Fox News Host- "You can't trust Chinamen"

liberal Fox News Host- "You can't trust Chinamen

fixed it for ya

Um, not really, since nobody said anything like that anyway...

Bob Beckle is going to be mighty surprised to find out that liberals have shifted him over to being a conservative.

the lefties get a little info

that a fox news host is racist

being the good sheeple they are

they run with it assuming he is a rightie

too funny


The Haiku poster reads

A bogus thread title

And assumes it's accurate

And runs with it

too funny
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What's funny is he's the progressive voice on that particular show. Just go's to show you, progressives are racist pigs!:lol:

Anybody wanna try to explain how that's racism? As opposed to PC-policism?


Get past this level one and you get to tackle Joe Biden.

Whelp ---- never got an answer. Nada. Zero. Bupkis. Squat. The empty set.

Typical partisan wankitude... all bluster, no substance. Innuendo and out the other.

Still reeling over the word [go's] too. "Just go is to show"? Bizarre.
I think Beckel should be fired. FOX, of course, will disagree. The righties here too, I imagine. Fake Democrats are a precious thing to the right, to be cherished and paid well, not tossed aside lightly.

He is human, he is going to mess up, I am sure you have said some pretty stupid things at work and so does everyone else. Beckel just happens to screw up on a bigger stage than you or I.

Biden has said some pretty racist things, I don't think he should be fired. It was a mistake and a poor choice of words.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
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I think Beckel should be fired. FOX, of course, will disagree. The righties here too, I imagine. Fake Democrats are a precious thing to the right, to be cherished and paid well, not tossed aside lightly.

He is human, he is going to mess up, I am sure you have said some pretty stupid things at work and so does everyone else. Beckel just happens to screw up on a bigger stage than you or I.

Biden has said some pretty racist things, I don't think he should be fired. It was a mistake and a poor choice of words.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

What has Biden said that was racist?
I never trusted those chinamen

What's funny is he's the progressive voice on that particular show. Just go's to show you, progressives are racist pigs!:lol:

Anybody wanna try to explain how that's racism? As opposed to PC-policism?


Get past this level one and you get to tackle Joe Biden.

Whelp ---- never got an answer. Nada. Zero. Bupkis. Squat. The empty set.

Typical partisan wankitude... all bluster, no substance. Innuendo and out the other.

Still reeling over the word [go's] too. "Just go is to show"? Bizarre.

Yes you did. Lying won't improve your position now.

No, I got one of your lame speculation fallacies. When you understand the difference, get back to me. :eusa_hand:
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Whelp ---- never got an answer. Nada. Zero. Bupkis. Squat. The empty set.

Typical partisan wankitude... all bluster, no substance. Innuendo and out the other.

Still reeling over the word [go's] too. "Just go is to show"? Bizarre.

Yes you did. Lying won't improve your position now.

No, I got one of your lame speculation fallacies. ...

No, you didn't. You went out of your way - again - to demonstrate that you don't understand what the words you are trying to use actually mean. We have established that you don't know the first thing about logic, yet you keep trying to invoke it as if the mere mention (of something you don't understand) will somehow lend credibility to your block-headed ignorance. It won't.
I hope he gets fired. I'm sick of listening to his liberal drivel. Every word that comes out of his mouth passes first through obama's alimentary canal.

So you watch that show/Fox Katzy? :tinfoil: Figures.

Every day. I love they way the FOUR pick the bones of liberals. Especially when Greg Gutfeld gets going on obama. Bob Beckle is someone they can do without. He only comes up with more liberal lies. It's more entertaining when Juan Williams is the guest liberal. He's always articulate and makes cogent arguments even when he's wrong.

>> Twelve Chinks and a Woman, first published in 1940, was Chase's third novel.
... The original version of the book that, as times changed, was unaccountably revised and republished, first as "Twelve Chinamen and a woman" (1950), and later as "The doll's bad news" (1970).

... The main justification for the change of title from "Chink" to "Chinaman" would be that the latter was actually the more common vulgar reference to "Chinese" at the time. <<​

Anybody wanna try to explain how that's racism? As opposed to PC-policism?


Get past this level one and you get to tackle Joe Biden.

Whelp ---- never got an answer. Nada. Zero. Bupkis. Squat. The empty set.

Typical partisan wankitude... all bluster, no substance. Innuendo and out the other.

Still reeling over the word [go's] too. "Just go is to show"? Bizarre.

Yes you did. Lying won't improve your position now.

No, I got one of your lame speculation fallacies. ...

No, you didn't. You went out of your way - again - to demonstrate that you don't understand what the words you are trying to use actually mean. We have established that you don't know the first thing about logic, yet you keep trying to invoke it as if the mere mention (of something you don't understand) will somehow lend credibility to your block-headed ignorance. It won't.

