Fox News Projects Owens to win, Republicans lose Seat for First Time in Century.

I am not really following this...but the guy Sarah backed, did he win? I am sure he did, no dem has won there in over 100 years, so I am sure Sarah's backing helped.

Yea this is a pretty big loss for the Republicans. However in my opinion i think it's better to lose with honor than to win with no honor. They lost while backing a true Conservative and i for one am ok with that. The only mistake they made was backing a fraud candidate in the first place with Scozzafava. This really was a huge blunder by Newt and his fellow old school party hacks. They should have backed the true Conservative Hoffman all along. That election would have easily gone to Hoffman if they had. Sometimes you learn from mistakes & losses. Lets hope the Republican Leadership gets the message and stops giving us more frauds like Arlen Spector and Scozzafava. There is a real grass roots Conservative movement happening now and the Republican Leadership better jump on board or else.
Go sarah, go....back em worked so well so far.

Didnt you back McCain as well??....LOL

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