

Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
Fractals are, without wanting to go too deeply into the subject, computer-artwork, created completely by one or more algorhythm.

There is a really, really good description of fractals at this wiki:

Fractal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"There is some disagreement amongst authorities about how the concept of a fractal should be formally defined. Mandelbrot himself summarized it as "beautiful, damn hard, increasingly useful. That's fractals."The general consensus is that theoretical fractals are infinitely self-similar, iterated, and detailed mathematical constructs having fractal dimensions, of which many examples have been formulated and studied in great depth. Fractals are not limited to geometric patterns, but can also describe processes in time.

Fractal patterns with various degrees of self-similarity have been rendered or studied in images, structures and sounds and found in nature, technology, art, and law."

There are literally millions and millions of fractals out there.

Here is a short youtube video over a set of fractals by Mandelbrot:

There is an aesthetic about them that people either like or dislike. I find some fractals to be stunningly beautiful, others, well, meh. But that's the beauty of it: you don't really know until you have made some algorhythm parameters and -boom- something new appears!

Some fractals are symmetric, partially symmetric, or just plain old asymetric. It depends entirely on the code.

And away we go!

Just to whet your appetite:

Postings 2-24 from me are of very modern looking fractals, with the latest programming.

Postings 28-36 from me are of older fractals, when the technology was just in the "Kindergarden" phase.

Postings 37-42 from me are of fractals that deliberately imitate objects found in nature.

If you want to experiment with making your own fractals, there are lots of programs out there. This one is freeware and is very good, but you need to take time to learn to work it:

Feel free to add any fractals you want, or quote a fractal and try to give it a name. For instance, no. 15 could get a lot of interesting names. Again, there are literally MILLIONS of fractals to be found on the net and maybe on the weekend, I will supply some of my own. They are not as good as the ones I am posting from other sources, because I'm still learning the process, but it is indeed interesting.

My personal feeling is that where Michelangelo alive today, he would just love this stuff!!

The graphics tend to be pretty big, a lot of people use fractals also as desktop pictures.

(Figures that the math and stats nerd makes this thread - lol)
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Can we enlarge them and use them to design warp gates in space?

Can we enlarge them and use them to design warp gates in space?


I don't know, but they do have something "vortex"-like about themselves, eh?

Thanks for stopping by!!! If you google or bing the word "fractal(s)", you will find millions of graphics. Just millions.
I have a bunch in Eye Candy but they are all spread around. Next time I see some while browsing Pinterest, at least I know where to put them now.

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