Fox News Host- "You can't trust Chinamen"

It should be noted that Beckel is the token liberal and as such he needs to be outrageous in order to make up for his lack of intelligence.

what does your username mean?

It's a regional colloquialism you won't find on Google, so your ignorant, racist ass is out of luck (again).

unkotare \ woon-ko-ta-re \ , noun;

Japanese. Roughly translated as dripping poop. This word is used to describe a pornographic genre commonly known as Scat.
"Hey Bro checkout this sweet unkotare video I found... it is super kawaii-desu"
Urban Dictionary: Unkotare

Apparently "Santorum" was taken...
Beckel is a leftwing Clinton lover. No suprise that he said this. What is really amusing is the left wing nuts just want to hang FOXNews.

I have been saying liberals are racist, for a long time, Beckel is just more proof.

In spite of the OP title, and the article title, both of which are erroneous, he didn't use a racial slur and he never said anything resembling "you can't trust Chinamen".

He did use the word "Chinamen", which if anything is an archaism. The Fox Noise people around were the ones who reacted in PC fashion --- if the word was what they were reacting to, rather than the opinion about national security. They never really said.

Btw -- What the fuck is "the soup"?

Anyway the thread title is bullshit, which is why it always pays to check the story out for oneself before one puts one's foot in one's mouth.

I don't know what "the soup" is.
Bob Beckel Uses Racial Slur On Live Television
"The Chinese are the single biggest threat to the national security of the US," he said. "They have been, they will be and they can wait, they're very patient. Do you know what we just did? As usual, we bring them over here and we teach a bunch of Chinamen-- er, Chinese people-- how to do computers and then they go back to China and hack into us."

The other 'Five' hosts gaped in disbelief.

"That is going to end up on The Soup," Andrea Tantaros said.

Sadly, this isn't the first time Beckel has made an offensive comment about Asian people.

Last year, he said that, after going swimming, his "eyes blew up, and it made me look Oriental."
Does that cover Chinawomen as well? :eusa_think:

Don't Chinese students learn information technology in America?
Don't Chinese manufacturers violate copyrights?
Don't Chinese spies infiltrate and hack everything American?
Don't Chinese aspire to wreck American economy?
Don't Chinese people, by and large, hate and envy America?

Don't you display your politically correct stupidity (pardon the redundancy) by bashing Bob Beckel for simply speaking the truth?

Don't you feel stupid for claiming that calling a MAN from CHINA a Chinaman is racist?

Don't you feel ashamed that you side with those who want to destroy your country?

Don't you ever bother to supply data to support your vacuous and silly and righteous arguments?

Don't you see the obvious in front of your eyes?
The term 'Chinamen' is ... like ... over 100 years out of date as far as common usage goes.

All the people who would be offended by it are dead.

Carry on.
Bob Beckle is going to be mighty surprised to find out that liberals have shifted him over to being a conservative.
Bob Beckle is going to be mighty surprised to find out that liberals have shifted him over to being a conservative.

the lefties get a little info

that a fox news host is racist

being the good sheeple they are

they run with it assuming he is a rightie

too funny

I hope he gets fired. I'm sick of listening to his liberal drivel. Every word that comes out of his mouth passes first through obama's alimentary canal.
Bob Beckel Uses Racial Slur On Live Television
"The Chinese are the single biggest threat to the national security of the US," he said. "They have been, they will be and they can wait, they're very patient. Do you know what we just did? As usual, we bring them over here and we teach a bunch of Chinamen-- er, Chinese people-- how to do computers and then they go back to China and hack into us."

The other 'Five' hosts gaped in disbelief.

"That is going to end up on The Soup," Andrea Tantaros said.

Sadly, this isn't the first time Beckel has made an offensive comment about Asian people.

Last year, he said that, after going swimming, his "eyes blew up, and it made me look Oriental."
Does that cover Chinawomen as well? :eusa_think:

And? When he or anyone else actually fires a Chinese employee I'll get interested. This is called 1st Amendment protected speech though. So someone on Fox says something stupid, not exactly news. :)

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