Fox News Poll: 72% of Republicans, 45% of Democrats, 55% Americans support Muslim Ban

All the leftwing turds thought Trump made a dumb move with his proposal. It turns out Trump is smarter than they are. Americans are rightly afraid of the muzzie savages:

A new Fox News poll finds 50 percent of voters favor Trump's ban, while 46 percent are opposed.

However, when Trump's name is removed from the question, support for the plan goes up five points and opposition goes down six: 55 percent favor the unnamed proposal, while 40 percent oppose it.

So while voters favor the Trump ban by a 4-point margin -- that increases to 15 points when the same ban is not associated with Trump.

There are stunning shifts in the responses among Democrats: 45 percent favor banning Muslims if Trump's name is not mentioned, yet when the plan is identified as Trump's, support drops to 25 percent.

Among Republicans, views hold steady: 71 percent favor it when attributed to Trump vs. 72 percent for the generic proposal.

The American Public once supported Internment camps, and slavery, so should we honor those wishes too?

Name one American whose Constitutional rights are violated by denying visas to Muslims.

What does any American stand to gain by importing any of these muzzie savages?

The talk is just not about the denying of Visas but also the thought of supporting internment camps for Muslims that are already here, and before you write it is nonsense you should review this site topics then.

The fact is I have a better chance of being killed by someone driving on U.S. 59 here in Houston while they're on their cellphone and driving 45 in 65 and switching lanes without using a proper signal or making sure they have a clear lane to move over in.

I also have a better chance being shot by a thug or some redneck asshole before a ISIL member will ever get me, and if you notice a good majority of mass shootings are done by the American Public and not Muslims from another country.

Finally, the hysterical nonsense being presented by Trump supporters make you guys look like fringe Nazi assholes that enjoy denying everyone that does not think, look or act like you the right to enter this country.

Your side lost the Keep the Gays in the closet last summer, so now your fixation is on Muslim's and the slim chance one of them could be a damn terrorist but the reality is the last attack was done by a Husband and wife duo and the Husband was born in Illinois while the wife was born in Pakistan and radicalize in Saudi Arabia and neither were from Iraq or Syria...

So how do you stop the homegrown agent?

You can not and to believe that denying visas to someone because of their religion will prevent another attack, well that is just ignorance on your part!

Trump isn't proposing to setup internment camps, and that's all that matters. What a few right-wing kooks on this board support isn't relevant to the larger debate. Whether we are in greater danger from other causes is irrelevant. The bottom line is that this is a danger we can easily prevent with a 100% guarantee of success, and it costs us nothing. Then you have to answer the question "what do we gain by importing these muzzie savages into our country?" The answer is clearly "nothing."

Furthermore, there's also the matter that these people are hostile to our values and our culture. The vast majority of them support death for apostates, and over half of them support suicide bombings.

Only someone who is insane or a Democrat could possibly support importing more of the muzzie beasts.

The perp was so-called "homegrown" only for one generation. His parents were born in Pakistan, and he was raised as a Muslim. The problem is that they are Muslims, not where they were "grown." We can't deport Americans who convert to Islam, but we certainly don't have to import more of these animals.
All the leftwing turds thought Trump made a dumb move with his proposal. It turns out Trump is smarter than they are. Americans are rightly afraid of the muzzie savages:

A new Fox News poll finds 50 percent of voters favor Trump's ban, while 46 percent are opposed.

However, when Trump's name is removed from the question, support for the plan goes up five points and opposition goes down six: 55 percent favor the unnamed proposal, while 40 percent oppose it.

So while voters favor the Trump ban by a 4-point margin -- that increases to 15 points when the same ban is not associated with Trump.

There are stunning shifts in the responses among Democrats: 45 percent favor banning Muslims if Trump's name is not mentioned, yet when the plan is identified as Trump's, support drops to 25 percent.

