Fox's Hannity gives out false info from parody site

Dot Com

Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
To instill hate & fear in its geriatric white male demographic.

Sean Hannity Falls for Parody Site Claiming U.S. Accepting 250,000 Syrian Refugees
The 250,000 figure, which is also often quoted by Donald Trump, appears to originate from parody website, which claimed the U.S. was resettling a quarter of a million refugees in Indian reservations. The other top headlines on the site include “Trump: I Would Have Prevented the Asteroid From Killing the Dinosaurs” and “Pyongyang to Host 2017 Gathering of the Juggalos.”

You Fox watchers need to take everything you are handed by the Fox network w/ a grain of salt.
Well Dot Com, you should have known this would happen eventually, because many of the conservatives and right wingers on here like to quote blog sites and opinion pieces as "fact".

Had to figure the stupidity would eventually float up to where it could be viewed by all.

Hannity is one of the bigger idiots on cable news today.
Just goes to show, the easiest job at Fox is being a fact checker because they don't.
"PolitiFact’s kindergarten-level methodology here is to take the total number of statements it evaluates, tally up the “mostly false,” “false,” and “pants on fire” ratings, and then do a little division. Given the underlying selection issues, this amounts to nothing more than doing meaningless arithmetic on meaningless data. If PunditFact editor Aaron Sharockman spent more than 20 minutes on this so-called research, he should demand a refund from his university. (Given that he has a B.A. in journalism, he should demand a refund on general principles.)"
Read more at: How Stupid Happens | National Review Online
I heard they were going to be moved into the houses of the wingnuts that are destined to be interned in the FEMA camps. :tinfoil:
"After PolitiFact rated as “mostly false” a joke made by Republican Senator
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), using all the known and provable qualities associated with PolitiFact, Breitbart News engaged in an exhaustive, science and fact-based investigation in order to find a way to perfectly describe the people who run the fact-checking site. We went where the facts led us, and the facts led us to the objective conclusion that PolitiFact is run by gigantic assholes."

Fact Check: Ted Cruz Attack Proves PolitiFact Is Run By Gigantic Assholes - Breitbart
"In order to come to the conclusion that Cruz’s morally clarifying piece of humor was a lie, PolitiFact scoured news archives and hassled no less than five “academic authorities” to see if there is an official “Death to America” holiday in Iran.
"What PolitiFact discovered is that like that road-crossing chicken and that saucy farmer’s daughter, there is no official Death to America holiday in Iran.
"At this point our study found only that PolitiFact was run by “pedantic left-wing gotcha trolls.”

Fact Check: Ted Cruz Attack Proves PolitiFact Is Run By Gigantic Assholes - Breitbart
that's not so breitbart just look at the posters that use it a source material.
“Recently, [Romney’s] campaign criticized me for slow-jamming the news with Jimmy Fallon. In fact, I understand Governor Romney was so incensed he asked his staff if he could get some equal time on ‘The Merv Griffin Show.'” – President Obama 4/27/12
"Breitbart News could find no public record of Governor Romney ever asking his staff for a spot on “The Merv Griffin Show.” Speaking exclusively to Breitbart News, a high-level Romney staffer responded to our inquiry with, “What the f*ck are you talking about?” The White House refused to respond to any of our inquiries, as did everyone associated with the “Merv Griffin Show.” Because they are all dead.
"Breitbart News had no choice but to give the president a “Pants-On-Fire.”

Fact Check: Ted Cruz Attack Proves PolitiFact Is Run By Gigantic Assholes - Breitbart
reduced to ad homs and we're still on the first page :eusa_doh:You are nothing if not consistent in your FAIL :clap2:
“Four years ago, I was locked in a brutal primary battle with Hillary Clinton. Four years later, she won’t stop drunk-texting me from Cartagena.” – President Obama 4/27/12
Although Breitbart News was able to confirm President Obama was indeed locked in a brutal campaign with Hillary Clinton in 2008, and that she has traveled to Cartagena, we were not able to confirm the texts referenced by the president.
Apparently, during her time as Secretary of State, in violation of clear government regulations, Ms. Clinton stashed all of her official and personal State Department communications on a secret server at a black-site somewhere in Chappaqua, New York.
Furthermore, earlier this week, Ms. Clinton stated that she had deleted all of her personal communications. Breitbart News believes drunken texts to President Obama would likely fall under the category of personal.
(NOTE: Should we discover later that some of Clinton’s texts read — I told all the grieving families we’d get that dumbass filmmaker, then I hit ‘em up for a Clinton Foundation donation. Now I’m all rotflmfao – Breitbart News reserves the right to change our ruling.)
Also working in the president’s favor is the fact that as Secretary of State, Ms. Clinton accomplished nothing. Therefore drunken tweets are not out of the question. She had to fill her time somehow.
Breitbart News rates this use of humor from President Obama as “Sadly Believable.”
With this additional but still incomplete data, our study now found that PolitiFact is run by “dicks.”

Fact Check: Ted Cruz Attack Proves PolitiFact Is Run By Gigantic Assholes - Breitbart

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