Fox News Poll: 72% of Republicans, 45% of Democrats, 55% Americans support Muslim Ban

Maybe you should have researched it before you made the claim then....

>> 70 percent of American Muslims identify as Democrats or lean toward the Democratic Party — Pew Research Center

You didn't read anything I wrote in my original, followup, or the last post I made.

I said...
*Muslims in Michigan (original post)
*Only Arab Muslims (followup post)
*The majority of American Muslims are black (
last post)

My insticts tell me that you didn't read the link, nor were you ever plan on reading the link.


In Michigan all the Muslims vote primarily Republican. I am not sure how this misconception that Muslims vote Democrat came to be.

So I just told you how it came to be. And the image in my sigline puts a face on it. Briefly.

I only saw this because I just happened to open this thread. I'm not going to get an alert for a post that's addressed to yourself.

But you knew that, right?
What is popular isn't always right; what is right isn't always popular

When has the left ever been right about anything?

The left is right about a lot of thing: tax cuts don't create jobs, for starters, invading Iraq will destabilize the Middle East, health care is a right, not an option for those who can afford it. Stuff like that.

The left is wrong about all three.

If tax cuts don't create jobs, doesn't that imply that tax increases create jobs? Is that really the hill you want to die on?
All the leftwing turds thought Trump made a dumb move with his proposal. It turns out Trump is smarter than they are. Americans are rightly afraid of the muzzie savages:

A new Fox News poll finds 50 percent of voters favor Trump's ban, while 46 percent are opposed.

However, when Trump's name is removed from the question, support for the plan goes up five points and opposition goes down six: 55 percent favor the unnamed proposal, while 40 percent oppose it.

So while voters favor the Trump ban by a 4-point margin -- that increases to 15 points when the same ban is not associated with Trump.

There are stunning shifts in the responses among Democrats: 45 percent favor banning Muslims if Trump's name is not mentioned, yet when the plan is identified as Trump's, support drops to 25 percent.

Among Republicans, views hold steady: 71 percent favor it when attributed to Trump vs. 72 percent for the generic proposal.
Obscene Child apparently failed to read item 14 of that Fox poll, that showed Hillary would beat the Big Quack the ELEVEN points, head to head. And Fox polls of Oct and Nov were the outliers, showing the Big Quack beating the Queen of Mean by 5 points. LOL
All the leftwing turds thought Trump made a dumb move with his proposal. It turns out Trump is smarter than they are. Americans are rightly afraid of the muzzie savages:

A new Fox News poll finds 50 percent of voters favor Trump's ban, while 46 percent are opposed.

However, when Trump's name is removed from the question, support for the plan goes up five points and opposition goes down six: 55 percent favor the unnamed proposal, while 40 percent oppose it.

So while voters favor the Trump ban by a 4-point margin -- that increases to 15 points when the same ban is not associated with Trump.

There are stunning shifts in the responses among Democrats: 45 percent favor banning Muslims if Trump's name is not mentioned, yet when the plan is identified as Trump's, support drops to 25 percent.

Among Republicans, views hold steady: 71 percent favor it when attributed to Trump vs. 72 percent for the generic proposal.
Obscene Child apparently failed to read item 14 of that Fox poll, that showed Hillary would beat the Big Quack the ELEVEN points, head to head. And Fox polls of Oct and Nov were the outliers, showing the Big Quack beating the Queen of Mean by 5 points. LOL

What does that have to do with the subject of the poll I cited? Hillary's poll numbers will sink the more the public sees of her. That's why they have the Democrat debate on a Saturday night, because no one is watching.
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Of course it's all people across the board. that won't stop that thug Obama for running us down over it. He's already let in MILLIONS of them without a care how we feel about it.
Obama hasn't let in MILLIONS of Muslims. Do you ever make a post without a blatant lie in it?

Federal Data: U.S. Annually Admits Quarter Of A Million Muslim Migrants - Breitbart

Maybe you need to check you facts fucko!

"In 2013 alone, 117,423 migrants from Muslim-majority countries were permanently resettled within the United States— having been given lawful permanent resident status. Additionally in 2013, the United States voluntarily admitted an extra 122,921 temporary migrants from Muslim countries as foreign students and foreign workers as well as 39,932 refugees and asylees from Muslim countries.