Among Republicans, views hold steady: 71 percent favor it when attributed to Trump vs. 72 percent for the generic proposal.

The American Public once supported Internment camps, and slavery, so should we honor those wishes too?

Name one American whose Constitutional rights are violated by denying visas to Muslims.

What does any American stand to gain by importing any of these muzzie savages?

The talk is just not about the denying of Visas but also the thought of supporting internment camps for Muslims that are already here, and before you write it is nonsense you should review this site topics then.

The fact is I have a better chance of being killed by someone driving on U.S. 59 here in Houston while they're on their cellphone and driving 45 in 65 and switching lanes without using a proper signal or making sure they have a clear lane to move over in.

I also have a better chance being shot by a thug or some redneck asshole before a ISIL member will ever get me, and if you notice a good majority of mass shootings are done by the American Public and not Muslims from another country.

Finally, the hysterical nonsense being presented by Trump supporters make you guys look like fringe Nazi assholes that enjoy denying everyone that does not think, look or act like you the right to enter this country.

Your side lost the Keep the Gays in the closet last summer, so now your fixation is on Muslim's and the slim chance one of them could be a damn terrorist but the reality is the last attack was done by a Husband and wife duo and the Husband was born in Illinois while the wife was born in Pakistan and radicalize in Saudi Arabia and neither were from Iraq or Syria...

So how do you stop the homegrown agent?

You can not and to believe that denying visas to someone because of their religion will prevent another attack, well that is just ignorance on your part!

Trump isn't proposing to setup internment camps, and that's all that matters. What a few right-wing kooks on this board support isn't relevant to the larger debate. Whether we are in greater danger from other causes is irrelevant. The bottom line is that this is a danger we can easily prevent with a 100% guarantee of success, and it costs us nothing. Then you have to answer the question "what do we gain by importing these muzzie savages into our country?" The answer is clearly "nothing."

Furthermore, there's also the matter that these people are hostile to our values and our culture. The vast majority of them support death for apostates, and over half of them support suicide bombings.

Only someone who is insane or a Democrat could possibly support importing more of the muzzie beasts.

The perp was so-called "homegrown" only for one generation. His parents were born in Pakistan, and he was raised as a Muslim. The problem is that they are Muslims, not where they were "grown." We can't deport Americans who convert to Islam, but we certainly don't have to import more of these animals.

Who was the BRILLIANT person who said......."All Muslims are not jihadists, but all jihadists are Muslims!"

That is the bottom line, like it or not! And these people won't even support taking a temporary pause on ALL immigration while we sort this out, for the protection of the American people. READ THAT LAST LINE, SERIOUSLY! And they think they are going to win in 16? They are only kidding themselves.
All the leftwing turds thought Trump made a dumb move with his proposal. It turns out Trump is smarter than they are. Americans are rightly afraid of the muzzie savages:

A new Fox News poll finds 50 percent of voters favor Trump's ban, while 46 percent are opposed.

However, when Trump's name is removed from the question, support for the plan goes up five points and opposition goes down six: 55 percent favor the unnamed proposal, while 40 percent oppose it.

So while voters favor the Trump ban by a 4-point margin -- that increases to 15 points when the same ban is not associated with Trump.

There are stunning shifts in the responses among Democrats: 45 percent favor banning Muslims if Trump's name is not mentioned, yet when the plan is identified as Trump's, support drops to 25 percent.

Among Republicans, views hold steady: 71 percent favor it when attributed to Trump vs. 72 percent for the generic proposal.

The American Public once supported Internment camps, and slavery, so should we honor those wishes too?

Name one American whose Constitutional rights are violated by denying visas to Muslims.

What does any American stand to gain by importing any of these muzzie savages?

The talk is just not about the denying of Visas but also the thought of supporting internment camps for Muslims that are already here, and before you write it is nonsense you should review this site topics then.

