FRANCE,ITALY,US,AND TURKEY...quietly gelling to strike syria

Ed Spacer

Jan 16, 2012
DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

Yep. A quiet coalition has been created following the lead of french leader nicholas sarkozy.air force coalition clandestinely planning strikes.

Yet,the dirtbag is preventing israel from defending itself from iran,despite the fact,they have better intel on the weapons development progress.

Obamas a real anti semite.
also,we are in uganda,under obama.leadership,fighting a christian group,the LRA.
we should be destroying boko harem,the alqueda offshoot killing christians at will.
Reality is obama is promoting an islamic agenda,strategically,by supporting alqueda and the arab spring.
took out two stabilizing allies or at least,not opposing our interests in two places.
first was egypt.
second,was libya.
mind you,gaddafi committed acts of terror. No gentleman at all.
but he became an ally after 09/11.
he was a megalomaniac,yes,but..his people had it 50x better than with islamic garbage brotherhood running it.
bush WAS NEVER EVER given credit for the facts-
*under his administration,gaddafi surrendered all wmds in libya.
*provided invaluable intelligence and turned over alqueda operatives,suspects,etc.
*actually PAID reparations in fill for the lockerbee bombing in scotland,and prosecuted remaining suspects under an accord joined by tony blair and GWB.
*these libyans under his rule were fucking spoiled. He lived his country,and even gave married couples equivilent of 50k when they got married.
*highest level of living and educational standard in north africa.
*when sanctions were lifted,libya became a legit world community.
alqueda was squashed with him in power.
obama supports terrorism by suppirting the arab spribg.

Now,libyans live like rhe rest of the fucked up arab nations.
We have by far the worst mideast relations since obama was elected. Remember,his mother was a sunni muslim.
Gaddafi was an incredible thief and hated by his people, like Assad.

Those countries are going to arm the rebels secretly, with Saudi- Assad is done.
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Gaddafi was an incredible thief and hated by his people, like Assad.

Those countries are going to arm the rebels secretly, with Saudi- Assad is done.
Libya was handed to the Muslim was Egypt...will Obama give Syria to them too?
Gaddafi was an incredible thief and hated by his people, like Assad.

Those countries are going to arm the rebels secretly, with Saudi- Assad is done.

Gaddafi was hated by the islamic jihadis,not the normal populous.
The Muslim Brotherhood is a very old, highly respected, progressive outfit. Fine.Could do a lot worse...
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Correction to a previous post,again,not sticking up for the guy,but he did steal,but gave by the hoard to his people.

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