Fox News Poll: 72% of Republicans, 45% of Democrats, 55% Americans support Muslim Ban

The American Public once supported Internment camps, and slavery, so should we honor those wishes too?

Name one American whose Constitutional rights are violated by denying visas to Muslims.

What does any American stand to gain by importing any of these muzzie savages?

The talk is just not about the denying of Visas but also the thought of supporting internment camps for Muslims that are already here, and before you write it is nonsense you should review this site topics then.

The fact is I have a better chance of being killed by someone driving on U.S. 59 here in Houston while they're on their cellphone and driving 45 in 65 and switching lanes without using a proper signal or making sure they have a clear lane to move over in.

I also have a better chance being shot by a thug or some redneck asshole before a ISIL member will ever get me, and if you notice a good majority of mass shootings are done by the American Public and not Muslims from another country.

Finally, the hysterical nonsense being presented by Trump supporters make you guys look like fringe Nazi assholes that enjoy denying everyone that does not think, look or act like you the right to enter this country.

Your side lost the Keep the Gays in the closet last summer, so now your fixation is on Muslim's and the slim chance one of them could be a damn terrorist but the reality is the last attack was done by a Husband and wife duo and the Husband was born in Illinois while the wife was born in Pakistan and radicalize in Saudi Arabia and neither were from Iraq or Syria...

So how do you stop the homegrown agent?

You can not and to believe that denying visas to someone because of their religion will prevent another attack, well that is just ignorance on your part!

Trump isn't proposing to setup internment camps, and that's all that matters. What a few right-wing kooks on this board support isn't relevant to the larger debate. Whether we are in greater danger from other causes is irrelevant. The bottom line is that this is a danger we can easily prevent with a 100% guarantee of success, and it costs us nothing. Then you have to answer the question "what do we gain by importing these muzzie savages into our country?" The answer is clearly "nothing."

Furthermore, there's also the matter that these people are hostile to our values and our culture. The vast majority of them support death for apostates, and over half of them support suicide bombings.

Only someone who is insane or a Democrat could possibly support importing more of the muzzie beasts.

The perp was so-called "homegrown" only for one generation. His parents were born in Pakistan, and he was raised as a Muslim. The problem is that they are Muslims, not where they were "grown." We can't deport Americans who convert to Islam, but we certainly don't have to import more of these animals.

Who was the BRILLIANT person who said......."All Muslims are not jihadists, but all jihadists are Muslims!"


All anti-abortion terrorists are pro-lifers.
How many is that, two?

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If there is to be any ban, it should be to prevent liberals from kissing the ass of every Muslim they see. Muslims don't like liberals. They see them as pathetic and entitled. If you look at the voting habits of every Muslim community in the first world, they always vote conservative.

About the topic. I am aware that Muslims often cause culture clashes, but banning their entry is ridiculously ignorant and xenophobic.
RWrs and Extreme Moooslims. Birds of a feather.
Why do the muzzies all vote Democrat then?

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Spamming is against forum rules

When what you write is true, that aint spam. Its the truth. Biggest trump supporters are high school educated and white. Like you.

Spamming is against forum rules

When what you write is true, that aint spam. Its the truth. Biggest trump supporters are high school educated and white. Like you.

A Trump supporter is dumber than shit. They're the worst of all morons, they still haven't figured out what Trump is up too.

No candidate comes into a race, doing the EXACT OPPOSITE, of what they stated went wrong with an election, just 3-1/2 years prior. Donald Trump did. He blasted Republicans for losing in 2012, citing the reason was they were too mean spirited toward illegals as the reason for the loss. He's right. The last President to win was G.W. Bush and he captured 44% of this voting block. The topic was about immigration in 2012 also, and Romney lost. He only captured 27% of this block. Historically, the GOP nominee has to capture at least 40% of this block to win the White House.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants

After Bill Clinton called Donald Trump, he jumped into this race, and immediately went balls out on Hispanics. He is now polling at a NEGATIVE 75% with this large voting block, in essence chasing 17% of the voting population right into Hillary Clinton's lap.
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

So the list of alienation continues
Trump going after Carly's face--(women)
Trump going after voting American Muslims
G.W. Bush for 9/11 (didn't keep us safe)
U.S. Military (not hero's if they're captured or get killed)
American Jews (they booed him last week)
Trump loses families with disabilities
and he will continue to do this until he knows he knows he has secured the Presidency for Hillary Clinton.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Donald Trump is not a stupid man--but his supporters sure are.

