FOX's Shep kicks dead celebrity

Okay, from a personal perspective.

There came a time in my life when everything fell to sheite. I could see no way out nor a future. I went to a spot from which suicide would have been fairly easy.

I know this will sound strange, but as I sat there contemplating ending it, my sweet cat showed up and crawled onto my lap, purring and showing me how happy she was to be with me.

At that point, I realized that what I was about to do was the easy way out and that I had responsibilities to live up to.

Never again and no way will I ever do it!

As Shep and others have said, it's a coward's way out.

What you are describing is a situational depression and not a chronic depression. Chronic depression does NOT go away. It can occur without any situational factors but just because. As has been posted, there are also chemical imbalances in the brain related to chronic depression, as opposed to situational depressions which most of us have suffered from time to time in our lives.
And those many who agree with Shep are completely ignorant about how severe depression effects one's mind.
Williams had been trying many different things to get out of his depression. He had just recently returned from Minnesota searching desperately for help. People who saw him in public have said he looked very thin and sick. Depression not only attacks one's mind but also their body. Williams wan't just depressed, he was severely depressed. Mental health issues like this are caused my chemical imbalance, thus it's called a disease in the medical world. When a person reaches the critical stage Williams was in, they have lost the control of their mind/logical thinking.
Will you people educate yourself before making absolutely stupid remarks. You look like complete fools.

Depression is a bullshit claim that weak people blame for their inability to overcome their situation.

Williams was a drug user and I submit that's what drove him to suicide.

Nope, you should stop because it's obvious that you have no clue. People who are depressed with self medicate with drugs and alcohol. A lot of times, their lives are like a hell on earth, so to speak, and they will do anything to try and escape their despair. Obviously you are ignorant or choose to ignore the information that has been posted for your benefit to try to educate you.

I should stop because I don't believe in your so-called "depression" bullshit?

Sorry, but as an American I am free to voice my opinion when and where I choose.

Don't like it? Don't read my posts.
And those many who agree with Shep are completely ignorant about how severe depression effects one's mind.
Williams had been trying many different things to get out of his depression. He had just recently returned from Minnesota searching desperately for help. People who saw him in public have said he looked very thin and sick. Depression not only attacks one's mind but also their body. Williams wan't just depressed, he was severely depressed. Mental health issues like this are caused my chemical imbalance, thus it's called a disease in the medical world. When a person reaches the critical stage Williams was in, they have lost the control of their mind/logical thinking.
Will you people educate yourself before making absolutely stupid remarks. You look like complete fools.

Depression is a bullshit claim that weak people blame for their inability to overcome their situation.

Williams was a drug user and I submit that's what drove him to suicide.

You sir, are an ignorant fool.

I think the same about you morons that buy into the silly notion that sadness is a mental illness.
Well, regardless of what any of you think, I think it's really sad that some people are SO depressed that they actually go through with killing themselves. Things must be really REALLY bad for them, and I feel sorry for them. I don't really care if you guys think they're selfish or cowards. YOU can continue in your ignorance. Enjoy! :)

But its all just guesses to justify how you want to feel about yourself.

George Sanders killed himself because he was bored.

I have known 2 who have taken their lives in the past two years. One was beyond help, so depressed he could not function any longer , he was a widower and 63 and in and out of institutions for years. I didn't see his suicide as cowardice. The other was a functioning capable human who decided it was time to quit while on top and couldn't face losing her youth and beauty, she was 48 and a mother of a young boy. I thought she was selfish and a coward.

Those who see it as cowardly have a solid ground to base the opinion in my view
Depression is a bullshit claim that weak people blame for their inability to overcome their situation.

Williams was a drug user and I submit that's what drove him to suicide.

Nope, you should stop because it's obvious that you have no clue. People who are depressed with self medicate with drugs and alcohol. A lot of times, their lives are like a hell on earth, so to speak, and they will do anything to try and escape their despair. Obviously you are ignorant or choose to ignore the information that has been posted for your benefit to try to educate you.

I should stop because I don't believe in your so-called "depression" bullshit?

