Remember John Edwards?

JoeB131 is lying again.

If Cuomo had a brain, which we know he doesn't because he is a Dimwinger, he would have sent normal hospital patients to this ship to free up space for Fauci Flu patients, instead of sending them to nursing homes to spread death.

The Comfort’s 1,000 beds and 12 operating rooms will largely be used for non-coronavirus patients, freeing up much-needed space at the city’s overtaxed hospitals.

Or sent them to the largest hospital in NYC, built by Trump.

With the Army's help, the temporary field hospital at New York City's Javits Convention Center could be able to house 2,910 beds, making it one of the largest hospitals in America. Established in record time, the temporary hospital is an example of the surge of federal and military resources into New York to help with the novel coronavirus pandemic, including the Army Corps of Engineers, two Army field hospitals, and the Navy’s hospital ship the USNS Comfort.

:crickets: from JoeB131

Ken Starr threatened to throw Monica Lewinsky's mom in jail to get the story he wanted. He threw another lady in jail, Julie Hyatt Steele for not confirming the lies of Kathleen Willey. He threw Susan McDougal in prison for not implicating Clinton. Now, the people investigating Trump haven't done ANYTHING like this.

What makes Ken Starr even MORE a piece of shit was that when he quit (dumping this pile of manure on Charles Ray to clean up) he went on to run Baylor University and actively covered up rapes by athletes of coeds.

Human Garbage = Ken Starr

Except they weren't frivolous. PEOPLE FUCKING DIED because of January 6th. That's not frivolous. No one died because Clinton got a blow job.

Except Ken Starr concluded it was a suicide, as had Robert Fiske.

Cuomo was being too polite. Here's why that ship was fucking worthless. It's a combat hospital. It's design is to sit off shore and have battlefield casualties evacuated to it, stabilize them, and then ship them off to military hospitals in the rear.

it is NOT designed to contain patients with infectious diseases.
Well there is so much mess in this toilet. And you must be proud you made it a toilet.
Ken Starr threatened to throw Monica Lewinsky's mom in jail to get the story he wanted. He threw another lady in jail, Julie Hyatt Steele for not confirming the lies of Kathleen Willey. He threw Susan McDougal in prison for not implicating Clinton. Now, the people investigating Trump haven't done ANYTHING like this.

What makes Ken Starr even MORE a piece of shit was that when he quit (dumping this pile of manure on Charles Ray to clean up) he went on to run Baylor University and actively covered up rapes by athletes of coeds.

Human Garbage = Ken Starr

Except they weren't frivolous. PEOPLE FUCKING DIED because of January 6th. That's not frivolous. No one died because Clinton got a blow job.

Except Ken Starr concluded it was a suicide, as had Robert Fiske.

Cuomo was being too polite. Here's why that ship was fucking worthless. It's a combat hospital. It's design is to sit off shore and have battlefield casualties evacuated to it, stabilize them, and then ship them off to military hospitals in the rear.

it is NOT designed to contain patients with infectious diseases.
Design is not the problem. The story of the ship follows. It was there to handle non infected patients all along. It was not there to handle covid patients.

Under the direction of U.S. Northern Command, two U.S. Navy Hospital Ships are providing support to U.S. hospitals for the whole-of-America response for COVID-19.

The USNS Comfort arrived in New York Harbor March 30, 2020, while the USNS Mercy arrived in Los Angeles March 27. Both ships can provide approximately 1,000 beds for urgent care patients not infected with the virus, relieving pressure on local hospital systems. This allows shore based hospitals to focus their efforts on COVID-19 cases.

One of the Department of Defense’s missions is Defense Support of Civil Authorities. DoD is supporting the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the lead federal agency, as well as state, local and public health authorities in helping protect the health and safety of the American people.
Well there is so much mess in this toilet. And you must be proud you made it a toilet.
Your concession is duly noted.

Mormons are shit, they should be right at home in a toilet.

Design is not the problem. The story of the ship follows. It was there to handle non infected patients all along. It was not there to handle covid patients.

So in other words, it was a useless publicity stunt by a Reality TV Rodeo Clown.

The problem with sending non-infected patients there was that no doctor in his right mind is going to face the potential malpractice suits of transferring one of his patients from a hospital to a leaky, drafty ship to be treated by an E-4 with eight weeks of medical training.

That's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Which is why the ship remained empty.

On Thursday, though, the huge white vessel, which officials had promised would bring succor to a city on the brink, sat mostly empty, infuriating executives at local hospitals. The ship’s 1,000 beds are largely unused, its 1,200-member crew mostly idle.

Only 20 patients had been transferred to the ship, officials said, even as New York hospitals struggled to find space for the thousands infected with the coronavirus. Another Navy hospital ship, the U.S.N.S. Mercy, docked in Los Angeles, has had a total of 15 patients, officials said.

“If I’m blunt about it, it’s a joke,” said Michael Dowling, the head of Northwell Health, New York’s largest hospital system. “Everyone can say, ‘Thank you for putting up these wonderful places and opening up these cavernous halls.’ But we’re in a crisis here, we’re in a battlefield.”

But the reality has been different. A tangle of military protocols and bureaucratic hurdles has prevented the Comfort from accepting many patients at all.

On top of its strict rules preventing people infected with the virus from coming on board, the Navy is also refusing to treat a host of other conditions. Guidelines disseminated to hospitals included a list of 49 medical conditions that would exclude a patient from admittance to the ship.