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All the leftwing turds thought Trump made a dumb move with his proposal. It turns out Trump is smarter than they are. Americans are rightly afraid of the muzzie savages:

A new Fox News poll finds 50 percent of voters favor Trump's ban, while 46 percent are opposed.

However, when Trump's name is removed from the question, support for the plan goes up five points and opposition goes down six: 55 percent favor the unnamed proposal, while 40 percent oppose it.

So while voters favor the Trump ban by a 4-point margin -- that increases to 15 points when the same ban is not associated with Trump.

There are stunning shifts in the responses among Democrats: 45 percent favor banning Muslims if Trump's name is not mentioned, yet when the plan is identified as Trump's, support drops to 25 percent.

Among Republicans, views hold steady: 71 percent favor it when attributed to Trump vs. 72 percent for the generic proposal.

And luckily for America we hve a Constitution that protects us from dipshits like Trump and his supporters. I don't give a shit how many people support Trump or his plan. Change the first amendment to exclude religion, or shut the hell up.

At least, that's what I would like to think. But most of our politicians don't give a shit about the Constitution anyways.

You can ban immigration from a particular country if you like, but banning a particular religion from immigrating goes against the first amendment. They don't have to be US citizens, the government cannot single out any religion for any reason.
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What's interesting is - even assuming the poll is well done in terms of methodology - that somehow just because "most people" support something, it's automatically "the right thing" to do.

I can think of a lot of things that "most people" supported but were horribly wrong.

Democrats have been claiming for years that because something is popular, it must be morally correct. That is, of course, except when it isn't popular and it's part of their agenda. They've been claiming that since homosexual marriage has recently been winning in the polls that it must be right. However, previously when it was manifestly unpopular they claimed exactly the opposite, that popularity didn't matter.

Democrats are scumbags who don't care whether their arguments are consistent. Whatever works on any given day is what they seem to believe in, and the voters appear to be too stupid to see through their con game.
What is popular isn't always right; what is right isn't always popular

When has the left ever been right about anything?
Creating this country and writing the Consititution, abolishing slavery, women's rights, gay rights, social security, fighting the RW fascists, etc.0

The men who created this country and wrote the Constitution would be called right-wing extremists by the likes of you if they were alive today.
They're anti-semitic propaganda.

Anti-Semitic propaganda is what people too stupid to realize that Arabs (e.g., Syrians) are Semites pour on their breakfast cereal.

The term "antisemitic" refers to hatred of Jews. Anyone who tries to include Arabs in the meaning is merely a demagogue, and more than likely an antisemie..

So you don't know what "Semite" means. Add that to the plethora of things the Little Dutchboy doesn't know.

It doesn't matter what "semite" means. "Antisemite" means someone who hates Jews. That's what it has always meant, and that's what it always will mean.
All the leftwing turds thought Trump made a dumb move with his proposal. It turns out Trump is smarter than they are. Americans are rightly afraid of the muzzie savages:

A new Fox News poll finds 50 percent of voters favor Trump's ban, while 46 percent are opposed.

However, when Trump's name is removed from the question, support for the plan goes up five points and opposition goes down six: 55 percent favor the unnamed proposal, while 40 percent oppose it.

So while voters favor the Trump ban by a 4-point margin -- that increases to 15 points when the same ban is not associated with Trump.

There are stunning shifts in the responses among Democrats: 45 percent favor banning Muslims if Trump's name is not mentioned, yet when the plan is identified as Trump's, support drops to 25 percent.

Among Republicans, views hold steady: 71 percent favor it when attributed to Trump vs. 72 percent for the generic proposal.

And luckily for America we hve a Constitution that protects us from dipshits like Trump and his supporters. I don't give a shit how many people support Trump or his plan. Change the first amendment to exclude religion, or shut the hell up.

At least, that's what I would like to think. But most of our politicians don't give a shit about the Constitution anyways.

You can ban immigration from a particular country if you like, but banning a particular religion from immigrating goes against the first amendment. They don't have to be US citizens, the government cannot single out any religion for any reason.

The Constitution doesn't protect foreigners, dumbass. Congress can ban immigration for any reason it chooses. That's how SCOTUS has always ruled.
Prove it.

Actually I was partially wrong, because only Arab-Americans in Michigan tend to vote Republican. The black Muslims, and there are a lot of them, tend to vote primarily Democrat.

