There Is No Social Security Solvency Crisis. Why Is MSNBC Telling Us Otherwise?

What a childish outburst. You don't know anything about me. And taxes are not theft. Duh.

Funny how the opposite is true. How are those military bennies I am paying for? You're welcome.
I stopped going to the VA because it's a Government run bureaucratic nightmare. When taxes go to pay for shit that is not mandated by the Constitution it is theft.
My father gets wonderful care at the VA. So... bullshit

It's not theft. Sorry. That debate ended in the 18th century.
I come from a military family on both sides and it has been nothing but shit for all of us. After years of back problems and shit loads VA prescribed pain killers, anti-inflammatories physical therapy that did fuck all, to many xrays to count and MRI's I was told I had a degenerating L4 and L5 after the last MRI my primary told me my back was somehow getting better, it wasn't.

It's funny how the "good care" at the VA always seems to fall along political lines.
It’s one thing for Republicans to threaten Social Security. It’s another for our “liberal” media to aid and abet them by pushing the false narrative that Social Security has a “solvency crisis.”

The Myth of Social Security Insolvency

Economist Stephanie Kelton destroys this myth in her book, In The Deficit Myth, recently chosen by as No. 1 on a list of the Best Economic Theory Books of All Time:

FDR designed Social Security with FICA contributions and trust funds to gain popular support of the programs. People would “see” the funds were there to pay the benefits. But now, people “see” or are being told to “see” the funds are not there.

So what would we do to provide for if and when Social Security benefits exceed the contributions?

What can be done

Congress can pass a law today providing that full Social Security benefits will be paid even if the Trust Fund is exhausted.

Wait! They can do that?

Not only can they, but they already do it for Medicare Parts B and D. Unlike the trust funds for Social Security and Medicare A and C, the Trust Fund for Parts B and D (“SMI”) has the authority to pay full benefits from general federal government funds. So the same Social Security and Medicare Trustees report containing scary predictions for Social Security and Medicare A and C states: “For SMI, the Trustees project that both Part B and Part D will remain adequately financed into the indefinite future because current law provides financing.” As Kelton writes, “That keeps SMI financially secure to infinity and beyond!”

All Congress would have to do is apply the provisions of SMI to the other Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds and every one of MacGuineas statements falls.

  • We can afford to pay for all benefits to current and future retirees even if contributions lag benefits.
  • There is no reason to cut benefits, now or in the future, or even to raise taxes, now or in the future.
  • Not even to raise the cap on contributions (which would violate President Biden’s pledge not to increase taxes on income under $400K).
  • There is no reason to pit generations against each other to triage government funds.
  • There is no reason to raise the retirement age.

Would somebody please think about the bankers.
gotta get biden's disaster of a presidency onto another topic
Not surprising, since Republicans shamelessly lie whenever it suits them.
I'm not a Republican I'm a Conservative and my family has a continuous military history going back to the Civil War when my paternal Great, Great Grandfather got off the boat from Scotland. My maternal families history goes back further. I have two children that are currently in the military. Did you serve ? If not you don't know what the fuck your talking about.
Your either a troll or a moron. Eventually you run out of other peoples money or the US will default.
In theory. But no one is suggesting we do that. Long ago, most of us rational people stopped allowing chicken littles like you to control an agenda. Go cry wolf -- again.
I'm not a Republican I'm a Conservative and my family has a continuous military history going back to the Civil War when my paternal Great, Great Grandfather got off the boat from Scotland. My maternal families history goes back further. I have two children that are currently in the military. Did you serve ? If not you don't know what the fuck your talking about.
So your family only came here around the time of the War between the states? Seeing that the whole male line of the Trump family in the USA, has avoided military service, and has a shameful record of avoiding mandatory military service on two continents, did you support Trump? If so, Do you now?
It’s one thing for Republicans to threaten Social Security. It’s another for our “liberal” media to aid and abet them by pushing the false narrative that Social Security has a “solvency crisis.”

The Myth of Social Security Insolvency

Economist Stephanie Kelton destroys this myth in her book, In The Deficit Myth, recently chosen by as No. 1 on a list of the Best Economic Theory Books of All Time:

FDR designed Social Security with FICA contributions and trust funds to gain popular support of the programs. People would “see” the funds were there to pay the benefits. But now, people “see” or are being told to “see” the funds are not there.

So what would we do to provide for if and when Social Security benefits exceed the contributions?

What can be done

Congress can pass a law today providing that full Social Security benefits will be paid even if the Trust Fund is exhausted.

Wait! They can do that?

Not only can they, but they already do it for Medicare Parts B and D. Unlike the trust funds for Social Security and Medicare A and C, the Trust Fund for Parts B and D (“SMI”) has the authority to pay full benefits from general federal government funds. So the same Social Security and Medicare Trustees report containing scary predictions for Social Security and Medicare A and C states: “For SMI, the Trustees project that both Part B and Part D will remain adequately financed into the indefinite future because current law provides financing.” As Kelton writes, “That keeps SMI financially secure to infinity and beyond!”

All Congress would have to do is apply the provisions of SMI to the other Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds and every one of MacGuineas statements falls.

  • We can afford to pay for all benefits to current and future retirees even if contributions lag benefits.
  • There is no reason to cut benefits, now or in the future, or even to raise taxes, now or in the future.
  • Not even to raise the cap on contributions (which would violate President Biden’s pledge not to increase taxes on income under $400K).
  • There is no reason to pit generations against each other to triage government funds.
  • There is no reason to raise the retirement age.

Would somebody please think about the bankers.
MSDNC is your sides network not mine so you tell us then.
Social Security never was solvent. Politicians started stealing from it before the ink was dry on FDR's signature. LBJ finally legalized the theft by issuing an E.O. that FICA taxes would become part of the general fund.
:safetocomeoutff: I'd worry more about the nation itself becoming insolvent right now ~S~
So your family only came here around the time of the War between the states? Seeing that the whole male line of the Trump family in the USA, has avoided military service, and has a shameful record of avoiding mandatory military service on two continents, did you support Trump? If so, Do you now?
I'm not a Trump fan he spent like a Democrat and why the fuck should I care if someone avoided military service. I am against the draft and selective service. I'm content with an all volunteer professional military.

I never bitched about Biden's 5 deferments during Vietnam and I bet you didn't either funny how you bring up Trump's though it's almost like your a partisan hack or something.
I'm not a Republican I'm a Conservative and my family has a continuous military history going back to the Civil War when my paternal Great, Great Grandfather got off the boat from Scotland. My maternal families history goes back further. I have two children that are currently in the military. Did you serve ? If not you don't know what the fuck your talking about.
Learning how to stop bullets does not teach one how money or the VA works.

It's a different topic.
Learning how to stop bullets does not teach one how money or the VA works.

It's a different topic.
I worked on and managed computer systems and networks in the military and all that family history means a good chunk of us have spent a significant time dealing with the VA and it is a fucking nightmare.

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