FOX's Shep kicks dead celebrity

If you're alone in life and leave no loved ones or what not behind, it's not cowardly.

If you're leaving loved ones to grieve and suffer because you couldn't deal with your disease, it's partially cowardice.

So you applaud telling a dead man's grieving family and friends that the dearly departed is a coward? On live TV.. Less than a day later...
Suicide is a cowardly and selfish act.

It should never be lauded.

I am a great admirer of Robin Williams. He was a genius and I loved his work.

But what he did was sad and desperate. It should never be held up as a model for dealing with depression.

I've not seen anyone doing that. Most react with pity for him and his family. Calling him a coward is ridiculous and belittles the struggle that people with mental issues deal with.
What was he thinking.?

Sheppard Smith suggesting the late Robin Williams might just have been a 'coward' for committing suicide was a new low for on air 'live coverage' on August 11.....

....Maybe someone can smack it into Shep's plastic surgery repaired face that what might be cowardice is to sit behind a microphone and bad mouth a dead man less than 24 hours after his demise in a forum where his family and friends can hear it.

...When networks realize that the answer to all breaking news is NOT to have some high paid blowhard simply ad-lib endlessly while the facts are being uncovered, the better off all news channels will be.

Suicide is a cowardly act.

This shows your extremely POOR understanding of mental illness. Tell us, what is your psychiatric background that allows you to make such a comment. Do you know anything about suicide or depression? I think you probably do not based on your ignorant comment. Chronic depression is a mental illness.

These people are plagued with unhappiness, and it has nothing to do with being selfish or a coward.

Why would you say it's a "cowardly" act?
Suicide is a cowardly and selfish act.

It should never be lauded.

I am a great admirer of Robin Williams. He was a genius and I loved his work.

But what he did was sad and desperate. It should never be held up as a model for dealing with depression.

Of course not, but it is part of the illness.
What was he thinking.?

Sheppard Smith suggesting the late Robin Williams might just have been a 'coward' for committing suicide was a new low for on air 'live coverage' on August 11.....

....Maybe someone can smack it into Shep's plastic surgery repaired face that what might be cowardice is to sit behind a microphone and bad mouth a dead man less than 24 hours after his demise in a forum where his family and friends can hear it.

...When networks realize that the answer to all breaking news is NOT to have some high paid blowhard simply ad-lib endlessly while the facts are being uncovered, the better off all news channels will be.

Suicide is a cowardly act.

Not everyone agrees with you. In fact, most don't.
What we all agree is that its a cowardly, flippant and low character act is to kick a dead man on live TV hours after his death...on a TV station his admirers, friends and family are listening to.

Prove it.
If you're alone in life and leave no loved ones or what not behind, it's not cowardly.

If you're leaving loved ones to grieve and suffer because you couldn't deal with your disease, it's partially cowardice.

So you applaud telling a dead man's grieving family and friends that the dearly departed is a coward? On live TV.. Less than a day later...

I'm looking for my applause.

Can't find it anywhere
If you're alone in life and leave no loved ones or what not behind, it's not cowardly.

If you're leaving loved ones to grieve and suffer because you couldn't deal with your disease, it's partially cowardice.

It is part of the mental illness. This is what some of you are ignoring. It is a disease, a sickness, thinking about suicide and committing suicide is just ONE of the symptoms.
Suicide is a cowardly and selfish act.

It should never be lauded.

I am a great admirer of Robin Williams. He was a genius and I loved his work.

But what he did was sad and desperate. It should never be held up as a model for dealing with depression.

But that's not the point.
Should a news anchor who is totally ignorant of a dead man's life criticize the character of an innocent person on live national TV in the hours after his death.?

Is there an argument for it?
What was he thinking.?

Sheppard Smith suggesting the late Robin Williams might just have been a 'coward' for committing suicide was a new low for on air 'live coverage' on August 11.....

....Maybe someone can smack it into Shep's plastic surgery repaired face that what might be cowardice is to sit behind a microphone and bad mouth a dead man less than 24 hours after his demise in a forum where his family and friends can hear it.

...When networks realize that the answer to all breaking news is NOT to have some high paid blowhard simply ad-lib endlessly while the facts are being uncovered, the better off all news channels will be.

