Fox's death book lie

Would you be open to paying less for it? Just asking...

Not at the expense of my fellow taxpayers...

I think 98% being benefited by the top 2% is a fair exchange. Especially considering the bush tax cuts that benefited those same 2% for years.

I think that everyone making their way through their own life by utilizing their God given talents, impassioned drive and ambition is fair. Taking responsibility for their own lives, happiness and income is far and away, the most fair way of all.

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Any report by the DailyKos is totally irrelevant. The site is only visited by the k00ks..........perhaps 5% of the voting public. So nobody cares.
Meanwhile.........month by month, Fox cleans the clocks of the other cable news outlets and has now passed some network news outlets FTW!! Independents are flocking to Fox in droves. Meanwhile, shows like "Countdown" with that k00k host have lost 1/2 a million viewers since 10/08........a fcukking goof by anybody's standard.:funnyface::eusa_dance:
More people drink cheap booze than the really good stuff too.

More people watch professional wrestling than watch ballet.
Any report by the DailyKos is totally irrelevant. The site is only visited by the k00ks..........perhaps 5% of the voting public. So nobody cares.
Meanwhile.........month by month, Fox cleans the clocks of the other cable news outlets and has now passed some network news outlets FTW!! Independents are flocking to Fox in droves. Meanwhile, shows like "Countdown" with that k00k host have lost 1/2 a million viewers since 10/08........a fcukking goof by anybody's standard.:funnyface::eusa_dance:
More people drink cheap booze than the really good stuff too.

More people watch professional wrestling than watch ballet.

More people watch FOX than MSNBC, CNN. More people are exposed to FOX than KOS. :lol:
Yeah, it's a lie.

We've been required to provide patients with information on advance directives for years now.

1. The Department of Veterans Affairs has promoted as the VA's preferred living will throughout its vast network of hospitals and nursing homes to direct veterans, all 24 million, with whom it comes in contact- elderly or not- to a booklet called “Your Life, Your Choice.” A July 2009 VA directive instructs its primary care physicians to raise advance care planning with all VA patients and to refer them to "Your Life, Your Choices."

2. The booklet presents end-of-life choices in a way aimed at steering users toward predetermined conclusions, much like a political "push poll." For example, a worksheet on page 21 lists various scenarios and asks users to then decide whether their own life would be "not worth living."

3. Are you unable to shake the ‘blues’? Are you disabled? Are you in a nursing home? Are you confined to a wheelchair? Are you an emotional burden for your family? Can you control your bladder? Bowels? Do you need kidney dialysis to keep you alive?

4. One can only imagine a soldier surviving the war in Iraq and returning without all of his limbs only to encounter a veteran's health-care system that seems intent on his demise. The government, with a financial stake in reducing the cost of veterans care, tries to steer vulnerable individuals into believing that their lives are not worth living.

5. When the government can steer vulnerable individuals to conclude for themselves that life is not worth living, who needs a death panel? When revised 2007-2008, only one organization was listed in the new version as a resource on advance directives: the Hemlock Society (now euphemistically known as "Compassion and Choices").

6. The Bush Administration suspended the use of this booklet, and the Obama Administration reinstated it July 2, 2009 and tells providers to refer to it.

7. The main author of the booklet, was. Dr. Robert Pearlman, chief of ethics evaluation for the center, a man who in 1996 advocated for physician-assisted suicide in Vacco v. Quill before the U.S. Supreme Court and is known for his support of health-care rationing. His research has explored euthanasia, the role of quality of life in decision-making, the validity of life-sustaining treatment preferences, medical futility, advance care planning, physician-assisted suicide, and relief of patient suffering.

8.The booklet can be found at
Not at the expense of my fellow taxpayers...

I think 98% being benefited by the top 2% is a fair exchange. Especially considering the bush tax cuts that benefited those same 2% for years.

I think that everyone making their way through their own life by utilizing their God given talents, impassioned drive and ambition is fair. Taking responsibility for their own lives, happiness and income is far and away, the most fair way of all.


No, I don't agree.

Jesus said, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

There are people that need our help.

You make it to heaven on the arm of someone you've helped.
I think 98% being benefited by the top 2% is a fair exchange. Especially considering the bush tax cuts that benefited those same 2% for years.

