Fox News supports interracial marriage and social security


Nov 4, 2013
This video also talks about the Megyn Kelly/Aisha Harris fiasco. Jesus is most likely not White in the traditional sense of the word. However, portraying Santa as black is contrived, as Santa has emerged from European traditions. It is equivalent to portraying Odin or Thor as Black. You can make Santa whatever race you want, but you are saying "fuck you" to the traditions if you make him non-white

"Second off, it's like, "cultural appropriate mahn".

Third off, Fox News and "conservatives" are, in historical terms, radical universalists, radical race-mixers, and support a program of domestic economic intervention and support that would make FDR blush.

FDR's new deal did not include Medicare, Medicaid, state level income security. FDR supported lower taxes, did not propose to end racial segregation in the former Confederate States, kept abortion illegal, allowed sodomy laws and anti-race mixing laws in 38 of the 48 states, and upheld the "national origins"

Modern day "conservatives" on the other hand have kept FDR's social security, and the platform of Rand Paul includes medicare, medicaid and income security to boot, along with mandatory complettion of high school, and take the completely "progressive" stance on all of the immigration and marriage issues above.

Compared to the rest of the history of the United States and the Anglosphere, the US Republican party is radically pro-state, radically universalist, anti-nationalist and integrationist, and radically socially liberal. The United States goes to far as to invade other countries to spread the democratic revolution globally (while maintaining the petro-dollar and lining a few pockets in the war racket).

And the general public is so brainwashed that all they see is oppression of blacks and mestizos and wars of foreign conquest."
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1 reason I have refused to give money to watching that movie THOR because one of the gods is non white in the movie...nothing but garbage.
This video also talks about the Megyn Kelly/Aisha Harris fiasco. Jesus is most likely not White in the traditional sense of the word. However, portraying Santa as black is contrived, as Santa has emerged from European traditions. It is equivalent to portraying Odin or Thor as Black. You can make Santa whatever race you want, but you are saying "fuck you" to the traditions if you make him non-white

"Second off, it's like, "cultural appropriate mahn".

Third off, Fox News and "conservatives" are, in historical terms, radical universalists, radical race-mixers, and support a program of domestic economic intervention and support that would make FDR blush.

FDR's new deal did not include Medicare, Medicaid, state level income security. FDR supported lower taxes, did not propose to end racial segregation in the former Confederate States, kept abortion illegal, allowed sodomy laws and anti-race mixing laws in 38 of the 48 states, and upheld the "national origins"

Modern day "conservatives" on the other hand have kept FDR's social security, and the platform of Rand Paul includes medicare, medicaid and income security to boot, along with mandatory complettion of high school, and take the completely "progressive" stance on all of the immigration and marriage issues above.

Compared to the rest of the history of the United States and the Anglosphere, the US Republican party is radically pro-state, radically universalist, anti-nationalist and integrationist, and radically socially liberal. The United States goes to far as to invade other countries to spread the democratic revolution globally (while maintaining the petro-dollar and lining a few pockets in the war racket).

And the general public is so brainwashed that all they see is oppression of blacks and mestizos and wars of foreign conquest."
Who gives a fuck! Black people have had black Santa's and Chinese people have and will have Chinese Santas. You wanna tell me that every time they want to put a Santa in a mall located in a predominately black neighborhood, they have to run around searching for a white man ONLY, to take that job? Or if the Chinese want to have a Santa in a mall in Beijing, they have to import a white man from Europe or the US?

This is about making the kids happy, not fulfilling the delusional wishes of a bunch of fargen Nazi iceholes like you.
1 reason I have refused to give money to watching that movie THOR because one of the gods is non white in the movie...nothing but garbage.

Oh no! One weak, feeble-minded coward won't watch the movie! They'll be ruined!

You are a hopeless loser, an evolutionary error, and a temporary stain on humanity. Talk about garbage; you couldn't hope to attain the level of garbage if you improved yourself significantly every day of the rest of your miserable, pointless life.
FDR's new deal did not include Medicare, Medicaid, state level income security. FDR supported lower taxes, did not propose to end racial segregation in the former Confederate States, kept abortion illegal, allowed sodomy laws and anti-race mixing laws in 38 of the 48 states, and upheld the "national origins"

FDR was a fucking scumbag. YOU are a fucking scumbag too, but you are - fortunately - utterly impotent and irrelevant.
]This video also talks about the Megyn Kelly/Aisha Harris fiasco. Jesus is most likely not White in the traditional sense of the word. However, portraying Santa as black is contrived, as Santa has emerged from European traditions. It is equivalent to portraying Odin or Thor as Black. You can make Santa whatever race you want, but you are saying "fuck you" to the traditions if you make him non-white

"Second off, it's like, "cultural appropriate mahn".