The fact is I have a better chance of being killed by someone driving on U.S. 59 here in Houston while they're on their cellphone and driving 45 in 65 and switching lanes without using a proper signal or making sure they have a clear lane to move over in.

I also have a better chance being shot by a thug or some redneck asshole before a ISIL member will ever get me, and if you notice a good majority of mass shootings are done by the American Public and not Muslims from another country.

Finally, the hysterical nonsense being presented by Trump supporters make you guys look like fringe Nazi assholes that enjoy denying everyone that does not think, look or act like you the right to enter this country.

Your side lost the Keep the Gays in the closet last summer, so now your fixation is on Muslim's and the slim chance one of them could be a damn terrorist but the reality is the last attack was done by a Husband and wife duo and the Husband was born in Illinois while the wife was born in Pakistan and radicalize in Saudi Arabia and neither were from Iraq or Syria...

So how do you stop the homegrown agent?

You can not and to believe that denying visas to someone because of their religion will prevent another attack, well that is just ignorance on your part!

Trump isn't proposing to setup internment camps, and that's all that matters. What a few right-wing kooks on this board support isn't relevant to the larger debate. Whether we are in greater danger from other causes is irrelevant. The bottom line is that this is a danger we can easily prevent with a 100% guarantee of success, and it costs us nothing. Then you have to answer the question "what do we gain by importing these muzzie savages into our country?" The answer is clearly "nothing."

Furthermore, there's also the matter that these people are hostile to our values and our culture. The vast majority of them support death for apostates, and over half of them support suicide bombings.

Only someone who is insane or a Democrat could possibly support importing more of the muzzie beasts.

The perp was so-called "homegrown" only for one generation. His parents were born in Pakistan, and he was raised as a Muslim. The problem is that they are Muslims, not where they were "grown." We can't deport Americans who convert to Islam, but we certainly don't have to import more of these animals.

Who was the BRILLIANT person who said......."All Muslims are not jihadists, but all jihadists are Muslims!"

That is the bottom line, like it or not! And these people won't even support taking a temporary pause on ALL immigration while we sort this out, for the protection of the American people. READ THAT LAST LINE, SERIOUSLY! And they think they are going to win in 16? They are only kidding themselves.

Of course they are going to fight any proposed halt to immigration or even any proposal to slow it down. The people being imported will become reliable Democrat voters. Why would any of those sleazy Democrats want that to be stopped?
All the leftwing turds thought Trump made a dumb move with his proposal. It turns out Trump is smarter than they are. Americans are rightly afraid of the muzzie savages:

A new Fox News poll finds 50 percent of voters favor Trump's ban, while 46 percent are opposed.

However, when Trump's name is removed from the question, support for the plan goes up five points and opposition goes down six: 55 percent favor the unnamed proposal, while 40 percent oppose it.

So while voters favor the Trump ban by a 4-point margin -- that increases to 15 points when the same ban is not associated with Trump.

There are stunning shifts in the responses among Democrats: 45 percent favor banning Muslims if Trump's name is not mentioned, yet when the plan is identified as Trump's, support drops to 25 percent.

Among Republicans, views hold steady: 71 percent favor it when attributed to Trump vs. 72 percent for the generic proposal.

The American Public once supported Internment camps, and slavery, so should we honor those wishes too?

Name one American whose Constitutional rights are violated by denying visas to Muslims.

What does any American stand to gain by importing any of these muzzie savages?

The talk is just not about the denying of Visas but also the thought of supporting internment camps for Muslims that are already here, and before you write it is nonsense you should review this site topics then.

The fact is I have a better chance of being killed by someone driving on U.S. 59 here in Houston while they're on their cellphone and driving 45 in 65 and switching lanes without using a proper signal or making sure they have a clear lane to move over in.

I also have a better chance being shot by a thug or some redneck asshole before a ISIL member will ever get me, and if you notice a good majority of mass shootings are done by the American Public and not Muslims from another country.

