Fox News Host- "You can't trust Chinamen"

I think Beckel should be fired. FOX, of course, will disagree. The righties here too, I imagine. Fake Democrats are a precious thing to the right, to be cherished and paid well, not tossed aside lightly.

He is human, he is going to mess up, I am sure you have said some pretty stupid things at work and so does everyone else. Beckel just happens to screw up on a bigger stage than you or I.

Biden has said some pretty racist things, I don't think he should be fired. It was a mistake and a poor choice of words.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

What has Biden said that was racist?

"You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.... I'm not joking." --Joe Biden

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." --Joe Biden on Barack Obama
You see how dishonest these people are?

Beckel isn't A HOST on fox news

he's a political (guest) and mouthpiece for the Democrats

Beckel is a co-host of The Five - of which he is ONE - a daily political opinion show.

He is known to be a loud-mouthed liberal who even has a Swear Jar he has to donate to when he loses it and used profanity.
who is paying the guy to be there is the issue here my friends. GOP TV/Fox is.

He was there the first day the show aired and is being paid by FoxNews to speak for liberals. When he takes off for some reason, they replace him with Juan Williams who is also an outright liberal but has a whole lot more class.
You see how dishonest these people are?

Beckel isn't A HOST on fox news

he's a political (guest) and mouthpiece for the Democrats

He also didn't say what the title says he said so... it's a wash.

I watched the show and saw him shoot off his big mouth and say exactly what was in the OP!

Let's run that by again if the first time was too small....

He also didn't say what the title says he said so... it's a wash

Use a magnifying glass if that's not sufficient...
He is human, he is going to mess up, I am sure you have said some pretty stupid things at work and so does everyone else. Beckel just happens to screw up on a bigger stage than you or I.

Biden has said some pretty racist things, I don't think he should be fired. It was a mistake and a poor choice of words.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

What has Biden said that was racist?

"You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.... I'm not joking." --Joe Biden

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." --Joe Biden on Barack Obama

I know the quotes.

But what did he say that was racist?

You do understand what racist means, do you not?
What has Biden said that was racist?

"You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.... I'm not joking." --Joe Biden

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." --Joe Biden on Barack Obama

I know the quotes.

But what did he say that was racist?

You do understand what racist means, do you not?

Dishonest much? You and the other bed wetters would be screaming bloody murder if a republican said that.

As I recall the left had a fit cause some guy said niggardly, which is an actual word and has nothing to do with race at all.
"You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.... I'm not joking." --Joe Biden

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." --Joe Biden on Barack Obama

I know the quotes.

But what did he say that was racist?

You do understand what racist means, do you not?

Dishonest much? You and the other bed wetters would be screaming bloody murder if a republican said that.

Speculation fallacy. Which means --- bullshit.

Racism requires a value judgment, regardless who says it. That definition doesn't change according to which wanker political party somebody belongs to -- this week. There ain't no value judgment in the above quotes.

Take this thread. Please. If the title were accurate and Bob Beckel actually did say "you can't trust a Chinaman", there would have been a value judgment in the phrase "you can't trust". THEN you'd have racism.

Some o' you wankers just seem to spew without thinking. I actually had one clown on this board claim the audience demographics of Fox News viewership were "racist" because they showed that the audience is mostly white. True story. There are many heads up many asses in this department. Far up.

As I recall the left had a fit cause some guy said niggardly, which is an actual word and has nothing to do with race at all.

Strawman. More bullshit. There was a teacher who got pressured for teaching niggardly (in this state as it happens) twelve years ago, but that had nothing to do with "the left". Or with racism. Or with me.
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I know the quotes.

But what did he say that was racist?

You do understand what racist means, do you not?

Dishonest much? You and the other bed wetters would be screaming bloody murder if a republican said that.

Speculation fallacy. Which means --- bullshit.

Racism requires a value judgment, regardless who says it. That definition doesn't change according to which wanker political party somebody belongs to -- this week. There ain't no value judgment in the above quotes.

Take this thread. Please. If the title were accurate and Bob Beckel actually did say "you can't trust a Chinaman", there would have been a value judgment in the phrase "you can't trust". THEN you'd have racism.

Some o' you wankers just seem to spew without thinking. I actually had one clown on this board claim the audience demographics of Fox News viewership were "racist" because they showed that the audience is mostly white. True story. There are many heads up many asses in this department. Far up.

As I recall the left had a fit cause some guy said niggardly, which is an actual word and has nothing to do with race at all.

Strawman. More bullshit. There was a teacher who got pressured for teaching niggardly (in this state as it happens) twelve years ago, but that had nothing to do with "the left". Or with racism. Or with me.

