Fox News Reality Check

I'm confused as to why you think this revelation will change anyone's mind? I still think putting a mosque at that site shows a lack of sensibilities towards 3000 dead Americans. And that's just the way it goes.

Well, let's take it from the top:

The "sensibilities" that you are referring to are the misconceptions that somehow any mosque near Ground Zero supports/emboldens Al Qaeda and wanna -be terrorist, giving them a "win". What is being denied and ignored is the FACT that Al Qaeda and like minded extremist are the EXCEPTION and NOT the rule when it comes to the practitioners of Islam.....that is true ESPECIALLY in America.

Being that a mosque has existed 4 blocks from what became Ground Zero for about 40 years (WITHOUT ANY INCIDENT OF RADICAL EXTREMIST ACTIONS), this latest rallying cry is nothing more misplaced revenge frustration coupled with prejudices that either existed before 9/11 or were formed afterward.

Also, one has to note that in that right ON Ground Zero there is construction planned for commercial business.....something that is usually NOT done on "hallowed ground". Remember, the proposed cultural center is 2 and a half blocks from Ground Zero. And since a LARGE radius was covered by the pulverized building and human dust, the "hallowed ground" now contains 2 strip clubs, various businesses, vendors, etc.

No one objected to the jokers hawking cheap exploitation goods for the tourist at Ground Zero for the last 9 years, now did they.

So all the neocon pundits and some GOP and DEM politicians that have echoed all the ill informed, misleading and untrue rhetoric against the cultural center have been given ample coverage by Fox News (when their own personalities weren't doing like advocating on air) are now faced with the FACT that their favorite bullhorn fits into the format of their hate and angst.

So again, where's the protest? The relentless demand for "disclosure" and "public denouncement" or "finanacial separation"?

I just find it fascinating how people will bend or deny reality in order to maintain their hate, fear, and bigotry.

Here's what I find fascinating.... that you believe that anyone who is against the mosque does not know that the extremists are the minority of Muslims. You 'know' that, because the MSM tell you that's what we think.

Evidently, you're not comprehending what I wrote. Let me make it more accessible to you: I pointed out that the RHETORIC used by the anti-cultural center folk CONTRADICTS the FACTS that the 9/11 extremists are in the minority of the Muslim world. You can't state a fact and then turn around and say, "but to support my argument, I'll ignore the fact...and that's okay." Understand now?

The reasons why so many are against the Mosque is not because we hate Muslims. It is because it is insulting to the dead, it will be seen as a 'triumph' by those among them who do seek to destroy us, the funding for the mosque is from suspect, there is no need for the mosque to be build there - it is a commercial area, not residential, there are plenty of other, less controversial, places to build it.

Since I've addressed most of the points here earlier, all you are doing is just parroting a moot contention that was logically disproven. And please note that the 40 year old mosque that is 2 blocks further has been woefully overcrowded for years, so the mosque CONTAINED WITHIN THE CULTURAL CENTER is responding to a need of the community. Also, since the proposal met all legal City zoning statutes and was passed by the local board, it's not up to YOU to decide the need for a new mosque.

See, no 'hate' for Muslims, just respect for New York, it's people - ALL of them - and the families of those who died.

Oh spare me the mantras......there are families of those who died at 9/11 who support the building of the cultural center, you know. Remember, muslims also died at Ground Zero, and were there helping out during the rescue efforts.

Like I said before, you're just venting a frustrated revenge angst, and have erroneously linked any Islamic achievement/advocacy to Al Qaeda and like minded extremism.
I'm confused as to why you think this revelation will change anyone's mind? I still think putting a mosque at that site shows a lack of sensibilities towards 3000 dead Americans. And that's just the way it goes.

Well, let's take it from the top:

The "sensibilities" that you are referring to are the misconceptions that somehow any mosque near Ground Zero supports/emboldens Al Qaeda and wanna -be terrorist, giving them a "win". What is being denied and ignored is the FACT that Al Qaeda and like minded extremist are the EXCEPTION and NOT the rule when it comes to the practitioners of Islam.....that is true ESPECIALLY in America.

Being that a mosque has existed 4 blocks from what became Ground Zero for about 40 years (WITHOUT ANY INCIDENT OF RADICAL EXTREMIST ACTIONS), this latest rallying cry is nothing more misplaced revenge frustration coupled with prejudices that either existed before 9/11 or were formed afterward.

Also, one has to note that in that right ON Ground Zero there is construction planned for commercial business.....something that is usually NOT done on "hallowed ground". Remember, the proposed cultural center is 2 and a half blocks from Ground Zero. And since a LARGE radius was covered by the pulverized building and human dust, the "hallowed ground" now contains 2 strip clubs, various businesses, vendors, etc.

