little people like the MAGAs

And all we have to fight for us is trump
No argument there

If trump was a shrewd professional politician he would have allied himself with the elected washington swamp and the unelected Deep State instead of the ordinary people

But he didnt

and now all his personal flaws and his previous life as a libertine come back to haunt him

Now all he has are the little people like the MAGAs

And all we have to fight for us is trump
Oh, bullshit, guy.

Trump doesn't give a fuck about you, and never did. He just sees you as another sucker he can grift.

But he appeals to your racism, homophobia and misogyny, so you are all for him.
I love that Edwards begged his wife for forgiveness for impregnating his mistress while his wife was dying of cancer.


Media covered up the story because the media are activists for Democrats. They are not NEWS.

Covered it up? I think everyone knew.

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