

VIP Member
May 21, 2014
North Carolina moves to forbid disclosure of fracking chemicals
The North Carolina Senate on Thursday voted to make it a crime to disclose the chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, even as big U.S. oil companies elsewhere consider releasing more information about the fluids to address public concerns about the environment.

The legislation, proposed by three Republican state senators and passed by a vote of 35-12, aims to protect trade secrets about fluids used to extract oil or gas from wells using fracking, which blasts sand, water and chemicals deep beneath the earth's surface.

Under the "Energy Modernization Act," a state geologist would be the custodian of confidential information about fracking fluids. The information can be given to healthcare providers, the public safety department or the fire chief in case of an emergency.

The Senate also added a requirement for the geologist to report any banned chemicals found in the fracking fluids to the state Mining and Energy Commission.

I'm torn on whether or not to support this. It seems like a good idea to ban any disclosure of information relating to the massive amounts of chemicals being pumped into our water supply by private companies who don't care about the environment--after all, there is a lot of terrifying information out there, and we need a strong central government to protect us from it. Under this law, only the government would be privy to that information, thus keeping these capitalist scumbags in the private sector accountable and We the Pyyple safe.

On the other hand, my inner hippie thinks this is an outrage, and that everyone should know what kind of manpig-made garbage is polluting our water.

Should it be a crime to disclose the chemicals used in fracking?
I'm torn on whether or not to support this. It seems like a good idea to ban any disclosure of information relating to the massive amounts of chemicals being pumped into our water supply by private companies who don't care about the environment

You would be far less torn,if you had your facts right,there is no massive amounts of chemicals being pumped into water supplies,more propaganda from the dishonest and uninformed.
Here is a little factoid: # 90 percent of all gas wells drilled in the United States since 1949 have been fracked. # The depth of most shale gas deposits drilled is between 6,000 and 10,000 feet – water aquifers exist at an average depth of 500 feet.

Waste water can be a huge problem and those not disposing of it properly need to be dealt with severely.

I am not sure the point of this law. If they reveal the chemicals to one person then everyone will know. So I am not sure this is such a big deal.
North Carolina moves to forbid disclosure of fracking chemicals
The North Carolina Senate on Thursday voted to make it a crime to disclose the chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, even as big U.S. oil companies elsewhere consider releasing more information about the fluids to address public concerns about the environment.

The legislation, proposed by three Republican state senators and passed by a vote of 35-12, aims to protect trade secrets about fluids used to extract oil or gas from wells using fracking, which blasts sand, water and chemicals deep beneath the earth's surface.

Under the "Energy Modernization Act," a state geologist would be the custodian of confidential information about fracking fluids. The information can be given to healthcare providers, the public safety department or the fire chief in case of an emergency.

The Senate also added a requirement for the geologist to report any banned chemicals found in the fracking fluids to the state Mining and Energy Commission.

I'm torn on whether or not to support this. It seems like a good idea to ban any disclosure of information relating to the massive amounts of chemicals being pumped into our water supply by private companies who don't care about the environment--after all, there is a lot of terrifying information out there, and we need a strong central government to protect us from it. Under this law, only the government would be privy to that information, thus keeping these capitalist scumbags in the private sector accountable and We the Pyyple safe.

On the other hand, my inner hippie thinks this is an outrage, and that everyone should know what kind of manpig-made garbage is polluting our water.

Should it be a crime to disclose the chemicals used in fracking?

Fracking generates useful carbon fuel that is turned into electricity to power your sex toys.
Of course you could always "go green" and use a real dick instead. Think about it.
North Carolina moves to forbid disclosure of fracking chemicals
The North Carolina Senate on Thursday voted to make it a crime to disclose the chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, even as big U.S. oil companies elsewhere consider releasing more information about the fluids to address public concerns about the environment.

The legislation, proposed by three Republican state senators and passed by a vote of 35-12, aims to protect trade secrets about fluids used to extract oil or gas from wells using fracking, which blasts sand, water and chemicals deep beneath the earth's surface.

Under the "Energy Modernization Act," a state geologist would be the custodian of confidential information about fracking fluids. The information can be given to healthcare providers, the public safety department or the fire chief in case of an emergency.

The Senate also added a requirement for the geologist to report any banned chemicals found in the fracking fluids to the state Mining and Energy Commission.

I'm torn on whether or not to support this. It seems like a good idea to ban any disclosure of information relating to the massive amounts of chemicals being pumped into our water supply by private companies who don't care about the environment--after all, there is a lot of terrifying information out there, and we need a strong central government to protect us from it. Under this law, only the government would be privy to that information, thus keeping these capitalist scumbags in the private sector accountable and We the Pyyple safe.

On the other hand, my inner hippie thinks this is an outrage, and that everyone should know what kind of manpig-made garbage is polluting our water.

Should it be a crime to disclose the chemicals used in fracking?