No one objected to the jokers hawking cheap exploitation goods for the tourist at Ground Zero for the last 9 years, now did they.

So all the neocon pundits and some GOP and DEM politicians that have echoed all the ill informed, misleading and untrue rhetoric against the cultural center have been given ample coverage by Fox News (when their own personalities weren't doing like advocating on air) are now faced with the FACT that their favorite bullhorn fits into the format of their hate and angst.

So again, where's the protest? The relentless demand for "disclosure" and "public denouncement" or "finanacial separation"?

I just find it fascinating how people will bend or deny reality in order to maintain their hate, fear, and bigotry.

Here's what I find fascinating.... that you believe that anyone who is against the mosque does not know that the extremists are the minority of Muslims. You 'know' that, because the MSM tell you that's what we think.

The reasons why so many are against the Mosque is not because we hate Muslims. It is because it is insulting to the dead, it will be seen as a 'triumph' by those among them who do seek to destroy us, the funding for the mosque is from suspect, there is no need for the mosque to be build there - it is a commercial area, not residential, there are plenty of other, less controversial, places to build it.

See, no 'hate' for Muslims, just respect for New York, it's people - ALL of them - and the families of those who died.

I'm confused as to why you think this revelation will change anyone's mind? I still think putting a mosque at that site shows a lack of sensibilities towards 3000 dead Americans. And that's just the way it goes.

I guess you are just pretending not to know that some of those 3000 dead Americans were Muslims?

and that is supposed to mean what exactly?

is there some equity to be fashioned ala Christian vs. jew vs. atheist vs. Muslim vs. Wicca body count at GZ and religious symbolism apportioned according to those numbers?

remember this?

He's just pointing out to those who continually bring up "3000 dead Americans" as some sort of reason not to allow the cultural center that muslims are Americans and were included in the death toll. So you can't invoke casualties to support frustrated revenge and bigotry when the very people you are advocating against were part of what you tout as a "sensibility".
Fox (Hannity, Beck et al) is co owned by a saudi! This is just hilarious. Hilarious!

You guys look so fucking dumb. Dispute this.
take a look at the link i posted, moron
you'll find another media company there

Dive, I think you're gonna have to spell it out.... Zona isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, I think the point is so far over his head, it may as well be the Space Station.

And please enlighten us all as to how the sheer irony of all those teabaggers and neocon parrots who faithfully follow the Fox News punditry and "fair & balanced" reporting are now faced with applying the same standards to their own is not hysterical? Or are you endorsing the hypocrisy of placing one set of standards on others and NOT on your own?
take a look at the link i posted, moron
you'll find another media company there

Dive, I think you're gonna have to spell it out.... Zona isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, I think the point is so far over his head, it may as well be the Space Station.

And please enlighten us all as to how the sheer irony of all those teabaggers and neocon parrots who faithfully follow the Fox News punditry and "fair & balanced" reporting are now faced with applying the same standards to their own is not hysterical? Or are you endorsing the hypocrisy of placing one set of standards on others and NOT on your own?
how about you actually answering my question?
how do you feel about the other investments this Prince has?

and i'll add another one
should a corp be able to refuse investments by people based on national origin?
Well, let's take it from the top:

The "sensibilities" that you are referring to are the misconceptions that somehow any mosque near Ground Zero supports/emboldens Al Qaeda and wanna -be terrorist, giving them a "win". What is being denied and ignored is the FACT that Al Qaeda and like minded extremist are the EXCEPTION and NOT the rule when it comes to the practitioners of Islam.....that is true ESPECIALLY in America.

Being that a mosque has existed 4 blocks from what became Ground Zero for about 40 years (WITHOUT ANY INCIDENT OF RADICAL EXTREMIST ACTIONS), this latest rallying cry is nothing more misplaced revenge frustration coupled with prejudices that either existed before 9/11 or were formed afterward.

Also, one has to note that in that right ON Ground Zero there is construction planned for commercial business.....something that is usually NOT done on "hallowed ground". Remember, the proposed cultural center is 2 and a half blocks from Ground Zero. And since a LARGE radius was covered by the pulverized building and human dust, the "hallowed ground" now contains 2 strip clubs, various businesses, vendors, etc.

No one objected to the jokers hawking cheap exploitation goods for the tourist at Ground Zero for the last 9 years, now did they.

