Fox News Host- "You can't trust Chinamen"

I think Beckel should be fired. FOX, of course, will disagree. The righties here too, I imagine. Fake Democrats are a precious thing to the right, to be cherished and paid well, not tossed aside lightly.
What's funny is he's the progressive voice on that particular show. Just go's to show you, progressives are racist pigs!:lol:

Anybody wanna try to explain how that's racism? As opposed to PC-policism?


Get past this level one and you get to tackle Joe Biden.

Oh, I get it. If a conservative were to say that it's racist...but if a progressive says it it's A-OK. Got it! Your rules apply differently for people you like.

No no, I asked for an explanation, not a speculation fallacy.

Sorry, no that is not an exit.

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Why does Fox allow this stuff to be said on their shows? We know Roger Ailes (Fox Producer) is a control-freak and goes over everything w/ a fine-toothed comb. :dunno: He puts out daily talking-points ,for cryin' out loud, last I heard.

For the same reason that it is said on MSNBC and CBS et al....

It certainly works to keep ratings up.

Still wondering -- what does the one wag mean by "this will end up on 'the soup'"?
Never ending hypocrisy from the left...

No, that was from me.

Where's the "hypocrisy" in that post, o liquefied babbling brook of fecality? Where's the mischaracterization?

Is "Chinaman" not an archaic term then?
Did the Fox Noise people not react in PC-itis grimaces?

Did you even watch the video?

Yeah, you are so far out there on the left you can barely be seen (which is probably your best look, btw).

Sooooooooooooo ...... neither Westwall nor diarrhea-boy can answer their questions.
Stop the frickin' presses.

Hint #1: "the left" refers to a collective, i.e. multiple people. My posts come from me, which is a singular. Welcome to English. Now see if you can figure out what "hypocrisy" means.
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Where's the "hypocrisy" in that post...

It's in trying to play the apologist for a democrat - because he's a democrat - who used a term understood by all participants in the conversation, including Bobby himself, as inappropriate and likely to cause offense; using it with the intention of causing offense. Out the other side of your face, far-left loons like you will invent, entirely out of nothing but imagination and ill-will, meanings and intentions to common, inoffensive terms when it suits your political needs to demonize and accuse the opposition in the hopes of silencing it. Everything and anything is a "code word" or a "dog whistle" whenever disingenuous dimwits like you and your ilk need it to be. However, when a clear and obvious offense is uttered you change your tune quicker than Two-Face can flip that coin.

That's where the hypocrisy is, douche.
Where's the "hypocrisy" in that post, o liquefied babbling brook of fecality? Where's the mischaracterization?

Is "Chinaman" not an archaic term then?
Did the Fox Noise people not react in PC-itis grimaces?

Did you even watch the video?

It's in trying to play the apologist for a democrat - because he's a democrat - who used a term understood by all participants in the conversation, including Bobby himself, as inappropriate and likely to cause offense; using it with the intention of causing offense. Out the other side of your face, far-left loons like you will invent, entirely out of nothing but imagination and ill-will, meanings and intentions to common, inoffensive terms when it suits your political needs to demonize and accuse the opposition in the hopes of silencing it. Everything and anything is a "code word" or a "dog whistle" whenever disingenuous dimwits like you and your ilk need it to be. However, when a clear and obvious offense is uttered you change your tune quicker than Two-Face can flip that coin.

That's where the hypocrisy is, douche.

No, that's yet another speculation fallacy.

Wassamatta? Dug yourself in a hole again?

Who the fuck is "Bobby"?

..... Do you clowns just not comprehend what a speculation fallacy is?

(also known as: counterfactual fallacy, speculative fallacy, "what if" fallacy, wouldchuck)

Description: Offering a poorly supported claim about what might have happened in the past or future, if (the hypothetical part) circumstances or conditions were different. The fallacy also entails treating future hypothetical situations as if they are fact.

Logical Form:

If event X did happen, then event Y would have happened. (based only on speculation) <<
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My posts come from me, which is a singular.

And you are a singular, far-left hypocrite douchebag.

"Singular" also means a distinct example of something; especially something odd or strange. You are a singular, far-left hypocrite douchebag.
Where's the "hypocrisy" in that post, o liquefied babbling brook of fecality? Where's the mischaracterization?

Is "Chinaman" not an archaic term then?
Did the Fox Noise people not react in PC-itis grimaces?

Did you even watch the video?

It's in trying to play the apologist for a democrat - because he's a democrat - who used a term understood by all participants in the conversation, including Bobby himself, as inappropriate and likely to cause offense; using it with the intention of causing offense. Out the other side of your face, far-left loons like you will invent, entirely out of nothing but imagination and ill-will, meanings and intentions to common, inoffensive terms when it suits your political needs to demonize and accuse the opposition in the hopes of silencing it. Everything and anything is a "code word" or a "dog whistle" whenever disingenuous dimwits like you and your ilk need it to be. However, when a clear and obvious offense is uttered you change your tune quicker than Two-Face can flip that coin.

That's where the hypocrisy is, douche.

