FRANCE: Islamic terrorist (yep, again) murders innocent children


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I dont need to post a link. Everyone has seen the news. Well, you know what, nevermind, I will: Toulouse killer doesn't want to die 'a martyr', will surrender tonight, French media report | The Times of Israel

So this Islamic monster stated his main regret is he didn't have time to murder even more innocent Jewish children.

Ah, the religion of peace, chasing down innocent children to shoot them point blank in the head, all in the name of Allah.

Remember folks, this is the same religious community that President Obama just finished apologizing to.....repeatedly. They are at war with us. We better remember we are, or are supposed to be, fighting back.
Shake my fucking head with these fucks.
I dont need to post a link. Everyone has seen the news. Well, you know what, nevermind, I will: Toulouse killer doesn't want to die 'a martyr', will surrender tonight, French media report | The Times of Israel

So this Islamic monster stated his main regret is he didn't have time to murder even more innocent Jewish children.

Ah, the religion of peace, chasing down innocent children to shoot them point blank in the head, all in the name of Allah.

Remember folks, this is the same religious community that President Obama just finished apologizing to.....repeatedly. They are at war with us. We better remember we are, or are supposed to be, fighting back.

They're at war with us?

Where's all the billions of people attacking?
I dont need to post a link. Everyone has seen the news. Well, you know what, nevermind, I will: Toulouse killer doesn't want to die 'a martyr', will surrender tonight, French media report | The Times of Israel

So this Islamic monster stated his main regret is he didn't have time to murder even more innocent Jewish children.

Ah, the religion of peace, chasing down innocent children to shoot them point blank in the head, all in the name of Allah.

Remember folks, this is the same religious community that President Obama just finished apologizing to.....repeatedly. They are at war with us. We better remember we are, or are supposed to be, fighting back.
So. You're Jewish ? Shalom.:lol:
I dont need to post a link. Everyone has seen the news. Well, you know what, nevermind, I will: Toulouse killer doesn't want to die 'a martyr', will surrender tonight, French media report | The Times of Israel

So this Islamic monster stated his main regret is he didn't have time to murder even more innocent Jewish children.

Ah, the religion of peace, chasing down innocent children to shoot them point blank in the head, all in the name of Allah.

Remember folks, this is the same religious community that President Obama just finished apologizing to.....repeatedly. They are at war with us. We better remember we are, or are supposed to be, fighting back.

They're at war with us?

Where's all the billions of people attacking?

You can't deny that there is a faction that is indeed literaly at war with U.S. and everyone else. You can't say the same about any other religon.
I dont need to post a link. Everyone has seen the news. Well, you know what, nevermind, I will: Toulouse killer doesn't want to die 'a martyr', will surrender tonight, French media report | The Times of Israel

So this Islamic monster stated his main regret is he didn't have time to murder even more innocent Jewish children.

Ah, the religion of peace, chasing down innocent children to shoot them point blank in the head, all in the name of Allah.

Remember folks, this is the same religious community that President Obama just finished apologizing to.....repeatedly. They are at war with us. We better remember we are, or are supposed to be, fighting back.

They're at war with us?

Where's all the billions of people attacking?

You can't deny that there is a faction that is indeed literaly at war with U.S. and everyone else. You can't say the same about any other religon.

Yea, there is a faction.

The OP didn't say that - he used "the religion."

Do you know there are a Billion Muslims?

Take that number.

Now, how many do you think are at war with us? In the tens of thousands?


Let's take the most extreme example.

a MILLLLLLLION. Let's take the number a MILLION, and pretend there are a million people War-ring out there, everyday.

Ok, so what percentage is a million...................of a billion? That's enough to make the OP ridiculous.........except there's not even close to a million of them fighting a war.
They're at war with us?

Where's all the billions of people attacking?

You can't deny that there is a faction that is indeed literaly at war with U.S. and everyone else. You can't say the same about any other religon.

Yea, there is a faction.

The OP didn't say that - he used "the religion."

Do you know there are a Billion Muslims?

Take that number.

Now, how many do you think are at war with us? In the tens of thousands?


Let's take the most extreme example.

a MILLLLLLLION. Let's take the number a MILLION, and pretend there are a million people War-ring out there, everyday.