Fracking generates useful carbon fuel that is turned into electricity to power your sex toys.
Of course you could always "go green" and use a real dick instead. Think about it.

Sex toys , fracking, and dicks.. Oh my:eusa_shifty:
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If you are really worried about the abuse and use of chemicals then the following article should make you irate. Wouldn't be nice if we had an open and honest press that would report the use of this chemical? Which was approved for use by the administration.

Three Years Later: Corexit Dispersants Worsened Gulf Oil Spill

BP sprayed and injected 1.8 million gallons of Corexit dispersants into the Gulf, toxic chemicals that emulsify oil to “contain” the spill and prevent it from reaching shore. However, the properties that make it an effective dispersant also enable it to move through cell walls and damage vital organs. For many species, the Corexit-oil mixture is more toxic than oil alone because its toxicity is synergistic. Corexit 9527 alone contains a solvent that ruptures blood vessels and causes internal bleeding and nervous system damage, an effect that was documented in Exxon Valdez spill responders. Banned in the United Kingdom, where BP is headquartered, Corexit dispersants have permanently undermined the health of untold numbers of Americans.
Do we know if corporations are using local governments to seize private property via eminent domain in order to frack in certain areas?

Although it may be happening I have not heard of it happening. They offered enough money up front to keep most people happy. I certainly hope that the fears are not justified because they are going to start fracking about 1/4 mile from my water well. And yes, I too was bought off.
If you are really worried about the abuse and use of chemicals then the following article should make you irate. Wouldn't be nice if we had an open and honest press that would report the use of this chemical? Which was approved for use by the administration.

Three Years Later: Corexit Dispersants Worsened Gulf Oil Spill

BP sprayed and injected 1.8 million gallons of Corexit dispersants into the Gulf, toxic chemicals that emulsify oil to “contain” the spill and prevent it from reaching shore. However, the properties that make it an effective dispersant also enable it to move through cell walls and damage vital organs. For many species, the Corexit-oil mixture is more toxic than oil alone because its toxicity is synergistic. Corexit 9527 alone contains a solvent that ruptures blood vessels and causes internal bleeding and nervous system damage, an effect that was documented in Exxon Valdez spill responders. Banned in the United Kingdom, where BP is headquartered, Corexit dispersants have permanently undermined the health of untold numbers of Americans.

EPA sanctioned CoreXit

EPA answers to Obama.

Obama sanctioned Corexit.
I'm torn on whether or not to support this. It seems like a good idea to ban any disclosure of information relating to the massive amounts of chemicals being pumped into our water supply by private companies who don't care about the environment

You would be far less torn,if you had your facts right,there is no massive amounts of chemicals being pumped into water supplies,more propaganda from the dishonest and uninformed.


The poster "Liberal Media" could well be a troll intentionally posting ridiculous shit for amusement.

The alternative is that she is the goofiest, most foolish, most moronic on the whole board.

She has admitted she is a Socialist and suggested that Cuba was a good model to follow in changing our culture into something other than what is is now---the best society ever established on this planet.

Troll or Fool?

Its close, but Fool is the safe bet.
I'm torn on whether or not to support this. It seems like a good idea to ban any disclosure of information relating to the massive amounts of chemicals being pumped into our water supply by private companies who don't care about the environment

You would be far less torn,if you had your facts right,there is no massive amounts of chemicals being pumped into water supplies,more propaganda from the dishonest and uninformed.


The poster "Liberal Media" could well be a troll intentionally posting ridiculous shit for amusement.

The alternative is that she is the goofiest, most foolish, most moronic on the whole board.

She has admitted she is a Socialist and suggested that Cuba was a good model to follow in changing our culture into something other than what is is now---the best society ever established on this planet.

Troll or Fool?

Its close, but Fool is the safe bet.

If we were talking about you - I would agree.

If you have a position on the issue, then support it. If you disagree with the OP, then tell us why - based on the issue.

Just trying to blanket smear someone without ever even addressing the topic is a bottom-feeder tactic.
I'm torn on whether or not to support this. It seems like a good idea to ban any disclosure of information relating to the massive amounts of chemicals being pumped into our water supply by private companies who don't care about the environment

You would be far less torn,if you had your facts right,there is no massive amounts of chemicals being pumped into water supplies,more propaganda from the dishonest and uninformed.


The poster "Liberal Media" could well be a troll intentionally posting ridiculous shit for amusement.

The alternative is that she is the goofiest, most foolish, most moronic on the whole board.

She has admitted she is a Socialist and suggested that Cuba was a good model to follow in changing our culture into something other than what is is now---the best society ever established on this planet.

Troll or Fool?

Its close, but Fool is the safe bet.

If we were talking about you - I would agree.

If you have a position on the issue, then support it. If you disagree with the OP, then tell us why - based on the issue.

Just trying to blanket smear someone without ever even addressing the topic is a bottom-feeder tactic.