Finally, the hysterical nonsense being presented by Trump supporters make you guys look like fringe Nazi assholes that enjoy denying everyone that does not think, look or act like you the right to enter this country.

Your side lost the Keep the Gays in the closet last summer, so now your fixation is on Muslim's and the slim chance one of them could be a damn terrorist but the reality is the last attack was done by a Husband and wife duo and the Husband was born in Illinois while the wife was born in Pakistan and radicalize in Saudi Arabia and neither were from Iraq or Syria...

So how do you stop the homegrown agent?

You can not and to believe that denying visas to someone because of their religion will prevent another attack, well that is just ignorance on your part!

Trump isn't proposing to setup internment camps, and that's all that matters. What a few right-wing kooks on this board support isn't relevant to the larger debate. Whether we are in greater danger from other causes is irrelevant. The bottom line is that this is a danger we can easily prevent with a 100% guarantee of success, and it costs us nothing. Then you have to answer the question "what do we gain by importing these muzzie savages into our country?" The answer is clearly "nothing."

Furthermore, there's also the matter that these people are hostile to our values and our culture. The vast majority of them support death for apostates, and over half of them support suicide bombings.

Only someone who is insane or a Democrat could possibly support importing more of the muzzie beasts.

The perp was so-called "homegrown" only for one generation. His parents were born in Pakistan, and he was raised as a Muslim. The problem is that they are Muslims, not where they were "grown." We can't deport Americans who convert to Islam, but we certainly don't have to import more of these animals.

Who was the BRILLIANT person who said......."All Muslims are not jihadists, but all jihadists are Muslims!"


All anti-abortion terrorists are pro-lifers.
He's in touch with what white uneducated people may be feeling and he's savvy enough to exploit it.

Trump is a classic example of a demagogue and a charlatan. Only biddable people and of course the stupid buy his shtick.
The American Public once supported Internment camps, and slavery, so should we honor those wishes too?

Name one American whose Constitutional rights are violated by denying visas to Muslims.

What does any American stand to gain by importing any of these muzzie savages?

The talk is just not about the denying of Visas but also the thought of supporting internment camps for Muslims that are already here, and before you write it is nonsense you should review this site topics then.

The fact is I have a better chance of being killed by someone driving on U.S. 59 here in Houston while they're on their cellphone and driving 45 in 65 and switching lanes without using a proper signal or making sure they have a clear lane to move over in.

I also have a better chance being shot by a thug or some redneck asshole before a ISIL member will ever get me, and if you notice a good majority of mass shootings are done by the American Public and not Muslims from another country.

Finally, the hysterical nonsense being presented by Trump supporters make you guys look like fringe Nazi assholes that enjoy denying everyone that does not think, look or act like you the right to enter this country.

Your side lost the Keep the Gays in the closet last summer, so now your fixation is on Muslim's and the slim chance one of them could be a damn terrorist but the reality is the last attack was done by a Husband and wife duo and the Husband was born in Illinois while the wife was born in Pakistan and radicalize in Saudi Arabia and neither were from Iraq or Syria...

So how do you stop the homegrown agent?

You can not and to believe that denying visas to someone because of their religion will prevent another attack, well that is just ignorance on your part!

Trump isn't proposing to setup internment camps, and that's all that matters. What a few right-wing kooks on this board support isn't relevant to the larger debate. Whether we are in greater danger from other causes is irrelevant. The bottom line is that this is a danger we can easily prevent with a 100% guarantee of success, and it costs us nothing. Then you have to answer the question "what do we gain by importing these muzzie savages into our country?" The answer is clearly "nothing."

Furthermore, there's also the matter that these people are hostile to our values and our culture. The vast majority of them support death for apostates, and over half of them support suicide bombings.

Only someone who is insane or a Democrat could possibly support importing more of the muzzie beasts.

The perp was so-called "homegrown" only for one generation. His parents were born in Pakistan, and he was raised as a Muslim. The problem is that they are Muslims, not where they were "grown." We can't deport Americans who convert to Islam, but we certainly don't have to import more of these animals.