Biden made a value judgement, that Obama was the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.

The value judgement is the implication is the rest of the African-Americans are not articulate, bright, clean or a nice guy, Obama is the first and so is he the only one? Are the rest inarticulate, not bright, not clean, not nice guys? African Americans up to Obama were less than he was, the could not speak, the weren't smart and on and on.

The 7-11 comment was stereotyping, which is also offensive.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Racism requires a value judgment, regardless who says it.

And there was a "value judgment" associated with the term as used in this instance, coming as it did in the middle of a diatribe against 'the Chinese.' The fact that Bobby felt the need to correct himself, and the reaction of his fellow panelists, demonstrates an awareness of the inappropriateness of the term as understood by everyone there. This awareness is shared by every reasonable person who has viewed the clip since. Only shameless idiots and apologists like you even bother trying to defend it.

The fact that a term may be out of date does not mean that it therefore cannot also be offensive, as the exchange in question clearly shows. You have been trying to suggest some mutual exclusivity in the hopes of salvaging your futile attempts at defending racism because it happened to have come from a fellow far-left imbecile. It's not working for you. Your lack of understanding regarding matters of logic and your generally weak English language skills have failed you again. Trying to posture arrogantly while failing so miserably only makes you look more the fool, you blustering buffoon.
diarrhea boi (Unkotare) is daving in this thread like its nobody's biz :thup:

as to the OP, if the shoe fits...

carry on.
Dishonest much? You and the other bed wetters would be screaming bloody murder if a republican said that.

Speculation fallacy. Which means --- bullshit.

Racism requires a value judgment, regardless who says it. That definition doesn't change according to which wanker political party somebody belongs to -- this week. There ain't no value judgment in the above quotes.

Take this thread. Please. If the title were accurate and Bob Beckel actually did say "you can't trust a Chinaman", there would have been a value judgment in the phrase "you can't trust". THEN you'd have racism.

Some o' you wankers just seem to spew without thinking. I actually had one clown on this board claim the audience demographics of Fox News viewership were "racist" because they showed that the audience is mostly white. True story. There are many heads up many asses in this department. Far up.

As I recall the left had a fit cause some guy said niggardly, which is an actual word and has nothing to do with race at all.

Strawman. More bullshit. There was a teacher who got pressured for teaching niggardly (in this state as it happens) twelve years ago, but that had nothing to do with "the left". Or with racism. Or with me.

Biden made a value judgement, that Obama was the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.

The value judgement is the implication is the rest of the African-Americans are not articulate, bright, clean or a nice guy, Obama is the first and so is he the only one? Are the rest inarticulate, not bright, not clean, not nice guys? African Americans up to Obama were less than he was, the could not speak, the weren't smart and on and on.

Well... no. Obviously he didn't mean the first African American anywhere ever. Your quote is taken out of its context.

The context was that he's analyzing the various Presidential candidates at the time (2007) so he's saying the first blah blah blah in a Presidential race. Which could also be a swipe at Jesse Jackson or Carol Moseley-Braun, if he even thought of that -- which is unlikely; Biden's a no-filter guy who talks like the baseball fan he is, which is why that phrasing is so colloquial ("that's storybook, man"). But the point is, he isn't saying that black people are normally inarticulate or stupid -- which would have been racist; he's saying that black Presidential candidates had been up to then. Context, m'boy.

Trying to squeeze racism out of these is pretty much doing what RetiredGySgt complained about with the teacher and the word "niggardly" -- contriving racism where none exists.

The 7-11 comment was stereotyping, which is also offensive.

Offensive to who? You know that he was talking to an ethnic Indian supporter at the time, right?

The 7-11 comment as worded is just stupid. It makes on sense on its face; obviously you can walk into one without an Indian accent or without speaking at all. What he was clumsily trying to say (again, context of the entire comment, which I believe was posted here earlier) was that Delaware was seeing an influx of Indian population. That makes no value judgment about Indians. If he had said Indians had taken over Dunkin' Donuts and 7-11s because that's all they're capable of, THEN you'd have a racist comment. Merely noting that they're highly represented there doesn't say that.

He didn't mention motels; he didn't mention the doctor population. Those are two more areas where Indians pop up in large numbers. It isn't racist to note that; it would be racist to ascribe some kind of cause-and-effect on account of race. That's not present here.

Nor is it in the word "Chinamen".
diarrhea boi (Unkotare) is daving in this thread like its nobody's biz :thup:

as to the OP, if the shoe fits...

carry on.

He's still melting down because I called out his bullshit speculation fallacy. Poor baby. :eusa_boohoo:
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Racism requires a value judgment, regardless who says it.

