FOX's Shep kicks dead celebrity

Of course, all of the people who do not, cannot or will not understand depression and how serious and debilitating it can be will say ignorant things, such as "he was selfish" or "he was a coward." They just don't understand.
I liked Robin Williams a lot and will miss him. I also wouldn't get on national TV and voice such an opinion about a particular individual. But when you really stop and think about it suicide really IS a cop out. I've been there and almost done that. The thoughts that went through my mind generally revolved around my fear of facing my demons and/or tackling my various problems. But sometimes discretion is the better part of valor and Shep should have considered the feelings of his immediate family and friends as well as the millions of fans that loved him.

Nevertheless, there's not a person on this forum or in the world who haven't said or done something that they shouldn't have done. To sit in high judgment over someone can be as nearly deplorable.

So ... move one folks ... there's nothing to see here.
But what shep said isn't deplorable?

Re-read the post genius. Take a close look at the word "as." Do you have any idea what that means? "As nearly deplorable ..."

Damn ... I should have been an English teacher.
I liked Robin Williams a lot and will miss him. I also wouldn't get on national TV and voice such an opinion about a particular individual. But when you really stop and think about it suicide really IS a cop out. I've been there and almost done that. The thoughts that went through my mind generally revolved around my fear of facing my demons and/or tackling my various problems. But sometimes discretion is the better part of valor and Shep should have considered the feelings of his immediate family and friends as well as the millions of fans that loved him.

Nevertheless, there's not a person on this forum or in the world who haven't said or done something that they shouldn't have done. To sit in high judgment over someone can be as nearly deplorable.

So ... move one folks ... there's nothing to see here.

Well, I can't speak for what happened in your case, but for many, many people the depression is CRIPPLING. They cannot even function at times. There are different levels of depression as well.

That describes me. But for the grace of God I wouldn't and shouldn't be here right now. I think drugs and booze usually have a lot to do with a person's mental state.

Depression or substance addiction? These things are not so easy to work out because a lot of people who are chronically depressed try to self medicate. Sometimes substance abuse can cause a person to be depressed, but a lot of times the depression exists even without the substance abuse. Also there are plenty of people who kill themselves, and there were no substances involved. I can agree that substance abuse would play a role and probably make things worse not better, but most of these people are just desperate. It's really, really sad and tragic.
Of course, all of the people who do not, cannot or will not understand depression and how serious and debilitating it can be will say ignorant things, such as "he was selfish" or "he was a coward." They just don't understand.

Cowardice is not always something that can be helped. I'd venture to say that most people in dire situations would be cowardly in some way.

His inability to fight through a disease - giving up on not only himself but all of his friends, fans and loved ones, is JUST that, it's an inability. It's the opposite of strength and gumption to persevere.

Diseases can be defeated. It IS done.
I liked Robin Williams a lot and will miss him. I also wouldn't get on national TV and voice such an opinion about a particular individual. But when you really stop and think about it suicide really IS a cop out. I've been there and almost done that. The thoughts that went through my mind generally revolved around my fear of facing my demons and/or tackling my various problems. But sometimes discretion is the better part of valor and Shep should have considered the feelings of his immediate family and friends as well as the millions of fans that loved him.

Nevertheless, there's not a person on this forum or in the world who haven't said or done something that they shouldn't have done. To sit in high judgment over someone can be as nearly deplorable.

So ... move one folks ... there's nothing to see here.

Well, I can't speak for what happened in your case, but for many, many people the depression is CRIPPLING. They cannot even function at times. There are different levels of depression as well.

What about the effect of a TV talking head, operating in total ignorance of the situation, bad mouthing the character of your friend, family member or relative on national TV?

How does that work for the survivors?

I think it's awfully ignorant. People need to stop trying to be armchair psychologists when they have no idea what they are talking about.
What mental illness was he suffering from and please provide the evidence of said mental illness.?


This is another 'incoming' salvo from the 'Shep' FOX News bunker of ignorance.
Robin Williams was bipolar..he was almost the definition of it. He'd And yes, that is mental illness. Any look into his life would have discovered that. Williams never hid his mental struggles.

The problem was that Shep was commenting with certainty and malice on a situation he clearly knew little about, made little effort to know about... and a person he'd never met.
Yes, at times like these, it doesn't matter if one is a liberal or a conservative or whatever because we are ALL human beings and should have compassion towards one another if we know someone is suffering like Robin Williams was suffering. People DO NOT kill themselves willy nilly. They only do it because the pain is unbearable for them.

