Fox's Hannity gives out false info from parody site

Sean Hannity is amongst the least intelligent people in media.
But he sure does have a nice haircut!
listen to kgrill's foul mouth. wonder if her fellow thumpers know she does that here all the time? WWJD?
Sean Hannity is amongst the least intelligent people in media.
But he sure does have a nice haircut!
The way you idiots insist on equating intelligence with the *correct* political view slays me. It's evidence that you aren't all that smart yourselves.
Sean Hannity is amongst the least intelligent people in media.
But he sure does have a nice haircut!
The way you idiots insist on equating intelligence with the *correct* political view slays me. It's evidence that you aren't all that smart yourselves.
see what I mean, multisyllabic words and hard r's can wreak havoc on delicate anal tissue.
If I relied on Fox News or Sean Shammity for information, this thread would be important.

I don't, so it's not.

But I must ask... What took you so long to start this thread? This has been floating round the Interwebs for a few hours now at least...
Hannity, Fox, Brietbart, Jones and the rest - all are examples of RWs knowing they are being lied to and choosing to believe the lies.

RWNJs actually embrace lies. They choose their own ignorance.

Even more astounding to me is they take a really strange pride in it.

Sean Hannity is amongst the least intelligent people in media.
But he sure does have a nice haircut!
The way you idiots insist on equating intelligence with the *correct* political view slays me. It's evidence that you aren't all that smart yourselves.

I'm a Conservative on every issue except for the Global Asian Economy.
Hannity is an idiot even on issues where I agree with him like Abortion, Same Sex Marriage and Protecting the Border.
He has no depth to ANY of his soliloquies or "interviews".
He is an idiot.
"Using Google, PolitiFact’s own site, and a secret Internet-thingy Halliburton only offers right-wing extremists, Breitbart News searched PolitiFact for every political joke or humorous hyperbolism used by a Democrat.
"What we found is that not a single use of humor by any Democrat has ever been fact-checked by PolitiFact, much less rated as “mostly false.”
"With this additional but still incomplete data, our study now found that PolitiFact was run by “racist dicks who see Hispanic conservatives as uppity apostates who must be taught a lesson.”"

Fact Check: Ted Cruz Attack Proves PolitiFact Is Run By Gigantic Assholes - Breitbart
Has dottie shared his cure for loose flapping giant assholes yet?
aren't you the expert on that? all that talking out of it must do some real damage.
she can't refute the OP so she goes after the messenger. Sad & pathetic but that is her M.O.
Oh I just assumed the OP was a joke.

Were you being serious when you posted that? My bad!
yes you are an assuming ass , thanks Mrs. obvious!
Sean Hannity is amongst the least intelligent people in media.
But he sure does have a nice haircut!
The way you idiots insist on equating intelligence with the *correct* political view slays me. It's evidence that you aren't all that smart yourselves.

I'm a Conservative on every issue except for the Global Asian Economy.
Hannity is an idiot even on issues where I agree with him like Abortion, Same Sex Marriage and Protecting the Border.
He has no depth to ANY of his soliloquies or "interviews".
He is an idiot.

He does what he does, and it has zero reflection on his intellect. Sadly, your attack on his smarts sounds a lot like sour grapes. "I'm smarter than he is, why is he so famous??" My point stands. It's idiotic to attack somebody's intelligence because you just don't like them.

I've met a lot of journalists. None of them are exactly Mensa caliber.
To instill hate & fear in its geriatric white male demographic.

Sean Hannity Falls for Parody Site Claiming U.S. Accepting 250,000 Syrian Refugees
The 250,000 figure, which is also often quoted by Donald Trump, appears to originate from parody website, which claimed the U.S. was resettling a quarter of a million refugees in Indian reservations. The other top headlines on the site include “Trump: I Would Have Prevented the Asteroid From Killing the Dinosaurs” and “Pyongyang to Host 2017 Gathering of the Juggalos.”

You Fox watchers need to take everything you are handed by the Fox network w/ a grain of salt.
Actually....they're already here.....Obama wants 200k more by next year.
" a lot" of journalists? LOLOL

And you still use the term "my bad", like a 14 yr old, in your posts?
kgrill has a lot invested in rw, no forehead guy. Why is that

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