Hey, feel free to try again since your first attempt fell flat on its fallacious face. :eusa_hand:
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No, you didn't. You went out of your way - again - to demonstrate that you don't understand what the words you are trying to use actually mean. We have established that you don't know the first thing about logic, yet you keep trying to invoke it as if the mere mention (of something you don't understand) will somehow lend credibility to your block-headed ignorance. It won't.

Hey, feel free to try again ...

If you were too stupid to understand the first time I informed you, what would lead me to believe you have gotten any smarter by now?
I hope he gets fired. I'm sick of listening to his liberal drivel. Every word that comes out of his mouth passes first through obama's alimentary canal.

So you watch that show/Fox Katzy? :tinfoil: Figures.

Every day. I love they way the FOUR pick the bones of liberals. Especially when Greg Gutfeld gets going on obama. Bob Beckle is someone they can do without. He only comes up with more liberal lies. It's more entertaining when Juan Williams is the guest liberal. He's always articulate and makes cogent arguments even when he's wrong.

have at rw grl :thup:
Bob Beckel Uses Racial Slur On Live Television
"The Chinese are the single biggest threat to the national security of the US," he said. "They have been, they will be and they can wait, they're very patient. Do you know what we just did? As usual, we bring them over here and we teach a bunch of Chinamen-- er, Chinese people-- how to do computers and then they go back to China and hack into us."

The other 'Five' hosts gaped in disbelief.

"That is going to end up on The Soup," Andrea Tantaros said.

Sadly, this isn't the first time Beckel has made an offensive comment about Asian people.

Last year, he said that, after going swimming, his "eyes blew up, and it made me look Oriental."
Does that cover Chinawomen as well? :eusa_think:

On a bus through Chinatown this one old Chinawoman belched out loud and with no more concern for propriety than if she'd yawned.

No hand over the mouth to muffle the sound or a motion and expression giving the appearance of asking to be pardoned. No, this was a casual belch from a salt of the earth, hard-working Chinawoman.

Does my bringing this to light make me a bigot in your eyes?
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Bob Beckel Uses Racial Slur On Live Television
"The Chinese are the single biggest threat to the national security of the US," he said. "They have been, they will be and they can wait, they're very patient. Do you know what we just did? As usual, we bring them over here and we teach a bunch of Chinamen-- er, Chinese people-- how to do computers and then they go back to China and hack into us."

The other 'Five' hosts gaped in disbelief.

"That is going to end up on The Soup," Andrea Tantaros said.

Sadly, this isn't the first time Beckel has made an offensive comment about Asian people.

Last year, he said that, after going swimming, his "eyes blew up, and it made me look Oriental."
Does that cover Chinawomen as well? :eusa_think:

On a bus through Chinatown this one old Chinawoman belched out loud and with no more concern for propriety than if she'd yawned.

No hand over the mouth to muffle the sound or a motion and expression giving the appearance of asking to be pardoned. No, this was a casual belch from a salt of the earth, hard-working Chinawoman.

Does my bringing this to light make me a bigot in your eyes?

It does make you ignorant, in that you would assume your own cultural standards must automatically apply to other cultures.
Bob Beckel Uses Racial Slur On Live Television
"The Chinese are the single biggest threat to the national security of the US," he said. "They have been, they will be and they can wait, they're very patient. Do you know what we just did? As usual, we bring them over here and we teach a bunch of Chinamen-- er, Chinese people-- how to do computers and then they go back to China and hack into us."

The other 'Five' hosts gaped in disbelief.

"That is going to end up on The Soup," Andrea Tantaros said.

Sadly, this isn't the first time Beckel has made an offensive comment about Asian people.

Last year, he said that, after going swimming, his "eyes blew up, and it made me look Oriental."
Does that cover Chinawomen as well? :eusa_think:

On a bus through Chinatown this one old Chinawoman belched out loud and with no more concern for propriety than if she'd yawned.

No hand over the mouth to muffle the sound or a motion and expression giving the appearance of asking to be pardoned. No, this was a casual belch from a salt of the earth, hard-working Chinawoman.

Does my bringing this to light make me a bigot in your eyes?

I notice they are quite brazen whilst picking their noses in public as well. Just sayin...
I got nuthin' against Orientals other than the fact that you can never tell what they're thinking about. A smile can mean anything from- they like you going all the way to they want to put you in a bamboo cage :dunno: Michelle Malkin anyone?

You really are a racist moron.
You see how dishonest these people are?

Beckel isn't A HOST on fox news

he's a political (guest) and mouthpiece for the Democrats

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