Fox/Tea Party - fake photos of Chris Stevens

Fact: Repubs voted to cut security at Benghazi and other embassies.


Lying again, Benghazi was not on any ballot, and it's been proven that the cut in funding had nothing to do with security anywhere in Libya.

you just can't help yourself, liars are like that. liberalism is a mental disease, get professional help.

he's a tool and sick disgusting one at that

What could possibly be more sick than using the picture of another person's body to gain support for standing on four other people's bodies for political points? Morality is a gift you were given which you have returned for the profit of others.
These photos are definitely pictures of Stevens:



Photos of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens Dragged Through the Streets- Fiction!

Fact: Stevens was killed as a result of a terrorist attack in Benghazi.
Fact: Hillary & Obama failed to provide enough security PRIOR to the attack to keep 4 Americans safe and alive.

Driftingsand, You know nothing of human nature so it will not surprise me that this will fall upon deaf ears. These people are not "attacking" Ambassador Stevens as you and others would like to claim. The first photo shows someone carrying Stevens. Granted it is not the fireman's carry but Stevens is not be dragged or carried in a manner which would intentionally create do harm. The second photo look at the man's face who is holding Stevens. His his face of anger or concern. The person is holding a phone in his mouth. Why did he have a phone out. You think to take pictures? Or maybe to call for help. Look at how the person holding Stevens. He is supporting Stevens' body. He is trying very hard not to harm Stevens. Diftingsand, you are the one with hate. Be aware of that and if you can control that you be able to see clearer.

I didn't claim that the folks in the photo were attacking anyone. Re-read my initial post then return with an apology.
Maybe the Baghram photo was switched. Is the radical left trying to say an Ambassador and two former Navy Seals and another aid ....WEREN'T KILLED at Benghazi? People died and Obama lied.
These photos are definitely pictures of Stevens:



Photos of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens Dragged Through the Streets- Fiction!

Fact: Stevens was killed as a result of a terrorist attack in Benghazi.
Fact: Hillary & Obama failed to provide enough security PRIOR to the attack to keep 4 Americans safe and alive.

Driftingsand, You know nothing of human nature so it will not surprise me that this will fall upon deaf ears. These people are not "attacking" Ambassador Stevens as you and others would like to claim. The first photo shows someone carrying Stevens. Granted it is not the fireman's carry but Stevens is not be dragged or carried in a manner which would intentionally create do harm. The second photo look at the man's face who is holding Stevens. His his face of anger or concern. The person is holding a phone in his mouth. Why did he have a phone out. You think to take pictures? Or maybe to call for help. Look at how the person holding Stevens. He is supporting Stevens' body. He is trying very hard not to harm Stevens. Diftingsand, you are the one with hate. Be aware of that and if you can control that you be able to see clearer.

When Chris Stevens' body was dragged from the building, it was not by terrorists. The attack was over. The people who found the body were looters that followed the attack to take whatever they could get.
These photos are definitely pictures of Stevens:



Photos of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens Dragged Through the Streets- Fiction!

Fact: Stevens was killed as a result of a terrorist attack in Benghazi.
Fact: Hillary & Obama failed to provide enough security PRIOR to the attack to keep 4 Americans safe and alive.

I watch Fox every day ant these are the only pictures I've seen on Fox. If they showed the others, they took them down as soon as they found out they were plants by liberals, not Stevens.

Agreed. Luddly is unscrupulous and willing to twist the facts to suit his agenda.
wow, you people (Obama on your knees cult members) have become some sick freaks over this Obama/Clinton cover up

In another thread they are talking about people losing arms and legs

they can't IMPEACH THESE two soon enough for me

So you agree the photos are fake, Staph?

Why would FOX post them?

Oh. Did you know Stevens died of smoke inhalation? Nothing could have saved him. He's an American hero.

Let him rest in fucking peace.
I watch Fox every day ant these are the only pictures I've seen on Fox. If they showed the others, they took them down as soon as they found out they were plants by liberals, not Stevens.

