Fox News trusted more than Obama on Obamacare info

Fox is doing great; they get 3 million of 45 million voting Republicans to use them as background white noise.
Less than 10% of your loyal following isn't bad, unless you consider the fact that Fox is the SOLE source of Right-Wing sound-bites (as opposed to the MSNBC source of Left-Wing sound bites).
So, in context, Fox is doing something right in terms of making money from sponsors but is missing something in terms of getting Republicans to tune in.

What was Roger Ailes' agenda when he took the helm of the ship of noise?

To make money by filling a void.
Use M*A*S*H as an example...
Very low ratings, but watched by an upper income audience that bought the advertised products.

Is Fox any worse than Rachel Maddow insisting that Abortion and Same Sex Marriage are the most important issues in America?
There's just as loopy from the other side.

To manipulate public opinion while filling a void and making money. Most modern major news outlets were not formed as ideological bastions to attack the status quo from a purely ideological stance

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