FOX's Shep kicks dead celebrity

Ever read a suicide note? If you had, you would see that a lot of times these people are desperate for an escape from their unhappiness. They usually will apologize profusely to their loved ones they leave behind, and they actually believe that killing themselves is the only option they have left.
Ever read a suicide note? If you had, you would see that a lot of times these people are desperate for an escape from their unhappiness. They usually will apologize profusely to their loved ones they leave behind, and they actually believe that killing themselves is the only option they have left.

The apology would indicate they knew the pain they'd leave behind.

And they still pulled the trigger.

To me, that is clear cut cowardice. It's the easier way out as opposed to continuing the fight.

It's the man that shields bullets from himself by using his wife as a shield.
Ever have a bad day when you just want to cry and you don't want to get out of bed, perhaps it's situational or just a bad day. Well times that by 10 and imagine having to feel like that every single day of your life (or at least for long periods of time with no end in sight), and you just can't shake it. Then maybe you can have some sympathy for these people who suffer from chronic depression.
He may well be the dumbest in a long line up of dumb pundits on fux.

Well, regardless of what any of you think, I think it's really sad that some people are SO depressed that they actually go through with killing themselves. Things must be really REALLY bad for them, and I feel sorry for them. I don't really care if you guys think they're selfish or cowards. YOU can continue in your ignorance. Enjoy! :)
Ever read a suicide note? If you had, you would see that a lot of times these people are desperate for an escape from their unhappiness. They usually will apologize profusely to their loved ones they leave behind, and they actually believe that killing themselves is the only option they have left.

What did his suicide note say?

How many suicide notes have you read?

Have you written yours yet?
Well, regardless of what any of you think, I think it's really sad that some people are SO depressed that they actually go through with killing themselves. Things must be really REALLY bad for them, and I feel sorry for them. I don't really care if you guys think they're selfish or cowards. YOU can continue in your ignorance. Enjoy! :)

It is sad, no doubt about it. I don't like any death at all. Choosing to die is crazy to me, there are people out there that would cut off their limbs just to survive.
I copied and pasted this from a suicide website. This explains why suicide is NOT selfish and cowardly, and helps for you to understand what these poor souls are going through. PLEASE read this. Please.

Suicide is a desperate act by someone who is in intense pain and wants their pain to stop. That is a HUMAN response to extreme pain, not a selfish one. And over 90 percent of the people who die by suicide have a mental illness at the time of their death, so they are not thinking clearly.

Saying that a person who had severe clinical depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, PTSD, or a similar illness was engaging in an act of selfishness when they died by suicide – even though their thought process, mood, and judgment were greatly affected by their mental illness – is not only inaccurate, but downright cruel, to both the suicide angel and the suicide survivors.

And those who use the word “selfish” are merely helping perpetuate the STIGMA associated with suicide.

A suicidal action that manifests from intense, excruciating, unbearable pain associated with a serious mental illness has nothing to do with selfishness. Period.

Someone who has never committed suicide commenting on the rationale of those that have committed suicide.

In various discussions of Robin Williams' death I've seen many a person call him a "coward" for committing suicide....Shep isn't alone in that regard. It's mostly the same kind of people who deny that depression is real.

No one should judge. I have never thought of suicide as being a cowardly way out; rather a brave decision.
If you're alone in life and leave no loved ones or what not behind, it's not cowardly.

If you're leaving loved ones to grieve and suffer because you couldn't deal with your disease, it's partially cowardice.

So you applaud telling a dead man's grieving family and friends that the dearly departed is a coward? On live TV.. Less than a day later...

No one is saying what Shep said was appropriate, but it was his opinion, one that many rational people agree with.

And those many who agree with Shep are completely ignorant about how severe depression effects one's mind.
Williams had been trying many different things to get out of his depression. He had just recently returned from Minnesota searching desperately for help. People who saw him in public have said he looked very thin and sick. Depression not only attacks one's mind but also their body. Williams wan't just depressed, he was severely depressed. Mental health issues like this are caused my chemical imbalance, thus it's called a disease in the medical world. When a person reaches the critical stage Williams was in, they have lost the control of their mind/logical thinking.
Will you people educate yourself before making absolutely stupid remarks. You look like complete fools.
What was he thinking.?

Sheppard Smith suggesting the late Robin Williams might just have been a 'coward' for committing suicide was a new low for on air 'live coverage' on August 11.....

....Maybe someone can smack it into Shep's plastic surgery repaired face that what might be cowardice is to sit behind a microphone and bad mouth a dead man less than 24 hours after his demise in a forum where his family and friends can hear it.

...When networks realize that the answer to all breaking news is NOT to have some high paid blowhard simply ad-lib endlessly while the facts are being uncovered, the better off all news channels will be.

I completely agree with him!

Where was his family support?

Did he have a religious affiliation with people who would support his needs?
What was he thinking.?

Sheppard Smith suggesting the late Robin Williams might just have been a 'coward' for committing suicide was a new low for on air 'live coverage' on August 11.....

....Maybe someone can smack it into Shep's plastic surgery repaired face that what might be cowardice is to sit behind a microphone and bad mouth a dead man less than 24 hours after his demise in a forum where his family and friends can hear it.

