France is Fucked

And the pendulum swings once again. The hard right Republicans and the wackos whose constant attack on liberals and progressives, their callous disregard for the working poor, their attacks on public employees and the right of workers to bargain collectively will bring upon themselves what they fear most - the rise of the left.

PS That some smart and educated people do not understand this is perplexing. How they can tolerate being seen as part of a set which includes Willow Tree and CrusaderFrank, Stephanie and Grampa Murked U boggles the mind.
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If we and all the other countries, continue to over tax, over borrow and overspend, what happens to our future generations that will have to pay this debt off?
The won't be able to afford anything.

Or they'll just tax the people who've already accumulated too much of the wealth.

Which is what they should have been doing all along.

The top richest own 40% of the planets wealth.
That still leaves 60% of the rest of us that are going to have to pay the debts off.

If you took all of the American's money who make 250,000.00 and up, you will get 980 billion. It leaves them pennyless and the rest of us with no jobs, and we will still have 1/3 of a trillion dollars that needs to be paid off.
Where will that 1/3 come from when we all don't have any jobs?
If we and all the other countries, continue to over tax, over borrow and overspend, what happens to our future generations that will have to pay this debt off?
The won't be able to afford anything.

Or they'll just tax the people who've already accumulated too much of the wealth.

Which is what they should have been doing all along.

Who'll decide how much people should make? People like you? There is no set amount of wealth idiot, yeah we need some tyrannical government to tell us how much we are allowed to make.:cuckoo: Like I said before you’re a joke and a fraud....

[ame=]Reagan - Fat Man Thin Man - YouTube[/ame]
If we and all the other countries, continue to over tax, over borrow and overspend, what happens to our future generations that will have to pay this debt off?
The won't be able to afford anything.

Or they'll just tax the people who've already accumulated too much of the wealth.

Which is what they should have been doing all along.

The top richest own 40% of the planets wealth.
That still leaves 60% of the rest of us that are going to have to pay the debts off.

If you took all of the American's money who make 250,000.00 and up, you will get 980 billion. It leaves them pennyless and the rest of us with no jobs, and we will still have 1/3 of a trillion dollars that needs to be paid off.
Where will that 1/3 come from when we all don't have any jobs?

Please see my postscript added to the post 121 above.
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And the pendulum swings once again. The hard right Republicans and the wackos whose constant attack on liberals and progressives, their callous disregard for the working poor, their attacks on public employees and the right of workers to bargain collectively will bring upon themselves what they fear most - the rise of the left.

PS That some smart and educated people do not understand this is perplexing. How they can tolerate being seen as part of a set which includes Willow Tree and CrusaderFrank, Stephanie and Grampa Murked U boggles the mind.

:lol: We've seen and we don't like it, and that noted "right winger" FDR was against public sector unions.
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This scumbag comes in and wants to raise the so-called rich to a tax bracket ot 75%!!! See his reasoning

BBC News - French election: Hollande wants 75% tax on top earners
"Above 1m euros [£847,000; $1.3m], the tax rate should be 75% because it's not possible to have that level of income," he said.

Um yes it is and you will find out quickly that other countries (hopefully America), will welcome these people unjustly under attack by a Socialist Tyrant!!!

He also wants to WACK the French Corporations! LOL, does he not know that corporations and RICH people employ the everyday Frenchman? He will chase both out of the country. What you will be left with is a unemployed young Frenchman, Muslim immigrants bankrupting the welfare state, Debt that will bankrupt the country and economy left in shabbles!

Why do the French always act, like, well, French?
And the pendulum swings once again. The hard right Republicans and the wackos whose constant attack on liberals and progressives, their callous disregard for the working poor, their attacks on public employees and the right of workers to bargain collectively will bring upon themselves what they fear most - the rise of the left.

PS That some smart and educated people do not understand this is perplexing. How they can tolerate being seen as part of a set which includes Willow Tree and CrusaderFrank, Stephanie and Grampa Murked U boggles the mind.

Your stupid economic ideas have a 100% guaranteed fail rate

France is fucked. Hollande will drive the capital and entrepreneurs out and any hope of growth out with them
If we and all the other countries, continue to over tax, over borrow and overspend, what happens to our future generations that will have to pay this debt off?
The won't be able to afford anything.

Or they'll just tax the people who've already accumulated too much of the wealth.

Which is what they should have been doing all along.

The top richest own 40% of the planets wealth.
That still leaves 60% of the rest of us that are going to have to pay the debts off.

If you took all of the American's money who make 250,000.00 and up, you will get 980 billion. It leaves them pennyless and the rest of us with no jobs, and we will still have 1/3 of a trillion dollars that needs to be paid off.
Where will that 1/3 come from when we all don't have any jobs?

The problem you subscribe to here, besides bad math, is that you work on the assumption that we'd have no jobs if there were no rich people.

Which of course, is crap. Investment doesn't create jobs, consumer demand does.
If we and all the other countries, continue to over tax, over borrow and overspend, what happens to our future generations that will have to pay this debt off?
The won't be able to afford anything.

