Fox's Kelly confused on terror

Oh, I don't know, I'm leading the fight against stupid and inane threads and feeling good about it too. How productive do you think your posts are?
Oh, I don't know, I'm leading the fight against stupid and inane threads and feeling good about it too. How productive do you think your posts are?

Everyone's just an asshole with an opinion man, no matter which side of the fence you sit.
Gawd, that ditz has trouble with just about everything.

I don't watch fux of course but I do love it when Jon Stewart rips them all new ones - like he did last night, including the Brainless Bleached Blond Bomb.

Warning to those who do watch fux ... its killing what few brain cells you may have left.
The Obama ass sniffers are desperate and it's starting to show.....

Monday's debate on Foreign Policy seems to coming at the perfect time, just as Obama's lies about Libya start to unravel (along with his chances for reelection)......:popcorn:
Four people including the US Ambassador and two former Navy Seals are dead because of the admitted (criminal) negligence of the Obama administration and Media Matters feeds a cherry picked statement by Megan Kelly to the left wing blog sites? Will that get Oblame-a off the hook? Obama just got finished discussing the issue on the comedy channel with Jon Stewart and he smilingly told Stewart that the deaths of four Americans "was not optimal" whatever the hell that means.
Hey, it's a tough job trying to keep Barry propped up and attempting to deflect attention anywhere but on his dismal record, especially foreign policy.
Four people including the US Ambassador and two former Navy Seals are dead because of the admitted (criminal) negligence of the Obama administration and Media Matters feeds a cherry picked statement by Megan Kelly to the left wing blog sites? Will that get Oblame-a off the hook? Obama just got finished discussing the issue on the comedy channel with Jon Stewart and he smilingly told Stewart that the deaths of four Americans "was not optimal" whatever the hell that means.

He was neither smiling, nor saying that the deaths of four people was "not optimal."

try continuing the false moral outrage. You'll live unhappy, and die miserable.
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Gawd, that ditz has trouble with just about everything.

I don't watch fux of course but I do love it when Jon Stewart rips them all new ones - like he did last night, including the Brainless Bleached Blond Bomb.

Warning to those who do watch fux ... its killing what few brain cells you may have left.

She has a law degree she earned without affirmative action, unlike the highly tauted accolades of the half-breed president.
The Obama ass sniffers are desperate and it's starting to show.....

Monday's debate on Foreign Policy seems to coming at the perfect time, just as Obama's lies about Libya start to unravel (along with his chances for reelection)......:popcorn:

Yup, he can tell us to read a transcript all he wants. Doesn't change the fact that for a week he blammed the attack on a video, saying the "attack" (whether its "terrorism" or not) was in response to the video. The CIA report within 24 hours said it was a co-ordinated attack, not a mob going out of control. The Obama administration tried to blame it on the intelligence agencies, but the CIA isn't going to take the fall for Obama's cover up.

Obama LIED through his teeth, and had all of his surrogates lie through their teeth about the video being the cause. Him referring to it as an "act of terror" doesn't change the fact that he lied about his knowledge of it in the days afterwards.
Gawd, that ditz has trouble with just about everything.

I don't watch fux of course but I do love it when Jon Stewart rips them all new ones - like he did last night, including the Brainless Bleached Blond Bomb.

Warning to those who do watch fux ... its killing what few brain cells you may have left.

She has a law degree she earned without affirmative action, unlike the highly tauted accolades of the half-breed president.

You only reinforce the sterotype that Republicans are small minded redneck bigots.
[h t t p ://]Fox's Kelly: "Declaring Something An Act Of Terror Does Not Necessarily Mean You Are Declaring It A Terror Attack" | Video | Media Matters for America

nothing wrong with the quoted statement... lets say it again... a terrorist attack is not the same as an act of terror... fine just as it was. An attack on the WTC - a terrorist attack - is not the same as some terrorists sending threat letters to a congressman - an act of terror.

The secret word for today is Sophistry!

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