Sorry, but as an American I am free to voice my opinion when and where I choose.

Don't like it? Don't read my posts.

It is so ironic that your user name contains the word "logic." :lol:
Depression is a bullshit claim that weak people blame for their inability to overcome their situation.

Williams was a drug user and I submit that's what drove him to suicide.

You sir, are an ignorant fool.

I think the same about you morons that buy into the silly notion that sadness is a mental illness.

How about you counter with something intelligent to refute any of my claims instead of just putting your fingers in your already deaf and ignorant ears and yelling LA-LA-LA!

What?s the Difference between Sadness and Depression?

People with Depression are Not Just “Sad”

Just as cell growth is normal in a person, we call out of control cell growth an illness—we call it cancer. Depression is exactly the same. Depression is when a normal, human emotion gets out of control to the point where it is no longer normal. Considering someone with an illness merely to be “sad” is an insult to that person and minimizes an illness that takes thousands of lives every year. And we can’t afford to do that, lest the illness take one more.
Well, regardless of what any of you think, I think it's really sad that some people are SO depressed that they actually go through with killing themselves. Things must be really REALLY bad for them, and I feel sorry for them. I don't really care if you guys think they're selfish or cowards. YOU can continue in your ignorance. Enjoy! :)

But its all just guesses to justify how you want to feel about yourself.

George Sanders killed himself because he was bored.

I have known 2 who have taken their lives in the past two years. One was beyond help, so depressed he could not function any longer , he was a widower and 63 and in and out of institutions for years. I didn't see his suicide as cowardice. The other was a functioning capable human who decided it was time to quit while on top and couldn't face losing her youth and beauty, she was 48 and a mother of a young boy. I thought she was selfish and a coward.

Those who see it as cowardly have a solid ground to base the opinion in my view

I already stated that I was referring to people who suffer from chronic depression and the serious suicide attempts or completions. Not the ones where teen Judy is sad because her boyfriend Bobby broke her heart.
I think it's cowardly, in most cases, unless the person has nobody else that loves them or they're leaving behind in which case it's just an act.

Because you don't understand their despair and you don't understand that these thoughts are PART of the mental illness.

I understand it completely.

And in that understanding, and knowing that by giving up you can inflict the same disease on those you leave behind by the mere sadness/emptiness/shock created by your death (coupled by the fact that those same loved ones likely have it in their genetic make-up), you are doing it not only to yourself but also to all of them and in that - it's cowardly.

You're hurting others so that your hurt stops.

What a bullshit post.

Mourning/grieving is sadness, it is not depression. That ignorant jackasses equate all sadness as depression is the main problem.

Newsflash for the retards of society: Just because you don't have a smile pasted to that dumbass face of yours doesn't mean you are ill. Stop referring to sadness as depression, it is unjust to those of us who are suffering from it on a daily basis.
Where would the Fox critics be without nit picking Media Matters? Suicide is a cowardly act even for a celebrity.
Because you don't understand their despair and you don't understand that these thoughts are PART of the mental illness.

I understand it completely.

And in that understanding, and knowing that by giving up you can inflict the same disease on those you leave behind by the mere sadness/emptiness/shock created by your death (coupled by the fact that those same loved ones likely have it in their genetic make-up), you are doing it not only to yourself but also to all of them and in that - it's cowardly.

You're hurting others so that your hurt stops.

What a bullshit post.

Mourning/grieving is sadness, it is not depression. That ignorant jackasses equate all sadness as depression is the main problem.

Newsflash for the retards of society: Just because you don't have a smile pasted to that dumbass face of yours doesn't mean you are ill. Stop referring to sadness as depression, it is unjust to those of us who are suffering from it on a daily basis.

Sorry, but as an American I am free to voice my opinion when and where I choose.

Don't like it? Don't read my posts.

I'm impressed. That has to be the smartest thing I've ever read from you.

To honor that accomplishment, I will honor your request.
Depression is a bullshit claim that weak people blame for their inability to overcome their situation.

Williams was a drug user and I submit that's what drove him to suicide.

You sir, are an ignorant fool.

