Remember John Edwards?

Hey remember when John Edwards used campaign funds to hide an extra-marital affair with Reille Hunter?

Republicans were fine with prosecuting him for it.

On June 3, 2011, Edwards was indicted by a North Carolina grand jury on six felony charges. He faced a maximum sentence of thirty years in prison and a $1.5 million fine, or a USD250,000 fine and/or five years imprisonment per charge.[108] The indictment came after the failure of intensive negotiations for a plea bargain. The agreement would have meant that Edwards would have been required to plead guilty to three misdemeanor campaign finance law violations, in addition to a six-month prison sentence, but would have allowed Edwards to keep his law license.[109]

After delays, due to Edwards' medical condition, jury selection for the trial began on April 12, 2012. Opening statements began on April 23.[110] A verdict (not guilty on one count and a mistrial on the remaining five) to the trial was reached on May 31, 2012.

So were most Democrats, actually.

It seems to me that if hiding an affair from your cancer-stricken wife is bad, so is hiding an affair from your pregnant wife.
Now if we could just go after Bill Clinton's numerous violations and under-the-table payoffs (hush money). But I'm sure Biden's & Obama's corrupt Injustice Department wouldn't even consider it.
More dead on Tater's watch.

GDP growth the last two quarters of Trump's term avg 19.6%. Then Tater took office and screwed it up with Bidenflation.

Tater will likely end up adding more to the debt without a pandemic, Simp.

GDP up 33.4% in the third quarter of 2020.

GDP up 4.3% in the fourth quarter of 2020.

GDP up 5.2% in the first quarter of 2021.

I dont know what you are trying to say

Trump responded as well as can be expected with a couple of damn fools like Dr Fauci and the Scarf Lady advising him

Covid treatment was basically a local issue that mayors snd governors were unprepared for

Fauci, all lies.

A billing statement should show work done.

Work wasn't done. It was a payoff.

This has been litigated, you guys lost.
Cohen’s didn’t.

It was litigated in a show trial which will not survive appeal.

I didn’t lose a thing.
GDP up 33.4% in the third quarter of 2020.

GDP up 4.3% in the fourth quarter of 2020.

You leave out that it went down 5.5% in Q1 (when there were few cases of Covid in the US) and -34% in Q2. The total change in GDP for 2020 was -2.8% - Its worst annual performance since the Great Depression. (Even the Great Recession only hit an annual dip of -2.6)

GDP up 5.2% in the first quarter of 2021.
Yes, thank you President Biden, who was president for most of that and took vital action to revive the economy.

Trump made Whitmer and Cuomo put sick people in nursing homes. DURR
Where else were you going to put them? The hospitals were full.
Uh, Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars investigating the Clintons and the only thing he could prove is he lied about getting a blow job.
Proof that Swamp Creatures have been scratching each other's backs for a long time.
We have a CDC, a NAIAD, etc to deal with EXACTLY these kinds of national emergencies.
Those are glorified think tanks. And ours was cursed with an old fool named Fauci advising tje president

The feds arent responsible for treatment at local hospitals

That was the local democrat mayors and governors responsibility with some federal assistance
You leave out that it went down 5.5% in Q1 (when there were few cases of Covid in the US) and -34% in Q2. The total change in GDP for 2020 was -2.8% - Its worst annual performance since the Great Depression. (Even the Great Recession only hit an annual dip of -2.6)

Yes, thank you President Biden, who was president for most of that and took vital action to revive the economy.

Where else were you going to put them? The hospitals were full.

The total change in GDP for 2020 was -2.8% - Its worst annual performance since the Great Depression. (Even the Great Recession only hit an annual dip of -2.6)


Where else were you going to put them?

Nowhere near old people with weakened immune systems.
Proof that Swamp Creatures have been scratching each other's backs for a long time.
Or that he just really couldn't find anything.

Ken Starr hated the Clintons. He'd have gleefully implicated them if he had the goods. But five years and 70 million spent, and all he came up with was the Beej,

Those are glorified think tanks. And ours was cursed with an old fool named Fauci advising tje president

The feds arent responsible for treatment at local hospitals

That was the local democrat mayors and governors responsibility with some federal assistance

Um, no, CDC and NAIAD are more than think tanks. You really need to educate yourself.

So your defense of Convicted Felon Trump is "Not my Job, man!"

"Not my Job" will get you fired in most places. Even if it wasn't your job, you needed to work with the people's whose job it was.

So Convicted Felon Trump didn't do his job and got fired.
Ken Starr hated the Clintons. He'd have gleefully implicated them if he had the goods. But five years and 70 million spent, and all he came up with was the Beej,
Totally untrue. Ken Starr was the 2nd to have this task. Starr was a respected judge. The house charged Clinton with obstruction of justice and perjury. Nothing to do with those beejs you say.

The House adopted two articles of impeachment against Clinton, with the specific charges against Clinton being lying under oath and obstruction of justice. Two other articles had been considered but were rejected by the House vote.
See, you are avoiding the question.

The Hospitals were full.
Their families, for the most part didn't want them and couldn't care for them, that's why Nana was in the nursing home to start with.

So where do you put these old folks with Covid?

You don't put COVID patients with old people.
Or if you do, be honest and blame Whitmer and Cuomo for the
dead seniors, not Trump.

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