I think that everyone making their way through their own life by utilizing their God given talents, impassioned drive and ambition is fair. Taking responsibility for their own lives, happiness and income is far and away, the most fair way of all.


No, I don't agree.

Jesus said, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

There are people that need our help.

You make it to heaven on the arm of someone you've helped.
its not YOUR help if you are taking it from someone else to give to them
No, I don't agree.

Jesus said, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

There are people that need our help.

You make it to heaven on the arm of someone you've helped.
So you admit you are a Jesus freak and your religion drives you to socialism.

Religion has no place in government, ergo the reasons you give are all wrong for federal assistance.
No, I don't agree.

Jesus said, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

There are people that need our help.

You make it to heaven on the arm of someone you've helped.
So you admit you are a Jesus freak and your religion drives you to socialism.

Religion has no place in government, ergo the reasons you give are all wrong for federal assistance.

Why do you lie?

National health insurance is not socialism.

Religion has no place in government?

Is it not written on our money, "In God We Trust"?
Daily Kos: State of the Nation

Fox's "death book" lie
by Jed Lewison

Mon Aug 24, 2009 at 08:20:03 AM PDT

The deathers at Fox "News" have been caught with their pants down, once again.

This time -- led by Chris Wallace of Fox "News" Sunday -- Fox is alleging that President Obama is trying to prematurely end the lives of millions of veterans by forcing them to read a "death book" that urges them to "pull the plug" and commit "assisted suicide."

Not surprisingly, it turns out that Fox's attack is totally made up. Their so-called "death book" is actually an optional guidebook on drafting living wills that had been listed in a Veterans Health Administration (VHA) handbook by the Bush administration in 2007.

Here's more detail on the garbage being spewed by Fox:

1. Fox's alleged "death book" is actually a guidebook on preparing living wills

The thing Fox is calling a "death book" is actually a guidebook called "Your life, your choices" initially developed in 1997 to help veterans understand issues relating to advance directives and living wills
should they ever experience a medical condition (such as a permanent coma) where they cannot communicate their treatment preferences. Although the guidebook can be downloaded, it carries a disclaimer noting that is currently being updated and revised for a 2010 release. (See this article for more information on the revisions.)

Despite Fox's claim that the guide encourages assisted suicide and euthanasia, it is solely focused on helping veterans determine what type of care they wish to receive if they should ever became incapable of making their wishes known. The guidebook specifically makes clear that it has nothing to do with assisted suicide, which is illegal.

2. Although Fox said VHA practitioners must give the guidebook to each of the 24 million vets they serve, there is no such requirement

According to a directive issued in 2007 under President Bush, the guidebook is merely an example of the type of document that VHA practitioners should give to patients who ask for help with living wills.

3. The Bush administration, not the Obama administration, included the guidebook in the VHA handbook.

In February 2007 the Bush administration's VA issued a directive listing the guidebook as an example of the type of documents VHA practitioners should give to patients who want help drafting living wills. In July 2009, the Obama administration issued a minor update to portions of that directive, but did not language on the guidebook at all.

Here's a comparison of the language contained in the Bush directive of February 2007 and the Obama update of July 2009. <more>

So Then Bush is a total doucebag too for letting this booklet be distributed.

Have you read it yet? IF you READ THE PAMPHLET it backs up what chris wallace said.

Here just in case you didn't actually reasearch this yourself and just ran with the dailyKos talking points.

You can skip up to the main point of contention on page 21 but if you dont read the previous pages you miss the context which chris wallace was talking about.

Or just keep on keeping on with those talking points....its up to you.

What's wrong with page 21?
Yeah, it's a lie.

We've been required to provide patients with information on advance directives for years now.

1. The Department of Veterans Affairs has promoted as the VA's preferred living will throughout its vast network of hospitals and nursing homes to direct veterans, all 24 million, with whom it comes in contact- elderly or not- to a booklet called “Your Life, Your Choice.” A July 2009 VA directive instructs its primary care physicians to raise advance care planning with all VA patients and to refer them to "Your Life, Your Choices."
The booklet is not a living will.
Daily Kos: State of the Nation

Fox's "death book" lie
by Jed Lewison

Mon Aug 24, 2009 at 08:20:03 AM PDT

The deathers at Fox "News" have been caught with their pants down, once again.