I think the same about you morons that buy into the silly notion that sadness is a mental illness.

First of all, I'm going to apologize for calling you an "ignorant fool". That's not my style.
However, you seriously need to educate yourself. He wasn't sad, he was clinically depressed. There's a huge difference.
I've read many of your posts over the years, I know you;re not stupid even though I have not agreed with you.
But regarding your comments today, they clearly show a lack of knowledge on the subject you are addressing. Sad? Calling depression a illness wasn't done at the drop of a hat by the medical community. It was declared a disease after several years of various evidenced based studies by top psychological experts.
If you disagree, why not present evidence based studies to support your layman's claim?
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It's funny, most of these ignoramuses won't even LOOK at the links. They've already made up their tiny narrow little ignorant minds and REFUSE to learn. How sad. Those kinds of people suck.
Ever read a suicide note? If you had, you would see that a lot of times these people are desperate for an escape from their unhappiness. They usually will apologize profusely to their loved ones they leave behind, and they actually believe that killing themselves is the only option they have left.

What did his suicide note say?

How many suicide notes have you read?

Have you written yours yet?

Oops! Your ignorance is showing! :lol:
^^^ ROFL. You can ALWAYS tell when a person is losing an argument. They get all butt hurt and make ignorant thinly veiled insults and think they aren't transparent as hell. :D I LOVE that. It's hilarious! Make more insults and show us how smart you are!!!!
Well, regardless of what any of you think, I think it's really sad that some people are SO depressed that they actually go through with killing themselves. Things must be really REALLY bad for them, and I feel sorry for them. I don't really care if you guys think they're selfish or cowards. YOU can continue in your ignorance. Enjoy! :)

But its all just guesses to justify how you want to feel about yourself.

George Sanders killed himself because he was bored.

I have known 2 who have taken their lives in the past two years. One was beyond help, so depressed he could not function any longer , he was a widower and 63 and in and out of institutions for years. I didn't see his suicide as cowardice. The other was a functioning capable human who decided it was time to quit while on top and couldn't face losing her youth and beauty, she was 48 and a mother of a young boy. I thought she was selfish and a coward.

Those who see it as cowardly have a solid ground to base the opinion in my view

I already stated that I was referring to people who suffer from chronic depression and the serious suicide attempts or completions. Not the ones where teen Judy is sad because her boyfriend Bobby broke her heart.

Like I said....But its all just guesses to justify how you want to feel about yourself.

Your compassion is actually about how you want to be seen regarding what you think was the problem, not about the choice he made.
Nope, you should stop because it's obvious that you have no clue. People who are depressed with self medicate with drugs and alcohol. A lot of times, their lives are like a hell on earth, so to speak, and they will do anything to try and escape their despair. Obviously you are ignorant or choose to ignore the information that has been posted for your benefit to try to educate you.

I should stop because I don't believe in your so-called "depression" bullshit?

Sorry, but as an American I am free to voice my opinion when and where I choose.

Don't like it? Don't read my posts.

It is so ironic that your user name contains the word "logic." :lol:

I should stop because I don't believe in your so-called "depression" bullshit?

Sorry, but as an American I am free to voice my opinion when and where I choose.

Don't like it? Don't read my posts.

It is so ironic that your user name contains the word "logic." :lol:


You must be looking in the mirror right now! Goodness! You are the one who is ignoring the links I've posted in which professionals are TELLING you that chronic depression is a serious mental illness, and suicide is just one of the sad outcomes. You just refuse to accept this valid information. I don't know why, so I must assume you are an ignorant and illogical person who is incapable of learning any new information. Either that, or perhaps you prefer to remain ignorant. I've known plenty of people like that too. Sad really. I feel sorry for you. Open your mind!!!
Robin Williams did not leave a suicide note. Most serious suicides don't leave a note. Those who think they may be rescued at the last minute leave a note.

The reason why serious suicides like Robin Williams do not leave a note is because there's no one to leave a note too. They already think that no one cares enough to read the note. They don't apologize to loved ones because they don't feel they have any loved ones.

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