Ok, so what percentage is a million...................of a billion? That's enough to make the OP ridiculous.........except there's not even close to a million of them fighting a war.

It's impossible to tell how many there are, but to your point, of course you are correct. I think the OP didn't intend to lump all Muslims together, but in a literal sense you may have took it that way.
You can't deny that there is a faction that is indeed literaly at war with U.S. and everyone else. You can't say the same about any other religon.

Yea, there is a faction.

The OP didn't say that - he used "the religion."

Do you know there are a Billion Muslims?

Take that number.

Now, how many do you think are at war with us? In the tens of thousands?


Let's take the most extreme example.

a MILLLLLLLION. Let's take the number a MILLION, and pretend there are a million people War-ring out there, everyday.

Ok, so what percentage is a million...................of a billion? That's enough to make the OP ridiculous.........except there's not even close to a million of them fighting a war.

It's impossible to tell how many there are, but to your point, of course you are correct. I think the OP didn't intend to lump all Muslims together, but in a literal sense you may have took it that way.

Read this again:

"Ah, the religion of peace, chasing down innocent children to shoot them point blank in the head, all in the name of Allah.

Remember folks, this is the same religious community that President Obama just finished apologizing to.....repeatedly. They are at war with us. We better remember we are, or are supposed to be, fighting back.

What he's implying, is that because 0.1% (based on my gross over-exaggeration) of an entire Culture (Religion) is engaged in Jihad, Obama should act (to all of them) as though we're fighting their (Religion) in a War.

And that type of talk is what seperates the Presidential (Obama / Bush) from the Partisan message-board loons. That's truth.
Yea, there is a faction.

The OP didn't say that - he used "the religion."

Do you know there are a Billion Muslims?

Take that number.

Now, how many do you think are at war with us? In the tens of thousands?


Let's take the most extreme example.

a MILLLLLLLION. Let's take the number a MILLION, and pretend there are a million people War-ring out there, everyday.

Ok, so what percentage is a million...................of a billion? That's enough to make the OP ridiculous.........except there's not even close to a million of them fighting a war.

It's impossible to tell how many there are, but to your point, of course you are correct. I think the OP didn't intend to lump all Muslims together, but in a literal sense you may have took it that way.

Read this again:

"Ah, the religion of peace, chasing down innocent children to shoot them point blank in the head, all in the name of Allah.

Remember folks, this is the same religious community that President Obama just finished apologizing to.....repeatedly. They are at war with us. We better remember we are, or are supposed to be, fighting back.

What he's implying, is that because 0.1% (based on my gross over-exaggeration) of an entire Culture (Religion) is engaged in Jihad, Obama should act (to all of them) as though we're fighting their (Religion) in a War.

And that type of talk is what seperates the Presidential (Obama / Bush) from the Partisan message-board loons. That's truth.

When Obama is talking, he is talking to the ".1%". It's an appeasement stradegy. He's not talking to peaceful Muslims, because there's no need. Those that are against this stradegy mock "the religon of peace" rhetoric. Everytime these terrorists kill innocent people, we hear how Islam is the religon of peace.
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I disagree, and feel that that's an opinion based on partisanship and not critical thinking. But disagreements are alright with me.

who could have guessed it would have been a violence prone, backwards, muslim neanderthal.........

besides everybody

unheard of...........
Yea, there is a faction.

The OP didn't say that - he used "the religion."

Do you know there are a Billion Muslims?

Take that number.

Now, how many do you think are at war with us? In the tens of thousands?


Let's take the most extreme example.

a MILLLLLLLION. Let's take the number a MILLION, and pretend there are a million people War-ring out there, everyday.

Ok, so what percentage is a million...................of a billion? That's enough to make the OP ridiculous.........except there's not even close to a million of them fighting a war.

It's impossible to tell how many there are, but to your point, of course you are correct. I think the OP didn't intend to lump all Muslims together, but in a literal sense you may have took it that way.

Read this again:

"Ah, the religion of peace, chasing down innocent children to shoot them point blank in the head, all in the name of Allah.

Remember folks, this is the same religious community that President Obama just finished apologizing to.....repeatedly. They are at war with us. We better remember we are, or are supposed to be, fighting back.