And there was a "value judgment" associated with the term as used in this instance, coming as it did in the middle of a diatribe against 'the Chinese.'

I did a weird thing and actually watched the video. He's ranting about what Chinese hackers are doing -- he doesn't say they do it because they're Chinese. Once again, you need some ascription to race as a causal factor to constitute racism. Merely noting what people are doing together with what country they come from doesn't make that case. Matter of fact in the political context of the words, "the Chinese" isn't even a racial term but a nationalist one, the same as when we hear "the Russians said today..." or "that won't sit well with the Americans". Nobody thinks those are about races.

The fact that Bobby felt the need to correct himself, and the reaction of his fellow panelists, demonstrates an awareness of the inappropriateness of the term as understood by everyone there. This awareness is shared by every reasonable person who has viewed the clip since. Only shameless idiots and apologists like you even bother trying to defend it.


I believe my "defense" consisted of -- "what is this guy, 157 years old?" Which is the same reaction the Fox panelists expressed facially. I don't think I've heard the term in at least 20 years. You'll notice nobody on the TV panel declares it "racism"; they're reacting to an archaic vulgarity.

The fact that a term may be out of date does not mean that it therefore cannot also be offensive, as the exchange in question clearly shows.

Of course not. I'm just saying it isn't "racist". Which I noted earlier, which you tried to counter with another lame speculation fallacy. Like Sarge just did.

You have been trying to suggest some mutual exclusivity in the hopes of salvaging your futile attempts at defending racism because it happened to have come from a fellow far-left imbecile. It's not working for you. Your lack of understanding regarding matters of logic and your generally weak English language skills have failed you again. Trying to posture arrogantly while failing so miserably only makes you look more the fool, you blustering buffoon.

Speculation fallacy didn't work, he goes to ad hom. Stop the frickin' presses.

I already demonstrated why racism isn't present; you continue to whine for being called out on a fallacy. Sucks to be you.
Speculation fallacy. Which means --- bullshit.

Racism requires a value judgment, regardless who says it. That definition doesn't change according to which wanker political party somebody belongs to -- this week. There ain't no value judgment in the above quotes.

Take this thread. Please. If the title were accurate and Bob Beckel actually did say "you can't trust a Chinaman", there would have been a value judgment in the phrase "you can't trust". THEN you'd have racism.

Some o' you wankers just seem to spew without thinking. I actually had one clown on this board claim the audience demographics of Fox News viewership were "racist" because they showed that the audience is mostly white. True story. There are many heads up many asses in this department. Far up.

Strawman. More bullshit. There was a teacher who got pressured for teaching niggardly (in this state as it happens) twelve years ago, but that had nothing to do with "the left". Or with racism. Or with me.

Biden made a value judgement, that Obama was the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.

The value judgement is the implication is the rest of the African-Americans are not articulate, bright, clean or a nice guy, Obama is the first and so is he the only one? Are the rest inarticulate, not bright, not clean, not nice guys? African Americans up to Obama were less than he was, the could not speak, the weren't smart and on and on.

Well... no. Obviously he didn't mean the first African American anywhere ever. Your quote is taken out of its context.

The context was that he's analyzing the various Presidential candidates at the time (2007) so he's saying the first blah blah blah in a Presidential race. Which could also be a swipe at Jesse Jackson or Carol Moseley-Braun, if he even thought of that -- which is unlikely; Biden's a no-filter guy who talks like the baseball fan he is, which is why that phrasing is so colloquial ("that's storybook, man"). But the point is, he isn't saying that black people are normally inarticulate or stupid -- which would have been racist; he's saying that black Presidential candidates had been up to then. Context, m'boy.

Trying to squeeze racism out of these is pretty much doing what RetiredGySgt complained about with the teacher and the word "niggardly" -- contriving racism where none exists.

The 7-11 comment was stereotyping, which is also offensive.

Offensive to who? You know that he was talking to an ethnic Indian supporter at the time, right?

The 7-11 comment as worded is just stupid. It makes on sense on its face; obviously you can walk into one without an Indian accent or without speaking at all. What he was clumsily trying to say (again, context of the entire comment, which I believe was posted here earlier) was that Delaware was seeing an influx of Indian population. That makes no value judgment about Indians. If he had said Indians had taken over Dunkin' Donuts and 7-11s because that's all they're capable of, THEN you'd have a racist comment. Merely noting that they're highly represented there doesn't say that.

He didn't mention motels; he didn't mention the doctor population. Those are two more areas where Indians pop up in large numbers. It isn't racist to note that; it would be racist to ascribe some kind of cause-and-effect on account of race. That's not present here.

Nor is it in the word "Chinamen".

That is your opinion, I disagree.

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