France nukes deal with Iran

"...That Regime Change was an absolute clusterfuck in Iraq and Libya, so I'm not sure Iran would be any better..."
Oh, I dunno... Saddam is dead... Qaddhafi is dead... both formerly problematic regimes are gone... and both nations no longer possess a serious offensive military capability.

I was dead-set against going into Iraq because (1) the casus belli was bullshit and (2) it would take our eye off the ball in Afghanistan in our pursuit of al-Qaeda and OBL..

But, in retrospect, and even though it was not worth the blood and treasure and goodwill and cost to our own interim unity...

There were a few worthwhile things that came out of that dumbass initiative, and what I've described above (Saddam gone, regime change, military smashed) were a few of them... turns out the glass is 1/8 full, after all.

In the case of a medieval, radical, militant, martyrdom-sanctioning Islamic Fundie regime, and the long-term threat that it poses to The West, and de-clawing that regime's nuclear capability before it can even finish the job of growing those claws...

Well... the glass would probably end-up being 1/2 full, rather than 1/8 full...

Long-term, there is more at-stake over a nuclear-armed Islamic Theocracy than there was over the pissant secularists in Iraq or Libya... the Iranian regime stands a much better chance of becoming a focal-point or center for Jihad over time... best to stamp-out that possibility before it even arises... peacefully, if possible, but forcibly, if need be - else leave our children and grandchildren and beyond, cursing us for our spinelessness...

"...But here's an awesome idea..."
Not really. It's a juvenile idea, served-up by a very naive mind.

"...Instead of sending some poor kid off to fight the next war, let's make up a unit of every loudmouthed asshole like you..."
I am, by nature, quite average in my tone and demeanor, rather than being a loudmouth.

But I can, indeed, be an asshole, in dealing with surrender-monkeys, when it comes to matters of import to my Country and my People, which have my allegiance and loyalty.

I am sufficiently sentient to understand the difference between a False Casus Belli and a Righteous or Sensible Casus Belli, and sufficiently objective to understand that I don't have all the answers, and sufficiently committed to consensus and humanism so as to want to explore all angles and to engage in open and critical discussion before committing to war.

I have done my time, in uniform, in the service of my country and people, years ago. I seriously doubt that you can say the same, or that you would last long amongst such brave company, with such delicate sensibilities openly manifested.

But, if we do, by some odd and unlikely chance, actually end-up pouncing on Iran, and if, by an even more unlikely chance, the government forms an Old Farts Brigade and calls me back to Active Duty again - even if it's just to drive trucks and keep our boys and girls supplied - I'll kiss the wife and family goodbye, and report for duty, and take my chances dodging snipers and roadside IEDs, and know that I'm helping to eliminate a genuine threat - a threat that - in the long run - is potentially far more profound and dangerous than any other we've dealt with in recent times.

You, on the other hand, once called, may prove a little more difficult to place within the military. There are not many jobs in the Armed Forces for Surrender-Monkeys, but I'm sure they can find something suitable to your potential as a Fighting Man - a purchasing-agent for buying party-favors for use by the USO, perhaps...


Now that we've gotten the thinly-veiled (and not-so-thinly-veiled) insults out of the way...

Look... there's nothing wrong with clear-headed and honest and critical thinking and dialogue pertaining to the prospects for going to war, under almost any circumstances, except the more dire of emergencies requiring the utmost speed.

God knows, there's been precious little of such dialogue, conducted in an effective manner, in recent decades... and had there been more, in the run-up to Iraq, we might never have undertaken that Abortion in the first place.

War is a messy, bloody, despicable and gawdawful business, and there are folks haunting these boards who know that far better than I...

It should never, ever be undertaken lightly or for highly questionable reasons, and it should conform to the Will of the People, whenever practicable (and it should almost always BE practicable)...

But a nuclear-armed, medieval-thinking, martyrdom-sanctioning, militant Fundamental Islamic Theocracy is a thing to be avoided at nearly any cost, else unnecessarily risk all, in the long-run...

Best to step-on and crush the head of such a viper before it grows too large to deal with...

Drawing faux analogies between such a Theocratic Regime and the pissant secular regimes that came up on our scope before it does no good service to the United States nor The West in general...

We cannot hide our heads in the sand like ostriches and ignore this one...

