Fox News Poll: 72% of Republicans, 45% of Democrats, 55% Americans support Muslim Ban


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4- In 2015 Obama invaded Syria where it has completely destroyed that country. forcing 9,000,000 Syrians to become international refugees

Uh.... really?

--- Link?

Who the fuck was fighting there for four years before that?
And why were all those refugees leaving in that period? Were they all having premonitions?
All the leftwing turds thought Trump made a dumb move with his proposal. It turns out Trump is smarter than they are. Americans are rightly afraid of the muzzie savages:

A new Fox News poll finds 50 percent of voters favor Trump's ban, while 46 percent are opposed.

However, when Trump's name is removed from the question, support for the plan goes up five points and opposition goes down six: 55 percent favor the unnamed proposal, while 40 percent oppose it.

So while voters favor the Trump ban by a 4-point margin -- that increases to 15 points when the same ban is not associated with Trump.

There are stunning shifts in the responses among Democrats: 45 percent favor banning Muslims if Trump's name is not mentioned, yet when the plan is identified as Trump's, support drops to 25 percent.

Among Republicans, views hold steady: 71 percent favor it when attributed to Trump vs. 72 percent for the generic proposal.

How many of said respondents have heard of, say, the "United States Constitution"? Or what we call the "First Amendment"?

Oh wait -- Fox Noise poll. That essplains a lot.
A new Fox News poll finds 50 percent of voters favor Trump's ban, while 46 percent are opposed.

However, when Trump's name is removed from the question, support for the plan goes up five points and opposition goes down six: 55 percent favor the unnamed proposal, while 40 percent oppose it.

So while voters favor the Trump ban by a 4-point margin -- that increases to 15 points when the same ban is not associated with Trump.

There are stunning shifts in the responses among Democrats: 45 percent favor banning Muslims if Trump's name is not mentioned, yet when the plan is identified as Trump's, support drops to 25 percent.

Among Republicans, views hold steady: 71 percent favor it when attributed to Trump vs. 72 percent for the generic proposal.

So FOX called 1,013 people foolish enough to pick up the phone without knowing who was calling, and these were the results. Whoop-de-fucking-doo.
"Fox News Poll: 72% of Republicans, 45% of Democrats, 55% Americans support Muslim Ban"

Which is why we're a Constitutional Republic and not a democracy, and thankfully so – to guard against blind passions, emotionalism, and unwarranted fear and hate, illustrated by the poll.
All the leftwing turds thought Trump made a dumb move with his proposal. It turns out Trump is smarter than they are. Americans are rightly afraid of the muzzie savages:

A new Fox News poll finds 50 percent of voters favor Trump's ban, while 46 percent are opposed.

However, when Trump's name is removed from the question, support for the plan goes up five points and opposition goes down six: 55 percent favor the unnamed proposal, while 40 percent oppose it.

So while voters favor the Trump ban by a 4-point margin -- that increases to 15 points when the same ban is not associated with Trump.

There are stunning shifts in the responses among Democrats: 45 percent favor banning Muslims if Trump's name is not mentioned, yet when the plan is identified as Trump's, support drops to 25 percent.

Among Republicans, views hold steady: 71 percent favor it when attributed to Trump vs. 72 percent for the generic proposal.

How many of said respondents have heard of, say, the "United States Constitution"? Or what we call the "First Amendment"?

Oh wait -- Fox Noise poll. That essplains a lot.
the way I understand things muslims can be banned by country and there are other ways . No matter what Trump or Cruz may be able to do some good work with their 'Pen's and Phone's' and I for one am all for banning muslims from both the USA and the entire Western world . I'll let you argue with da Trump about the Constitution Pogo .
A new Fox News poll finds 50 percent of voters favor Trump's ban, while 46 percent are opposed.

However, when Trump's name is removed from the question, support for the plan goes up five points and opposition goes down six: 55 percent favor the unnamed proposal, while 40 percent oppose it.

So while voters favor the Trump ban by a 4-point margin -- that increases to 15 points when the same ban is not associated with Trump.

There are stunning shifts in the responses among Democrats: 45 percent favor banning Muslims if Trump's name is not mentioned, yet when the plan is identified as Trump's, support drops to 25 percent.

Among Republicans, views hold steady: 71 percent favor it when attributed to Trump vs. 72 percent for the generic proposal.

So FOX called 1,013 people foolish enough to pick up the phone without knowing who was calling, and these were the results. Whoop-de-fucking-doo.

It's always fun...

>> Chanting “Bomb Agrabah” might seem like a joke to hardcore fans of classic Disney films, but a recent poll found that 30 percent of Republicans and 19 percent of Democrats are convinced that the time has come to fight back against the fictional location where the 1992 animated classic Aladdin is set.

Public Policy Polling recently released data on their newest survey of GOP voters. Among the most salient findings was that slightly under one of every three conservatives polled responded affirmatively to the question, “Would you support or oppose bombing Agrabah?”