Or they'll just tax the people who've already accumulated too much of the wealth.

Which is what they should have been doing all along.

Who'll decide how much people should make? People like you? There is no set amount of wealth idiot, yeah we need some tyrannical government to tell us how much we are allowed to make.:cuckoo: Like I said before you’re a joke and a fraud....


Actually, if we even went back to the tax rates we had under Reagan, we'd probalby be okay.

You see, what you forget is that Reagan cut taxes, but he also increased spending, which is what got us out of the 1981 recession. Then he realized he had to raise taxes, which is what he did.

We had our greatest prosperity when the wealthy paid a top marginal tax rate of 92%. So if you want to use history as a guide, maybe we should go back to that.
The Rich French aren't going to come here! At least not as long as we have a socialist as presidebt. Europe is going to be embroiled in a very serious war in a relatively short time. The rich are probably going to gravitate to only one nation where it will be able to be a majority and protect themselves. As long as the rich are a minority their rights will always be crushed. Right now the French wealthy are running off to England, but that's just temporary.
The Rich French aren't going to come here! At least not as long as we have a socialist as presidebt. Europe is going to be embroiled in a very serious war in a relatively short time. The rich are probably going to gravitate to only one nation where it will be able to be a majority and protect themselves. As long as the rich are a minority their rights will always be crushed. Right now the French wealthy are running off to England, but that's just temporary.
England, where they'll pay higher taxes that they would in the US?
And the pendulum swings once again. The hard right Republicans and the wackos whose constant attack on liberals and progressives, their callous disregard for the working poor, their attacks on public employees and the right of workers to bargain collectively will bring upon themselves what they fear most - the rise of the left.

PS That some smart and educated people do not understand this is perplexing. How they can tolerate being seen as part of a set which includes Willow Tree and CrusaderFrank, Stephanie and Grampa Murked U boggles the mind.

Your stupid economic ideas have a 100% guaranteed fail rate

France is fucked. Hollande will drive the capital and entrepreneurs out and any hope of growth out with them

There are entrepreneurs in France?
Or they'll just tax the people who've already accumulated too much of the wealth.

Which is what they should have been doing all along.

Who'll decide how much people should make? People like you? There is no set amount of wealth idiot, yeah we need some tyrannical government to tell us how much we are allowed to make.:cuckoo: Like I said before you’re a joke and a fraud....


Actually, if we even went back to the tax rates we had under Reagan, we'd probalby be okay.

You see, what you forget is that Reagan cut taxes, but he also increased spending, which is what got us out of the 1981 recession. Then he realized he had to raise taxes, which is what he did.

We had our greatest prosperity when the wealthy paid a top marginal tax rate of 92%. So if you want to use history as a guide, maybe we should go back to that.

We are more prosperous now than we were in 1961.

True story.
The Rich French aren't going to come here! At least not as long as we have a socialist as presidebt. Europe is going to be embroiled in a very serious war in a relatively short time. The rich are probably going to gravitate to only one nation where it will be able to be a majority and protect themselves. As long as the rich are a minority their rights will always be crushed. Right now the French wealthy are running off to England, but that's just temporary.
England, where they'll pay higher taxes that they would in the US?

I really miss English taxes.
The Rich French aren't going to come here! At least not as long as we have a socialist as presidebt. Europe is going to be embroiled in a very serious war in a relatively short time. The rich are probably going to gravitate to only one nation where it will be able to be a majority and protect themselves. As long as the rich are a minority their rights will always be crushed. Right now the French wealthy are running off to England, but that's just temporary.
England, where they'll pay higher taxes that they would in the US?

I really miss English taxes.
Things have changed since the Boston Tea Party.
The Rich French aren't going to come here! At least not as long as we have a socialist as presidebt. Europe is going to be embroiled in a very serious war in a relatively short time. The rich are probably going to gravitate to only one nation where it will be able to be a majority and protect themselves. As long as the rich are a minority their rights will always be crushed. Right now the French wealthy are running off to England, but that's just temporary.

The problem with that is, there's really nowhere for these fools to run.

They could go to the UK, but Cameron and his bunch of Austerians aren't going to last a lot longer. Same thing with Germany. (Now that would be a laugh, rich French folks going to Germany). Merkel's a dead woman walking.

The fact is, Austerity has failed in Europe, as anyone with a lick of sense would tell you it would.
Who'll decide how much people should make? People like you? There is no set amount of wealth idiot, yeah we need some tyrannical government to tell us how much we are allowed to make.:cuckoo: Like I said before you’re a joke and a fraud....


Actually, if we even went back to the tax rates we had under Reagan, we'd probalby be okay.

You see, what you forget is that Reagan cut taxes, but he also increased spending, which is what got us out of the 1981 recession. Then he realized he had to raise taxes, which is what he did.

We had our greatest prosperity when the wealthy paid a top marginal tax rate of 92%. So if you want to use history as a guide, maybe we should go back to that.

We are more prosperous now than we were in 1961.

True story.

No, we're not.

Back in the 1960's, we had an honest to God Middle Class.

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