Fox News Just Announced

fuck you too, Fox news got our marine back, you were delighted in his misery so fuck you too.

Please point out where I was delighted in his misery, you're FOS.
You are also a delusional retard if you believe FNC had anything to do with his release.

His next scheduled court date was well into next year. The only thing that changed was Fox threatening a boycott of an already devastated economy. Then suddenly the courts rule his rights were violated after months of incarceration.

Only a fool would ignore the obvious for partisan reasons. Fox put the pressure on and it really tics off you libs that they have that much power

Pretty sad that a news network has to do a President's job.
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Jon Hammer is coming home today. Thank God for Fox News and the three Republican legislators who fought for his release and fuck the three miserable libtards on this board who took pleasure in his plight.

Merry Christmas to the Hammer family.


Thank the state department and the mexican officials.

The GOP reps had ZER0 to do with this.

Quite right. It was Senator Bill Nelson (D) from Florida who helped in Hammar's release. Sorry to embarrass the O/P author.

Former Marine released from Mexican prison -
U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, a D-Florida, stepped in on Hammar's behalf, speaking to Mexico's ambassador to the United States. They managed to get him out of the general prison population so he would be away from dangerous inmates.
Jon Hammer is coming home today. Thank God for Fox News and the three Republican legislators who fought for his release and fuck the three miserable libtards on this board who took pleasure in his plight.

Merry Christmas to the Hammer family.


Thank the state department and the mexican officials.

The GOP reps had ZER0 to do with this.

Quite right. It was Senator Bill Nelson (D) from Florida who helped in Hammar's release. Sorry to embarrass the O/P author.

Former Marine released from Mexican prison -
U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, a D-Florida, stepped in on Hammar's behalf, speaking to Mexico's ambassador to the United States. They managed to get him out of the general prison population so he would be away from dangerous inmates.

You don't embarass me, you embarass yourself, Sen Bill Nelson did assist, everything else you said makes you a pig faced liar. Get up to speed on the story before you open your ass and spew shit.
I honestly don't think you on the left care enough about Americans to go to the trouble. Of course I maybe wrong.

I don't think you're wrong. Most of the left here engaged in these threads would happily let him rot chained to his cot.
Anybody that even needs the n-word to make a point is so low class they probably won't even notice they've been dissed.
And where did I 'stick up for a rightie?'
Your insults are from the 90's.:D Like I said 'Get some new material.'

I wasn't even talking to you, dumb ass. Get your eyes checked.

Maybe you should take your own advice and stop whining.:D

My advice wasn't for you to stop whining; it was for you to get your eyes checked, because you responded to a post which didn't even involve you.


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