Suicide is a cowardly act.

Everyone knows that. The time to discuss it is not immediately following the persons suicide. Our returning troops have had this problem for years. Did Shep come out and call them all cowards? Has Shep taken his position as a national figure to try and educate his viewers and suggest suicide was an act of cowardice. Nah, he just brought it up when he knew he would get some attention as a "controversial" commentator and an opportunity to attack a well know liberal figure. Kind of like taking orders from the grand master of disinformation and leader of the Republican Party, Rush Limpo.
If you're alone in life and leave no loved ones or what not behind, it's not cowardly.

If you're leaving loved ones to grieve and suffer because you couldn't deal with your disease, it's partially cowardice.

So you applaud telling a dead man's grieving family and friends that the dearly departed is a coward? On live TV.. Less than a day later...

No one is saying what Shep said was appropriate, but it was his opinion, one that many rational people agree with.
I liked Robin Williams a lot and will miss him. I also wouldn't get on national TV and voice such an opinion about a particular individual. But when you really stop and think about it suicide really IS a cop out. I've been there and almost done that. The thoughts that went through my mind generally revolved around my fear of facing my demons and/or tackling my various problems. But sometimes discretion is the better part of valor and Shep should have considered the feelings of Williams' immediate family and friends as well as the millions of fans that loved him.

Nevertheless, there's not a person on this forum or in the world who haven't said or done something that they shouldn't have done. To sit in high judgment over someone can be as nearly deplorable.

So ... move one folks ... there's nothing to see here.
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Suicide is a cowardly act.

Not everyone agrees with you. In fact, most don't.
What we all agree is that its a cowardly, flippant and low character act is to kick a dead man on live TV hours after his death...on a TV station his admirers, friends and family are listening to.

Prove it.
..Not everyone agree with anyone.
But you ducked the issue.
Should a news anchor kick a deal man on live TV hours after his death on a TV station his admirers, friends and family are listening to?
What was he thinking.?

Sheppard Smith suggesting the late Robin Williams might just have been a 'coward' for committing suicide was a new low for on air 'live coverage' on August 11.....

....Maybe someone can smack it into Shep's plastic surgery repaired face that what might be cowardice is to sit behind a microphone and bad mouth a dead man less than 24 hours after his demise in a forum where his family and friends can hear it.

...When networks realize that the answer to all breaking news is NOT to have some high paid blowhard simply ad-lib endlessly while the facts are being uncovered, the better off all news channels will be.

Suicide is a cowardly act.

This shows your extremely POOR understanding of mental illness. Tell us, what is your psychiatric background that allows you to make such a comment. Do you know anything about suicide or depression? I think you probably do not based on your ignorant comment. Chronic depression is a mental illness.

These people are plagued with unhappiness, and it has nothing to do with being selfish or a coward.

Why would you say it's a "cowardly" act?

What mental illness was he suffering from and please provide the evidence of said mental illness.

Yes it is a cowardly act.

what is your psychiatric background ?

Someone calling themselves christ may have had experience with straight jackets but doesn't give you any authority on mental illness.
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I copied and pasted this from a suicide website. This explains why suicide is NOT selfish and cowardly, and helps for you to understand what these poor souls are going through. PLEASE read this. Please.

Suicide is a desperate act by someone who is in intense pain and wants their pain to stop. That is a HUMAN response to extreme pain, not a selfish one. And over 90 percent of the people who die by suicide have a mental illness at the time of their death, so they are not thinking clearly.

Saying that a person who had severe clinical depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, PTSD, or a similar illness was engaging in an act of selfishness when they died by suicide – even though their thought process, mood, and judgment were greatly affected by their mental illness – is not only inaccurate, but downright cruel, to both the suicide angel and the suicide survivors.

And those who use the word “selfish” are merely helping perpetuate the STIGMA associated with suicide.

A suicidal action that manifests from intense, excruciating, unbearable pain associated with a serious mental illness has nothing to do with selfishness. Period.
If you're alone in life and leave no loved ones or what not behind, it's not cowardly.

If you're leaving loved ones to grieve and suffer because you couldn't deal with your disease, it's partially cowardice.

It is part of the mental illness. This is what some of you are ignoring. It is a disease, a sickness, thinking about suicide and committing suicide is just ONE of the symptoms.

