Fox's Bill O' Reilly Urges Boycott of Mexico: Instantly Mexican Military Retaliates?

Do you think the Mexican military attack on our soil was purposeful?

  • No. It was just an accident like Mexican authorities said.

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Maybe, we'll have to learn more about it.

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Yes, I think they are sending a message only because of O'Reillys comments

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, the message: don't fuck with our economy anymore.

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Mexican economy doesn't matter to the US

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 3 27.3%

  • Total voters
The next aircraft that strays onto US airspace should be shot down.

I tend to agree. But not with a boycott of Mexico. Shooting down an "accidentally-straying" [yeah right buddy, with GPS, really?] aircraft, especially one opening fire on uniformed American officers on US soil would send the "we are still strong and don't fuck around" message. But equally important is the "but we also care about your economy and wellbeing as our friend" message.

Think of the US and Mexico as two guys at a bar. They're friends, or at least have known each other from the same neighborhood for a long time. If one walks up and punches the other in the nose over some petty issue they have, the other one had better punch back and hard. Otherwise, you know how that goes. But at the same time when they blot the blood from their noses they buy each other drinks, pat each other on the back and shake hands. That's how men resolve their stuff. The US and Mexico are like those two men and the remedy should be the same.
All veteran's groups are also calling for a boycott of Mexico. What's necessary is for the regime to exercise a little of its pen and phone and close the entry points.

"ALL"? :eusa_eh: I'm going to have to ask for a link for that hackgrl [MENTION=33658]Katzndogz[/MENTION] :eusa_whistle:

ESPECIALLY seeing as we do 1.25 BILLION $$$ in trade w/ Mexico DAILY.

The scope of U.S.-Mexican relations is broad and goes beyond diplomatic and official contacts, and entails extensive commercial, cultural, and educational ties, with over 1.25 billion dollars of two-way trade and roughly one million legal border crossings each day.

Not all veterans, myself being one, are hack stooges like you :eusa_hand:

Lol, thanks for the links, but the libtards will keep up with their 'where's the orgs?' idiocy and ignore everything you posted anyway.

Lying is just what libtards do.
This happened in the middle of the night in the middle of a freaking desert.

If one is familiar with the friendly fire accidents that occur all the time even in war, the Mexican military cannot be entirely faulted for this. This kind of thing just happens.

The Mexican government almost immediately apologized.

What else can they do in recompence?
I stopped traveling to Mexico several years ago. I'm not giving them anymore of my vacation dollars, and regardless of this particular story, I would urge all Americans to boycott them.

How about boycotting anything made in mexico? Boycotting businesses owned by Mexicans here is another example.

Many cars in the US are actually assembled in mexico. When I bought my car I checked the VIN number to make sure my car wasn't from mexico.
This happened in the middle of the night in the middle of a freaking desert.

If one is familiar with the friendly fire accidents that occur all the time even in war, the Mexican military cannot be entirely faulted for this. This kind of thing just happens.

The Mexican government almost immediately apologized.

What else can they do in recompence?

I submit that they had GPS units on board their aircraft, that they knew precisely within the width of a dime where they were. And that their high-powered IR scopes were capable of picking out details like US Border Patrol uniforms even on a moonless night in the black dead of Winter.

The fact that the "Mexican government" [jury still out on exactly what that is comprised of] "almost immediately apologized" is unimpressive.

What they can do in recompence is not be surprised when they're shot down the next time it happens...

A boycott however, is not the answer. It's two guys in a bar fight punch for punch, then just as quickly buying each other drinks when it's all over.
Well, the Dutch just beat them in Soccer...So All Is Good!

(Did you watch it Ann Coulter?)
Back to the topic...

This happened in the middle of the night in the middle of a freaking desert.

If one is familiar with the friendly fire accidents that occur all the time even in war, the Mexican military cannot be entirely faulted for this. This kind of thing just happens.

The Mexican government almost immediately apologized.

What else can they do in recompence?

I submit that they had GPS units on board their aircraft, that they knew precisely within the width of a dime where they were. And that their high-powered IR scopes were capable of picking out details like US Border Patrol uniforms even on a moonless night in the black dead of Winter.

The fact that the "Mexican government" [jury still out on exactly what that is comprised of] "almost immediately apologized" is unimpressive.

What they can do in recompence is not be surprised when they're shot down the next time it happens...

A boycott however, is not the answer. It's two guys in a bar fight punch for punch, then just as quickly buying each other drinks when it's all over.
I don't know what the big deal is. Israel tried it's damnedest to sink a U.S. Navy ship, the Liberty, in 1967. They killed and injured quiet a few sailors also. and what did USA do? Nothing really. Never even responded to s.o.s. signals. Later USA got a settlement of a few million and Israel said, "gee whiz, we're kinda sorry."
Israel still receives foreign aid from us and she's allowed to interfere in our politics, so really, what's the big deal about this Mexican incident?
I don't know what the big deal is. Israel tried it's damnedest to sink a U.S. Navy ship, the Liberty, in 1967. They killed and injured quiet a few sailors also. and what did USA do? Nothing really. Never even responded to s.o.s. signals. Later USA got a settlement of a few million and Israel said, "gee whiz, we're kinda sorry."
Israel still receives foreign aid from us and she's allowed to interfere in our politics, so really, what's the big deal about this Mexican incident?

That its right on US soil. And with today's technology them lying and saying "sorry we didn't know what we were doing" is more insidious than "yeah, we meant to do that".

If you think about all the implications of those differences, and that very long unmanageable border. Yeah, it matters...

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