Our arrogance and stupidity in going to war in Iraq make it more difficult to do the same in connection with another country, hard on the heels of the mistake, but that does not mean that we should not coldly and dispassionately consider doing the same thing in connection with that other country, IF we determine that it is necessary and in the best survival interests of the US and The West in THIS case...

Personally, I believe that we need to take a long, hard look at the prospect of going to war with Iran, and throw rocks at the idea to see whether it has any merit, but I also believe that we cannot be afraid to get past our 'Little Boy Who Cried Wolf' experiences of recent years and look at this future prospect with a careful eye on the past, but with the requisite pragmatism to act on such intentions, should we concluded that the casis belli does have merit...

Making blanket statements in favor of leaving that Militant Islamic Fundamentalist Regime intact, and armed with nuclear weapons no less, comes off looking like an attempt to weaken the Willpower of the American People in such matters at a time when that Willpower might be needed again, and it serves no ends but those of the Iranian Regime,

I do not believe that to be 'right', but that's just me.

So... you go right ahead... throw your rocks... think badly of those who serve-up a firmer and more warlike attitude with respect to Iran... it's all part of the healthy give-and-take of opinion by which the American People will come to their own good conclusions and support (or fail to support) whatever actions the government ends-up taking...

Just remember not to start believing in your own crap... that those who take a more hardline stance are all Reactionaries and Assholes and that your way is the only way, and that your rationale and reasons are the only ones that might end-up proving valid.

'Cause it ain't true...
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I'm not going to plow through your God-Awful Word Cloud of horseshit..

but to the following.

I have done my time, in uniform, in the service of my country and people, years ago. I seriously doubt that you can say the same, or that you would last long amongst such brave company, with such delicate sensibilities openly manifested.

Actually, you'd be wrong. Served for a total of 11 years, got out at the rank of SSG (E-6) with the MOS 76Y30. And you know what I learned in that time? That really, the first Gulf War was a load of bullshit. But I made the mistake of trusting Bush on Iraq, and he pretty much managed to fuck that one up.

Making blanket statements in favor of leaving that Militant Islamic Fundamentalist Regime intact, and armed with nuclear weapons no less, comes off looking like an attempt to weaken the Willpower of the American People in such matters at a time when that Willpower might be needed again, and it serves no ends but those of the Iranian Regime,

Horseshit. Here's the thing Israel and Iran WIPE EACH OTHER OFF THE MAP, it is no skin off my ass. Not worth one American life for these idiots to play "My Magic Sky Man Loves Me the Best". I'd call that "Natural Selection"...

More realistically, Iran get a nuke. So what. We have nukes. Israel has nukes. Russia Has nukes. China has nukes. Pakistan and India have nukes. Bigger nukes, better nukes. All a Nuke does is prevent the rest of the world from fucking with Iran unnecessarily.

In the case of a medieval, radical, militant, martyrdom-sanctioning Islamic Fundie regime, and the long-term threat that it poses to The West, and de-clawing that regime's nuclear capability before it can even finish the job of growing those claws...

Well... the glass would probably end-up being 1/2 full, rather than 1/8 full...

Long-term, there is more at-stake over a nuclear-armed Islamic Theocracy than there was over the pissant secularists in Iraq or Libya... the Iranian regime stands a much better chance of becoming a focal-point or center for Jihad over time... best to stamp-out that possibility before it even arises... peacefully, if possible, but forcibly, if need be - else leave our children and grandchildren and beyond, cursing us for our spinelessness...

Yawn, guy, not really.

For starters, the Iranians are Shi'ites, specifically Twelver Shi'ites. Other than Iraq (which had it's shi'ites under Saddam's thumb) most of the rest of the Islamic world is Sunni. So first the Iranians have to win the "How Many Imam's can dance on the head of a pin?" argument with the other Shi'ites, then .

Now, would Iran be a threat? Maybe to Israel, if they wanted to commit national suicide. No real indication that they ever would.
"I'm not going to plow through your God-Awful Word Cloud of horseshit..."
Suit yourself... no skin off my nose... you ramble-on enough, yourself, quite frequently.

"...Actually, you'd be wrong. Served for a total of 11 years..."
I stand corrected. Thank you for your service.

"...the first Gulf War was a load of bullshit. But I made the mistake of trusting Bush on Iraq, and he pretty much managed to fuck that one up..."
Your past mistakes pertaining to trust-in-leadership and subsequent disillusionment and dramatic increase in cynicism may very well be clouding your judgment with respect to Iran.