Who was the BRILLIANT person who said......."All Muslims are not jihadists, but all jihadists are Muslims!"


All anti-abortion terrorists are pro-lifers.

WTF does that have to do with anything I said? Talk about "not being able to dazzle them with your brilliance, you instead, baffle them with your bullshit," applies to you, lol. What a lost New Yorker.
4- In 2015 Obama invaded Syria where it has completely destroyed that country. forcing 9,000,000 Syrians to become international refugees

Uh.... really?

--- Link?

Who the fuck was fighting there for four years before that?
And why were all those refugees leaving in that period? Were they all having premonitions?

Israhell, Saudi Arabia, the "Syrian Resistance" aka ISIS.

Syrian Opposition’s Amazing CIA Credentials

Lew Rockwell :rofl:

Of course it's all people across the board. that won't stop that thug Obama for running us down over it. He's already let in MILLIONS of them without a care how we feel about it.
Where do you get that statistic from? Link please.
They're anti-semitic propaganda.

Anti-Semitic propaganda is what people too stupid to realize that Arabs (e.g., Syrians) are Semites pour on their breakfast cereal.

Some people are also too stupid to realize that the people that are referred to as "Hispanics" are not Hispanics, because they would not know, if they lives depended on it, that Hispanic refers to the country of Spain, which they could not find on the map, again if their lives depended on it.

Some equally stupid people prefer the similarly misguided and erroneous term "Latino" to describe these people, in spite of the fact that they are nothing but Native Americans, who lost their will and/or ability to retain and speak the language of their ancestors.

They are good, honest and hard working people but they are no more Hispanics than the similarly fictionalized Frito Bandito.

So, if Arab are Semites the same as Jews, do they want to kill themselves? Or is it the religion they have problem with?

Spamming is against forum rules
If there is to be any ban, it should be to prevent liberals from kissing the ass of every Muslim they see. Muslims don't like liberals. They see them as pathetic and entitled. If you look at the voting habits of every Muslim community in the first world, they always vote conservative.

About the topic. I am aware that Muslims often cause culture clashes, but banning their entry is ridiculously ignorant and xenophobic.
RWrs and Extreme Moooslims. Birds of a feather.
RWrs and Extreme Moooslims. Birds of a feather.
The average conservative Christian is going to be a lot more liberal then the average liberal Muslim. This is the reality of things. If I didn't know any better, I would expect contemporary liberals to be the group most critical of Muslims.
What's interesting is - even assuming the poll is well done in terms of methodology - that somehow just because "most people" support something, it's automatically "the right thing" to do.

I can think of a lot of things that "most people" supported but were horribly wrong.
All the leftwing turds thought Trump made a dumb move with his proposal. It turns out Trump is smarter than they are. Americans are rightly afraid of the muzzie savages:

A new Fox News poll finds 50 percent of voters favor Trump's ban, while 46 percent are opposed.

However, when Trump's name is removed from the question, support for the plan goes up five points and opposition goes down six: 55 percent favor the unnamed proposal, while 40 percent oppose it.

So while voters favor the Trump ban by a 4-point margin -- that increases to 15 points when the same ban is not associated with Trump.

There are stunning shifts in the responses among Democrats: 45 percent favor banning Muslims if Trump's name is not mentioned, yet when the plan is identified as Trump's, support drops to 25 percent.

Among Republicans, views hold steady: 71 percent favor it when attributed to Trump vs. 72 percent for the generic proposal.

The American Public once supported Internment camps, and slavery, so should we honor those wishes too?

Name one American whose Constitutional rights are violated by denying visas to Muslims.

What does any American stand to gain by importing any of these muzzie savages?

The talk is just not about the denying of Visas but also the thought of supporting internment camps for Muslims that are already here, and before you write it is nonsense you should review this site topics then.

