Fox's Bill O' Reilly Urges Boycott of Mexico: Instantly Mexican Military Retaliates?

Do you think the Mexican military attack on our soil was purposeful?

  • No. It was just an accident like Mexican authorities said.

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Maybe, we'll have to learn more about it.

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Yes, I think they are sending a message only because of O'Reillys comments

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, the message: don't fuck with our economy anymore.

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Mexican economy doesn't matter to the US

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 3 27.3%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Bill O’Reilly, King of the World, threatened to add Mexico to his list of boycotted countries – again last night. You may recall that Mexico narrowly escaped a 2012 boycott when they submitted to O’Reilly’s mighty microphone and released an American prisoner he previously used to threaten the country. Now, with another American in a Mexican prison under even more dubious circumstances, “I don’t do boycotts” O’Reilly issued his threat. Release her this week or else I collapse the economy! Bill O?Reilly Threatens To Boycott Mexico And ?Collapse Their Economy? - NewsHounds

Bill O'Reilly on his show last night as his theme for the day was urging all Americans to boycott Mexican touring and products. Hours later a Mexican military helicopter crossed into our motherland and opened fire on two of our uniformed border patrol officers. Then the "Mexican government" said it was an accident and issued an apology to the US.

Now I watch Bill's show with guarded feelings. Most of the time he's logical. But then other times he's stumping for the old Cheney guard. Is a pity really since he is smart and his show's ratings do depend on his appearance as impartial.

But arrogance breeds recklessness sometimes. And this is one time I think we shouldn't beat up on O' Reilly but instead take a look at our own collective arrogance. Here we have the one vullnerable spot along our belly [Mexico] and we completely disregard how our policies and threats and bullying are trouncing their economy.

One thing I know about Mexico, having lived near there for many years is that Mexico takes bribes. If you were to sum up the Mexican government it would be "we unabashedly and unapologetically take bribes and that's how we gear our internal policies". In other words unlike our government who has done the same almost to the same degree, they're just "out with it".

And that becomes problematic if they hate us and Russia and China are richer than we are. We'd better get off our arrogant high horse and do it quickly. Two quick fixes for collosal US problems would be to re-criminalize pot, have Bill O' step back his boycott a bit and turn Dick Cheney over to the Hague. I always like to add that last part because just doing that would instantly solve about 90% of our foreign relations issues which, if you haven't noticed already, are escalating to very alarming points.

We are harboring the world's #1 criminal and the countries he trounced, and even our allies are sickened at us for it.

I get to wondering if Mexico isn't getting pissed off at our arrogance in toppling [Denver, California, Oregon, Washington pot legalization] or threatening to topple huge and significant portions of their economy?

Do you think it was an accident? If not, why not? Vote in the poll.
All veteran's groups are also calling for a boycott of Mexico. What's necessary is for the regime to exercise a little of its pen and phone and close the entry points.
Link, Katzndogz, please for ALL military organizations that want a boycott of Mexico.
I never realized Bill O'Reilly had so much influence with Mexico
The helicopter flew less than 100 yards into America, they were conducting a drug investigation to prevent drugs from getting into America, the border agents were on an Indian reservation, and it was the middle of the night in the middle on nowhere.

1. Is it common for Mexican military helicopters to open fire right on the border?

2. Is it common for Mexican military helicopters to open fire on uncertain targets at night, wearing uniforms? [they use infrared and can see those kind of details in pitch blackness]?

3. Is it common for their GPS units to malfunction and tell them they're still on Mexican soil while they're giving commands to open fire?

4. Is the timing of this event coincidental to Bill O'Reilly urging Americans to take the final step to completely crash the Mexican economy?
The helicopter flew less than 100 yards into America, they were conducting a drug investigation to prevent drugs from getting into America, the border agents were on an Indian reservation, and it was the middle of the night in the middle on nowhere.

1. Is it common for Mexican military helicopters to open fire right on the border.

2. Is it common for Mexican military helicopters to open fire on uncertain targets at night, wearing uniforms? [they use infrared and can see those kind of details in pitch blackness]

3. Is it common for their GPS units to malfunction and tell them they're still on Mexican soil while they're giving commands to open fire?

4. Is the timing of this event coincidental to Bill O'Reilly urging Americans to take the final step to completely crash the Mexican economy?

1. During a drug bust? Maybe. Our agents certainly fire right on the border

2. If they see armed suspects during a drug interdiction? Probably.

3. 100 yards is not very far especially if they think they are pursuing drug runners.

4. Bill O'Reilly is an insignificant moron.
1. During a drug bust? Maybe. Our agents certainly fire right on the border

2. If they see armed suspects during a drug interdiction? Probably.

3. 100 yards is not very far especially if they think they are pursuing drug runners.

4. Bill O'Reilly is an insignificant moron.

1. Yes, but do THEIR agents routinely fire right on the border?

2. Armed suspects? In US Border Patrol uniforms? I think they know the difference in their high-powered IR scopes.

3. Opening fire on US law enforcement even one yard on US soil is an inescapable act of aggression.

4. Bill O' apparently isn't that insignificant. Have you seen his ratings? I think the Mexican authorities know about his ratings...and how many viewers might have taken his message to heart last night...