"...serves no ends but those of the Iranian Regime..,"
We disagree. Profoundly.

"...Here's the thing Israel and Iran WIPE EACH OTHER OFF THE MAP, it is no skin off my ass. Not worth one American life for these idiots to play 'My Magic Sky Man Loves Me the Best'. I'd call that 'Natural Selection'..."
Most of your countrymen do not see it that way.

"...More realistically, Iran get a nuke. So what. We have nukes. Israel has nukes. Russia Has nukes. China has nukes. Pakistan and India have nukes. Bigger nukes, better nukes. All a Nuke does is prevent the rest of the world from fucking with Iran unnecessarily..."
Much of the rest of the world believes that it is dangerous in the extreme to allow a militant theocracy to be put into a position where the rest of the world cannot fuck with it when the need inevitably arises.

And, fortunately, that opinion dominates Western political thinking and will remain operative.

"...Long-term, there is more at-stake over a nuclear-armed Islamic Theocracy than there was over the pissant secularists in Iraq or Libya... the Iranian regime stands a much better chance of becoming a focal-point or center for Jihad over time.."
"Yawn, guy, not really. For starters, the Iranians are Shi'ites..."
All the more reason NOT to allow them to reach a nuclear-armed state; being a besieged minority faction that might feel frisky amongst its own for the first time in centuries.

But more importantly, Sunni and Shia are capable of collaborating, especially when it comes to building and maintaining a united front against The West and against Israel.

Leaving the door open for future collaborations on a broad regional basis, with at least one of the principals holding a fistful of nuclear-tipped regional-caliber or intercontinental-caliber ballistic missiles is just asking for bigger trouble down the line than we may be able to handle.

Best to stop Hitler in the Saar in 1935 or in the Rhineland in 1936, rather than try to stop him after pouncing on Poland in 1939.

Best to prevent a radical, miitant Fundamentalist Islamic Theocracy from obtaining nuclear weapons in 2013 or 2014 or 2015 than to have to take their nuke-tipped globally-spanning ICBM's into account in 2023 or 2024 or 2025.

Seems the more sensible course of action, your own disillusionment and cynicism to the contrary notwithstanding.
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I'm really trying to treat you politely, because you are trying to make points... but let's start here.

Best to stop Hitler in the Saar in 1935 or in the Rhineland in 1936, rather than try to stop him after pouncing on Poland in 1939.

No. Hitler had every right to go into the Saarland or the Rhineland, they were territories of Germany.

The Anchluss with Austria was probably also acceptable, because most Austrians, freed of the burden of the Hapsburgs polyglot empire, identified with Germans.

Czechoslovakia MIGHT have been a place to draw the line, but what Hitler asked for there was that the three million Germans who lived in the Sudenten Land and didn't want to be "Czechoslovakians" have the righ to join Germany. It was the dismemberment of the rest of Czechoslovakia that followed that was the probelm. (and again, a lot of other players, including the Slovaks, thought it was a dandy idea.

But this is getting off tangent. Iran is NOT Nazi Germany. She has made no territorial claims on her neighbors (some of whom actually DO sit on lands formerly part of the Persian Empire) nor has the Islamic Republican ever invaded a neighbor.

More importantly, she simply lacks the industrial power to build the kind of war machine to really be that much of a threat. She can't build her own tanks or aircraft or warships, and what she has is hopelessly outdated compared to the rest of the world. Will nukes be a game changer?

Best to prevent a radical, miitant Fundamentalist Islamic Theocracy in 2013 or 2014 or 2015 than to have to take their nuke-tipped globally-spanning ICBM's into account in 2023 or 2024 or 2025.

Seems the more sensible course of action, your own disillusionment and cynicism to the contrary notwithstanding.

here's the problem with Nuclear weapons. They actually make war LESS likely, not more likely.

What Can Iran actually DO with a nuke? Threaten Israel? Israel has been threatening Iran and the rest of the region with her nukes for decades (while not admitting to having them.) Fat lot of good it's doing them.

All a nuke really does is let Iran sit at the adult table. It really doesn't impart any real military advantage for a country that is already poor and not industrial.
I'm really trying to treat you politely, because you are trying to make points... but let's start here.
And I'll do my best to reciprocate.