The fact is I have a better chance of being killed by someone driving on U.S. 59 here in Houston while they're on their cellphone and driving 45 in 65 and switching lanes without using a proper signal or making sure they have a clear lane to move over in.

I also have a better chance being shot by a thug or some redneck asshole before a ISIL member will ever get me, and if you notice a good majority of mass shootings are done by the American Public and not Muslims from another country.

Finally, the hysterical nonsense being presented by Trump supporters make you guys look like fringe Nazi assholes that enjoy denying everyone that does not think, look or act like you the right to enter this country.

Your side lost the Keep the Gays in the closet last summer, so now your fixation is on Muslim's and the slim chance one of them could be a damn terrorist but the reality is the last attack was done by a Husband and wife duo and the Husband was born in Illinois while the wife was born in Pakistan and radicalize in Saudi Arabia and neither were from Iraq or Syria...

So how do you stop the homegrown agent?

You can not and to believe that denying visas to someone because of their religion will prevent another attack, well that is just ignorance on your part!

What a confused, absurd bunch of mumbo jumbo. Go tell the San Bernardino victims' families that their odds of getting killed by jihadists are statistically very low. Wow, what a great argument. And, by the way, if your side gets their way, those odds will rise dramatically--after we've let 10,000 or more additional Muslims into the country.
And you go tell the next person shot in an elementary school or a church that they are in danger of muslim refugees.
And yet how stupid are you?

The husband was born in Illinois, and now tell me how would his visa had been revoked seeing he was a U.S. CITIZEN from birth?

Why is it the dishonest assholes do not focus on that mere fact?

Simple, those like you ignore the attacker was homegrown and will never admit the fact that you will most likely be killed by a family member before being killed by a Muslim from Syria!

So stop being a dishonest asshole!

The poll is accurate, so if anyone is being a dishonest ass****, it is you. You can't refute what it says in real time, what Americans think about the situation, so you start calling people names who tell you what the American people think.

Typical lefty.......I know better, and don't care what America thinks! Screw you pal, you along with the rest of your lefty friends are the problem. You don't care what most Americans think unless it comes to getting elected, and then when you don't like that, you import more voters who will see it your way.

The poll is accurate?

Sure it is and fucktard like you are stupid to believe in polls!

I can take a poll outside my place and get a 100% rating saying they believe Muslim's are scum and all should be in internment camps or killed, but does that actually reflect the general public?

Nope, and polls are meaningless unless we put it to a National Vote, and let see how well it works for your ignorant side.

Also making wild accusation about me supporting the Democrat Party is typical but nutjobs that suck the ass of Trump!

I am as much of a Democrat support as you are sane and neither are factual you moron!

Well then, since you ignore polls and see no benefit to them when asking questions about immediate, current, events..........then there is no need for you to even comment. To claim you do not believe the poll is by extrapolation, claiming that if the poll was taken correctly, it would show something different.

Therefore, since no poll is accurate in the world according to you, you have no substance to base any conclusion you draw, there fore are to be ignored because you are going off how you FEEL-)

I have every right to comment on any damn subject I want, and you writing that I should not tell me the little asshat dictator you are!

First off Fox News is a Right-wing News Station that will slant the polls to favor their coverage or editorials, and to claim their poll is accurate is pure bullshit nonsense, and would be like me using a Poll from Al-Jazeera to show all Muslim's want to kill pussy bitches like you when the reality the poll was slanted to push their agenda.

Pathetic assholes grab a poll from one day and the next day when a poll is ask again in a different way the results change, and those like you will then scream the poll is flawed because it does not reflect your hatred and wish to deny people entry to this country because of their religion.

Also idiots like you believe that the Husband from the California Terrorist attack was here on a visa when the reality is he was born here and it was camel looking whore of a wife that was here on a K-1 visa, so the fact is a visa ban will not stop another terrorist attack even if bed wetters like you believe it could.

