Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2018
Voter support for Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court is down in the wake of Christine Ford’s assault allegations, as more believe her than him.

Currently, 40 percent of voters would confirm Kavanaugh, while 50 percent oppose him, according to a Fox News poll. Last month, views split 45-46 percent (August 19-21).

Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination


(To be honest, I don't believe in polls. They sometimes hold no merit.)
Just relax Kavanaugh will be confirmed. The 4th and final witness, a classmate of Ford's has now come forward and said Ford is a big fat liar.
Given all the negative press coverage he’s been given since the day he was a nominated, plus the hysterics from the media and the left thinking he’s going to institute the death penalty for abortion, this is hardly surprising
Given all the negative press coverage he’s been given since the day he was a nominated, plus the hysterics from the media and the left thinking he’s going to institute the death penalty for abortion, this is hardly surprising

The media and Dem's have dragged this guy through the mud for months. Kavanaugh is a judge with such an impeccable record even many legal scholars on the left have endorsed him for the SCOTUS. Its past the point of ridiculous at this point. Would you or anyone put up with this kind of nonsense during a job interview?
Oh I've seen WAY worse than that. The only guy who polled as low or lower was Robert Bork -
Drumpf: Only the best people!

The Sept. 11-17 poll found that 36 percent of adults surveyed did not want Kavanaugh in the Supreme Court, up 6 points from a similar poll conducted a month earlier.

Only 31 percent of U.S. adults polled said they were in favor of Kavanaugh’s appointment.

If support for his nomination remains this weak, Trump’s pick would rank among the lowest-supported Supreme Court nominees to later be confirmed, according to historical data from Gallup.​

Opposition to Kavanaugh grows, support at historic low: Reuters/Ipsos poll | Reuters
Voter support for Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court is down in the wake of Christine Ford’s assault allegations, as more believe her than him.

Currently, 40 percent of voters would confirm Kavanaugh, while 50 percent oppose him, according to a Fox News poll. Last month, views split 45-46 percent (August 19-21).

Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination


(To be honest, I don't believe in polls. They sometimes hold no merit.)
/----/ All along party lines. Big Wop
Democrats believe Ford by a 59-9 percent margin. It’s the reverse among Republicans, 60 percent believe him, 14 percent her.
Voter support for Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court is down in the wake of Christine Ford’s assault allegations, as more believe her than him.

Currently, 40 percent of voters would confirm Kavanaugh, while 50 percent oppose him, according to a Fox News poll. Last month, views split 45-46 percent (August 19-21).

Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination


(To be honest, I don't believe in polls. They sometimes hold no merit.)
/----/ All along party lines. Big Wop
Democrats believe Ford by a 59-9 percent margin. It’s the reverse among Republicans, 60 percent believe him, 14 percent her.
Holy crow--that IS partisan. Too bad we've come to this, when an episode like this requires we shelve the politics and use our noodles.
Voter support for Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court is down in the wake of Christine Ford’s assault allegations, as more believe her than him.

Currently, 40 percent of voters would confirm Kavanaugh, while 50 percent oppose him, according to a Fox News poll. Last month, views split 45-46 percent (August 19-21).

Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination


(To be honest, I don't believe in polls. They sometimes hold no merit.)
/----/ All along party lines. Big Wop
Democrats believe Ford by a 59-9 percent margin. It’s the reverse among Republicans, 60 percent believe him, 14 percent her.
Holy crow--that IS partisan. Too bad we've come to this, when an episode like this requires we shelve the politics and use our noodles.

The "good" news is that 32% of Dems and 26% of Republicans appear to admit that they don't know.

So at least some people haven't yet lost their shit.
Given all the negative press coverage he’s been given since the day he was a nominated, plus the hysterics from the media and the left thinking he’s going to institute the death penalty for abortion, this is hardly surprising
He got a better deal than Merrick Garland
Voter support for Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court is down in the wake of Christine Ford’s assault allegations, as more believe her than him.

Currently, 40 percent of voters would confirm Kavanaugh, while 50 percent oppose him, according to a Fox News poll. Last month, views split 45-46 percent (August 19-21).

Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination


(To be honest, I don't believe in polls. They sometimes hold no merit.)
Since when do the people vote on this?
Voter support for Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court is down in the wake of Christine Ford’s assault allegations, as more believe her than him.

Currently, 40 percent of voters would confirm Kavanaugh, while 50 percent oppose him, according to a Fox News poll. Last month, views split 45-46 percent (August 19-21).

Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination


(To be honest, I don't believe in polls. They sometimes hold no merit.)
Since when do the people vote on this?

Apparently a poll was taken from an online suvery/poll on
Holy crow--that IS partisan. Too bad we've come to this, when an episode like this requires we shelve the politics and use our noodles.

If and when more people start using their noodles in politics, they will figure out why so many people have been calling them "sheep".
They are using the same time-clock, and have been.:21:

Sam_and_Ralph_clock.png evidence, faulty memory, 4th witness now says 'not what I remember -didn't happen' while the same accusers who claim the President committed a crime without evidence drags a woman who didn't want to come forward out to accuse Kavanaugh of a crime with zero evidence and 4 witnesses who say 'didn't happen'....

...and many are buying into the hypocrite Left's 'Conservatives / Republicans are Guilty Until President proven Innocent' crap...
Just relax Kavanaugh will be confirmed. The 4th and final witness, a classmate of Ford's has now come forward and said Ford is a big fat liar.

Actually that is untrue.
Voter support for Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court is down in the wake of Christine Ford’s assault allegations, as more believe her than him.

Currently, 40 percent of voters would confirm Kavanaugh, while 50 percent oppose him, according to a Fox News poll. Last month, views split 45-46 percent (August 19-21).

Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination


(To be honest, I don't believe in polls. They sometimes hold no merit.)

The Dems strategy is working. Trash the man with unprovable/unsupported allegations and hope to turn public sentiment against him to earn a few votes in the Nov elections.

Dangerous and immoral strategy. If they somehow stopped the confirmation and then lost seats in the Senate the next choice by Trump would be far worse from the left's point of view.
Given all the negative press coverage he’s been given since the day he was a nominated, plus the hysterics from the media and the left thinking he’s going to institute the death penalty for abortion, this is hardly surprising
He got a better deal than Merrick Garland

You libtards really hate it when you are forced to play by the RULES...…

Suck it up Butter Cup...…………….
The accusations of the president is based on intel information. The only person saying there is no evidence is Trump. The person investigating this has said nothing of the sort.

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