Best to stop Hitler in the Saar in 1935 or in the Rhineland in 1936, rather than try to stop him after pouncing on Poland in 1939.
No. Hitler had every right to go into the Saarland or the Rhineland, they were territories of Germany.
Correction: bad example on my part re: the Saar... but I'll hold fast re: re-militarization of the Rhineland in defiance of Versailles... as an early example of missed opportunities to stop Hitler - any of which, if properly executed, would have saved the world much tragedy.

The main thrust being, of course, stopping Religious Dogmatics from getting their hands on nukes while they can still be stopped, should have a very high priority in Western thinking.

"...Iran is NOT Nazi Germany..."

No. But she, too, manifests a dangerous ideology, incompatible with long-term peace.

"...She has made no territorial claims on her neighbors..."
Land-grabs are not the only way dangerous regimes can manifest.

"...More importantly, she simply lacks the industrial power to build the kind of war machine to really be that much of a threat..."
Oh, I dunno; the Iranians gave the Iraqis hell for eight years

"...She can't build her own tanks or aircraft or warships, and what she has is hopelessly outdated compared to the rest of the world..."
Your understanding of Iranian military capabilities may need some updating, as did mine, a few years ago.

Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They aren't the near-helpless military rust-belt that they once were.

"...Will nukes be a game changer?..."
Nukes are always a game-changer.

"'s the problem with Nuclear weapons. They actually make war LESS likely, not more likely..."
And/or let some nations get away with shit that they could never get away with otherwise.

"...What Can Iran actually DO with a nuke?..."
What is the range of their ballistic missiles, as measured from their borders? They can reportedly hit parts of Europe already. And, if true, what will that operational diameter be in 5 years? 10 years? 15? 20?

"...All a nuke really does is let Iran sit at the adult table..."
The West, at-large, and the US, in particular, do not want a new club-member; especially one run by militant, dogmatic fundies.

"...It really doesn't impart any real military advantage..."
Iran has been buying new rolling stock and increasing its defense budget by considerable measure in recent years, with special emphasis on developing and deploying ever-improving and longer-ranged missile technology.

Seems we're destined to continuing disagreeing about Iranian Capabilities and Iranian Intentions and Iranian Mischief-Making Potential, but that's OK.

BTW... I was glad for the calmer turn to the exchange... much obliged.
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Here's the dirty little secret about Hitler and why the west tolerated him. They were a lot more scared of Stalin! Stalin scared the crap out of them, with his willingness to export Comintern revolution across the world. So rearm the Rhineland, unite with Austria, build aircraft and ships that violated Versailles, it was all good because, hey, they hoped to play Hitler and Stalin off against each other.

To build a paralel, the reason why the west turned a blind eye to Saddam until he invaded Kuwait is that they were all a lot more scared of the Ayatollahs.

So maybe we need to look at who we are scared of, and who we are willing to turn a blind eye to.

Now, for Iran's military capabilities.

Now, without sounding too myopic, I just look at what the Army has.

Equipment of the Iranian Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Their most advanced tank is a T-72, designed and produced by the USSR in the 1970's. Most of them are second hand tanks purchased from Poland and Belarus.. in other words- not new equipment.

List of aircraft of the Iranian Air Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Their fightercraft isn't much better. Most of them are obsolete, and they have less than 200 total.

This is not the Wehrmacht, 1941.
France is zionist controlled. Any questions?

Here I thought France was going to be run over by Muslims. Please make up your mind.
Maybe French Zionists (and others) are reaping what they have sown in Algeria (and elsewhere)?

"Leaders of France's 6 million Muslims have been discouraged by the new ‘secularism charter’ designed to toughen rules banning religion from schools. Critics say it’s unsuitable for modern-day France, home to Europe’s largest Muslim population."

French Muslim leaders pan ?secularism charter?, warn of ?stigma? boost ? RT News
France is zionist controlled. Any questions?

It is?

Yeah... I've got a question...

Did anybody bother to tell Alfred Dreyfus about that?


If only he had known, right?

Looks like the Jewish Controllers of France were asleep at the switch while that was goin' on...
This is going well! :thup:

French President Francois Hollande said during a welcoming ceremony upon his arrival in Ben Gurion airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, Sunday, that France would take a firm approach in nuclear negotiations with Iran, and would maintain all sanctions until certain Iran would not obtain a nuclear weapon.