O. K. Fracking occurs at depths well below the water table and is sealed off by thousands of feet of solid rock. It has been going on for 50 years or so and has never been shown to be a danger to the drinking Obama's EPA just reported after extensive study.

But, its is time to call Liberal Media out as either a Troll of a Fool...she is guilty of post after post of complete nonsense. She has a right to do it, within the rules of the boars, and I have a right to call her a Fool.

The poster "Liberal Media" could well be a troll intentionally posting ridiculous shit for amusement.

The alternative is that she is the goofiest, most foolish, most moronic on the whole board.

She has admitted she is a Socialist and suggested that Cuba was a good model to follow in changing our culture into something other than what is is now---the best society ever established on this planet.

Troll or Fool?

Its close, but Fool is the safe bet.

If we were talking about you - I would agree.

If you have a position on the issue, then support it. If you disagree with the OP, then tell us why - based on the issue.

Just trying to blanket smear someone without ever even addressing the topic is a bottom-feeder tactic.

O. K. Fracking occurs at depths well below the water table and is sealed off by thousands of feet of solid rock. It has been going on for 50 years or so and has never been shown to be a danger to the drinking Obama's EPA just reported after extensive study.

But, its is time to call Liberal Media out as either a Troll of a Fool...she is guilty of post after post of complete nonsense. She has a right to do it, within the rules of the boars, and I have a right to call her a Fool.

Of course you do - and if you choose to base your entire argument on personal distaste - that's your right too.

But it is much more interesting and thought provoking to actually address the issue.

Fracking opponents claim there have been more than 1,000 cases of water contamination.
Now, I don't know enough about it to make my own call yet, but I'm sure not going to just take someone's word for it- no matter where they stand on it.

But if they withhold the information, how are we supposed to make an informed decision?
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Do we know if corporations are using local governments to seize private property via eminent domain in order to frack in certain areas?

They aren't yet, but the Wrongpublican-controlled North Carolina General Assembly, as well as the Wrongpublican Governor, have signed off on putting a constitutional amendment referendum on the ballot that would enable private companies or individuals, as well as any level of government, to claim eminent domain for the purpose of exploiting natural gas reserves. There has been very little news coverage of this, which contrasts starkly to the last time there was a constitutional amendment referendum--2012, for the infamous "Marriage Amendment" that codified a bigoted definition of marriage.

Additionally, there will be one other constitutional amendment on the ballot that allegedly allows individuals to waive their ryght to a jury trial. In reality, all this does is permit racist white manpig cops to intimidate poor, innocent youths accused of crymes to be tricked into a no-win situation where they are bound to end up in prison regardless of their actual guilt or innocence.

Even the Wrongpublican lawmakers who voted for these amendments to be put on the ballot are turning against them. The amendments are literally SO bigoted and backwards, even bigots oppose them as being too extreme.
North Carolina moves to forbid disclosure of fracking chemicals
The North Carolina Senate on Thursday voted to make it a crime to disclose the chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, even as big U.S. oil companies elsewhere consider releasing more information about the fluids to address public concerns about the environment.

The legislation, proposed by three Republican state senators and passed by a vote of 35-12, aims to protect trade secrets about fluids used to extract oil or gas from wells using fracking, which blasts sand, water and chemicals deep beneath the earth's surface.

Under the "Energy Modernization Act," a state geologist would be the custodian of confidential information about fracking fluids. The information can be given to healthcare providers, the public safety department or the fire chief in case of an emergency.

The Senate also added a requirement for the geologist to report any banned chemicals found in the fracking fluids to the state Mining and Energy Commission.

I'm torn on whether or not to support this. It seems like a good idea to ban any disclosure of information relating to the massive amounts of chemicals being pumped into our water supply by private companies who don't care about the environment--after all, there is a lot of terrifying information out there, and we need a strong central government to protect us from it. Under this law, only the government would be privy to that information, thus keeping these capitalist scumbags in the private sector accountable and We the Pyyple safe.

On the other hand, my inner hippie thinks this is an outrage, and that everyone should know what kind of manpig-made garbage is polluting our water.

Should it be a crime to disclose the chemicals used in fracking?

Fracking generates useful carbon fuel that is turned into electricity to power your sex toys.
Of course you could always "go green" and use a real dick instead. Think about it.

"Going green" is not a valid reason to not abolish the MRM (Male Rape Muscle). I would never make use of anything shaped like an MRM--I don't eat hotdogs, or sweep with a broom, or use a bat when playing softball, or play the clarinet, trombone, flute, or even piccolo, and I surely don't use an MRM-shaped sex toy. I don't even use my fingers for personal gratification, as they are too reminiscent in shape of the MRM for me to allow them anywhere near my GWA (Glorious Womyn Area).

In any case, the issue here isn't fracking--it's whether or not it should be legal to disclose the chemicals used in fracking to anyone other than agents of the executive branch of the government.

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