Third off, Fox News and "conservatives" are, in historical terms, radical universalists, radical race-mixers, and support a program of domestic economic intervention and support that would make FDR blush.

FDR's new deal did not include Medicare, Medicaid, state level income security. FDR supported lower taxes, did not propose to end racial segregation in the former Confederate States, kept abortion illegal, allowed sodomy laws and anti-race mixing laws in 38 of the 48 states, and upheld the "national origins"

Modern day "conservatives" on the other hand have kept FDR's social security, and the platform of Rand Paul includes medicare, medicaid and income security to boot, along with mandatory complettion of high school, and take the completely "progressive" stance on all of the immigration and marriage issues above.

Compared to the rest of the history of the United States and the Anglosphere, the US Republican party is radically pro-state, radically universalist, anti-nationalist and integrationist, and radically socially liberal. The United States goes to far as to invade other countries to spread the democratic revolution globally (while maintaining the petro-dollar and lining a few pockets in the war racket).

And the general public is so brainwashed that all they see is oppression of blacks and mestizos and wars of foreign conquest."
Who gives a fuck! Black people have had black Santa's and Chinese people have and will have Chinese Santas. You wanna tell me that every time they want to put a Santa in a mall located in a predominately black neighborhood, they have to run around searching for a white man ONLY, to take that job? Or if the Chinese want to have a Santa in a mall in Beijing, they have to import a white man from Europe or the US?

This is about making the kids happy, not fulfilling the delusional wishes of a bunch of fargen Nazi iceholes like you.
Yes they must find the nearest Nordic Aryan to play Santa at the colored people's mall. You figured out the point of the video, congrats
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FDR's new deal did not include Medicare, Medicaid, state level income security. FDR supported lower taxes, did not propose to end racial segregation in the former Confederate States, kept abortion illegal, allowed sodomy laws and anti-race mixing laws in 38 of the 48 states, and upheld the "national origins"

FDR was a fucking scumbag. YOU are a fucking scumbag too, but you are - fortunately - utterly impotent and irrelevant.

FDR was more of a conservative than you. So is he a scumbag because he is conservative?
FDR's new deal did not include Medicare, Medicaid, state level income security. FDR supported lower taxes, did not propose to end racial segregation in the former Confederate States, kept abortion illegal, allowed sodomy laws and anti-race mixing laws in 38 of the 48 states, and upheld the "national origins"

FDR was a fucking scumbag. YOU are a fucking scumbag too, but you are - fortunately - utterly impotent and irrelevant.

FDR was more of a conservative than you. So is he a scumbag because he is conservative?

He was no conservative and he was a fucking scumbag, like you.
FDR was a fucking scumbag. YOU are a fucking scumbag too, but you are - fortunately - utterly impotent and irrelevant.

FDR was more of a conservative than you. So is he a scumbag because he is conservative?

He was no conservative and he was a fucking scumbag, like you.

Yes he was. Republicans are pinko hippy progressives compared to him. So you must hate true conservatives. You are showing your true colors ya damn liberal!

I am gonna call you Hanoi Unkotare from now on.
He was no conservative and he was a fucking scumbag, like you.

Yes he was. .

No he wasn't, you ignorant POS. Real conservatives at the time opposed his distributive and centralizing agenda. Go take a History course, you moron.
Republicans today not only support Social Security(which FDR supported), but support Medicaid and Medicare, programs Roosevelt opposed. The GOP would be too progressive for FDR today.

Yes he was. .

No he wasn't, you ignorant POS. Real conservatives at the time opposed his distributive and centralizing agenda. Go take a History course, you moron.
Republicans today not only support Social Security(which FDR supported), but support Medicaid and Medicare, programs Roosevelt opposed. The GOP would be too progressive for FDR today.

If you understood any part of what you are trying to talk about you'd STFU and spare yourself the embarrassment.
No he wasn't, you ignorant POS. Real conservatives at the time opposed his distributive and centralizing agenda. Go take a History course, you moron.
Republicans today not only support Social Security(which FDR supported), but support Medicaid and Medicare, programs Roosevelt opposed. The GOP would be too progressive for FDR today.

If you understood any part of what you are trying to talk about you'd STFU and spare yourself the embarrassment.
Why so angry?
Jesus is most likely not White in the traditional sense of the word.

Laughing too hard to read the rest of the op.

WTF is "the traditional sense of the word"?

But, for pure comedy, ya can't beat this from our impotent little hitler wanabe:

1 reason I have refused to give money to watching that movie THOR because one of the gods is non white in the movie...nothing but garbage.

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