I'm not ignoring the disease. I know ALL about it, and even mentioned it in my post.
I liked Robin Williams a lot and will miss him. I also wouldn't get on national TV and voice such an opinion about a particular individual. But when you really stop and think about it suicide really IS a cop out. I've been there and almost done that. The thoughts that went through my mind generally revolved around my fear of facing my demons and/or tackling my various problems. But sometimes discretion is the better part of valor and Shep should have considered the feelings of his immediate family and friends as well as the millions of fans that loved him.

Nevertheless, there's not a person on this forum or in the world who haven't said or done something that they shouldn't have done. To sit in high judgment over someone can be as nearly deplorable.

So ... move one folks ... there's nothing to see here.

Well, I can't speak for what happened in your case, but for many, many people the depression is CRIPPLING. They cannot even function at times. There are different levels of depression as well.
I liked Robin Williams a lot and will miss him. I also wouldn't get on national TV and voice such an opinion about a particular individual. But when you really stop and think about it suicide really IS a cop out. I've been there and almost done that. The thoughts that went through my mind generally revolved around my fear of facing my demons and/or tackling my various problems. But sometimes discretion is the better part of valor and Shep should have considered the feelings of his immediate family and friends as well as the millions of fans that loved him.

Nevertheless, there's not a person on this forum or in the world who haven't said or done something that they shouldn't have done. To sit in high judgment over someone can be as nearly deplorable.

So ... move one folks ... there's nothing to see here.
But what shep said isn't deplorable?

I liked Robin Williams a lot and will miss him. I also wouldn't get on national TV and voice such an opinion about a particular individual. But when you really stop and think about it suicide really IS a cop out. I've been there and almost done that. The thoughts that went through my mind generally revolved around my fear of facing my demons and/or tackling my various problems. But sometimes discretion is the better part of valor and Shep should have considered the feelings of his immediate family and friends as well as the millions of fans that loved him.

Nevertheless, there's not a person on this forum or in the world who haven't said or done something that they shouldn't have done. To sit in high judgment over someone can be as nearly deplorable.

The 'everyone would have said something bad arguement', in effect the 'Yeah,. but' defense.... is just avoidance.
When you know nothing of a situation..and you are on live national TV, .its not any part of valor to comment on it ...its extreme ego and borderline insanity to feel that anyone cares what you think of a situation you know next to nothing about.

isn't it?
I liked Robin Williams a lot and will miss him. I also wouldn't get on national TV and voice such an opinion about a particular individual. But when you really stop and think about it suicide really IS a cop out. I've been there and almost done that. The thoughts that went through my mind generally revolved around my fear of facing my demons and/or tackling my various problems. But sometimes discretion is the better part of valor and Shep should have considered the feelings of his immediate family and friends as well as the millions of fans that loved him.

Nevertheless, there's not a person on this forum or in the world who haven't said or done something that they shouldn't have done. To sit in high judgment over someone can be as nearly deplorable.

So ... move one folks ... there's nothing to see here.

Well, I can't speak for what happened in your case, but for many, many people the depression is CRIPPLING. They cannot even function at times. There are different levels of depression as well.

That describes me. But for the grace of God I wouldn't and shouldn't be here right now. I think drugs and booze usually have a lot to do with a person's mental state.
I liked Robin Williams a lot and will miss him. I also wouldn't get on national TV and voice such an opinion about a particular individual. But when you really stop and think about it suicide really IS a cop out. I've been there and almost done that. The thoughts that went through my mind generally revolved around my fear of facing my demons and/or tackling my various problems. But sometimes discretion is the better part of valor and Shep should have considered the feelings of his immediate family and friends as well as the millions of fans that loved him.

Nevertheless, there's not a person on this forum or in the world who haven't said or done something that they shouldn't have done. To sit in high judgment over someone can be as nearly deplorable.

So ... move one folks ... there's nothing to see here.

Well, I can't speak for what happened in your case, but for many, many people the depression is CRIPPLING. They cannot even function at times. There are different levels of depression as well.

What about the effect of a TV talking head, operating in total ignorance of the situation, bad mouthing the character of your friend, family member or relative on national TV?

How does that work for the survivors?

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