So all the neocon pundits and some GOP and DEM politicians that have echoed all the ill informed, misleading and untrue rhetoric against the cultural center have been given ample coverage by Fox News (when their own personalities weren't doing like advocating on air) are now faced with the FACT that their favorite bullhorn fits into the format of their hate and angst.

So again, where's the protest? The relentless demand for "disclosure" and "public denouncement" or "finanacial separation"?

I just find it fascinating how people will bend or deny reality in order to maintain their hate, fear, and bigotry.

Here's what I find fascinating.... that you believe that anyone who is against the mosque does not know that the extremists are the minority of Muslims. You 'know' that, because the MSM tell you that's what we think.

Evidently, you're not comprehending what I wrote. Let me make it more accessible to you: I pointed out that the RHETORIC used by the anti-cultural center folk CONTRADICTS the FACTS that the 9/11 extremists are in the minority of the Muslim world. You can't state a fact and then turn around and say, "but to support my argument, I'll ignore the fact...and that's okay." Understand now?

The reasons why so many are against the Mosque is not because we hate Muslims. It is because it is insulting to the dead, it will be seen as a 'triumph' by those among them who do seek to destroy us, the funding for the mosque is from suspect, there is no need for the mosque to be build there - it is a commercial area, not residential, there are plenty of other, less controversial, places to build it.

Since I've addressed most of the points here earlier, all you are doing is just parroting a moot contention that was logically disproven. And please note that the 40 year old mosque that is 2 blocks further has been woefully overcrowded for years, so the mosque CONTAINED WITHIN THE CULTURAL CENTER is responding to a need of the community. Also, since the proposal met all legal City zoning statutes and was passed by the local board, it's not up to YOU to decide the need for a new mosque.

See, no 'hate' for Muslims, just respect for New York, it's people - ALL of them - and the families of those who died.

Oh spare me the mantras......there are families of those who died at 9/11 who support the building of the cultural center, you know. Remember, muslims also died at Ground Zero, and were there helping out during the rescue efforts.

Like I said before, you're just venting a frustrated revenge angst, and have erroneously linked any Islamic achievement/advocacy to Al Qaeda and like minded extremism.

Actually, I read somewhere that at least 80 Muslims died in the attack separate from the 19 from our ally, Saudi Arabia. Where the new owner of Fox news is from.
coming from a guy who watches comedy central for news. fine day today, no?

Since it's obvious you're more interesting in hurling insults than discussing the opening post of this thread, there's no point in me responding to you further or wasting time and space scrolling past your posts. I suggest you to back to JPP, where your friends will appreciate your nonsense.

i dont debate with intellectual misfits.

That's true. You automatically agree with them.
So while Fox News and all it's affiliated punditry are hyping the anti-mosque movement in NYC and stoking the anti-muslim hysteria throughout the USA, they are strangely silent that the Second largest Shareholder of their parent company is a Saudi muslim who has funded the very same project:

Think Progress Fox Shareholder Prince Alwaleed Meets With News Corp Execs To Discuss How To ?Strengthen The Alliance?

So I'll just sit back and wait for all the folks on these threads that are against the NYC mosque, railing about sharia infilitration/takeover of the USA, etc., to turn their ire on Fox News, and ask their demi-gods of neocon punditry (Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck, Levin, etc.) to bite the hand that feeds them. :eusa_whistle::rolleyes:

I'm confused as to why you think this revelation will change anyone's mind? I still think putting a mosque at that site shows a lack of sensibilities towards 3000 dead Americans. And that's just the way it goes.

Exactly Willow. If someone wanted to put a firing range 2 blocks from Colombine then the liberals would be screaming about a lack of sensibilities anout those who were killed. Putting a mosque at ground zero is a very bad idea.
Here's what I find fascinating.... that you believe that anyone who is against the mosque does not know that the extremists are the minority of Muslims. You 'know' that, because the MSM tell you that's what we think.

Evidently, you're not comprehending what I wrote. Let me make it more accessible to you: I pointed out that the RHETORIC used by the anti-cultural center folk CONTRADICTS the FACTS that the 9/11 extremists are in the minority of the Muslim world. You can't state a fact and then turn around and say, "but to support my argument, I'll ignore the fact...and that's okay." Understand now?

The reasons why so many are against the Mosque is not because we hate Muslims. It is because it is insulting to the dead, it will be seen as a 'triumph' by those among them who do seek to destroy us, the funding for the mosque is from suspect, there is no need for the mosque to be build there - it is a commercial area, not residential, there are plenty of other, less controversial, places to build it.