What are you told these pictures represent?
Fact: Repubs voted to cut security at Benghazi and other embassies.


Fact: The terrorist attacks and the subsequent deaths occurred under Obama's, Holder's, and Hillary's watch (all Democrats).

Whose watch did 9-11 occur on?

911 was planned on Clinton's watch, if Clinton had done the right thing instead of passing the buck to the next Administration there would never have been a 911 attack. The Towers would still be standing!
These photos are definitely pictures of Stevens:



Photos of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens Dragged Through the Streets- Fiction!

Fact: Stevens was killed as a result of a terrorist attack in Benghazi.
Fact: Hillary & Obama failed to provide enough security PRIOR to the attack to keep 4 Americans safe and alive.

Driftingsand, You know nothing of human nature so it will not surprise me that this will fall upon deaf ears. These people are not "attacking" Ambassador Stevens as you and others would like to claim. The first photo shows someone carrying Stevens. Granted it is not the fireman's carry but Stevens is not be dragged or carried in a manner which would intentionally create do harm. The second photo look at the man's face who is holding Stevens. His his face of anger or concern. The person is holding a phone in his mouth. Why did he have a phone out. You think to take pictures? Or maybe to call for help. Look at how the person holding Stevens. He is supporting Stevens' body. He is trying very hard not to harm Stevens. Diftingsand, you are the one with hate. Be aware of that and if you can control that you be able to see clearer.

When Chris Stevens' body was dragged from the building, it was not by terrorists. The attack was over. The people who found the body were looters that followed the attack to take whatever they could get.

Agreed. I'm simply showing pictures of Stevens after the attack. Truth or Fiction states that the folks carrying him were taking him to a hospital. I'm simply saying two important things: 1) A planned terrorist attack occurred, and 2) 4 men could have been saved if security had been up to par.
When Chris Stevens' body was dragged from the building, it was not by terrorists. The attack was over. The people who found the body were looters that followed the attack to take whatever they could get.

You make these people out to be animals when it is you who blindly follows the sirens of hate like a dog whistle onto the jagged rocks which waits you.
Fox has a history of altering photos or using misleading video. But this goes way beyond that.

And USMB Republicans swear Arab owned Fox is the only honest and reliable news network.


You accusing someone else of being misleading?


Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, that is all you do son, every freaking thread.
wow, you people (Obama on your knees cult members) have become some sick freaks over this Obama/Clinton cover up

In another thread they are talking about people losing arms and legs

they can't IMPEACH THESE two soon enough for me

Steph, the repubs are opening another witch hunt because they know it gets the RW knuckle draggers excited and money starts flowing in. That is the reason that tax payers will be paying for the 14th investigation of Benghazi. Fess up know why they are doing it don't you?

Impeachment? If W and DICK weren't impeached, no one in the Obama administration will be.
I've declared 'open season' on Liberals, so "a'hunting I shall go."

I'll report the body count when I return.

I'd flag you as being a Republican but it is not like anyone doesn't already know. What do they use to bring out the base? Oh yeah, they use the bodies of the noble that you think you can feast upon. A snarling, drooling, foaming at the mouth lot of you. Mind gone, eyes rolled up in the back of your head you roam the earth madly looking for the scent of the just so they can be eliminated to please your masters.
Fact: The terrorist attacks and the subsequent deaths occurred under Obama's, Holder's, and Hillary's watch (all Democrats).

Whose watch did 9-11 occur on?

Deflection! Apples/oranges. Benghazi occurred in hostile territory and COULD have been prevented. Nobody saw 9/11 coming.

Over the 30 years there have been many attacks on US Embassies where US deaths occurred under different presidencies. In many of the cases the administrations were warned and did nothing. The aftermath did not have multiple investigations.
Prior to the US Marine barracks attack in Lebanon, the Reagan Administrations was repeatedly warned and did nothing. Over 200 troops were killed. Was there multiple investigations? No. Has there ever been multiple investigations of any previous attacks of American Embassies where Americans died? No.
So, CNN just reported that Libya is going to sign everyone in the country up for Obamacare.


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