Thus, twelve years after the September 11th hijackers were invited into the country on temporary visas, the U.S. decided to admit 280,276 migrants from Muslim countries within a single fiscal year.

To put these numbers into perspective, this means that every year the U.S. admits a number of Muslim migrants larger in size than the entire population of Des Moines, Iowa; Lincoln, Nebraska; or Dayton, Ohio.

The rate of Muslim immigration has been increasing since September 11. Between 2001 and 2013, the United States permanently resettled 1.5 million Muslim immigrants throughout the United States. Unlike illegal immigrants, legal immigrants granted lifetime resettlement privileges will be given automatic work permits, welfare access, and the ability to become voting citizens."
Of course it's all people across the board. that won't stop that thug Obama for running us down over it. He's already let in MILLIONS of them without a care how we feel about it.
Obama hasn't let in MILLIONS of Muslims. Do you ever make a post without a blatant lie in it?

Federal Data: U.S. Annually Admits Quarter Of A Million Muslim Migrants - Breitbart

Maybe you need to check you facts fucko!

"In 2013 alone, 117,423 migrants from Muslim-majority countries were permanently resettled within the United States— having been given lawful permanent resident status. Additionally in 2013, the United States voluntarily admitted an extra 122,921 temporary migrants from Muslim countries as foreign students and foreign workers as well as 39,932 refugees and asylees from Muslim countries.

Thus, twelve years after the September 11th hijackers were invited into the country on temporary visas, the U.S. decided to admit 280,276 migrants from Muslim countries within a single fiscal year.

To put these numbers into perspective, this means that every year the U.S. admits a number of Muslim migrants larger in size than the entire population of Des Moines, Iowa; Lincoln, Nebraska; or Dayton, Ohio.

The rate of Muslim immigration has been increasing since September 11. Between 2001 and 2013, the United States permanently resettled 1.5 million Muslim immigrants throughout the United States. Unlike illegal immigrants, legal immigrants granted lifetime resettlement privileges will be given automatic work permits, welfare access, and the ability to become voting citizens."
Millions is multiples of one million. Do you understand math?
If tax cuts don't create jobs, doesn't that imply that tax increases create jobs?

No. Reality does not subscribe to your two-dimensional world view.

There are many questions in life that have yes/no answers.

True. "Is bripat's avatar a Dutch kid wearing the jacket of the Rotterdam footie team?" is one.

I would argue, however, that "If tax cuts don't create jobs, doesn't that imply that tax increases create jobs?" is not. You would clearly argue that it is, though you wouldn't be able to prove it. So that would be a question that can be answered as either yes or no.
All the leftwing turds thought Trump made a dumb move with his proposal. It turns out Trump is smarter than they are. Americans are rightly afraid of the muzzie savages:

A new Fox News poll finds 50 percent of voters favor Trump's ban, while 46 percent are opposed.

However, when Trump's name is removed from the question, support for the plan goes up five points and opposition goes down six: 55 percent favor the unnamed proposal, while 40 percent oppose it.

So while voters favor the Trump ban by a 4-point margin -- that increases to 15 points when the same ban is not associated with Trump.

There are stunning shifts in the responses among Democrats: 45 percent favor banning Muslims if Trump's name is not mentioned, yet when the plan is identified as Trump's, support drops to 25 percent.

Among Republicans, views hold steady: 71 percent favor it when attributed to Trump vs. 72 percent for the generic proposal.

Well at least some people have brain cells that work and common sense to boot.

To bad douchebag in the WH doesn't. Or does he have his own agenda in wanting all these Muslims in America???
If tax cuts don't create jobs, doesn't that imply that tax increases create jobs?

No. Reality does not subscribe to your two-dimensional world view.

There are many questions in life that have yes/no answers.

True. "Is bripat's avatar a Dutch kid wearing the jacket of the Rotterdam footie team?" is one.

I would argue, however, that "If tax cuts don't create jobs, doesn't that imply that tax increases create jobs?" is not. You would clearly argue that it is, though you wouldn't be able to prove it. So that would be a question that can be answered as either yes or no.

You have provided no rational for your claim. Therefore it's not credible.
In all countries around the World Muslims have troubles with non-Muslims and force them to embrace their pedophile cult.Muslims shall leave all western countries, there is no possibility to integrate them here.

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