Since I've addressed most of the points here earlier, all you are doing is just parroting a moot contention that was logically disproven. And please note that the 40 year old mosque that is 2 blocks further has been woefully overcrowded for years, so the mosque CONTAINED WITHIN THE CULTURAL CENTER is responding to a need of the community. Also, since the proposal met all legal City zoning statutes and was passed by the local board, it's not up to YOU to decide the need for a new mosque.

See, no 'hate' for Muslims, just respect for New York, it's people - ALL of them - and the families of those who died.

Oh spare me the mantras......there are families of those who died at 9/11 who support the building of the cultural center, you know. Remember, muslims also died at Ground Zero, and were there helping out during the rescue efforts.

Like I said before, you're just venting a frustrated revenge angst, and have erroneously linked any Islamic achievement/advocacy to Al Qaeda and like minded extremism.

Actually, I read somewhere that at least 80 Muslims died in the attack separate from the 19 from our ally, Saudi Arabia. Where the new owner of Fox news is from.

Actually, I read somewhere that you are a total fucking idiot.
So while Fox News and all it's affiliated punditry are hyping the anti-mosque movement in NYC and stoking the anti-muslim hysteria throughout the USA, they are strangely silent that the Second largest Shareholder of their parent company is a Saudi muslim who has funded the very same project:

Think Progress Fox Shareholder Prince Alwaleed Meets With News Corp Execs To Discuss How To ?Strengthen The Alliance?

So I'll just sit back and wait for all the folks on these threads that are against the NYC mosque, railing about sharia infilitration/takeover of the USA, etc., to turn their ire on Fox News, and ask their demi-gods of neocon punditry (Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck, Levin, etc.) to bite the hand that feeds them. :eusa_whistle::rolleyes:

I'm confused as to why you think this revelation will change anyone's mind? I still think putting a mosque at that site shows a lack of sensibilities towards 3000 dead Americans. And that's just the way it goes.

Exactly Willow. If someone wanted to put a firing range 2 blocks from Colombine then the liberals would be screaming about a lack of sensibilities anout those who were killed. Putting a mosque at ground zero is a very bad idea.

Here Walt, maybe this will help you understand what I'm saying:
I'm confused as to why you think this revelation will change anyone's mind? I still think putting a mosque at that site shows a lack of sensibilities towards 3000 dead Americans. And that's just the way it goes.

Exactly Willow. If someone wanted to put a firing range 2 blocks from Colombine then the liberals would be screaming about a lack of sensibilities anout those who were killed. Putting a mosque at ground zero is a very bad idea.

Here Walt, maybe this will help you understand what I'm saying:
again i'll ask you

do you care about the OTHER media this prince has invested in?
the simple fact that there are idiots like rdean out there that think if you have a 6% share in a company that you are the one calling the shots is absolutely hysterical.

murdoch: 30%
...and 30% is more than 6% get a FUCKING LIFE.
So while Fox News and all it's affiliated punditry are hyping the anti-mosque movement in NYC and stoking the anti-muslim hysteria throughout the USA, they are strangely silent that the Second largest Shareholder of their parent company is a Saudi muslim who has funded the very same project:

Think Progress Fox Shareholder Prince Alwaleed Meets With News Corp Execs To Discuss How To ?Strengthen The Alliance?

So I'll just sit back and wait for all the folks on these threads that are against the NYC mosque, railing about sharia infilitration/takeover of the USA, etc., to turn their ire on Fox News, and ask their demi-gods of neocon punditry (Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck, Levin, etc.) to bite the hand that feeds them. :eusa_whistle::rolleyes:

Doesn't this show, if your facts are accurate, that they (FNC) are not being influenced on the subject of the mosque by this large shareholder? Isn't that a good thing? Doesn't it fly in the face of commonly held precepts about investors in Fox and their influence on the handling of subjects and their reportage?

You are being too clever by half.
Last edited:
I'm confused as to why you think this revelation will change anyone's mind? I still think putting a mosque at that site shows a lack of sensibilities towards 3000 dead Americans. And that's just the way it goes.

Exactly Willow. If someone wanted to put a firing range 2 blocks from Colombine then the liberals would be screaming about a lack of sensibilities anout those who were killed. Putting a mosque at ground zero is a very bad idea.

Here Walt, maybe this will help you understand what I'm saying:

I am not against the mosque because of what fox news says. I am against it because it is a bad idea.
Exactly Willow. If someone wanted to put a firing range 2 blocks from Colombine then the liberals would be screaming about a lack of sensibilities anout those who were killed. Putting a mosque at ground zero is a very bad idea.