While it isn’t surprising that not everyone can name all of the 22 countries in the Middle East, much less all of the major metropolitan areas, it is perplexing to see such a wide margin advocating violence for a place it is impossible for them to know anything about. Tossing bombs on Agrabah because it is “Arab sounding” seems a troubling way to view foreign policy.

As previously noted, it’s not just GOP voters who want to have it out with Agrabah either. PPP reported that when they asked the same question to Democrats, 19 percent — only 11 percent less than Republicans — were also on board for the bombing to start. <<

The price of TV and its waste product -- mob ignorance....

Trump jumped 10 points from last month in the Fox poll....39% now. Keep attacking him, his numbers keep rising

His numbers vs. Clinton are his worst since September.
GOOD news if you believe it . Still good from my position as a Conservative meaning that if Trump can't beat Hilary then moderate rinos get hilary and we Conservatives also get to destroy the gop rinos that are running Carbineer !!
He's in touch with what white uneducated people may be feeling and he's savvy enough to exploit it.
Wow, so 72% of republicans and 45% of democrats and overall 55 of Americans are "white unedicated people". Thanks for the info, Gomer.
All the leftwing turds thought Trump made a dumb move with his proposal. It turns out Trump is smarter than they are. Americans are rightly afraid of the muzzie savages:

A new Fox News poll finds 50 percent of voters favor Trump's ban, while 46 percent are opposed.

However, when Trump's name is removed from the question, support for the plan goes up five points and opposition goes down six: 55 percent favor the unnamed proposal, while 40 percent oppose it.

So while voters favor the Trump ban by a 4-point margin -- that increases to 15 points when the same ban is not associated with Trump.

There are stunning shifts in the responses among Democrats: 45 percent favor banning Muslims if Trump's name is not mentioned, yet when the plan is identified as Trump's, support drops to 25 percent.

Among Republicans, views hold steady: 71 percent favor it when attributed to Trump vs. 72 percent for the generic proposal.


1- In 1949 , in order to grandstand for the powerful zionut lobby, Truman dispossessed or made homeless 1,500,000 Palestinians - who with a stroke of a pen became foreigners in their own land

2- The US has given Israhell over $130 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to perpetrate the Palestinian Holocaust

3- In order to continue to grandstand for the zionut lobby in 1990 the US invaded Iraq where it slaughtered millions of women and children - and remained in that Country for 18 years

4- In 2015 Obama invaded Syria where it has completely destroyed that country. forcing 9,000,000 Syrians to become international refugees


none of those are facts. They're anti-semitic propaganda.
The other polls that have asked this question, and asked it fairly, show about 60% opposition to banning Muslims from the US.
All the leftwing turds thought Trump made a dumb move with his proposal. It turns out Trump is smarter than they are. Americans are rightly afraid of the muzzie savages:

A new Fox News poll finds 50 percent of voters favor Trump's ban, while 46 percent are opposed.

However, when Trump's name is removed from the question, support for the plan goes up five points and opposition goes down six: 55 percent favor the unnamed proposal, while 40 percent oppose it.

So while voters favor the Trump ban by a 4-point margin -- that increases to 15 points when the same ban is not associated with Trump.

There are stunning shifts in the responses among Democrats: 45 percent favor banning Muslims if Trump's name is not mentioned, yet when the plan is identified as Trump's, support drops to 25 percent.

Among Republicans, views hold steady: 71 percent favor it when attributed to Trump vs. 72 percent for the generic proposal.

How many of said respondents have heard of, say, the "United States Constitution"? Or what we call the "First Amendment"?

Oh wait -- Fox Noise poll. That essplains a lot.

As has been explained numerous times, the Constitution doesn't apply to foreigners living in foreign countries.
All the leftwing turds thought Trump made a dumb move with his proposal. It turns out Trump is smarter than they are. Americans are rightly afraid of the muzzie savages:

A new Fox News poll finds 50 percent of voters favor Trump's ban, while 46 percent are opposed.

However, when Trump's name is removed from the question, support for the plan goes up five points and opposition goes down six: 55 percent favor the unnamed proposal, while 40 percent oppose it.

So while voters favor the Trump ban by a 4-point margin -- that increases to 15 points when the same ban is not associated with Trump.

There are stunning shifts in the responses among Democrats: 45 percent favor banning Muslims if Trump's name is not mentioned, yet when the plan is identified as Trump's, support drops to 25 percent.

Among Republicans, views hold steady: 71 percent favor it when attributed to Trump vs. 72 percent for the generic proposal.

The American Public once supported Internment camps, and slavery, so should we honor those wishes too?
The other polls that have asked this question, and asked it fairly, show about 60% opposition to banning Muslims from the US.

How is FOX's phrasing of the question "unfair?" When have the other networks demonstrated that their polls are any more credible than FOX's?

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