Also, George Bush has a high approval rating among every Arab-American ethnic group in Michigan, and the majority are against welfare, Obamacare, and of course gay marriage and abortion.
The first and second generation Arabs living in Michigan are some of the lowest income earners of any ethnic group in America, so you would think that their mouths would be wrapped around the democrat welfare tit.
Why do the muzzies all vote Democrat then?
In Michigan all the Muslims vote primarily Republican. I am not sure how this misconception that Muslims vote Democrat came to be.

........ link?
How Did Muslims Vote in 2000?

I had to search for one

This goes in depth on the Muslim vote in America up to 2000. It also has a section on Michigan, where it reinforces what I was saying, that Arab Muslims primarily vote Republican, whereas Black Muslims primarily vote Democrat.

I looked into the Islamic organizations that were endorsing the Republicans throughout the 90's and early 00's and they still endorse almost solely Republican candidates.

Now if that isn't enough, I don't know what more I could add. Maybe my personal testimony on how conservative the Muslim community in Dearborn is?

Edit: Adding on, the Islamic councils and organizations are really powerful and influential. If they endorse Republican candidates, it is almost a guarantee that the community will as well. Also the majority of Muslims in America are black, and unlike Arab Muslims, they again vote Democrat.
Why do the muzzies all vote Democrat then?
In Michigan all the Muslims vote primarily Republican. I am not sure how this misconception that Muslims vote Democrat came to be.

........ link?
How Did Muslims Vote in 2000?

I had to search for one

This goes in depth on the Muslim vote in America up to 2000. It also has a section on Michigan, where it reinforces what I was saying, that Arab Muslims primarily vote Republican, whereas Black Muslims primarily vote Democrat.

I looked into the Islamic organizations that were endorsing the Republicans throughout the 90's and early 00's and they still endorse almost solely Republican candidates.

Now if that isn't enough, I don't know what more I could add. Maybe my personal testimony on how conservative the Muslim community in Dearborn is?

Edit: Adding on, the Islamic councils and organizations are really powerful and influential. If they endorse Republican candidates, it is almost a guarantee that the community will as well. Also the majority of Muslims in America are black, and unlike Arab Muslims, they again vote Democrat.

Maybe you should have researched it before you made the claim then....

>> 70 percent of American Muslims identify as Democrats or lean toward the Democratic Party — Pew Research Center

This reflects a significant change in voting patterns over the last decade — 78 percent of American Muslims voted Republican in the 2000 presidential election. Today, the percentage of American Muslims who “lean toward the GOP” is just 11 percent.<< -- Frontline

More --commentary from 2012, just before the election:

>> With two weeks until the US Presidential elections, the Romney and Obama campaigns have been busy campaigning in swing states, and reaching out to key demographics such as independents, women, Hispanics and youth for their vote.

One group that neither party is wooing — Muslim Americans.

That’s because Muslim-Americans are mostly expected to vote Democrat, despite some level of dissatisfaction with the party and the Obama administration.

Between 85% and 95% of American Muslims will vote for Obama in the upcoming election, speculates Princeton University Associate Professor of Politics Amaney Jamal.

“It’s going to be a repeat of what we saw in 2008, and more or less 89% of Muslim Americans, who turned out, voted for Obama then,” Jamal said during a visit to Duke University on October 1 – where she was giving a public talk on Muslim Americans and the 2012 Elections.

This is despite the fact that many Muslim Americans hold conservative social and economic values — including on same sex marriage (against), abortion (against), and school choice (for) — and have supported Republicans in the past.

“If you look at the Islamophobic agitation that’s emerging from the right in this country, it’s really pushed the Muslim American constituency to the Democratic party,” said Jamal. “We don’t see values trumping individual concerns about welfare, and now Muslim Americans feel far more protected by Democrats in office than they would a Republican leader.” << --- A Lost Opoortunity for the Right

Apparently bigotry has consequences.
Oh and btw Romney lost Michigan -- his birth state -- in that election. Don't know what the Muslim numbers were; I think his lying about "Jeep moving to China" did him in there and in Ohio.
Maybe you should have researched it before you made the claim then....

>> 70 percent of American Muslims identify as Democrats or lean toward the Democratic Party — Pew Research Center

You didn't read anything I wrote in my original, followup, or the last post I made.

I said...
*Muslims in Michigan (original post)
*Only Arab Muslims (followup post)
*The majority of American Muslims are black (
last post)

My insticts tell me that you didn't read the link, nor were you ever plan on reading the link.


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