Here Walt, maybe this will help you understand what I'm saying:
again i'll ask you

do you care about the OTHER media this prince has invested in?
still waiting for a response Mr liberal
Oh spare me the mantras......there are families of those who died at 9/11 who support the building of the cultural center, you know. Remember, muslims also died at Ground Zero, and were there helping out during the rescue efforts.

Like I said before, you're just venting a frustrated revenge angst, and have erroneously linked any Islamic achievement/advocacy to Al Qaeda and like minded extremism.

Actually, I read somewhere that at least 80 Muslims died in the attack separate from the 19 from our ally, Saudi Arabia. Where the new owner of Fox news is from.

Actually, I read somewhere that you are a total fucking idiot.

Man, are you a piece of shit or what?

Partial List of Muslim 9/11 Victims:

Note: This list is as yet incomplete and unconfirmed. It has been compiled from the Islamic Circle of North America, the Newsday victims database, and reports from other major news organizations. The victims' ages, employers, or other personal information is included when available, along with links to further information or photos.

Samad Afridi
Ashraf Ahmad
Shabbir Ahmad (45 years old; Windows on the World; leaves wife and 3 children)
Umar Ahmad
Azam Ahsan
Ahmed Ali
Tariq Amanullah (40 years old; Fiduciary Trust Co.; ICNA website team member; leaves wife and 2 children)
Touri Bolourchi (69 years old; United Airlines #175; a retired nurse from Tehran)
Salauddin Ahmad Chaudhury
Abdul K. Chowdhury (30 years old; Cantor Fitzgerald)
Mohammad S. Chowdhury (39 years old; Windows on the World; leaves wife and child born 2 days after the attack)
Jamal Legesse Desantis
Ramzi Attallah Douani (35 years old; Marsh & McLennan)
SaleemUllah Farooqi
Syed Fatha (54 years old; Pitney Bowes)
Osman Gani
Mohammad Hamdani (50 years old)
Salman Hamdani (NYPD Cadet)
Aisha Harris (21 years old; General Telecom)
Shakila Hoque (Marsh & McLennan)
Nabid Hossain
Shahzad Hussain
Talat Hussain
Mohammad Shah Jahan (Marsh & McLennan)
Yasmeen Jamal
Mohammed Jawarta (MAS security)
Arslan Khan Khakwani
Asim Khan
Ataullah Khan
Ayub Khan
Qasim Ali Khan
Sarah Khan (32 years old; Cantor Fitzgerald)
Taimour Khan (29 years old; Karr Futures)
Yasmeen Khan
Zahida Khan
Badruddin Lakhani
Omar Malick
Nurul Hoque Miah (36 years old)
Mubarak Mohammad (23 years old)
Boyie Mohammed (Carr Futures)
Raza Mujtaba
Omar Namoos
Mujeb Qazi
Tarranum Rahim
Ehtesham U. Raja (28 years old)
Ameenia Rasool (33 years old)
Naveed Rehman
Yusuf Saad
Rahma Salie & unborn child (28 years old; American Airlines #11; wife of Michael Theodoridis; 7 months pregnant)
Shoman Samad
Asad Samir
Khalid Shahid (25 years old; Cantor Fitzgerald; engaged to be married in November)
Mohammed Shajahan (44 years old; Marsh & McLennan)
Naseema Simjee (Franklin Resources Inc.'s Fiduciary Trust)
Jamil Swaati
Sanober Syed
Robert Elias Talhami (40 years old; Cantor Fitzgerald)
Michael Theodoridis (32 years old; American Airlines #11; husband of Rahma Salie)
W. Wahid
Fox news is in a quandary.

The foreign owned news organization has been very successful in dividing this country. I suspect this makes their terrorist sympathizer and Muslim owner very happy.

On the other hand, they have smeared Islam to create this division. Exposing the lurid rights true feelings about the US constitution and first amendment rights.
Fox news is in a quandary.

The foreign owned news organization has been very successful in dividing this country. I suspect this makes their terrorist sympathizer and Muslim owner very happy.

On the other hand, they have smeared Islam to create this division. Exposing the lurid rights true feelings about the US constitution and first amendment rights.
yeah, telling the truth about Obama is so divisive
Fox news is in a quandary.

The foreign owned news organization has been very successful in dividing this country. I suspect this makes their terrorist sympathizer and Muslim owner very happy.

On the other hand, they have smeared Islam to create this division. Exposing the lurid rights true feelings about the US constitution and first amendment rights.
yeah, telling the truth about Obama is so divisive

You wouldn't know the truth if it impaled itself on your pin head.


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