Also, don't kid yourself. Mexico used to thrive on the drug trade. Most specifically pot but also they shunt up cocaine [and now lots of illegal migrants] from Central America for "a fee" from the cartels. A struggling economy has to get by somehow. Mexican outlook on making money is much like a street hustler. They just don't care how. It's all good to them as long as that sweet moolah rolls in. And if someone steps on significant markets, they're going to "bust a cap". Do a drive-by. That sort of thing. It's a fucking rowdy country, macho, bucolic. That's how they roll down there.

The idea that the Mexican government is cooperating with the US to curb drug running can be loosely translated as "the cartels that run Mexico enjoy controlling the competition at the border...for a fee paid by Uncle Sam...". ie: they make money twice on that agreement. For the most part it's all about appearances and little of substance this "cooperation" between the two countries. You have to understand that Mexico knows what side its bread is buttered on. And this is important to not lose sight of when toolling policies to secure the homeland from encroaching world enemies. Them in avid pursuit of "drug runners" 100 yards on where their GPS units are telling them is US soil and the uniformed border patrol agents they have in their IR scopes is fairly transparent ruse. For anyone who understands how stuff works down there.

Mexico as well as the US had a gentleman's understanding of the drug business across the border. Until the hippies crashed the market. And now Bill O's comments.
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1. During a drug bust? Maybe. Our agents certainly fire right on the border

2. If they see armed suspects during a drug interdiction? Probably.

3. 100 yards is not very far especially if they think they are pursuing drug runners.

4. Bill O'Reilly is an insignificant moron.

1. Yes, but do THEIR agents routinely fire right on the border?

2. Armed suspects? In US Border Patrol uniforms? I think they know the difference in their high-powered IR scopes.

3. Opening fire on US law enforcement even one yard on US soil is an inescapable act of aggression.

4. Bill O' apparently isn't that insignificant. Have you seen his ratings? I think the Mexican authorities know about his ratings...and how many viewers might have taken his message to heart last night...

1. yes

2. when you assume you make an ass out of u and me

3. Yes. I bet you $20 they have to answer for it

4. I bet you a bazillion jallion dollars when the dust settles, the last person to have ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING to do with this is ol' Bill.
I think we should respect Mexico, mend fences and spend many many diplomatic hours working out ways for both countries to thrive. If we impoverish Mexico, we are rolling out a red carpet to our own demise and a militarized zone not just at the border but about 100 miles north of it as well along it's very wide and geographically-dodgy length.

Bill O's comments are indicative of larger trend of garden variety American blind-arrogance. It's beating up on people over and over and over and then when they spittle just a drop of resistance, of protest [like the guy they're holding in jail] and we pummel them more for good measure, there comes a time when a victim gets up and *SNAPS* on his bully.

And really right now is not the best time to alienate even our "allies" right along our borders. Is there no end to American arrogance? Even when it's costing us trillions in defense, worry, terrorist threats and so on? Has it ever occured to people like Bill O and the crew at Fox and their Sith Overlord and that fucking ugly ass Austrialian prick who owns the joint that maybe if we'd just TRY being nicer [while maintaining a powerful stance] to other countries, more respectful, less greedy, less narcissistic, less self-absorbed that maybe other countries may start to like us more???

And thereby it would cost less money in defense to do trade with the world? Because after all, isn't that what the game is all about? Making money and keeping the bananas and females all settled and calm on the homeland? Live and let live bros. That's all I'm saying. We can be strong and not stupid all at the same time.

Oh, and as a token of our earnest intent to turn over a new leaf, we should turn Cheney over to the Hague. He's still fit enough to stand trial. He's an old man who's not going to live forever anyway. Why not make the best of the last years of his life? He professes to be about strengthening American world standing. Why not take him up on that in the most meaningful way?
I stopped traveling to Mexico several years ago. I'm not giving them anymore of my vacation dollars, and regardless of this particular story, I would urge all Americans to boycott them.
I stopped traveling to Mexico several years ago. I'm not giving them anymore of my vacation dollars, and regardless of this particular story, I would urge all Americans to boycott them.

Hmmm... On the one hand I can't say I blame you. The violence escalating down there is sure a turn off. But on the other hand, if you look back to the sources of the violence: the destabilization of the Mexican economy and its sources, you "get" why it's happening. I think pouring gasoline on a fire to put it out is fairly unwise. Or adding insult to injury. It's fine if you want to not go there. But for Bill O Reilly to urge his millions of viewers to not go there is the insult to the injury.
The helicopter flew less than 100 yards into America, they were conducting a drug investigation to prevent drugs from getting into America, the border agents were on an Indian reservation, and it was the middle of the night in the middle on nowhere.

And the OP and others would be fools to think this kind of stuff doesn't happen occasionally. On the US/Canadian border too.
100% with BO. Tourist and other trade dollars are the best way to get the attention of the corrupt Mexican government. Their officials seem way too uninterested in people traversing their land to get to ours, and likely making a few bucks for doing so. But they also get all kinds of bribes and kickbacks from everyday Mexican commerce, far exceeding what they squeeze out of the people trafficking operation, and they don't want that spigot turned down or off one bit.

Lots of other nicer places to vacation and who needs Mexican made stuff? Hit them where it hurts most or it's status quo for sure.

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