France Has Fallen!

Ever notice how extremely shallow and low-value the responses are from the purveyors of this stuff?

It's like they're completely oblivious to both history and to what is actually happening there in the op.
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Looks like they're expecting over a quarter million people to hit the streets in protest over this nonsense this weekend.

Here comes the remnant.

Might be interesting.

The success or failure of the whole of European tyranny may depend solely upon whether these French resisters can make a dent.
Dirty little secret of WWII is that France was going to side with the Nazis as they kept losing ground to them regularly. The Maginau line never held for a minute.

The USA disguised as Germany bombed one of their harbors...and the French believed it and joined the Allies instead of the Axis. It really didn't help and much of France went into occupation.

But they had a great underground resistance.

Then during the 50's and 60's when they were having so many problems with guerilla terrorists from Arabic nations the French Foreign Legion became famous for hiring all nationality's mercenaries into their ranks and turning every village that the terrorists came from into ashes in the sand. They killed everyone and destroyed everything. No one was left alive to complain.

The guillotine is another French device used for their kings and queens.

Their claim to fame of "fine french food" is solely from Caterina de Medici taking all of Italy's best chefs with her when she married the King of France...

When their white oak trees began to suffer from fungus and they couldn't get enough to create enough casks for their wine production...they began to sell the fungus (Truffles) and demand high dollars for it.

Just saying...France has always had a checkered past. This isn't exactly anything new.
buttercup Ben's over in France. :113:

I didn't even know he was going over there.

I didn't either! Haven't been on twitter recently. I'm SO glad someone is covering the protests. You might remember, I was just saying the other day that people should be talking about these protests going on worldwide. The talking heads on the msm sure as hell aren't, at least as far as I've seen.
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I didn't either! Haven't been on twitter recently. I'm SO glad someone is covering the protests. You might remember, just the other day I was saying people need to be talking about these protests going on worldwide. The talking heads on the msm sure aren't, at least as far as I've seen.
The talking heads in mainstream are only gonna spin and sugar coat it for their own interests anyway. The less of them there are in the mix, the better.
It is pretty sad that Americans who are supposed to be "the free" and "the brave" have become gullible zombie-like bootlickers, tricked into trading freedom for false security. Isn't it ironic...
It is pretty sad that Americans who are supposed to be "the free" and "the brave" have become gullible zombie-like bootlickers, tricked into trading freedom for false security. Isn't it ironic...

They're fighting back over there now.

The gestapo are retreating when they suddenly realize they're overwhelmed.

They're fighting back over there now.

The gestapo are retreating when they suddenly realize they're overwhelmed.

Excellent, now THAT is what I love to see!!! If only the lazy, TV watching dupes in the US would take notice. (but I guess this isn’t being shown on the idiot box?)
Excellent, now THAT is what I love to see!!! If only the lazy, TV watching dupes in the US would take notice. (but I guess this isn’t being shown on the idiot box?)

Ha. Not a chance in hell they're talking about any of this in western media.

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Just wait until the Brave New World of Medical Segregation comes to America...

Yeah, I can see the shit show that would create.

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