...When networks realize that the answer to all breaking news is NOT to have some high paid blowhard simply ad-lib endlessly while the facts are being uncovered, the better off all news channels will be.

Suicide is a cowardly act.

Nope. Not always.’s_study_of_suicide.pdf

According to Durkheim.
Shep's career blossomed when he fed the Princess Di Death hysteria on Fox...the way he gets attention is spinning the drama.

So, I'll give him 10 Points For Consistency.
These people are plagued with unhappiness

What an incredibly simplistic and horribly inaccurate summary.

"Unhappiness" is not depression. It's one of the few outwardly visible symptoms.
People With Depression Cannot 'Snap Out Of It' -!

People With Depression Cannot 'Snap Out Of It'

by Kevin Caruso

One of the most ignorant and insensitive statements that anyone can make to someone with depression is "snap out of it."

Unfortunately, this statement is uttered constantly to people who are depressed.

So why don't the ignorant people who say "snap out of it" to people with depression tell people with other illnesses to "snap out of it"?

Because they do not understand that depression is an illness.

Illness? Depression is an illness? Some may ask. Yes, depression is an illness. People do not choose depression. Depression causes a chemical imbalance in the brain, and thus people can't "snap out of it."

People with depression need treatment, just like people with other illnesses need treatment. But many people who have depression do not receive treatment because of the societal stigma that is associated with depression.

Many people think individuals with depression are weak. And that they are choosing to be depressed, or they are just acting. And thus should be able to "snap out of it."

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Not only is depression an illness that people cannot "snap out of," but untreated depression is also the number one cause for suicide.

Depression is a very serious mental illness that always needs to be treated

And it is highly treatable.

The vast majority of people who receive treatment for their depression get better. If you believe that you are suffering from depression, please make appointments with a doctor and a therapist so you can be assessed and treated.
Okay, from a personal perspective.

There came a time in my life when everything fell to sheite. I could see no way out nor a future. I went to a spot from which suicide would have been fairly easy.

I know this will sound strange, but as I sat there contemplating ending it, my sweet cat showed up and crawled onto my lap, purring and showing me how happy she was to be with me.

At that point, I realized that what I was about to do was the easy way out and that I had responsibilities to live up to.

Never again and no way will I ever do it!

As Shep and others have said, it's a coward's way out.
So you applaud telling a dead man's grieving family and friends that the dearly departed is a coward? On live TV.. Less than a day later...

No one is saying what Shep said was appropriate, but it was his opinion, one that many rational people agree with.

And those many who agree with Shep are completely ignorant about how severe depression effects one's mind.
Williams had been trying many different things to get out of his depression. He had just recently returned from Minnesota searching desperately for help. People who saw him in public have said he looked very thin and sick. Depression not only attacks one's mind but also their body. Williams wan't just depressed, he was severely depressed. Mental health issues like this are caused my chemical imbalance, thus it's called a disease in the medical world. When a person reaches the critical stage Williams was in, they have lost the control of their mind/logical thinking.
Will you people educate yourself before making absolutely stupid remarks. You look like complete fools.

Depression is a bullshit claim that weak people blame for their inability to overcome their situation.

Williams was a drug user and I submit that's what drove him to suicide.
No one is saying what Shep said was appropriate, but it was his opinion, one that many rational people agree with.

And those many who agree with Shep are completely ignorant about how severe depression effects one's mind.
Williams had been trying many different things to get out of his depression. He had just recently returned from Minnesota searching desperately for help. People who saw him in public have said he looked very thin and sick. Depression not only attacks one's mind but also their body. Williams wan't just depressed, he was severely depressed. Mental health issues like this are caused my chemical imbalance, thus it's called a disease in the medical world. When a person reaches the critical stage Williams was in, they have lost the control of their mind/logical thinking.
Will you people educate yourself before making absolutely stupid remarks. You look like complete fools.

Depression is a bullshit claim that weak people blame for their inability to overcome their situation.

Williams was a drug user and I submit that's what drove him to suicide.

Nope, you should stop because it's obvious that you have no clue. People who are depressed with self medicate with drugs and alcohol. A lot of times, their lives are like a hell on earth, so to speak, and they will do anything to try and escape their despair. Obviously you are ignorant or choose to ignore the information that has been posted for your benefit to try to educate you.
No one is saying what Shep said was appropriate, but it was his opinion, one that many rational people agree with.

And those many who agree with Shep are completely ignorant about how severe depression effects one's mind.
Williams had been trying many different things to get out of his depression. He had just recently returned from Minnesota searching desperately for help. People who saw him in public have said he looked very thin and sick. Depression not only attacks one's mind but also their body. Williams wan't just depressed, he was severely depressed. Mental health issues like this are caused my chemical imbalance, thus it's called a disease in the medical world. When a person reaches the critical stage Williams was in, they have lost the control of their mind/logical thinking.
Will you people educate yourself before making absolutely stupid remarks. You look like complete fools.

Depression is a bullshit claim that weak people blame for their inability to overcome their situation.

Williams was a drug user and I submit that's what drove him to suicide.

You sir, are an ignorant fool.

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