Fox News Wallace V. Trump On De-Funding Police


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
Our Dear President loses his brain with Chris Wallace.
Open the link and watch as Trump can't prove his argument on Biden's supposed plan to defund police.

"President Donald Trump interrupted an interview with Chris Wallace on Friday, after the Fox News host told him that former Vice President Joe Biden does not want to “defund” police departments."

The incident occurred as the two were discussing a rise in crime.

“It’s because they want to defund the police — and Biden wants to defund the police,” Trump said."

Our Dear President loses his brain with Chris Wallace.
Open the link and watch as Trump can't prove his argument on Biden's supposed plan to defund police.

"President Donald Trump interrupted an interview with Chris Wallace on Friday, after the Fox News host told him that former Vice President Joe Biden does not want to “defund” police departments."

The incident occurred as the two were discussing a rise in crime.

“It’s because they want to defund the police — and Biden wants to defund the police,” Trump said."

Why is chris wallace carrying biden’s water?

he is supposed to be non partisan not argumentatively pro biden
Our Dear President loses his brain with Chris Wallace.
Open the link and watch as Trump can't prove his argument on Biden's supposed plan to defund police.

"President Donald Trump interrupted an interview with Chris Wallace on Friday, after the Fox News host told him that former Vice President Joe Biden does not want to “defund” police departments."

The incident occurred as the two were discussing a rise in crime.

“It’s because they want to defund the police — and Biden wants to defund the police,” Trump said."

Biden is on record saying he would “redirect” police funds to other programs, which is defunding the police.

He even said police are “like the enemy”.

Sleepy Joe tries to say what his handlers tell him to say... comically or sadly his dementia keeps getting in the way

Where's this man's family?
A reduction of funding is not a reasonable answer if the "cops have become the enemy" and the regularly just murder blacks males, or just arrests black people to arrest black people so that the prisons have slaves.

Biden is trying to have it both ways. He wants to imply to the radical crazy leftards that he is with them on fighting against the police,

while he wants to have the sane dem voters, think that the police will still be there.

He will fail both of them. He will not shut down the police, like the radicals want,

but he will also not use the police to protect society from the radical crazies like the sane people want.
Biden is on record saying he would “redirect” police funds to other programs, which is defunding the police.

He even said police are “like the enemy”.

You must have missed the part where Wallace said it wasn't in the Biden/Sanders charter.
Why is chris wallace carrying biden’s water?

he is supposed to be non partisan not argumentatively pro biden
What? You must have missed the part where Wallace said it wasn't in the Biden/Sanders charter.
If cops are the enemy, then way does Biden want to give them funding?

Or is the shit he says, just shit we should dismiss?
Why is chris wallace carrying biden’s water?

he is supposed to be non partisan not argumentatively pro biden

Chris Wallace is a weak China-First guy. Trump should just say to Wallace, "how about this? Let's have Biden and I come here to you together in this studio and have this discussion". There is no retort to that.
That's not true, Biden has said differently than what was said with Wallace.
If you can't debate the entire facts, then don't. Just don't disparage those who can.
Como? In the charter is what was represented and it is not. Comprende?
Chris Wallace is and has been a water carrier for the Democrats. He pretends to be an independent newsman, he is a total phony.
Presidents of both parties have regarded him with suspicion. Bill Clinton once accused him of having a “little smirk on your face,” Barack Obama avoided his program for eight years, and President Trump declared him “nasty & obnoxious” and a “Mike Wallace wannabe.”

All that is to say that Mr. Wallace, 72, is comfortable being a bit of an enigma. For every Trump loyalist who views him as a heretic, there is a liberal who wishes he’d denounce colleagues like Sean Hannity. (To be clear: He won’t.)
"Because he's not (always) wrong. He's just an asshole!"

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