Fox skews must face 1.6 billion dollar defamation lawsuit over election coverage. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ It just keeps getting better and better.


Can't wait to see the discovery on this one. :p

You clowns seem to think that discovery will allow you access to Dominionโ€™s proprietary documentation and information and that isnโ€™t going to happen.

Discovery will require Fox News to come clean with what that evidence they have that Dominion was violating the law.

When you make wild claims about a company, you have to be able to back them up with what you know, not with what is in their files
Op creates two threads on same story.

Desperate much?
You clowns seem to think that discovery will allow you access to Dominionโ€™s proprietary documentation and information and that isnโ€™t going to happen.

Discovery will require Fox News to come clean with what that evidence they have that Dominion was violating the law.

When you make wild claims about a company, you have to be able to back them up with what you know, not with what is in their files
Dominion has already removed whatever evidence there was.
What did CNN do to them?

Did CNN make them attack the capital building in an attempt to stop a Constitutionally mandated process?

CNN and MSDNC hyped up the entire event, which means that these men--at least one of whom has committed suicide-- have lost EVERYTHING, including their freedom. When will we see Colbert's thugs in jail for the same crime?

Oh yeah. Never. Such is the "justice system" in the US these days. It's so bad, if I get called again for Jury Duty I will go to the courthouse and say this to everyone's faces. "You don't want me on your jury. I have no faith whatsoever in the American justice system anymore. None."
CNN and MSDNC hyped up the entire event, which means that these men--at least one of whom has committed suicide-- have lost EVERYTHING, including their freedom.

They lost all that for attacking the capital building in an attempt to stop a Constitutionally mandated process.

CNN and MSNBC had nothing to do with their decisions to do that
Weird how your life story changes based on the thread you are in
I am still involved because our vendors software sucks.
Itโ€™s more annoying than rewarding because the brilliant young โ€œsoftware developersโ€ write shitty codes and warehouse the same data in too many Tables.

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