This time -- led by Chris Wallace of Fox "News" Sunday -- Fox is alleging that President Obama is trying to prematurely end the lives of millions of veterans by forcing them to read a "death book" that urges them to "pull the plug" and commit "assisted suicide."

Not surprisingly, it turns out that Fox's attack is totally made up. Their so-called "death book" is actually an optional guidebook on drafting living wills that had been listed in a Veterans Health Administration (VHA) handbook by the Bush administration in 2007.

Here's more detail on the garbage being spewed by Fox:

1. Fox's alleged "death book" is actually a guidebook on preparing living wills

The thing Fox is calling a "death book" is actually a guidebook called "Your life, your choices" initially developed in 1997 to help veterans understand issues relating to advance directives and living wills
should they ever experience a medical condition (such as a permanent coma) where they cannot communicate their treatment preferences. Although the guidebook can be downloaded, it carries a disclaimer noting that is currently being updated and revised for a 2010 release. (See this article for more information on the revisions.)

Despite Fox's claim that the guide encourages assisted suicide and euthanasia, it is solely focused on helping veterans determine what type of care they wish to receive if they should ever became incapable of making their wishes known. The guidebook specifically makes clear that it has nothing to do with assisted suicide, which is illegal.

2. Although Fox said VHA practitioners must give the guidebook to each of the 24 million vets they serve, there is no such requirement

According to a directive issued in 2007 under President Bush, the guidebook is merely an example of the type of document that VHA practitioners should give to patients who ask for help with living wills.

3. The Bush administration, not the Obama administration, included the guidebook in the VHA handbook.

In February 2007 the Bush administration's VA issued a directive listing the guidebook as an example of the type of documents VHA practitioners should give to patients who want help drafting living wills. In July 2009, the Obama administration issued a minor update to portions of that directive, but did not language on the guidebook at all.

Here's a comparison of the language contained in the Bush directive of February 2007 and the Obama update of July 2009. <more>

So Then Bush is a total doucebag too for letting this booklet be distributed.

Have you read it yet? IF you READ THE PAMPHLET it backs up what chris wallace said.

Here just in case you didn't actually reasearch this yourself and just ran with the dailyKos talking points.

You can skip up to the main point of contention on page 21 but if you dont read the previous pages you miss the context which chris wallace was talking about.

Or just keep on keeping on with those talking points....its up to you.

What's wrong with page 21?
well, i guess it depends on if its page 21 of the PDF file or the page labled "21"
because they are 2 different pages
I think that everyone making their way through their own life by utilizing their God given talents, impassioned drive and ambition is fair. Taking responsibility for their own lives, happiness and income is far and away, the most fair way of all.


No, I don't agree.

Jesus said, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

There are people that need our help.

You make it to heaven on the arm of someone you've helped.
its not YOUR help if you are taking it from someone else to give to them

So Then Bush is a total doucebag too for letting this booklet be distributed.

Have you read it yet? IF you READ THE PAMPHLET it backs up what chris wallace said.

Here just in case you didn't actually reasearch this yourself and just ran with the dailyKos talking points.

You can skip up to the main point of contention on page 21 but if you dont read the previous pages you miss the context which chris wallace was talking about.

Or just keep on keeping on with those talking points....its up to you.

What's wrong with page 21?
well, i guess it depends on if its page 21 of the PDF file or the page labled "21"
because they are 2 different pages

Page 21 of the booklet.
No, I don't agree.

Jesus said, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

There are people that need our help.

You make it to heaven on the arm of someone you've helped.
its not YOUR help if you are taking it from someone else to give to them

did Jesus say for you to rob from your neighbor to help out another neighbor?
or for you to give of your own?
this is a fundamental difference
you are supposed to GIVE OF YOUR OWN, not take someone elses stuff to do it
So you are in support of abolishing VA, social security, medicare, medicaid, disability, and every other government-funded social program that helps those less fortunate ?
uh, you jumping to conclusions?
I think 98% being benefited by the top 2% is a fair exchange. Especially considering the bush tax cuts that benefited those same 2% for years.

I think that everyone making their way through their own life by utilizing their God given talents, impassioned drive and ambition is fair. Taking responsibility for their own lives, happiness and income is far and away, the most fair way of all.


No, I don't agree.

Jesus said, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

There are people that need our help.

You make it to heaven on the arm of someone you've helped.

Then that's between my maker and I to determine, not you.

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