Fox News has rabid never-Trumper hosts. Is CNN, MSNBC, etc., that balanced?

Turn Right

VIP Member
Jun 24, 2019
Some Fox hosts are incredibly hostile toward all things conservative, and Fox debate panels have the most ferociously divided representation from both sides. Can you point to a single hard-core conservative hosting CNN, MSNBC, ABC, etc., shows? And is being more balanced (while being crucified as propaganda for including multiple points of view) why they obliterate everyone else combined in the ratings, and why Obama relentlessly attacked and banned them (back when Democrats were okay with ACTUAL attacks on freedom of the press, from ACTUAL lawless dictators)?
Every once in awhile CNN will trot out some passive Conservative and feed him to a panel of voracious Liberaptors.
Every once in awhile CNN will trot out some passive Conservative and feed him to a panel of voracious Liberaptors.

Fox is by far the most balanced, that's why libs attack them constantly calling them Faux News. Meantime if MSNBC ever had the likes of Mark Levin on their show, he would literally eat them alive.

Libs hate Fox News, Rush and others like them because they all represent a crack in the armor they put up around themselves to protect themselves from views which contradict their own.
Name them.

List all the "rabid anti-Trump" hosts of the FOXNEWS.

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