What he's implying, is that because 0.1% (based on my gross over-exaggeration) of an entire Culture (Religion) is engaged in Jihad, Obama should act (to all of them) as though we're fighting their (Religion) in a War.

And that type of talk is what seperates the Presidential (Obama / Bush) from the Partisan message-board loons. That's truth.

True. I must have missed all the Muslims worldwide showing outrage at what the terrorist did. Or maybe I missed all the police and military forces in Syria, Iran, etc, cracking down on their domestic Islamic terrorists. Or maybe I missed all the mosques kicking extremists out, and publicly denying their affiliation, much like how Christians came out extremely hard against the KKK.

Yep. My bad for missing all of the above. I'd have a point if the Muslim world at large was indifferent, or even tolerant, of it's extremist wing. Luckily thats not the reality....right:confused::confused:
What is wrong with those "Frenchies"? Ask yourself what an American Marine would have done on Saipan, Guam, Pelieliu, or Tarawa if they encountered some Japanese sniper in a tree? And the French took all of thirty six hours to take him out?
Were they afraid of some Imam in Paris firing up those deprived 'Yutes' in Paris to another lengthy car burning and rioting episode. Believe me, Mohammed Merah's fate won't be what's getting the Imams worked up. He's fine. He's already frolicking with his seventy two virgins.
What does get them worked up is the fact they still are not being allowed to put the dynamite in place to blow up the foundations of Paris's Notre Dame Cathedral like they blew out the statues of Buddha in Afghanistan three days or so before the 9/11 attacks.
If the French thought by treating Mohammed with 'kid gloves' was ever going to prevent the Islamists from wanting to destroy the Basilica and every other Roman Catholic edifice in France, they've got another thought coming. We'll see what they think when the new French Islamic Government, the new Mecca on The Seine, comes into power and one of the first things it does is authorize the destruction of all the French churches.
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Of course they were initially trying to blame this on a "neo-nazi" type or a Norway killer type, aka a racist whiteman.

The focus fell Tuesday on three paratroopers who had been expelled from their regiment near Toulouse in 2008 for neo-Nazi sympathies, a police official said.

The prosecutor said that track was among those being studied. Investigators also are checking the hypothesis that the killer could be a former soldier with psychological issues or with racist and anti-Semitic motives.


Behavioral analysts are helping with the investigation, the police official said, and comparing the actions of the suspected perpetrator to those of serial killers and to those such as Norway's Breivik.
French police hunt killer, suspect neo-Nazi ties

Maybe if they would had just used common sense in suspecting a batshit crazy Muslim, some people could had been saved.
You can't deny that there is a faction that is indeed literaly at war with U.S. and everyone else. You can't say the same about any other religon.

Yea, there is a faction.

The OP didn't say that - he used "the religion."

Do you know there are a Billion Muslims?

Take that number.

Now, how many do you think are at war with us? In the tens of thousands?


Let's take the most extreme example.

a MILLLLLLLION. Let's take the number a MILLION, and pretend there are a million people War-ring out there, everyday.

Ok, so what percentage is a million...................of a billion? That's enough to make the OP ridiculous.........except there's not even close to a million of them fighting a war.

It's impossible to tell how many there are, but to your point, of course you are correct. I think the OP didn't intend to lump all Muslims together, but in a literal sense you may have took it that way.

Not all muslims are terrorists, but it seems that all terrorists are muslim
Yea, there is a faction.

The OP didn't say that - he used "the religion."

Do you know there are a Billion Muslims?

Take that number.

Now, how many do you think are at war with us? In the tens of thousands?


Let's take the most extreme example.

a MILLLLLLLION. Let's take the number a MILLION, and pretend there are a million people War-ring out there, everyday.

Ok, so what percentage is a million...................of a billion? That's enough to make the OP ridiculous.........except there's not even close to a million of them fighting a war.

It's impossible to tell how many there are, but to your point, of course you are correct. I think the OP didn't intend to lump all Muslims together, but in a literal sense you may have took it that way.

Not all muslims are terrorists, but it seems that all terrorists are muslim

All terrorists are Muslim? Might wanna do a bit of research on that, good sir.

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