Certainly, there are some cases where teens might do some "attention seeking" with suicide attempts, but that is also a mental illness, just of another type. People who are suffering from REAL depression are truly suffering.
I think it's cowardly, in most cases, unless the person has nobody else that loves them or they're leaving behind in which case it's just an act.
What was he thinking.?

Sheppard Smith suggesting the late Robin Williams might just have been a 'coward' for committing suicide was a new low for on air 'live coverage' on August 11.....

....Maybe someone can smack it into Shep's plastic surgery repaired face that what might be cowardice is to sit behind a microphone and bad mouth a dead man less than 24 hours after his demise in a forum where his family and friends can hear it.

...When networks realize that the answer to all breaking news is NOT to have some high paid blowhard simply ad-lib endlessly while the facts are being uncovered, the better off all news channels will be.

Suicide is a cowardly act.

Nope. Not always.’s_study_of_suicide.pdf
What was he thinking.?

Sheppard Smith suggesting the late Robin Williams might just have been a 'coward' for committing suicide was a new low for on air 'live coverage' on August 11.....

....Maybe someone can smack it into Shep's plastic surgery repaired face that what might be cowardice is to sit behind a microphone and bad mouth a dead man less than 24 hours after his demise in a forum where his family and friends can hear it.

...When networks realize that the answer to all breaking news is NOT to have some high paid blowhard simply ad-lib endlessly while the facts are being uncovered, the better off all news channels will be.

No surprise ...he's a lefty.
I would never discount a heart felt apology..

Part of the problem is live TV 'breaking News'; coverage that requires the anchor to adlib to hold the audience..

It requires you to say things you think YOUR audience will like
I think it's cowardly, in most cases, unless the person has nobody else that loves them or they're leaving behind in which case it's just an act.

Because you don't understand their despair and you don't understand that these thoughts are PART of the mental illness.

I understand it completely.

And in that understanding, and knowing that by giving up you can inflict the same disease on those you leave behind by the mere sadness/emptiness/shock created by your death (coupled by the fact that those same loved ones likely have it in their genetic make-up), you are doing it not only to yourself but also to all of them and in that - it's cowardly.

You're hurting others so that your hurt stops.
What was he thinking.?

Sheppard Smith suggesting the late Robin Williams might just have been a 'coward' for committing suicide was a new low for on air 'live coverage' on August 11.....

....Maybe someone can smack it into Shep's plastic surgery repaired face that what might be cowardice is to sit behind a microphone and bad mouth a dead man less than 24 hours after his demise in a forum where his family and friends can hear it.

...When networks realize that the answer to all breaking news is NOT to have some high paid blowhard simply ad-lib endlessly while the facts are being uncovered, the better off all news channels will be.

Suicide is a cowardly act.

Nope. Not always.’s_study_of_suicide.pdf

This brings to mind the Japanese and seppuku.
I think it's cowardly, in most cases, unless the person has nobody else that loves them or they're leaving behind in which case it's just an act.

Because you don't understand their despair and you don't understand that these thoughts are PART of the mental illness.

I understand it completely.

And in that understanding, and knowing that by giving up you can inflict the same disease on those you leave behind by the mere sadness/emptiness/shock created by your death (coupled by the fact that those same loved ones likely have it in their genetic make-up), you are doing it not only to yourself but also to all of them and in that - it's cowardly.

You're hurting others so that your hurt stops.

You are speaking as if these people are thinking clearly, like a normally functioning person. They are NOT. This is part of the illness. Are you beginning to understand?
You are speaking as if these people are thinking clearly, like a normally functioning person. They are NOT. This is part of the illness. Are you beginning to understand?

I'm not into the excuses, it's not in my nature. I've had close dealings with these things, being unaware of the ripple effect is unlikely. The thoughts cross the mind, of the thousands of ESPECIALLY a depressed mind which is overthinking and overly "inside" of one's own head about things.
You are speaking as if these people are thinking clearly, like a normally functioning person. They are NOT. This is part of the illness. Are you beginning to understand?

I'm not into the excuses, it's not in my nature. I've had close dealings with these things, being unaware of the ripple effect is unlikely. The thoughts cross the mind, of the thousands of ESPECIALLY a depressed mind which is overthinking and overly "inside" of one's own head about things.

It's not an excuse. It is a recognized mental illness.

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