No, that's yet another speculation fallacy.

No, that's an answer to the question you were whining about.
Sooooooooooooo ...... neither Westwall nor diarrhea-boy can answer their questions.
Stop the frickin' presses.

Hint #1: "the left" refers to a collective, i.e. multiple people. My posts come from me, which is a singular. Welcome to English. Now see if you can figure out what "hypocrisy" means.

And you are a singular, far-left hypocrite douchebag.

"Singular" also means a distinct example of something; especially something odd or strange. You are a singular, far-left hypocrite douchebag.

If I'm a 'singular' -- which "I" obviously is ------------ then how does my singular post become "from the left" -- which is obviously plural?
Is everyone on your planet some kind of Borg? Or are you just too stupid to recognize a generalization fallacy?

And again --------- whence the "hypocrisy" in pointing out that Chinaman is archaic?

Are you going for some kind of most-fallacies-in-the-fewest-words achievement award?
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Sooooooooooooo ...... neither Westwall nor diarrhea-boy can answer their questions.
Stop the frickin' presses.

Hint #1: "the left" refers to a collective, i.e. multiple people. My posts come from me, which is a singular. Welcome to English. Now see if you can figure out what "hypocrisy" means.

And you are a singular, far-left hypocrite douchebag.

"Singular" also means a distinct example of something; especially something odd or strange. You are a singular, far-left hypocrite douchebag.

If I'm a 'singular' -- which "I" obviously is ------------ then how does my singular post become "from the left" -- which is obviously plural?

I just explained to you what the word "singular" means, and I pointed out that you are a distinct example of the hypocritical attitude typical of the far-left.

Once again, your tenuous grasp of the English language has left you looking like a fool.
Uh....... huh.

(this post approved by "the left". Vote was 138,625,387 to 0)

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And again --------- whence the "hypocrisy" in pointing out that Chinaman is archaic?

That's a straw man, see? That's a fallacy. You keep trying to use the word "fallacy," but it doesn't seem as if you understand it at all. We have discussed your ignorance regarding logic before, and you don't appear to have improved at all.
And again --------- whence the "hypocrisy" in pointing out that Chinaman is archaic?

That's a straw man, see? That's a fallacy. You keep trying to use the word "fallacy," but it doesn't seem as if you understand it at all. We have discussed your ignorance regarding logic before, and you don't appear to have improved at all.

"Hypocrisy" was YOUR term. Waiting to hear some vague idea of where it derives from.
Or is it one of those suppository points?
I think Beckel should be fired. FOX, of course, will disagree. The righties here too, I imagine. Fake Democrats are a precious thing to the right, to be cherished and paid well, not tossed aside lightly.
yep ;)
No, that was from me.

Where's the "hypocrisy" in that post, o liquefied babbling brook of fecality? Where's the mischaracterization?

Is "Chinaman" not an archaic term then?
Did the Fox Noise people not react in PC-itis grimaces?

Did you even watch the video?

Yeah, you are so far out there on the left you can barely be seen (which is probably your best look, btw).

Sooooooooooooo ...... neither Westwall nor diarrhea-boy can answer their questions.
Stop the frickin' presses.

Hint #1: "the left" refers to a collective, i.e. multiple people. My posts come from me, which is a singular. Welcome to English. Now see if you can figure out what "hypocrisy" means.

^ that
I was watching the Five when Beckle said that. Everyone knew how it would be taken. Buckle is such a flaming and disagreeable obama loving liberal I thought surely he would be excused. He should go not so much for this but because his tongue is just too damn far up obama's ass.
I was wondering when USMB's FAR Right Hyperbole Queen would show up. Hi Katzy :)

As to the OP, as Pogo pointed-out, the guy is a :up: paid employee of Fox/GOP TV so...
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I was wondering when USMB's FAR Right Hyperbole Queen would show up. Hi Katzy :)

As to the OP, as Pogo pointed-out, the guy is a :up: paid employee of Fox/GOP TV so...

I didn't point that out, although as any other employee of Fox Noise I'm sure he's expected to be sensationalist, because that's where ratings come from.

I just wanted an explanation for how Chinaman is "racist". Or "hypocrisy". All I get in response is a lot of speculation fallacy stammering. One guy ran away already.

But since Katz is here, question for her:
Should Bob Beckel be shot in the face, like you want to do with pot smokers?

-- what if he says it with a joint in his mouth?

-- now, what if the joint came from Markus Kaarma's stolen stash?

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Waiting to hear some vague idea of where it derives from.

No you're not, because I explained it to you in some detail. You quoted and responded to the post in which I did so, suggesting you read my explanation. Maybe the underlying problem is that you're just fucking stupid.

what does your username mean?

It's a regional colloquialism you won't find on Google, so your ignorant, racist ass is out of luck (again).

unkotare \ woon-ko-ta-re \ , noun;

Japanese. Roughly translated as dripping poop. This word is used to describe a pornographic genre commonly known as Scat.
"Hey Bro checkout this sweet unkotare video I found... it is super kawaii-desu"
Urban Dictionary: Unkotare

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