Way to go France!:clap2:

November 17, 2013

France will not back down on Iran, Hollande promises Netanyahu -
This is going well! :thup:

French President Francois Hollande said during a welcoming ceremony upon his arrival in Ben Gurion airport near Tel Aviv, Israel, Sunday, that France would take a firm approach in nuclear negotiations with Iran, and would maintain all sanctions until certain Iran would not obtain a nuclear weapon.

Way to go France!:clap2:

November 17, 2013

France will not back down on Iran, Hollande promises Netanyahu -
Your link.

"France will not make concessions on nuclear proliferation,' Hollande said at a welcome ceremony at Israel's international airport. 'France will maintain all its measures and sanctions until we are certain that Iran has renounced nuclear weapons.'"

What concessions did France make regarding Israel's nuclear weapon program?

"Israel started investigating the nuclear field soon after its founding in 1948 and with French support secretly began building a nuclear reactor and reprocessing plant in the late 1950s."

Nuclear weapons and Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If Hollande had the slightest concern about nuclear proliferation he would call on Israel to declare its thermonuclear arsenal and sign the non-proliferation treaty, wouldn't he?
Obama was trying to sell out all security interest in the Middle East, destroy Israel, and walk back another promise, all in the name of making a legacy deal for the history books. France, of all countries, said no.


What does that say about the state of US foreign policy?

Not to worry though, Obama got a Nobel Prize for something, even if no one knows what it was.

Marathon talks between major powers and Iran failed on Sunday to produce a deal to freeze its nuclear program, puncturing days of feverish anticipation and underscoring how hard it will be to forge a lasting solution to Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Emerging from a last-ditch bargaining session that began Saturday and stretched past midnight, the European Union’s foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, and Iran’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, said they had failed to overcome differences. They insisted they had made progress, however, and pledged to return to the table in 10 days to try again, albeit at a lower level.
“A lot of concrete progress has been made, but some differences remain,” Ms. Ashton said at a news conference early Sunday. She appeared alongside Mr. Zarif, who added, “I think it was natural that when we started dealing with the details, there would be differences.”
In the end, though, it was not only divisions between Iran and the major powers that prevented a deal, but fissures within the negotiating group. France objected strenuously that the proposed deal would do too little to curb Iran’s uranium enrichment or to stop the development of a nuclear reactor capable of producing plutonium.

The Obama White House foreign policy is one of capitulation and weakness.
It's good to see France step up and take leadership now that the US has shown it has sold out and no longer is up to a world leadership role, and France will replace the US as Israel's best ally most likely.

Israel will not allow Iran a viable nuclear weapon. If denied a bunker buster bomb by the US they can use a battlefield nuclear weapon as a last resort, so this could make things a lot more dangerous, and out of desperation and the removal of the best option by the US, the BBB.

Somehow, I don't think that the Zionists what an ally whose foriegn minister once said, "It's this shitty little country Israel that is causing all the problems in the world." (If only our politicians were so clear-sighted.)

Here's the reality- The Zionists don't have the balls to take out Iran by itself, they are trying to goad us into doing it for them.

There's also no reason for the Mullahs to give up their nukes.

Saddam gave up his nukes, and they killed him.
Qadafy gave up his nukes, and they killed him, too.
Do you burn a Star of David on Yom Kippur?
It's good to see France step up and take leadership now that the US has shown it has sold out and no longer is up to a world leadership role, and France will replace the US as Israel's best ally most likely.

Israel will not allow Iran a viable nuclear weapon. If denied a bunker buster bomb by the US they can use a battlefield nuclear weapon as a last resort, so this could make things a lot more dangerous, and out of desperation and the removal of the best option by the US, the BBB.

Somehow, I don't think that the Zionists what an ally whose foriegn minister once said, "It's this shitty little country Israel that is causing all the problems in the world." (If only our politicians were so clear-sighted.)

Here's the reality- The Zionists don't have the balls to take out Iran by itself, they are trying to goad us into doing it for them.

There's also no reason for the Mullahs to give up their nukes.

Saddam gave up his nukes, and they killed him.
Qadafy gave up his nukes, and they killed him, too.
Do you burn a Star of David on Yom Kippur?

You know a five year old says "Why do you hate me?" when you make him stand in the corner...

Zionism should show more maturity than that.

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