So in the end a poll from Fox News is like a Poll from Al-Jazeera and is worthless as you are in life.

The fact the husband was born here would have not stopped the California attack and banning visas based on someone religion will not stop every Muslim from slipping in.

Now want to keep on telling me that I should not write or make a comment like a good little communist that you are?

Uh, the wife was a recent immigrant, and the husband was a second-generation immigrant (his parents were immigrants). The Tsarnaev brothers were refugees/asylum seekers. Several of the Paris attackers posed as refugees. Etc., etc., etc.

Where on earth do you get your news? How could you not know these things?
What immigrant was the guy who killed the church members in SC? What immigrant was the guy who killed those children in Sandy Hook?
All the leftwing turds thought Trump made a dumb move with his proposal. It turns out Trump is smarter than they are. Americans are rightly afraid of the muzzie savages:

A new Fox News poll finds 50 percent of voters favor Trump's ban, while 46 percent are opposed.

However, when Trump's name is removed from the question, support for the plan goes up five points and opposition goes down six: 55 percent favor the unnamed proposal, while 40 percent oppose it.

So while voters favor the Trump ban by a 4-point margin -- that increases to 15 points when the same ban is not associated with Trump.

There are stunning shifts in the responses among Democrats: 45 percent favor banning Muslims if Trump's name is not mentioned, yet when the plan is identified as Trump's, support drops to 25 percent.

Among Republicans, views hold steady: 71 percent favor it when attributed to Trump vs. 72 percent for the generic proposal.

The American Public once supported Internment camps, and slavery, so should we honor those wishes too?

Name one American whose Constitutional rights are violated by denying visas to Muslims.

What does any American stand to gain by importing any of these muzzie savages?

The talk is just not about the denying of Visas but also the thought of supporting internment camps for Muslims that are already here, and before you write it is nonsense you should review this site topics then.

The fact is I have a better chance of being killed by someone driving on U.S. 59 here in Houston while they're on their cellphone and driving 45 in 65 and switching lanes without using a proper signal or making sure they have a clear lane to move over in.

I also have a better chance being shot by a thug or some redneck asshole before a ISIL member will ever get me, and if you notice a good majority of mass shootings are done by the American Public and not Muslims from another country.

Finally, the hysterical nonsense being presented by Trump supporters make you guys look like fringe Nazi assholes that enjoy denying everyone that does not think, look or act like you the right to enter this country.

Your side lost the Keep the Gays in the closet last summer, so now your fixation is on Muslim's and the slim chance one of them could be a damn terrorist but the reality is the last attack was done by a Husband and wife duo and the Husband was born in Illinois while the wife was born in Pakistan and radicalize in Saudi Arabia and neither were from Iraq or Syria...

So how do you stop the homegrown agent?

You can not and to believe that denying visas to someone because of their religion will prevent another attack, well that is just ignorance on your part!

What a confused, absurd bunch of mumbo jumbo. Go tell the San Bernardino victims' families that their odds of getting killed by jihadists are statistically very low. Wow, what a great argument. And, by the way, if your side gets their way, those odds will rise dramatically--after we've let 10,000 or more additional Muslims into the country.
And you go tell the next person shot in an elementary school or a church that they are in danger of muslim refugees.

Hey, anti-American.............what was the female who shot the people in California, and what were the 18 people who almost hosed your beloved Washington DC? You care not what Americans think collectively, you only care what YOU think; and what you think is useless, because the USSR no longer exists.
They're anti-semitic propaganda.

Anti-Semitic propaganda is what people too stupid to realize that Arabs (e.g., Syrians) are Semites pour on their breakfast cereal.

The term "antisemitic" refers to hatred of Jews. Anyone who tries to include Arabs in the meaning is merely a demagogue, and more than likely an antisemie..

So you don't know what "Semite" means. Add that to the plethora of things the Little Dutchboy doesn't know.

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