Ambulances cannot take patients directly to the Comfort; they must first deliver patients to a city hospital for a lengthy evaluation — including a test for the virus — and then pick them up again for transport to the ship.
Your concession is duly noted.

Mormons are shit, they should be right at home in a toilet.

So in other words, it was a useless publicity stunt by a Reality TV Rodeo Clown.

The problem with sending non-infected patients there was that no doctor in his right mind is going to face the potential malpractice suits of transferring one of his patients from a hospital to a leaky, drafty ship to be treated by an E-4 with eight weeks of medical training.

That's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Which is why the ship remained empty.
You have to be the most stupid man in business i have encountered. How the hell do you get business with such a shitty demeanor? There was no concession offered unless you conceded. For you to attack the Church pisses me off. The Church does not type words on this forum. So i take it as another of your personal shitty attacks.
You would not talk that was about that ship were you willing to confront the truth. It was there to backstop hospitals. And you piss all over the Navy EM on the ship for some stupid reason. I do not believe the navy is as terrible as you claim. I spent 2 weeks in an Army hospital due to having the flu. They gave me appropriate treatment and I would not piss on those men at the hospital as you do against a navy hospital.
You have to be the most stupid man in business i have encountered. How the hell do you get business with such a shitty demeanor? There was no concession offered unless you conceded. For you to attack the Church pisses me off. The Church does not type words on this forum. So i take it as another of your personal shitty attacks.
My demeanor is wonderful when I'm doing business. It's less so when I deal with deranged cultists.

Your Church was started by a kiddy-diddling con artist.

You would not talk that was about that ship were you willing to confront the truth. It was there to backstop hospitals. And you piss all over the Navy EM on the ship for some stupid reason.

Naw, guy, I just point out that a Medic doesn't have the skills to deal with cancer patients or heart conditions or other chronic diseases, which is why no one was keen to send Nana there because they needed her room for a Covid patient.

It was a publicity stunt, not a policy.

I do not believe the navy is as terrible as you claim. I spent 2 weeks in an Army hospital due to having the flu.
I spent time in Navy and Army hospitals during my time in service, but here's why they work just fine.

Most of the people they deal with are already in prime physical condition. They are not set up to deal with a national pandemic that effects people who are already old or in bad health.
They gave me appropriate treatment and I would not piss on those men at the hospital as you do against a navy hospital.

It's hardly pissing on them to point out that they lack the skills for the task at hand. I was a Supply NCO when I was in. I was pretty darned good at filing paperwork and doing procurement. I wasn't up to the task of negotiating national contracts. That's a skill that requires a lot more training and experience.
Hey remember when John Edwards used campaign funds to hide an extra-marital affair with Reille Hunter?

Republicans were fine with prosecuting him for it.

On June 3, 2011, Edwards was indicted by a North Carolina grand jury on six felony charges. He faced a maximum sentence of thirty years in prison and a $1.5 million fine, or a USD250,000 fine and/or five years imprisonment per charge.[108] The indictment came after the failure of intensive negotiations for a plea bargain. The agreement would have meant that Edwards would have been required to plead guilty to three misdemeanor campaign finance law violations, in addition to a six-month prison sentence, but would have allowed Edwards to keep his law license.[109]

After delays, due to Edwards' medical condition, jury selection for the trial began on April 12, 2012. Opening statements began on April 23.[110] A verdict (not guilty on one count and a mistrial on the remaining five) to the trial was reached on May 31, 2012.

So were most Democrats, actually.

It seems to me that if hiding an affair from your cancer-stricken wife is bad, so is hiding an affair from your pregnant wife.
The Republican Party no longer exists.

It is long gone.
This is false. The payments came from wealthy supporters of Edwards, and were not campaign money.

But, the allegations are that the payments were in support of his campaign so they were legally required to be done through the campaign funds.

Just like Michael Cohen's payments to Stormy Daniels.
/——-/ This should be investigated.
/——-/ For doing what Trump was charged with and doing so with taxpayer money.
That doesn’t make any sense. This isn’t anything similar. These are settlements for workplace issues like sexual harassment and pay disputes. These are legal actions brought by employees against their employer.

Trump was just paying women to not talk about him so it wouldn’t hurt his campaign.
That doesn’t make any sense. This isn’t anything similar. These are settlements for workplace issues like sexual harassment and pay disputes. These are legal actions brought by employees against their employer.

Trump was just paying women to not talk about him so it wouldn’t hurt his campaign.
They are unable to deny he did it anymore and have moved on to false equivalencies.
That doesn’t make any sense. This isn’t anything similar. These are settlements for workplace issues like sexual harassment and pay disputes. These are legal actions brought by employees against their employer.

Trump was just paying women to not talk about him so it wouldn’t hurt his campaign.

Trump was just paying women to not talk about him so it wouldn’t hurt his campaign.

These congressmen were paying women to not talk about them so it wouldn’t hurt their campaign. With taxpayer funds.
That doesn’t make any sense. This isn’t anything similar. These are settlements for workplace issues like sexual harassment and pay disputes. These are legal actions brought by employees against their employer.

Trump was just paying women to not talk about him so it wouldn’t hurt his campaign.
/——/ I wouldn’t expect a dem tool to see the hypocrisy. You’ll excuse anything they do.

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