Fox News Poll on Raising Taxes on the Wealthy

So, it sure looks like Republicans are the NEW 'liberals' :21:

But to be fair, I stated many years ago, actually several decades ago: When the US starts to go down the path of a third world shit hole country, those with the means to flee the US will flee.

When the folks making $10 million plus per year start getting the idea they are gonna be targeted for a massive tax hit, then you will see flight of wealth leave the nation.

I said it decades ago & maybe we are getting closer.
Where they going to go? Ha

I know folks that have retired & permanently left the US; they are in Costa Rica, among othre places
Good riddance. If shit hits the fan they will be the first seeking shelter at the US cosulate.

I seriously doubt it
I really don't care either way, we would be better off without all the wealthy fucks who think they owe their country nothing in return for their wealth.

But the FACTS suggest otherwise...don’t they?
The facts suggest that those horrible wealthy folks pay your way...right?
Facts suck huh....huge inconvenience huh?
Top 20% of Americans Will Pay 87% of Income Tax
Where they going to go? Ha

I know folks that have retired & permanently left the US; they are in Costa Rica, among othre places
Good riddance. If shit hits the fan they will be the first seeking shelter at the US cosulate.

I seriously doubt it
I really don't care either way, we would be better off without all the wealthy fucks who think they owe their country nothing in return for their wealth.

But the FACTS suggest otherwise...don’t they?
The facts suggest that those horrible wealthy folks pay your way...right?
Facts suck huh....huge inconvenience huh?
Top 20% of Americans Will Pay 87% of Income Tax
The fact is this: America is an entrenched plutocracy. Practically no one except Billionaires think this is a good thing. So for once dare to consider one of the few ways to fight an aristocracy short of just killing them all.
Dang, this is really simple shit. Tax those making $10 Million/year at 90% and what happens? Those making $10 Million will cut their businesses so they don't make $10 Million. To make up for the shortfall go after those making $5 Million/year and only have them pay 60%. Guess what, they'll cut back their businesses so they make under $5 Million. Do some of you folks have any fricken common sense?
No they won't, we've had those rates before. Do you know how a marginal tax rate works?

Actually I do, and I know what business expenses are, and I know what tax loss harvesting is...ya stupid hick. Better question is do you know how marginal tax rates work?
Dang, this is really simple shit. Tax those making $10 Million/year at 90% and what happens? Those making $10 Million will cut their businesses so they don't make $10 Million. To make up for the shortfall go after those making $5 Million/year and only have them pay 60%. Guess what, they'll cut back their businesses so they make under $5 Million. Do some of you folks have any fricken common sense?
No they won't, we've had those rates before. Do you know how a marginal tax rate works?

Actually I do, and I know what business expenses are, and I know what tax loss harvesting is...ya stupid hick. Better question is do you know how marginal tax rates work?
Yup, and those rates used to work great here.
It's amazing to watch people who aren't rich themselves fight tooth and nail to continue to support legislation to make things harder on themselves and aid the richest in this country to take an even bigger piece of the pie, year after year.

They're supplied their talking points such as -

"The reach should get to keep their own money"
"Why do you think you're entitled to someone else's money?"
"Maybe you should work harder and you can be rich too"
"Why do you want to punish success"
"The reach will just leave if we tax them more"

Yet when challenged on any of these statements, there is no response or actual substance.

You all make good sheep.

yes, lets punish the ambitious to pay for unconstitutional programs.
Statist faggots. The lot of ya

Ambitious is such a cute term. Your masters are pleased.

You gotta love it folks....these are the filthy fucks the Party Of Filth breeds these days...those who don’t support the theft of other people’s shit are “sheep” with “masters”.
Conversely, those who support the theft of other people’s shit are “progressive forward thinkers”.
I’ll still refer to them as fucked in the head, lowlife, begging pieces of shits.
Carry on beggar...tell us how you deserve to be joint-signer on my checking account because you breathe oxygen in the United States.
You are being robbed. You're just confused who it is that is stealing from you.

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